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Conflict over new Hills Fire Station

By William InmanDaily Planet Staff
Saturday July 22, 2000

Jan Schultz taught her kids to ride bikes on the trails under the water towers at Shasta and Park Hills Road. 

Now those trails are gone and seven tall pine trees stand like doomed sentries guarding the hill that has been partially excavated to make room for the 7,000 to 10,000 square-foot Hills Fire Station. 

“The hill used to be covered with greenery,” Schultz said, moving her hand from one side to the other to encompass the entire landscape. 

The residents use this area as a little park, she said. They walk their dogs, feed the birds and the squirrels, and enjoy the semi-wilderness that faces the fountain and concrete sign that serves as the gateway to the Park Hills neighborhood.  

City voters approved funding for a new Hills Fire Station in 1992 as part of Measure G, which promised a multi-jurisdictional fire station in a region where there is the greatest danger for a firestorm resulting from an earthquake or other disaster. 

Since the passage of Measure G, Schultz and others have raised questions about the size and purpose of the proposed fire station, and the legality of the proposal. They are asking whether the station fits into the specifications of Measure G and they have threatened legal action against the city. 

Others say the new fire station is critical and argue that a judge will agree that Measure G funds can be used to pay for it. 

Councilmember Betty Olds, who represents the area, contends the “vast majority” support the new station. 

“This is the Fire Department’s preferred site,” she said. “They have to have a site where they can have a quick response to the threat of wildfire from Tilden Park.”  

Jack Washburn, a former fire safety commissioner, agrees with Olds. In a letter to the Daily Planet Washburn blasted the opponents of the station, calling them “a small well-organized group of people...many of whom are not even close neighbors of the proposed site.”  

Washburn says the site at Shasta and Park Hills roads is large enough for a “first-class facility,” which would be critical to fighting a hills fire. 

Residents opposing the new station wonder if it is necessary. They say they would rather keep using the current 1,600-foot Firestation 7, just three blocks away. They want to use Measure G funds to retrofit it. 

And Andrea Cukor argues that the new station will add nothing. 

“We’re not getting any extra support,” Cukor said, noting that the same three-person crew would be on duty at the new station. “The city isn’t being up front about this. It’s absurd to build this Taj Mahal of fire prevention for this,” said David Johnson. 

Councilmember Kriss Worthington explained that the idea outlined by Measure G, when it passed in 1992, was to retrofit the existing fire station and build a new multi-jurisdictional station to be shared by Berkeley and Oakland. The measure G funds would have been used to pay for the retrofitting and one-fourth of the new station; its bill would have been shared by both cities, the East Bay Municipal Utility Department and the East Bay Regional Parks District. 

However, the cities could not agree on a site, so Oakland built its own station in the Oakland Hills leaving Berkeley high and dry. 

As a result, the city developed a proposal to build the new station at Shasta and Park Hills roads and abandon the old station. Building the new station requires validation action – going before a judge – because the plan is not consistent with the language in Measure G. 

In June the City Council unanimously approved a validation action to get a judge’s permission to use measure G funds to build the Hills Station. 

If this process is contested, court proceedings may take up to a year or more, Worthington said. 

The neighbors say they would not mind the delay. 

“(The station) would change the neighborhood from a rural-appearing area to an industrial one,” Schultz said. 

Louise Larson, a neighbor of Schultz agrees. 

“It’s not that we oppose the fire station, we support responsible fire protection,” she said. “We oppose this building.”

Calendar of Events & Activities

Saturday July 22, 2000

Saturday, July 22


Berkeley Farmers’ Market 

10 a.m.-3 p.m. 

Center Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Milvia Street 



Sunday, July 23


“The Wind and the Willows” 

3 p.m. 

Pacific Film Archive 

2575 Bancroft Way @ Bowditch 

Recommended for ages 7+. Monty Python fans and kids of all ages will revel in this witty and imaginative live-action adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s 1908 tale in which Rat, Badger and Mole team up to save their wealthy, reckless friend Toad from losing his estate. 

Tickets $4 



Sunday Brunch & Lecture Series 

10 a.m. 

Berkeley Richmond JCC 

1414 Walnut Street 

The Life and Music of Kurt Weill with conductor Urs Leonhardt Steiner. 

The son of a Jewish Cantor, Kurt Weill was famous in Weimar, Germany for his collaborations with Berthold Brecht (including Three Penny Opera). Weill escaped to the U.S. in 1933, where he reinvented himself for the Broadway theater. His music became freer and jazzier, influenced by Cole Porter and Leonard Bernstein. 

Maestro Steiner will share insights on the genius of this legendary composer, and how his move from Germany to the U.S. impacted his work. Recorded examples will be played to illustrate the lecture. 

Admission is $7 general, $5 for JCC members, students and seniors. Reservations are advised. 

848-0237 ext. 110. 


“A Wobbly High Mass and Church Social” 

7:30 p.m. 

La Pena Community Center 

3105 Shattuck Ave. 

Join the Church of Saint Emma, “Our Lady of Perpetual Dissent,” n an evening of word and song. Tonight’s sermon: “ Saints and Heroes,” with a special tribute to Judi Bari, “ Our Lady f the Redwoods.” Featuring the vocal quartet Folk This! with invited guest performers. “Hymn” books provided with admission. 




Music of J.S. Bach  

7:30 p.m.  

Berkeley Art Center 

1275 Walnut St. 

Karen Bentley, violin, Marvin Sanders, flute, Elaine Kreston, cello will play several Bach pieces.  

Admission is $10, students and seniors $9.  

Live Oak Telephone 644-6893. 


Monday, July 24


“Pros and Cons of Measure B” with Marike Baan 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Affordable Housing Advocacy Project 

5:30 p.m. 

Harriet Tubman Terrace 

2870 Adeline St. 

Topic for discussion: Getting ready for the fall election and what will be on the ballot. 



Design Review Committee Meeting  

7:30 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst Ave., Workshop B 

The agenda will include 801 Grayson Street, the Bayer corporation, South Properties, and 1608 Fourth Street. 



Tuesday, July 25


“The Candy Cottage” 

2:30 p.m. 

The Hall of Health 

2230 Shattuck Ave 

A comedy for children ages 3 to 12 and their parents. Learn about health and nutrition. “The Candy Cottage” is a short play written and performed by Hall of Health staff. The play provides information about eating healthily, the food pyramid, and what various vitamins and mineral do for your body. 



“Commitment Ceremonies” 

6-7:30 p.m. 

Judah L. Magnes Museum 

2911 Russell St. 

Rabbi Allen B. Bennett of Temple Israel in Alameda, and Muchal Friedlander, Blumenthal Curator of Judaica at the Judah L. Magnes Museum, will dis$5 donation suggested for non-members. 


San Pablo Park looks to retain its local flavor

By Dan Greenman Daily Planet Staff
Saturday July 22, 2000


Growing up near San Pablo Park has always been special. Some people raised in the neighborhood decades ago, have never moved away. 

Bordered by Ward, Park, Russell and Mabel streets, the park has remained a home for neighbors to meet and children to play.  

San Pablo Park is also filled with history. Not only is it the oldest park in Berkeley, but the 50-year-old San Pablo Neighborhood Council is also the oldest neighborhood council in the city. 

The 12.95 acres of land in South Berkeley were purchased in 1907 by the city for $35,000. By 1918, San Pablo Park had two baseball diamonds, two tennis courts and a field house. According city records, it was known as one of the best recreation fields in the Bay Area at that time. 

Kermit Bayless, the current San Pablo Neighborhood Council president, is one of those who grew up in the neighborhood and never left. His mother, Corene Bayless, still lives in his childhood home, just across the park from where he lives today.  

“Back then, when they said it takes a village to raise a family, it was practice,” Bayless said. 

Today Bayless and Debbie Dillahunty, another neighbor involved in the council, sit around and talk about growing up in the San Pablo Park neighborhood. They remember playing games in the streets with other neighborhood children and going over to the park to borrow basketballs and tether balls. 

“To think about growing up in this area always brings a smile to my face,” Dillahunty said. 

“At the park they had so many activities. That’s another thing that we would like to get back to having. We always had a talent show to look forward to. It was just a place where you could go. They had cooking classes, you name it and it was over there for us to do.” 

Doris Branch Tabor moved into the neighborhood from Texas in 1943. The neighborhood has changed some in the last half century, she says. The main difference she has noticed is that she used to know everybody on the block, but there isn’t as much of a community feel any more. 

Tabor is one of many neighbors who have been involved in the neighborhood council for decades. Her husband was a founding member, as were Corene Bayless and Esther Bell, who are both still members, but Tabor didn’t start attending meetings until the 1970s. 

“We are a group of dedicated people who want the best for our neighborhood,” Tabor said. “We are few in number but we are in unison and we are in cohesion.” 

The council was formed in the 1950s by a group of people concerned about changes the city wanted to make at the park. The city was thinking about building a fire station and school on the grounds of San Pablo Park, and the residents wanted input on the direction in which their park was heading. 

“At that time, out in the center of the park was a little shack that was dilapidated, ready to fall down,” Kermit Bayless said. “The park needed a lot of work.” 

The early members of the council had the park totally renovated during the 1960s. New tennis courts were resurfaced and three full-length basketball courts were added. The renovation also replaced the old clubhouse in the center of the park, which by that time was over 30 years old. 

“There were a lot of stories about that old clubhouse,” Bayless joked. “We thought ghosts were in there. It had some history; spooky history.” 

The council, made up of residents who live between San Pablo Avenue and Sacramento Street and Dwight Way and Ashby Avenue, is constantly working to improve the park and bring back some of the community feel to the area that has been lost over the years. Monthly meetings usually attract 25 to 30 people from the neighborhood. 

To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the neighborhood council will hold an all-day festival in the park on Sept. 23. Bayless is arranging baseball, basketball and tennis tournaments, entertainment, food vendors and other neighborhood merchants to be at the event. 

Organizers hope that the association will grow as a result of the festival and that it will rebuild a sense of community that the San Pablo neighborhood has been lacking. 

The festival is being held, in part, for the children of the area, Dillahunty said. “We want them to take over the position that Kermit is handling now and to appreciate the park in the same manner. But they have to know the history so that they can appreciate the beauty of the park as well.” 

Organizers of the San Pablo Neighborhood Council’s 50th Anniversary Fair are looking for vendors and advertisers for the event. The public may contact Kermit Bayless at (510) 845-4951 for more information.

Worthington wants to return bond money to taxpayers

By William Inman Daily Planet Staff
Saturday July 22, 2000

City Councilmember Kriss Worthington is proposing a compromise to build a new Hills Fire Station at Shasta and Park Hills roads without stepping on too many toes. 

In an informational report passed out at last week’s City Council meeting, Worthington outlines a settlement that he hopes will be palatable enough to get on the November ballot before the August 11 deadline passes. 

He suggests returning to the taxpayers the $2 million already approved in Measure G bonds, either through a city-issued check or as credit on next year’s tax bill, and asking the voters to approve a new bond of $2 million to build the new station.  

Worthington said that this is a much better solution than the city going through a validation suit to use the Measure G funds. 

“This is the taxpayers’ money,” he said “We have a moral and legal obligation to give it back to them if we are not doing what we are supposed to do with it.” 

He also hopes to please the neighbors of the proposed station by trimming it down a few thousand square feet. 

Residents of the Park Hills neighborhood think the 7,000-10,000 square feet proposed is just too colossal. So, he suggests working with the residents to find a compromise. 

“Perhaps 3,500 or 4,000 He said he hopes his compromise will be discussed at Tuesday’s council meeting along with Councilmember Betty Olds’ item on the agenda calling for the Fire Department to “answer some crucial questions.” 

Olds said she supports the Hills fire station, but does not subscribe to Worthington’s method. 

“Of course I renounce it,” she said of his plan. “Why would Berkeleyans in his district care about what happens in the hills.”  

Worthington said that the validation lawsuit the city is involved in could delay the Hills Fire Station’s construction for up to a year or more. And if the city loses the validation action, he said the city may have to have a special election or wait two years until the next regular election before the matter could be addressed again. 

If five Councilmembers request to have a special meeting regarding his ideas, they will be legally required to do so. But, he said, “compromises are hard to work out around here.”

Memorial Stadium lights generate heat

By C.P. Kaiser Special to the Daily Planet
Saturday July 22, 2000

At a meeting Thursday night to discuss the controversial permanent lighting plan for Memorial Stadium, the general consensus among the audience of about 80 Berkeley and neighboring residents seemed to be that panelists representing UC Berkeley just weren’t listening to them. 

Halfway through the meeting, Frederika Drotos, past president of the Panoramic Hill Association, which opposes the lights, asked the panel if this meeting weren’t a waste of her time.  

Drotos’ question came after panelist Jackie Bernier, a principal planner for auxiliary programs at Cal, said that the university would “review everything and then issue a categorical exemption for the lights” (which basically means that the university, with no other oversight body, will find that the permanent light towers pose no adverse environmental risks and approve them).  

“There is no other body that will review the proposed lighting study,” Drotos shot back at the panel. “You’re saying, ‘We are the body, and we will issue our report.’ being paid to tell us there is nothing wrong,” she snapped. 

Bernier tried unsuccessfully several times to interrupt Drotos and bring order back to the discussion. Drotos, with support from the audience, refused to yield the floor and simply talked louder and more forcefully than Bernier. At that point, Bernier admonished the audience to show the same respect “we expect our children to give.” 

At that remark, the audience let loose a large collective groan. Janice Thomas, president of the Panoramic Hill Association, walked out, commenting under her breath that she didn’t have to take this kind of treatment.  

Even City Councilmember Kriss Worthington, during his allotted three minutes, said, “Being treated as somebody’s children is so offensive to me. We have to think of the community and treat people with dignity and respect.”  

Bernier tied several times to explain her comment, but the audience bunkered deeper into its perception that the university would do what it wants despite residents’ research and concerns. 

“The bottom line,” said audience member Jim Sharpe, as if he were speaking for the university, “is that if you don’t like what we’re doing, then sue us.” 

The neighbors believe the university ought to write a formal Environmental Impact Report. 

Before the meeting began, Janice Thomas said that if an EIR were done and it suggested the lights could be installed without impacting the neighborhood, she would accept that decision. 

What angers her and most of the nearby residents, she said, is the way due process is being circumvented. “If we have to live with the impact, at least acknowledge it. But we want the process.” 

University says study is adequate 

Panelist Jennifer Lawrence, a principal planner with the university, argued that UC Berkeley’s study is adequate and an EIR is unnecessary. 

Monday is the last day the public can make formal comments on the study. Lawrence said that on Tuesday the university will file its “categorical exemption” exempting them from doing an EIR. 

Neighbors then have 35 days to file suit to try to force the university to do an EIR, she said. 

Panelist Bernier also contended that an EIR is unnecessary. The project was examined by a design review committee, which concluded that there would be no impact to the historic structure, and therefore no need for an EIR, she argued.  

When asked on what the design committee based its conclusions, Bernier said it was the university’s computer-generated simulations.  

A shout from the back rows asked if they were the inaccurate simulations or the revised ones. Bernier said it was both, referring to original, then revised simulations.  

Panelist Marsha Gail, a principle at Environmental Vision, the West Berkeley company that generated the simulations, assured the audience that the discrepancies between the light standard measurements listed in the initial study and the revised measurements “in no way affect the original conclusions,” which include the notion that a permanent lighting system poses no significant environmental impact to the surrounding area or to the stadium itself. 

Worthington, whose district does not include the stadium, said he’s concerned about people into whose homes the light rays will beam. “My biggest worry,” he said before the meeting, “is how many days of the year are the lights going to be on and after you spend this amount of money – $1 million – how many more times will you want them on?” 

Several residents spoke to his concern. They said that at first the university promised only to use the lights two or three times a year. Thursday night, however, panelist Bob Driscoll, director of athletic administration for the university, stated that the permanent lights could be used as many as six times per year. It was noted that university Director of Community Relations Irene Hegarty, who was not in attendance, said in June 1999 that the university could not provide a contract to limit the use of the stadium lights. One woman suggested there might be a conspiracy between FOX-TV (which is footing the $1 million light bill) and Cal athletics to use the stadium more than six times a year, and for events other than football, including rock concerts. Lawrence said that a year ago the commitment was for a broader scope of games and that “the university does listen and we are sensitive to the community.” To that, one attendee suggested residents get a real contract with the city that states the times the lights will be in use. 

A spokesperson for Mayor Shirley Dean read a statement that simply said, “Stop the project, cut your losses and move on.” A spokesperson for Oakland City Councilmember Jane Brunner, District One, read a letter requesting that the university perform a full EIR “before making the decision to install the lights.”  

According to Thomas, the City Planning Commission and the Landmarks Preservation Commission both object to the proposed lighting plan and requested an EIR.  


Armstrong is optimistic 

City Councilmember Polly Armstrong, whose district includes the stadium, was optimistic. “I felt the panel was listening to me when I reiterated the possibility of a design competition,” she said after the meeting.  

One design suggestion is for retractable lights that would fold over when not in use. 

Driscoll said the hope is that this lighting system would shed more light on the perimeter making it safer for people. Immediately, several voices cried in unison, “That’s what we don’t want, the light spilling into the surrounding areas.”  

After the meeting, Bernier said it was an “incredibly articulate audience” and she was glad that everyone addressed the issue. 

“What seems as a gift,” Robert Breuer said, “comes at a great cost.” He compared installing the 135-foot light standards for use less than six times a year to installing a giant buzz saw in one’s living room, just in case the carpenter needed to cut wood once or twice a year.  

Breuer said the neighborhood group has already raised $45,000 toward an eventual lawsuit against the university. 

In the words of Councilmember Worthington, “There’s no such thing as a free light.”  

Comments on the study can be addressed to Jennifer Lawrence, Principal Planner, Physical and Environmental Planning, 300 A & E building, Berkeley CA 94720-1382.

Congress meets to save Earth

By Dan Greenman Daily Planet Staff
Friday July 21, 2000

The Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists is taking a stand for the environment this week as it hosts the first ever Redwood Sequoia Congress. 

The event, which began Thursday morning, is attracting three days of speakers and performers, who will be educating others about what they can do to take care of the planet. The organizers say they want to get people involved in government, business and education to work together in this effort. 

People are coming from all over the state to participate, organizers say. 

“We expect it will broaden the number of people consciously thinking of these matters,” said Ann Fagan Ginger, an organizer of the event. 

Ginger hopes conference attendees will back the Declaration of Berkeley 2000, a document which Ginger played a major role in drafting. 

The declaration urges the federal government and United Nations to promote and fund sustainable development around the world, rather than destruction of land for instant profit. People attending the congress will sign the declaration, which will be mailed to government officials including President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Gov. Gray Davis and Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan. 

The congress kicked off in Civic Center Park Thursday morning, where a small group gathered to discuss the role education plays in conserving the environment.  

In a brief speech, Berkeley Unified School District Board vice president Terry Doran said he would like every Berkeley school to plant a garden. Doran said that it would teach students to respect the environment and value organic foods, two issues the congress is addressing. 

Doran also noted that Berkeley High School is developing an ecoliteracy institute that will offer a series of classes on the relationship between the environment and the economy. 

Following a song led by Berkeley resident Dave Welsh, the group walked along Martin Luther King Way and stopped on the sidewalk outside the KPFA studios, while drivers passing by honked their horns in support.  

Many of the marchers held signs supporting environmental causes. Three people controlled a giant puppet as the crowd moved to the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists at Cedar Street and Bonita Avenue. 

“The central problem to the economic system is that the government is interested in profit, not human needs,” Welsh said. “People need to get together to oppose the degradation of the quality of life in our environment.” 

In the afternoon, several guest speakers discussed environmental issues. Michael McAvoy, an academic director at New College in Santa Rosa talked about programs the school offers. Local teachers also spoke about ways to incorporate environment into school curriculum. 

All the while, children in the BFUU courtyard made arts and crafts and listened to musicians and story tellers. 

The first day of the Redwood Sequoia Congress ended at night with author Gray Brechin speaking about urbanization of the environment. 

The event continues this morning at BFUU, located at 1924 Cedar Street. There will be panels held from 9 a.m. to noon and then again from 1-6 p.m. After a 6:30 p.m. dinner, activities will go until 10 p.m. On Saturday the congress begins at 9 a.m. and ends after an 8 p.m. dance. For a complete schedule of the Redwood Sequoia Congress, visit www.tolivenow.com. 

Calendar of Events & Activities

Friday July 21, 2000

Friday, July 21


Route 24/Caldecott Tunnel Corridor Study 

9:30-11:30 a.m. 

Alameda Congrestion Management Agency Board Room 

1333 Broadway, Suit 220 


Items on the agenda include “Dry Run” presentation for proposed public workshop. 


“Does Winning by Intimidation Count?” with Betty Goren 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



“Schubert Songs” with Baker Lake 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Saturday, July 22


Berkeley Farmers’ Market 

10 a.m.-3 p.m. 

Center Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Milvia Street 



Sunday, July 23


“The Wind and the Willows” 

3 p.m. 

Pacific Film Archive 

2575 Bancroft Way @ Bowditch 

Recommended for ages 7+. Monty Python fans and kids of all ages will revel in this witty and imaginative live-action adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s 1908 tale in which Rat, Badger and Mole team up to save their wealthy, reckless friend Toad from losing his estate. 

Tickets $4 



Sunday Brunch & Lecture Series 

10 a.m. 

Berkeley Richmond JCC 

1414 Walnut Street 

The Life and Music of Kurt Weill with conductor Urs Leonhardt Steiner. In celebration of Weill’s 100th birthday, the Jewish Music Festival hosts a lecture with Urs Leonhardt Steiner. 

The son of a Jewish Cantor, Kurt Weill was famous in Weimar, Germany for his collaborations with Berthold Brecht (including Three Penny Opera). Weill escaped to the U.S. in 1933, where he reinvented himself for the Broadway theater. His music became freer and jazzier, influenced by Cole Porter and Leonard Bernstein. 

Maestro Steiner will share insights on the genius of this legendary composer, and how his move from Germany to the U.S. impacted his work. Recorded examples will be played to illustrate the lecture. 

Admission is $7 general, $5 for JCC members, students and seniors. Reservations are advised. 

848-0237 ext. 110. 


“A Wobbly High Mass and Church Social” 

7:30 p.m. 

La Pena Community Center 

3105 Shattuck Ave. 

Join the Church of Saint Emma, “Our Lady of Perpetual Dissent,” n an evening of word and song. Tonight’s sermon: “ Saints and Heroes,” with a special tribute to Judi Bari, “ Our Lady f the Redwoods.” Featuring the vocal quartet Folk This! with invited guest performers. “Hymn” books provided with admission. 




Monday, July 24


“Pros and Cons of Measure B” with Marike Baan 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Affordable Housing Advocacy Project 

5:30 p.m. 

Harriet Tubman Terrace 

2870 Adeline St. 

Topic for discussion: Getting ready for the fall election and what will be on the ballot. 



Design Review Committee Meeting  

7:30 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst Ave., Workshop B 

The agenda will include 801 Grayson Street, the Bayer corporation, South Properties, and 1608 Fourth Street. 



Tuesday, July 25


“The Candy Cottage” 

2:30 p.m. 

The Hall of Health 

2230 Shattuck Ave 

A comedy for children ages 3 to 12 and their parents. Learn about health and nutrition. “The Candy Cottage” is a short play written and performed by Hall of Health staff. The play provides information about eating healthily, the food pyramid, and what various vitamins and mineral do for your body. 



“Commitment Ceremonies” 

6-7:30 p.m. 

Judah L. Magnes Museum 

2911 Russell St. 

Rabbi Allen B. Bennett of Temple Israel in Alameda, and Muchal Friedlander, Blumenthal Curator of Judaica at the Judah L. Magnes Museum, will discuss “Commitment Ceremonies.” Rabbi Bennet will pose the question of-and whether-new concepts of commitment can be integrated with more traditional Jewish and general perspectives on marriage. 

$5 donation suggested for non-members. 

Reservations are appreciated, but not required. 



Chinese Macrame: Ornaments 

10 a.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 


Violin and Piano Classical Musical Concert with Cooper and Yand 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Community Dance Party 

7:45-9:45 p.m. 

Live Oak Part Social Hall 

1301 Shattuck Ave. 

Dance instruction included with admission. 

Teens $2, Non-members $4 


Wednesday, July 26



Baby Bounce and Toddler Tales 

7 p.m. 

West Branch Berkeley Public Library, 1125 University Ave. 

This storytime program is designed for families with children up to 3 years old. The free, participatory program features a half hour of multicultural songs, rhymes, lap jogs and stories to give very young children a lively introduction to the magic of books. Parents also will enjoy the new stories, rediscover old favorites and learn new songs and games to share. 


Letters to the Editor

Friday July 21, 2000

Dogs can be dangerous 


I read the article “Letting dogs run off-leash in Chavez park is a mistake” (Tuesday, July 18th, 2000 Page 4) and appreciated it so much. I think it is a very realistic article. 

I happen to be among those who are frightened of dogs and get scared easily by their darting and sudden movements. Being a senior, I have absolutely no courage to take a walk in such an off-leash dog park as Cesar Chavez Park. I don’t want to run the risk of having my bones broken. 

Thank you, Carol, for speaking for people like us, and thank you for speaking for all those mutilated creatures such as rabbits and birds, which naturally constitute an important part of a beautiful park. 

Jane Zhu

Friday July 21, 2000



“Murder At The Vicarage” by Agatha Christie, through Aug. 12. Performance of the classic whodunnit. $10. Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; Aug. 10, 8 p.m. Live Oak Theatre, 1301 Shattuck Ave. 





“Hamlet” by William Shakespeare, July 1 through July 22. Shakespeare probes the shadowy corners of the human psyche in this dark, compelling tragedy of vengeance, madness and murder most foul. 

Cost is $21 to $38 general; $19 to $38 seniors; $10 to $38 children. Wednesday and Thursday, 7 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 4 p.m.; July 22, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Bruns Memorial Amphitheatre, Shakespeare Festival Way/Gateway Exit on state Highway 24.  

548-9666 or www.calshakes.org 




“The 3rd Annual East Bay Blues Revue Benefit,” July 24, 7:30 p.m. Featuring Delta Wires, Brenda Boykin, Felonious, Smith Acoustic Blues Combo, Archie Lee Hooker, Rene Solis and The Persuaders. $15.  

(510) 317-5000 ext. 5049. 

Sonny Fortune and Frank Morgan, July 25 through July 30. $18 to $22 general; Sunday matinee: $5 children; $10 adult with one child; $18 general.  

Unless otherwise noted, music at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.  

510 Embarcadero West, Oakland. 238-9200 or 762-BASS. 



924 Gilman Street is an all-ages, member-run no alcohol, drugs, and violence club located at the corner of 8th street and Gilman Street in Berkeley. Most shows are $5. Memberships for the year are $2. Shows start at 8 p.m. unless otherwise noted. For the latest show information call 525-9926. 

July 21: Dory Tourette And The Skirtheads, Blood Brothers, Divit, Panty Rade, Erase Erata.  

July 22: American Steel, Enemies, Thumbs, I-Farm, Pitch Black.  

July 28: Plan 9, Loose Change, Debris, Weakerthans, Big Link.  

July 29: Plan 9, Loose Change, Weaker Than, Debris, Big Link.  

July 30: Dillinger Escape Plan, Candira, Isis, Cadillac Blindside (5 p.m.).  

August 4: Hellchild, Benumb, Yellow Machine Gun, Spaceboy, Vulgar Pigeons.  

August 5: Causey Way, Black Man - White Man - Dead Man, Boy Pussy USA, Monday Mornings.  

August 11: Hellbillys, Riffs, Menstrual Tramps, Fleshies, Shut Up Donny.  

August 12: Excruciating Terror, Plutocracy, Chupalabre, Creation Is Crucifiction, State Of The Union. 





“Rarities and Suprises” 

Join George Cleve, Music Director and Conductor, for a night the “Midsummer Mozart Festival,” on Friday, August 4. The concert will include “Three Adagios and Fugurd after J.S. Bach,” K. 404, “Six Variations on G minor on ‘Helas, j’ai perdu mon amant,’” K. 360, highlights from the “Abduction from the Seragio,” and “Divertimento” in D Major for 2 Horns and Strings K. 334. 

First Congregational Church, 2345 Channing Way, at Dana Street.  

For tickets call City Box Office at 392-4400. 



Marie Schumacher and the Invisible Band 

Friday, July 21 from 9:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. is with the band. Thursday, August 3 from 8 p.m.-11 p.m. is with the band. 

856 San Pablo Ave., Albany. 




“Beatrice and Benedick” by Hector Berlioz, through July 23. A joyous evening of wit, deception and romance based on William Shakespeare’s comedy “Much Ado About Nothing.” Jonathan Khuner conducting. Sung in English. 

$16 to $30 general; $24 senio rs; $15 youths age 17 and under. Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. Julia Morgan Center for the Arts, 2640 College Ave., Berkeley.  

(925) 798-1300 or www.juliamorgan.org 




"Berkeley's Ethnic Heritage." Through March 2001. 

The exhibit examines the rich cultural diversity of our city and the contributions of individuals and minority groups to our history and development. The exhibit look at the original native tribelets in the area and the immigrants who settled in Ocean View and displaced the Spanish/Mexican landowners. It also examines the influence of theUniversity of California, the San Francisco earthquake, and World War II on the population and culture of Berkeley, and subsequent efforts to overcome discrimination. Curated by Linda Rosen and the Berkeley Historical Society Exhibit Committee. Thursday through Saturday, 1 to 4 p.m. Wheelchair accessible. Admission free. 

Berkeley Historical Society is located in the Veterans Memorial Building, 1931 Center Street, Berkeley. 





“Doug Aitken/MATRIX 185: Into the Sun,” through Sept. 3. An exhibit of works primarily in video and film, using the interplay of art and media to evoke deserted landscapes.  

“Autour de Rodin: Auguste Rodin and His Contemporaries,” through August. An exhibit of 11 bronze maquettes on loan from the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation in Los Angeles. The bronzes range in style from the artist's classically inspired “Torso of a Woman” to the anguish of “The Martyr.” Some of the maquettes were cast during Rodin’s lifetime, others have been cast fairly recently under the aegis of the Musee Rodin which alone is authorized to cast his sculptures posthumously. 

“Images and Ideas: The Collection in Focus,” open-ended. The museum periodically displays some of its permanent collection in a context meant to highlight some aspect of the objects. The three areas of focus for this exhibit are Renaissance art, 19th and 20th-century American art and paintings from 1940 to the present. 

The Asian Galleries  

“Art of the Sung: Court and Monastery,” open-ended. A display of early Chinese works from the permanent collection.  

“Chinese Ceramics and Bronzes: The First 3,000 Years,” open-ended. 

“Works on Extended Loan from Warren King,” open-ended. 

“Three Towers of Han,” open-ended. 

Special Event  

Chaksampa, July 23, 3 p.m. A music performance by this Tibetan ensemble in conjunction with the “Mandala: The Architecture of Enlightenment” exhibit. In Gallery B. 

$6 general; $4 seniors and students ages 12 to 18; free children age 12 and under; free Thursday, 11 a.m. to noon and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.  

2626 Bancroft Way, Berkeley. 642-0808. 



A hands-on community health education museum and science center sponsored by Children's Hospital Oakland and Alta Bates Medical Center. 

“This is Your Heart!” ongoing. An in teractive exhibit on heart health. 

“Good Nutrition,” ongoing. This exhibit includes models for making balanced meals and an exercycle for calculating how calories are burned. 

“Draw Your Own Insides,” ongoing. Human-shaped chalkboards and models with removable organs allow visitors to explore the inside of their bodies. 

“Your Cellular Self and Cancer Prevention,” ongoing. An exhibit on understanding how cells become cancerous and how to detect and prevent cancer. 

Free. For children ages 3 to 12 and their parents. 

2230 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley 




“Modern Treasures from Ancient Iran,” through Oct. 29. This exhibit explores nomadic and town life in ancient and modern Iran as illustrated in bronze and pottery vessels, and textiles. 

“Approaching a Century of Anthropology,” a sampling of the vast collections of the museum, its mission, history, and current research, with selections from ancient Egypt, ancient Peru, California Indians, Asia (India), and Africa. 

“Ishi and the Invention of Yahi Culture,” Ishi, the last Yahi Indian of California, spent the final years of his life, 1911 to 1916, living at the museum, working with anthropologists to record his culture, demonstrating technological skills, and retelling Yahi myths, tales, and songs. 

Wednesday through Sunday 10 am-4:30 p.m.; Thursday until 9 p.m. 

Kroeber Hall, UC Berkeley 


Friday July 21, 2000



“Experiment Gallery,” through Sept. 10. Step inside a giant laboratory and experiment with concepts surrounding sound, light, mechanics, electricity, and weather. 

“Math Rules!” ongoing exhibit. A math exhibit of hands-on problem-solving stations, each with a different mathematical challenge. Make mathematical ice-cream cones, use blocks to build three dimensional structures, make dodecagon pies from a variety of mathematical shapes and stretch mathematical thinking. 

“Within the Human Brain,” ongoing installation. Visitors test their cranial nerves, play skeeball, master mazes, match musical tones and construct stories inside a simulated “rat cage” of learning experiments. 

$6 general; $4 seniors, students and children ages 7 to 18; $2 children ages 3 to 6; free children under age 3. Daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.  

Centennial Drive, University of California, Berkeley.  




Programs are recommended for age 8 and up; children under age 6 will not be admitted. 

“Target Earth,” July 29 through Aug. 25. Make your own estimate of how often Earth has been hit by comets or asteroids. Find out how sciences such as astronomy, chemistry, paleontology and geology are all needed to shed light on the mystery of the dinosaur extinction. Daily, 2:15 p.m. 

$2 plus museum admission of $6 general; $4 students, seniors, disabled and youths aged 7 to 18; children under the age of 6 are not admitted. Daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.  

Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Centennial Drive, Berkeley. 




“Tyrannosaurus Rex,” ongoing. A 20-foot tall, 40-foot long replica of the fearsome dinosaur. The replica is made from casts of bones of the most complete T. Rex skeleton yet excavated. When unearthed in Montana, the bones were all lying in place with only a small piece of the tailbone missing. 

“Pteranodon,” ongoing. A suspended skeleton of a flying reptile with a wingspan of 22 to 23 feet. The Pteranodon lived at the same time as the dinosaurs. 

“California Fossils Exhibit,” ongoing. An exhibit of some of the fossils which have been excavated in California. 

Free. Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.  

Lobby, Valley Life Sciences Building, University of California, Berkeley. 





A museum especially for children age 7 and younger. Highlights include “WaterWorks,” an area with some unusual water toys, an Infant Tree for babies, a garden especially for toddlers, a child-scale grocery store and cafe, and a costume shop and stage for junior thespians. The museum also features a toy lending library. 

Exhibit: “Back to the Farm,” open-ended. This interactive exhibit gives children the chance to wiggle through tunnels like an earthworm, look into a mirrored fish pond, don farm animal costumes, ride on a John Deere tractor and much more.  

Admission is $4 for adults; $6 child age 7 and under; $3 for each additional child.  

Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Kittredge Street and Shattuck Avenue. 





“Telling Time: To Everything There Is A Season,” through May 2002.  

An exhibit structured around the seasons of the year and the seasons of life with objects ranging from the sacred and the secular, to the provocative and the whimsical.  

Free. Sunday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

2911 Russell St., Berkeley 



To publicize an upcoming event, please submit information to the Daily Planet via fax (841-5695), e-mail (calendar@berkeleydailyplanet.com) or traditional mail (2076 University Avenue, 94704). Calendar items should be submitted at least one week before the opening of a new exhibit or performance. Please include a daytime telephone number in case we need to clarify any information.

Council delays ban on alcohol sales in parks

By William Inman Daily Planet Staff
Friday July 21, 2000


Berkeleyans who enjoy the annual beer-fest at Civic Center Park may have to hang up their steins for good if an amendment to ban the sale of alcohol in city parks gets adopted in September. 

Roused by neighborhood complaints and security problems, the City Council went ahead and adopted an ordinance Tuesday night to help prevent disturbances from large private parties and events in city parks, sans language prohibiting alcohol sale – for now.  

A Parks and Recreation Commission recommendation to amend the ordinance to prohibit the sale of alcohol at any event in a city park was pulled from the consent calendar for closer review, and sent back to staff to come up with a more comprehensive policy.  

That policy would ban alcohol under any circumstance in city parks, and is supported by Councilmember Dona Spring. 

Under the ordinance, Spring said organizers may obtain a permit to hold events where alcohol can be sold only if they have a license with the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control and provided adequate security. 

“Drinking alcohol in public parks is illegal,” she said. “Why should we let someone get a permit (to sell alcohol). This is not consistent, we have to apply the law equally.” 

Spring said the staff will report back to the council sometime in September when she hopes to make the new amendment a regulation. 

The Council hopes the ordinance will keep in check the number of problems at the city’s parks, including several large parties and “raves” at Cordornices and Cesar Chavez Parks that resulted in violence, trash and noise over the past few years. 

Assistant City Attorney Zach Cowan said that many of the problems resulted from easy-to-get permits. 

He said that the big parties and raves were required to have permits, though some occurred without permits, but it was a much more “general” permit. 

“This gives us a few more tools to use,” he said.  

Under the new ordinance, park events are defined as “any assembly of 50 or more adults or teenagers within a 500-foot radius, except in Cesar Chavez Park, Aquatic Park and Civic Center Park where an event must have at least 100 or more adults or teenagers within a 500-foot radius before it is regulated.” This contrasts with the existing ordinance, which sets no lower limit on the size of regulated events. 

And problematic events are now defined as ones that “require the assignment of six patrol officers between 11 a.m. and 2 a.m., or three patrol officers at any other time to quell.” It also authorizes the city manager to impose an administrative penalty of up to $10,000 on the sponsors of such events. 

Another new twist is that the ordinance “prohibits the issuance of a park event permit to any person who has been involved in a problematic event within 12 months.” 

Spring said she thinks the “no alcohol” amendment will help significantly. Besides, it “sets a bad example for our young people,” she said. 

“There is a real serious problem at UC and other campuses across the country (from) binge-drinking,” she said. “This isn’t helping.”  

Rep reveals plans for arts education

By Ian Buchanan Daily Planet Staff
Friday July 21, 2000

With hopes of expanding its education program, the Berkeley Repertory Theartre revealed plans, Thursday, for the Nevo Educational Center. The center will be housed in the historic Golden Sheaf Bakery warehouse. Remodeling will begin in September, with a completion date set for the summer of 2001.  

The warehouse, located at 2071 Addison Street, is on the east side of the existing Berkeley Repertory’s theater and has been owned by the Berkeley Rep since 1993. Built in 1905, it was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978. The new plans for the building include bringing it up to current seismic, life-safety and building codes, as well as increasing handicap access and creating a historic restoration on the South Elevation of the building. 

The theatre’s Hilde Mosse Educational Program includes a School Touring Program, which, this year performed, “Rhubarb Jam,” 56 times in 44 different Northern California locations. Another facet of the Educational Program has been a series of Poetry Slams in cooperation with Berkeley High School and its students. One of the major goals the programs is to create an atmosphere in which people can learn from each other. 

“We have had three poetry slams which we offered through Berkeley High,” Tony Taccone, Artistic Director at Berkeley Rep, said. “I felt so privileged and blessed to be around (the students.) We hope to create an environment in which we can learn from the students,” as well as the students learning from the instructors. 

As a part of the plan Berkeley Rep sold the warehouse to Developer Avi Nevo, who remodeled the Francis Shattuck building at the corner of Addison Street and Shattuck Avenue. Nevo, with architect James Novosel of Bay Architects, will pay for the restoration and construction. After the renovation is completed Nevo will lease the Nevo Educational Center, named for himself, back to Berkeley Rep for $1 per year. The lease agreement is for eight years. The renovation is estimated to cost $1 million dollars. After the eight year period has expired, Berkeley Rep will have the option to buy back the Nevo Educational Center at market rate or consider a new lease agreement. 

Nevo’s motivation for helping Berkeley Rep was, “just giving back to the immediate community.” His gift to the theater company was much appreciated by all persons involved. Nevo is a long time resident of Berkeley. The developer, who owns a number of downtown Berkeley sites, came to the United States in 1976 from Israel. He attended UC Berkeley, and has remained in Berkeley ever since. 

Berkeley Rep had had conversations with the Berkeley Architectural Heritage Association and other historic organizations about what to do with the building but never had the resources to act. 

“(Nevo’s gift) feels like a blessing,” Susan Medak, Managing Director of Berkeley Rep said. “With Avi and Dalia’s gift we have been able to expand art related activities in Berkeley. This will enable us to fast foreword our educational program by 5 years.” 

The new building will have staff offices on the second level and two high ceiling classrooms. The lower level will have one class room. There will also be a resource center for students and staff. As a part the agreement Nevo will retain a small portion of the second floor for his investment business. In addition to housing the Nevo Educational Center the plans for the warehouse include the entrance of the new Aurura theater at the eastern most side of the building.

DBA says congrats to three members

By William Inman Daily Planet Staff
Friday July 21, 2000


The Downtown Berkeley Association let loose a little Wednesday night and held a party to show appreciation and honor the achievements of three of their leaders at Jupiter’s Outdoor Patio. 

Dann Logan, Larry Bush and Rauly Butler were toasted for their contributions to the DBA.  

Logan is retiring as the DBA’s Vice President of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Design Committee. He is a former principal of the Elbasani and Logan Architectural Firm. 

Larry Bush, a past DBA President, was honored for his election as the President of the Berkeley Rotary Club. Bush continues to serve on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the DBA. 

Rauly Butler, the current DBA President was also praised for his continued involvement with the city and his recent promotion to head of Retail Banking at the Mechanic’s Bank Hilltop Mall main branch.

Rugby camp: hard work, fun for teens

By Jared GreenDaily Planet Staff
Thursday July 20, 2000

Why would 65 teenagers spend a week waking up at 7 a.m. and spending six to eight hours participating in drills and workouts in a sport for which most colleges don’t give scholarships and which doesn’t have a professional league in the United States? 

Because it’s fun. 

The summer rugby camp at UC Berkeley is the only one of its kind in the U.S., and kids come from all over to be coached by one of the best staffs in the country. 

“We’ve got some kids from Minnesota, some kids from Colorado, even one all the way from Germany,” said Jack Clark, head coach of the university’s rugby team and former coach of the U.S. Eagles, the national team. “They know this is a good opportunity to improve their rugby skills and mental game. But the most important thing for both them and us is to have fun.” 

“Hey, it beats sitting around the house playing video games all day,” said coach Ray Lehner. 

Clark’s staff at the camp reads like a who’s who of American rugby: Tom Billups is an assistant coach for the U.S. Eagles, played professionally in England and Wales and made 44 international appearances for the Eagles; Dan Lyle is the captain of the national team and a star player in England, named to the World IV by the London Times; and Lehner was a three-time All-American at Cal and played for the Eagles 33 times. In addition, several current Cal players are on the staff, including several All-Americans and four who actually attended the camp while in high school. 

“It’s a tremendous opportunity for the campers to be able to sit down with a player of Dan Lyle’s caliber and talk about playing the game,” Clark said. 

Lehner said the campers “are like sponges. They’re always asking about the game, or what it’s like to play overseas, or if I’ve played against this guy or that guy.” 

Lehner, who coaches grade school and high school teams in England, said the biggest thing for players to learn is learning the little things. 

“American kids are unsurpassed when it comes to athleticism,” he said. “They tend to pick up the skills fairly quickly. What takes years to learn is the field vision.” 

“It’s really cool that we get such good coaches,” said camper Justin Neville. “We get to talk to and learn from actual U.S. Eagles.” 

Neville, a junior at Piedmont High School, is at the camp for the second year, and he said the camp is both fun and valuable. 

“It’s a fun camp, and you learn a lot of techniques,” he said. “And you also get to see what other players are doing to prepare for the next season.” 

The campers start every day at 7 a.m., eating breakfast before an 8:30 meeting and 9:45 a.m. practice session on Witter Field on campus. After a lunch break, there is either a seminar on academics or drug awareness, or a strength training session in the varsity weight room. At 2:30 p.m. it’s back to the field for more practice, followed by a strength seminar and dinner. The day’s training wraps up with a controlled scrimmage, called “Golden Bear Rules,” during which the players apply the skills they have learned that day. The scrimmage is videotaped, and the players and coaches analyze the tape before lights out at 10:30 p.m. 

“They’ll be knackered by the end of the day, I guarantee it,” Clark said. 

But while rugby is considered a violent sport, with full speed tackles by players wearing little or no padding, there are no full contact elements to the camp. 

“We don’t want things to get out of control, where someone could get hurt,” said assistant coach and camp director Jerry Figone. 

Clark said the techniques taught at the camp are not only meant to increase skill, but to prevent injuries. 

“We want to impress on them that they have to make a commitment to play the game hard, but safely,” he said. “The game is only good when it’s not out of control.” 

In rugby, if everyone involved isn’t aware and using good technique, severe injuries can occur. And at a camp where players are at different levels of skill and experience, it is best for the coaches to control everything. 

“We’ve even got a couple of kids who have never played before,” Clark said. “You can’t just throw together a game in a week. There are big guys and little guys, and we don’t want anyone to get hurt.” 

Lehner said that despite the disparity in skill level, the campers all get along and help each other. 

“By the end of the week, the kids who have some more skill will take the beginners and show them things, really try and help them get better,” he said. 

Rugby is growing more popular in America, and Clark thinks there are several reasons why. 

“Part of it is that it’s something new, something Dad didn’t do when he was a kid. So kids get to go home and give a lesson instead of getting lectured,” he said. “Also, high schools have really increased the scope of athletics beyond the traditional American sports. Rugby is becoming the second or third sport for a lot of the best athletes these days.” 

There are about 25 youth rugby clubs in Northern California alone. Clark said the clubs in Sacramento, Piedmont and Orinda are among the best and send campers nearly every year. 

The rugby camp is among the fastest growing on campus, and Clark expects more than 100 campers next summer.  

Cal has undoubtedly been the best college rugby team in the U.S. over the past two decades, having won 13 National Collegiate Championships in the 17 years Clark has been the head coach, compiling a record of 271-54-4 over that span. 

Calendar of Events & Activities

Thursday July 20, 2000

Thursday, July 20


“Wilderness 911” 

7 p.m. 


1338 San Pablo Ave 

Learn how to better manage medical problems in the backcountry from Eric A. Weiss, M.D., Associate Director of Trauma and Emergency Medicine at Stanford University Medical Center and medical editor for BACKPACKER magazine.  



“La Ciudad” 

7 p.m. 

Revolution Books 

2425 Channing Way 

“La Ciudad,” filmed in black and white, presents four stories about people from Latin America who have come to work and survive in New York City. A garment worker in a sweatshop, a homeless puppeteer and his daughter, a young man newly arrived from Puebla, Mexico who crashed a quincenera (sweet fifteen) party, and a group of day laborers hired to clean huge stacks of bricks for pennies. The actors in this film are immigrant workers who had a special stake in bringing these stories to light. 


Free/opinional donations go to Revolution Books Video Library 


Movie: “Civil Action” 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



“Meeting Life Changes” with John Hammerman 

10 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Memorial Stadium Permanent Lighting Project 

7-9 p.m. 

Lower Conference Room, Unit One Residence Hall 

2650 Durant Ave.  

This is a community meeting to present supplemental documents to the initial study that describes the project and identifies its potential environmental effects. 

For more information: 642-7720. 


Elderly Disabled Advisory Committee 

10 a.m.-noon 

Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter 

101 8th Street, First Floor 


The agenda will include information on Ed Roberts Campus, transportation blueprint for the 21st century, and a follow-up from the Mobility Matter Conference. 



Allergy-Free Gardening 

7 p.m. 

Slide presentation & book signing. The publication of this book has spurred multinational attention. Horticulturist Thomas Ogren comes to us from San Luis Obispo to educate us on the disastrous health problems created by poor plant choice. His extensively researched, plant-by-plant reference serves as the perfect resource for making wise 

decision making. 

Builders Booksource 

1817 Fourth Street 

(510) 845-6874 



Thursday, July 20 

“Wilderness 911” 

7 p.m. 


1338 San Pablo Ave 

Learn how to better manage medical problems in the backcountry from Eric A. Weiss, M.D., Associate Director of Trauma and Emergency Medicine at Stanford University Medical Center and medical editor for BACKPACKER magazine.  



“La Ciudad” 

7 p.m. 

Revolution Books 

2425 Channing Way 

“La Ciudad,” filmed in black and white, presents four stories about people from Latin America who have come to work and survive in New York City. A garment worker in a sweatshop, a homeless puppeteer and his daughter, a young man newly arrived from Puebla, Mexico who crashed a quincenera (sweet fifteen) party, and a group of day laborers hired to clean huge stacks of bricks for pennies. The actors in this film are immigrant workers who had a special stake in bringing these stories to light. 


Free/opinional donations go to Revolution Books Video Library 


Movie: “Civil Action” 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



“Meeting Life Changes” with John Hammerman 

10 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Memorial Stadium Permanent Lighting Project 

7-9 p.m. 

Lower Conference Room, Unit One Residence Hall 

2650 Durant Ave.  

This is a community meeting to present supplemental documents to the initial study that describes the project and identifies its potential environmental effects. 

For more information: 642-7720. 


Elderly Disabled Advisory Committee 

10 a.m.-noon 

Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter 

101 8th Street, First Floor 


The agenda will include information on Ed Roberts Campus, transportation blueprint for the 21st century, and a follow-up from the Mobility Matter Conference. 



Allergy-Free Gardening 

7 p.m. 

Slide presentation & book signing. The publication of this book has spurred multinational attention. Horticulturist Thomas Ogren comes to us from San Luis Obispo to educate us on the disastrous health problems created by poor plant choice. His extensively researched, plant-by-plant reference serves as the perfect resource for making wise 

decision making. 

Builders Booksource 

1817 Fourth Street 

(510) 845-6874 



Friday, July 21 

Route 24/Caldecott Tunnel Corridor Study 

9:30-11:30 a.m. 

Alameda Congrestion Management Agency Board Room 

1333 Broadway, Suit 220 


Items on the agenda include “Dry Run” presentation for proposed public workshop. 


“Does Winning by Intimidation Count?” with Betty Goren 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



“Schubert Songs” with Baker Lake 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Sunday, July 23 

“The Wind and the Willows” 

3 p.m. 

Pacific Film Archive 

2575 Bancroft Way @ Bowditch 

Recommended for ages 7+. Monty Python fans and kids of all ages will revel in this witty and imaginative live-action adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s 1908 tale in which Rat, Badger and Mole team up to save their wealthy, reckless friend Toad from losing his estate. 

Tickets $4 



Sunday Brunch & Lecture Series 

10 a.m. 

Berkeley Richmond JCC 

1414 Walnut Street 

The Life and Music of Kurt Weill with conductor Urs Leonhardt Steiner. In celebration of Weill’s 100th birthday, the Jewish Music Festival hosts a lecture with Urs Leonhardt Steiner. 

The son of a Jewish Cantor, Kurt Weill was famous in Weimar, Germany for his collaborations with Berthold Brecht (including Three Penny Opera). Weill escaped to the U.S. in 1933, where he reinvented himself for the Broadway theater. His music became freer and jazzier, influenced by Cole Porter and Leonard Bernstein. 

Maestro Steiner will share insights on the genius of this legendary composer, and how his move from Germany to the U.S. impacted his work. Recorded examples will be played to illustrate the lecture. 

Admission is $7 general, $5 for JCC members, students and seniors. Reservations are advised. 

848-0237 ext. 110. 


“A Wobbly High Mass and Church Social” 

7:30 p.m. 

La Pena Community Center 

3105 Shattuck Ave. 

Join the Church of Saint Emma, “Our Lady of Perpetual Dissent,” n an evening of word and song. Tonight’s sermon: “ Saints and Heroes,” with a special tribute to Judi Bari, “ Our Lady f the Redwoods.” Featuring the vocal quartet Folk This! with invited guest performers. “Hymn” books provided with admission. 




Monday, July 24 

“Pros and Cons of Measure B” with Marike Baan 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 





Affordable Housing Advocacy Project 

5:30 p.m. 

Harriet Tubman Terrace 

2870 Adeline St. 

Topic for discussion: Getting ready for the fall election and what will be on the ballot. 



Design Review Committee Meeting  

7:30 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst Ave., Workshop B 

The agenda will include 801 Grayson Street, the Bayer corporation, South Properties, and 1608 Fourth Street. 



Tuesday, July 25  

“The Candy Cottage” 

2:30 p.m. 

The Hall of Health 

2230 Shattuck Ave 

A comedy for children ages 3 to 12 and their parents. Learn about health and nutrition. “The Candy Cottage” is a short play written and performed by Hall of Health staff. The play provides information about eating healthily, the food pyramid, and what various vitamins and mineral do for your body. 



“Commitment Ceremonies” 

6-7:30 p.m. 

Judah L. Magnes Museum 

2911 Russell St. 

Rabbi Allen B. Bennett of Temple Israel in Alameda, and Muchal Friedlander, Blumenthal Curator of Judaica at the Judah L. Magnes Museum, will discuss “Commitment Ceremonies.” Rabbi Bennet will pose the question of-and whether-new concepts of commitment can be integrated with more traditional Jewish and general perspectives on marriage. 

$5 donation suggested for non-members. 

Reservations are appreciated, but not required. 



Chinese Macrame: Ornaments 

10 a.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Violin and Piano Classical Musical Concert with Cooper and Yand 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Community Dance Party 

7:45-9:45 p.m. 

Live Oak Part Social Hall 

1301 Shattuck Ave. 

Dance instruction included with admission. 

Teens $2, Non-members $4 


Wednesday, July 26 

“Peace and Dignity Run 2000” 

6 a.m. 

Point Reyes Station 

834-9455 ext. 231 

2939 Ellis Street 


Friday, July 21


Route 24/Caldecott Tunnel Corridor Study 

9:30-11:30 a.m. 

Alameda Congrestion Management Agency Board Room 

1333 Broadway, Suit 220 


Items on the agenda include “Dry Run” presentation for proposed public workshop. 


“Does Winning by Intimidation Count?” with Betty Goren 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



“Schubert Songs” with Baker Lake 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Sunday, July 23


“The Wind and the Willows” 

3 p.m. 

Pacific Film Archive 

2575 Bancroft Way @ Bowditch 

Recommended for ages 7+. Monty Python fans and kids of all ages will revel in this witty and imaginative live-action adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s 1908 tale in which Rat, Badger and Mole team up to save their wealthy, reckless friend Toad from losing his estate. 

Tickets $4 



Sunday Brunch & Lecture Series 

10 a.m. 

Berkeley Richmond JCC 

1414 Walnut Street 

The Life and Music of Kurt Weill with conductor Urs Leonhardt Steiner. In celebration of Weill’s 100th birthday, the Jewish Music Festival hosts a lecture with Urs Leonhardt Steiner. 

The son of a Jewish Cantor, Kurt Weill was famous in Weimar, Germany for his collaborations with Berthold Brecht (including Three Penny Opera). Weill escaped to the U.S. in 1933, where he reinvented himself for the Broadway theater. His music became freer and jazzier, influenced by Cole Porter and Leonard Bernstein. 

Maestro Steiner will share insights on the genius of this legendary composer, and how his move from Germany to the U.S. impacted his work. Recorded examples will be played to illustrate the lecture. 

Admission is $7 general, $5 for JCC members, students and seniors. Reservations are advised. 

848-0237 ext. 110. 


“A Wobbly High Mass and Church Social” 

7:30 p.m. 

La Pena Community Center 

3105 Shattuck Ave. 

Join the Church of Saint Emma, “Our Lady of Perpetual Dissent,” n an evening of word and song. Tonight’s sermon: “ Saints and Heroes,” with a special tribute to Judi Bari, “ Our Lady f the Redwoods.” Featuring the vocal quartet Folk This! with invited guest performers. “Hymn” books provided with admission. 




Monday, July 24 

“Pros and Cons of Measure B” with Marike Baan 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 





Affordable Housing Advocacy Project 

5:30 p.m. 

Harriet Tubman Terrace 

2870 Adeline St. 

Topic for discussion: Getting ready for the fall election and what will be on the ballot. 



Design Review Committee Meeting  

7:30 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst Ave., Workshop B 

The agenda will include 801 Grayson Street, the Bayer corporation, South Properties, and 1608 Fourth Street. 



Tuesday, July 25


“The Candy Cottage” 

2:30 p.m. 

The Hall of Health 

2230 Shattuck Ave 

A comedy for children ages 3 to 12 and their parents. Learn about health and nutrition. “The Candy Cottage” is a short play written and performed by Hall of Health staff. The play provides information about eating healthily, the food pyramid, and what various vitamins and mineral do for your body. 



“Commitment Ceremonies” 

6-7:30 p.m. 

Judah L. Magnes Museum 

2911 Russell St. 

Rabbi Allen B. Bennett of Temple Israel in Alameda, and Muchal Friedlander, Blumenthal Curator of Judaica at the Judah L. Magnes Museum, will discuss “Commitment Ceremonies.” Rabbi Bennet will pose the question of-and whether-new concepts of commitment can be integrated with more traditional Jewish and general perspectives on marriage. 

$5 donation suggested for non-members. 

Reservations are appreciated, but not required. 



Chinese Macrame: Ornaments 

10 a.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Violin and Piano Classical Musical Concert with Cooper and Yand 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Community Dance Party 

7:45-9:45 p.m. 

Live Oak Part Social Hall 

1301 Shattuck Ave. 

Dance instruction included with admission. 

Teens $2, Non-members $4 


Wednesday, July 26


“Peace and Dignity Run 2000” 

6 a.m. 

Point Reyes Station 

834-9455 ext. 231 

2939 Ellis Street 


Council holds off on landmarks decision

By William Inman Daily Planet Staff
Thursday July 20, 2000


Faced with a full house holding signs reading “Shellmound: Yes” and “Respect the Dead,” city staff flip-flopped Tuesday evening and backed down on its February decision to appeal the West Berkeley Shellmound designation as a landmark. 

At a public hearing on the designation, during the City Council meeting at Old City Hall, both preservationists and property owners of sites impacted by the city’s 5,700-year-old shellmound, said they want to preserve the remains of what is said to be the oldest and largest of the 425 Native American mounds that once existed in the Bay Area. 

The question is how to do it. 

In addition to reversing itself on its own appeal, city staff also recommended that two other appeals against the landmarking be withdrawn, thereby upholding the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s decision to designate the shellmound as a landmark. 

The appeals were filed by the City Manager’s Office and two property owners – the 620 Hearst Group and Charlene DeVecchi – after the shellmound was designated a landmark in February. 

Instead of following through with the appeals process, Acting City Planning Director Wendy Cosin said that, in fact, what needs to happen is a change to the city’s zoning.  

As it stands, if the site were landmarked, any project on the site, regardless of its size, would require a public hearing before the Landmarks Commission. Cosin suggested that there has to be a way to separate small projects, such as a change of use or small additions, from big projects on the shellmound site. 

“We are trying to find the best way to support the shellmound,” she said. “We are concerned how the designation would affect the city and its business.” 

At the staff’s suggestion, the council voted to continue the public hearing on the appeals until its Sept. 19 meeting. The staff will be working with the LPC until then to “write clear regulations that are easy to implement,” Cosin said. 

The entire issue, however, may be moot because of a legal question raised by Attorney Chris Carrigan, who represents the 620 Hearst Group. The group is one of the appellants the property at 620 Hearst Ave. that has been designated as part of the site. 

Carrigan contends that the designation does not contain any language that defines the subsurface area as a landmark, and that the LPC’s authority is limited to structures. Therefore, any of the contents found under the area is not subject to LPC review. 

He did say that the group would not contest the designation if the city changed the zoning.  

“We believe that this is a historic resource that deserves protection,” he said. “We just want the city to go about doing so in the proper way.”  

Councilmember Kriss Worthington said that Carrigan’s legal point could make the ordinance obsolete. To change the language in the ordinance would require an entirely new process at a future date, he said. 

“You can’t change the rules in the middle of a hearing,” he said.  

During the meeting, Worthington leaned a sign of his own against his water pitcher reading “Designate the West Berkeley Shellmound,” until Mayor Shirley Dean demanded he take it down, arguing that councilmembers needed to remain neutral until it was time to make a decision on the appeal. 

Carrigan went on to say that after extensive studies from the original 1910 inventory to the present, archaeological sketch maps have said that 620 Hearst is not part of the shellmound. 

Proponents of the designation say that the area at 620 Hearst Ave. is sensitive because artifacts have been found scattered nearby. 

The area designated is a three block site bounded by University Avenue, Hearst Avenue, I-880 and 4th Street and includes 620 Hearst Ave. 

But an archaeological sketch map made by Christopher Dore of Archaeological Mapping Specialists clearly shows that 620 Hearst is not within the shellmound region.  

However, Stephanie Manning, who applied for the shellmound’s landmarks designation, warns that the maps “won’t (show) exactly where the edges are,” she said.  

Ken Lightfoot, Professor of Archaeology at UC Berkeley agrees. 

“We really don’t know the boundary of the site,” he said. “Often times there are clusters of mounds with buried components.” 

Lightfoot, Manning and others warn that any development plans in the block west of Second Street, bounded by Hearst Avenue and University Avenue – including the location of 620 Hearst – should take into consideration the possibility of shellmound remnants because the Western boundary of the shellmound remains in question since the original shoreline has been severely altered. Since the ice age, the Bay waters have been rising at a rate of 1.5 millimeter per year for the last 6,000 years, which has compromised the boundary, they say. 

Some 30 speakers attended the public hearing and all spoke in favor of making the shellmound a landmark. Nearly all of the audience was holding signs, some of which were printed out and circulated before the hearing, and some were simply made of pizza boxes and poster-board. 

But the message was clear. 

“You can’t just dig up peoples bones and dispose of them like trash just so you can build another Starbucks,” one speaker said. 

“This is the place where the first children in Berkeley were born,” Manning said. “We know so little about these people. We have a once in a lifetime chance to study them.”

UC staff marches for better conditions and higher salaries

By Dan Greenman Daily Planet Staff
Thursday July 20, 2000

If UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Berdahl was hoping to enjoy a quiet lunch break Wednesday, he was in for a disappointment. 

Over 50 UC clerical employees gathered and demonstrated outside his California Hall office at noon, demanding that their wages be increased to meet the rising cost of living of the past two years. They say they will continue the demonstrations every Wednesday until Berdahl agrees to meet with them. 

The employees, carrying pots, spoons, aluminum cans and other noisemakers, circled the hall twice, chanting and making as much noise as they could. They then marched through Sproul Plaza before returning to the chancellor’s building. 

“I think it’s shameful, I think UC should be embarrassed,” said Chloe Osmer, a program coordinator for the Center for Labor Research and Education. “Here is one of the most prestigious universities in the world and the clerical workers have to come out on their lunchtime to demand a cost of living increase that brings them just up to what they have lost.” 

Marie Felde, UC director of media relations, said that negotiations are going on between UC and clerical staff workers at all nine campuses and will continue in the upcoming weeks. All clerical employees in the UC system work under the same contract, she said. 

“People of the university are generally all sympathetic and want as quick and good a resolution to this conflict as those protesting,” Felde said. 

However, the clerical workers complain that their salaries on average are 21 percent lower than the market level, while top UC administrators have received 24 percent wage increases over the last two years. 

These administrators make over $200,000 annually, said administrative assistant Jane Fehlberg, who has been on a hunger strike for five weeks in protest. She said Berdahl makes $24,542 a month and was given a $40,000 raise last year. 

“They had absolutely no problem coming up with 24 percent increases for the highest paid (administrators),” Fehlberg said. “When it comes to paying the people who really need it, who are working an extra job or two, or like me spending their savings paying their rent because we live in one of the most expensive areas in the country . . . they turn their backs on us.” 

Elinor Levine, president of the Coalition of University Employees, said that entry level salaries for clerical workers are around $20,000. When top level administrators received raises over the last two years, their wage increases were equal to the annual salaries of many UC clerical workers, which mostly range from $20,000 to $30,000 annually. 

CUE, which represents 18,000 clerical employees at the nine UC campuses, is asking for an 11 percent increase in wages over two years for clerical employees. Negotiations began in August 1998.  

The university is currently offering only a two percent cost of living increase for last year and four percent for this year, which Levine called “an insult to the working people at the University of California.” 

The demonstrations started last month when hunger strikers began meeting outside the chancellor’s office on Wednesday afternoons to drink juice. The “juice-ins” have evolved into demonstrations, which are attracting more participants every week. 

Many of the demonstrators wear blue T-shirts that read “Fridays I work for free. Why?” which make a statement about their salaries being 21 percent lower than the market level salary. One demonstrator explained that if a five-day work week is broken up into percentages, each day represents 20 percent. That means that UC clerical employees are losing a whole day’s salary each week. 

Levine said that UC has a $1.9 million carryover of unrestricted funds from last year, which could be used for wage increases for clerical staff. However, it is a matter of the university making that commitment, she said. 

“A majority of the clerical employees are women, many of us are people of color and the university needs to do what’s right and make a commitment to improve the clericals, who are among the lowest paid employees of the university,” Levine said.

Chamber celebrates 100 years

Thursday July 20, 2000

The Berkeley Chamber of Commerce turns 100 Friday and will celebrate the anniversary at Oakland’s Claremont Resort and Spa, at 41 Tunnel Road. 

Dennis Kuby will be masters of ceremonies at the event, which begins at 6 p.m. and costs $100 per person.  

Kuby says the chamber, whose earliest members dealt in fertilizer and dry ice, has gone through some rough times over its first 100 years, particularly when the City Council was dominated by those with “Marxist leanings.” 

Although the chamber was once entirely “Anglo Saxon” and male dominated, it now is comprised of a healthy mix of men, women and people of various ethnicities, he said. 

Pete Escovedo’s band tops the bill for the evening.  

Tickets are available until 5 p.m. today. Call 510-549-7003.

Facelift for newly remodeled building revealed to public

By Ian Buchanan Daily Planet Staff
Wednesday July 19, 2000

The black netting that shrouded the new Kaplan Educational Testing Center at 150 Shattuck Square, was removed last week, revealing the freshly remodeled central-Berkeley building. 

The remodel was not without controversy. 

Construction at the former home of the American Saving Bank was delayed in the planning phase by an appeal from the Berkeley Architectural Heritage Association to the City Council. BAHA did not believe that the new building plans were in compliance with the Downtown Berkeley Plan, and the City Council agreed and upheld the appeal.  

The Downtown Berkeley Plan, which sets forth guidelines for new buildings in the downtown area, was created to “provide continuity between the old and the new in the built environment” and to “retain the scale and the unique character of the downtown.”  

Through negotiations among the building’s architects, Kava Messish Architects, Kaplan Educational Services and BAHA, certain features, such as the east, south and west elevations, were changed to conform with the Downtown Berkeley Plan and the wishes of BAHA. The project was an overall success, according to BAHA. “The outcome has been positive for the city, BAHA and the citizens, and that is what is important,” said Leslie Emmington, spokesperson for BAHA.

Calendar of Events & Activities

Wednesday July 19, 2000

Wednesday, July 19


“Women Who Run With Words” 

7:30 p.m. 

Diesil Bookstore 

5433 College Ave, Oakland 

A writing workshop created by local poet Ruth Wynkoop, will present a group reading of poetry and short prose.  



Townhall Meeting on the Public Housing Plan 

6-8 p.m. 

West Berkeley Senior Center 

1900 6th Street 



Poetry Workshop 

8 p.m. 

Berkeley Arts Center 

All levels welcomed to this shape changing, free workshop lead by Rop Lipton. The individual voice and critical response will be the on-going focus. Classes continue every week at the same time. 



Ballroom Dance 

10 a.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 

Come for a practice session of ballroom dance. 



Chinese Calligraphy with Mrs. Jou 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Community Action Team 

7 p.m. 

Black Repertary Group Theatre 

3201 Adeline St. 

The team will consider actions to take to address the healthcare crisis in southwest Berkeley. 



Citizens Humane Commission 

7 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst Ave. 

Items for discussion are how relationships can be improved between the Shelter and Rescue groups. 


Thursday, July 20


“Wilderness 911” 

7 p.m. 


1338 San Pablo Ave 

Learn how to better manage medical problems in the backcountry from Eric A. Weiss, M.D., Associate Director of Trauma and Emergency Medicine at Stanford University Medical Center and medical editor for Backpacker magazine.  



“La Ciudad” 

7 p.m. 

Revolution Books 

2425 Channing Way 

“La Ciudad,” filmed in black and white, presents four stories about people from Latin America who have come to work and survive in New York City. A garment worker in a sweatshop, a homeless puppeteer and his daughter, a young man newly arrived from Puebla, Mexico who crashed a quincenera (sweet fifteen) party, and a group of day laborers hired to clean huge stacks of bricks for pennies. The actors in this film are immigrant workers who had a special stake in bringing these stories to light. 


Free/opinional donations go to Revolution Books Video Library 


“Meeting Life Changes” with John Hammerman 

10 p.m. 

Movie: “Civil Action” 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Memorial Stadium Permanent Lighting Project 

7-9 p.m. 

Lower Conference Room, Unit One Residence Hall 

2650 Durant Ave.  

This is a community meeting to present supplemental documents to the initial study that describes the project and identifies its potential environmental effects. 

For more information: 642-7720. 


Elderly Disabled Advisory Committee 

10 a.m.-noon 

Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter 

101 8th Street, First Floor 


The agenda will include information on Ed Roberts Campus, transportation blueprint for the 21st Century, and a follow-up from the Mobility Matter Conference. 




Allergy-Free Gardening 

7 p.m. 

Slide presentation & book signing. The publication of this book has spurred multinational attention. Horticulturist Thomas Ogren comes to us from San Luis Obispo to educate us on the disastrous health problems created by poor plant choice. His extensively researched, plant-by-plant reference serves as the perfect resource for wise decision making. 

Builders Booksource 

1817 Fourth Street 

(510) 845-6874 



Friday, July 21


Route 24/Caldecott Tunnel Corridor Study 

9:30-11:30 a.m. 

Alameda Congrestion Management Agency Board Room 

1333 Broadway, Suit 220 


Items on the agenda include “Dry Run” presentation for proposed public workshop. 


“Does Winning by Intimidation Count?” with Betty Goren 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



“Schubert Songs” with Baker Lake 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Sunday, July 23


“The Wind and the Willows” 

3 p.m. 

Pacific Film Archive 

2575 Bancroft Way @ Bowditch 

Recommended for ages 7+. Monty Python fans and kids of all ages will revel in this witty and imaginative live-action adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s 1908 tale in which Rat, Badger and Mole team up to save their wealthy, reckless friend Toad from losing his estate. 

Tickets $4 





Sunday Brunch & Lecture Series 

10 a.m. 

Berkeley Richmond JCC 

1414 Walnut Street 

In celebration of Kurt Weill’s 100th birthday, the Jewish Music Festival hosts a lecture with Urs Leonhardt Steiner,  

The son of a Jewish Cantor, Kurt Weill was famous in Weimar, Germany for his collaborations with Berthold Brecht (including Three Penny Opera). Weill escaped to the U.S. in 1933, where he reinvented himself for the Broadway theater. His music became freer and jazzier, influenced by Cole Porter and Leonard Bernstein. 

Maestro Steiner will share insights on the genius of this legendary composer, and how his move from Germany to the U.S. impacted his work. Recorded examples will be played to illustrate the lecture. 

Admission is $7 general, $5 for JCC members, students and seniors. Reservations are advised. 

848-0237 ext. 110. 


Monday, July 24


“Pros and Cons of Measure B” with Marike Baan 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 


Letters to the Editor

Wednesday July 19, 2000

Dear Mr. President, 

I am sad to see you waffling on your promise to veto the Republican estate tax bill, which will endow most of its benefit on the very, very rich. I am sad, but not surprised. 

My surprise comes from the Vice President's silence. Mr. Gore, this issue could distinguish you from Gov. Bush as a fighter for the economic interests of middle-class and less-fortunate Americans. The estate tax is the principle means to prevent the establishment of a permanent ruling class, comprised of people with a disproportionate amount of wealth compared to everyone else. 

Why are you as quiet as a little mouse, Mr. Gore? Are you looking for some other issue to attract tepid Republicans and radical Green Party voters? 

Good luck in finding one. 

Bruce Joffe 


Wednesday July 19, 2000



“Murder At The Vicarage” by Agatha Christie, through Aug. 12. Performance of the classic whodunnit. $10. Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; Aug. 10, 8 p.m. Live Oak Theatre, 1301 Shattuck Ave. 




“Hamlet” by William Shakespeare, July 1 through July 22. Shakespeare probes the shadowy corners of the human psyche in this dark, compelling tragedy of vengeance, madness and murder most foul. 

Cost is $21 to $38 general; $19 to $38 seniors; $10 to $38 children. Wednesday and Thursday, 7 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 4 p.m.; July 22, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Bruns Memorial Amphitheatre, Shakespeare Festival Way/Gateway Exit on state Highway 24. (510) 548-9666 or www.calshakes.org 




924 Gilman Street is an all-ages, member-run no alcohol, drugs, and violence club located at the corner of 8th street and Gilman Street in Berkeley. Most shows are $5. Memberships for the year are $2. Shows start at 8 p.m. unless otherwise noted. For the latest show information call 525-9926. 

July 21 Dory Tourette And The Skirtheads, Blood Brothers, Divit, Panty Rade, Erase Erata.  

July 22 American Steel, Enemies, Thumbs, I-Farm, Pitch Black.  

July 28 Plan 9, Loose Change, Debris, Weakerthans, Big Link.  

July 29 Plan 9, Loose Change, Weaker Than, Debris, Big Link.  

July 30 Dillinger Escape Plan, Candira, Isis, Cadillac Blindside (5 p.m.).  

August 4 Hellchild, Benumb, Yellow Machine Gun, Spaceboy, Vulgar Pigeons. August 5 Causey Way, Black Man - White Man - Dead Man, Boy Pussy USA, Monday Mornings.  

August 11 Hellbillys, Riffs, Menstrual Tramps, Fleshies, Shut Up Donny.  

August 12 Excruciating Terror, Plutocracy, Chupalabre, Creation Is Crucifiction, State Of The Union. 

(510) 525-9926. 



“Rarities and Suprises” 

Join George Cleve, Music Director and Conductor, for a night the “Midsummer Mozart Festival,” on Friday, August 4. The concert will include “Three Adagios and Fugurd after J.S. Bach,” K. 404, “Six Variations on G minor on ‘Helas, j’ai perdu mon amant,’” K. 360, highlights from the “Abduction from the Seragio,” and “Divertimento” in D Major for 2 Horns and Strings K. 334. 

First Congregational Church, 2345 Channing Way, at Dana. For ticket call City Box Office at 510-392-4400. 



For age 21 and over. Music on Wednesday at 8 p.m.; Thursday at 9:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday at 9:45 p.m. unless otherwise noted. 3101 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 841-2082. 



Willis, a Seattle band, will play at the Last Day Saloon on August 2. The quintet will bring its Indie folk-pop sound to Berkeley in support of their will EP, “Bourgeois Blues.” “Bourgeois Blues” represents the natural progression of music that Willis has been creating and performing since their formation in 1996. The band also incorporates an electric range of instruments into their sets, ranging from the pedal steel, to accordion and conga drums.  

(510) 483-2926. 



Marie Schumacher and the Invisible Band 

Thursday, July 20 from 8 p.m.-10 p.m. is a solo show. Friday, July 21 from 9:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. is with the band. Thursday, August 3 frin 8 p.m.-11 p.m. is with the band. 

856 San Pablo Ave., Albany. 

(510) 528-2872.  




“Beatrice and Benedick” by Hector Berlioz, through July 23. A joyous evening of wit, deception and romance based on William Shakespeare’s comedy “Much Ado About Nothing.” Jonathan Khuner conducting. Sung in English. 

$16 to $30 general; $24 senio rs; $15 youths age 17 and under. Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. Julia Morgan Center for the Arts, 2640 College Ave., Berkeley. (925) 798-1300 or www.juliamorgan.org 




"Berkeley's Ethnic Heritage." Through March 2001. 

The exhibit examines the rich cultural diversity of our city and the contributions of individuals and minority groups to our history and development. The exhibit look at the original native tribelets in the area and the immigrants who settled in Ocean View and displaced the Spanish/Mexican landowners. It also examines the influence of theUniversity of California, the San Francisco earthquake, and World War II on the population and culture of Berkeley, and subsequent efforts to overcome discrimination. Curated by Linda Rosen and the Berkeley Historical Society Exhibit Committee. Thursday through Saturday, 1 to 4 p.m. Wheelchair accessible. Admission free. 

Berkeley Historical Society located in the Veterans Memorial Building, 1931 Center Street, Berkeley. 510-848-0181 




“Doug Aitken/MATRIX 185: Into the Sun,” through Sept. 3. An exhibit of works primarily in video and film, using the interplay of art and media to evoke deserted landscapes.  

“Rodin and His Contemporaries,” through August. An exhibit of 11 bronze maquettes on loan from the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation in Los Angeles. The bronzes range in style from the artist's classically inspired “Torso of a Woman” to the anguish of “The Martyr.” Some of the maquettes were cast during Rodin’s lifetime, others have been cast fairly recently under the aegis of the Musee Rodin which alone is authorized to cast his sculptures posthumously. 

$6 general; $4 seniors and students ages 12 to 18; free children age 12 and under; free Thursday, 11 a.m. to noon and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2626 Bancroft Way, Berkeley. 642-0808. 



2230 Shattuck Ave. (lower level), Berkeley 

A hands-on community health education museum and science center sponsored by Children's Hospital Oakland and Alta Bates Medical Center. 

“This is Your Heart!” ongoing. An in teractive exhibit on heart health. 

“Good Nutrition,” ongoing. This exhibit includes models for making balanced meals and an exercycle for calculating how calories are burned. 

“Draw Your Own Insides,” ongoing. Human-shaped chalkboards and models with removable organs allow visitors to explore the inside of their bodies. 

“Your Cellular Self and Cancer Prevention,” ongoing. An exhibit on understanding how cells become cancerous and how to detect and prevent cancer. 

Free. For children ages 3 to 12 and their parents. 




“Experiment Gallery,” through Sept. 10. Step inside a giant laboratory and experiment with concepts surrounding sound, light, mechanics, electricity, and weather. 

“Math Rules!” ongoing exhibit. A math exhibit of hands-on problem-solving stations, each with a different mathematical challenge. Make mathematical ice-cream cones, use blocks to build three dimensional structures, make dodecagon pies from a variety of mathematical shapes and stretch mathematical thinking. 

“Within the Human Brain,” ongoing installation. Visitors test their cranial nerves, play skeeball, master mazes, match musical tones and construct stories inside a simulated “rat cage” of learning experiments. 

$6 general; $4 seniors, students and children ages 7 to 18; $2 children ages 3 to 6; free children under age 3. Daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Centennial Drive, University of California, Berkeley. (510) 642-5132 or www.lhs.berkeley.edu 



Kroeber Hall, UC Berkeley 

“Modern Treasures from Ancient Iran,” through Oct. 29. This exhibit explores nomadic and town life in ancient and modern Iran as illustrated in bronze and pottery vessels, and textiles. 

“Phoebe Hearst Museum-Approaching a Century of Anthropology,” a sampling of the vast collections of the museum, its mission, history, and current research, with selections from ancient Egypt, ancient Peru, California Indians, Asia (India), and Africa. 

“Ishi and the Invention of Yahi Culture,” Ishi, the last Yahi Indian of California, spent the final years of his life, 1911 to 1916, living at the museum, working with anthropologists to record his culture, demonstrating technological skills, and retelling Yahi myths, tales, and songs. 

Wednesday through Sunday 10 am -4:30 pm; Thursday until 9 pm (Sept-May) 

(510) 643-7648 



Kittredge Street and Shattuck Avenue 

A museum especially for children age 7 and younger. Highlights include “WaterWorks,” an area with some unusual water toys, an Infant Tree for babies, a garden especially for toddlers, a child-scale grocery store and cafe, and a costume shop and stage for junior thespians. The museum also features a toy lending library. 

Exhibit: “Back to the Farm,” open-ended. This interactive exhibit gives children the chance to wiggle through tunnels like an earthworm, look into a mirrored fish pond, don farm animal costumes, ride on a John Deere tractor and much more.  

Admission is $4 for adults; $6 child age 7 and under; $3 for each additional child.  

Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

(510) 647-1111 



2911 Russell St., Berkeley 

“Telling Time: To Everything There Is A Season,” through May 2002.  

An exhibit structured around the seasons of the year and the seasons of life with objects ranging from the sacred and the secular, to the provocative and the whimsical. Highlights include treasures from Jewish ceremonial and folk art, rare books and manuscripts, contemporary and traditional fine art, video, photography and cultural kitsch. Through Nov. 4: “Spring and Summer.” 

Free. Sunday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

(510) 549-6950. 




“Markings/Imprints,” through July 28. The 2000 Kala Art Institute Fellowship Awards Exhibitions, Part I, featuring works by Susan Belau, Liliana Lobo Ferreira, and Jamie Morgan. 

Free. Tuesday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m. Workshop Media Center Gallery, 1060 Heinz Ave., Berkeley. (510) 549-2977. 



Rachel Davis, Samantha Fisher, Benicia Gantner, Cherith Rose, through July 22. An exhibit of new work by the four artists. 

Free. Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 1316 10th St., Berkeley. (510) 527-1214. 



“Yangtze River: in the Dragon’s Teeth” 

Carol Brighton's poured paper paintings of the Yangtze River gorges, through July 31. Six-foot paper pieces in the long format of a Chinese scroll. This artwork is done in support of the International Rivers Network campaign to save the Yangtze River. The full impact of these beautiful compositions can even be viewed from across the street. 

Addison Street Windows Gallery, 2018 Addison St., Berkeley 




3105 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. 

The multimedia show “Destruction or Love” will take place this Thursday, July 20 at 8 p.m. at La Peña Cultural Center. 

This show is based on the poetry of the Spanish poet Vicente Aleixandre. 

A poet is looking for reason to keep living, he spends the night alone remembering key moments of his life. 

He takes a trip to inside himself and his feelings, and reflects on life, death, and human nature. 

“Destruction or Love” comes out of a series of poetry readings by Vicante Aleixandre and brings together sensorial experiences in a creative way, with a group of actors and dancers who produced the video, music and choreography. 

(510) 849-2568 or www.lapena.org 



The Haiku Anthology Contributors Reading 

Garry Gay, Jerry Kilbride, Vincent Tripi, Micheal DylanWelch 

Edited and with a foreword by the former Haiku Society of America president Cor van den Heuvel, The Haiku Anthology collects 850 of the best English language Haiku and related works. A selection of Bay Area contributors will read at this event. "Haiku is basically about living with intense awareness, about having an openness to the existence around us-kind of openness that involves seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching."--Cor van den Heuvel August 2, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 

Donation is $2.00 


Joseph Di Prisco And Dean Young 

Joseph Di Prisco's newest book, Poems in Which, won the 2000 Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize. An essayist and reviewer, he is also the co-author of a recent book about adolescence and growing up, Field Guide to the American Teenager. His novel, Confessions of Brother Eli, is forthcoming in the fall. Dean Young has published three books of poems, most recently First Course in Turbulence. "Dean Young's exhilarating, complex, and wide-ranging poems give one the impression of conversations with an angel in which the poet has to be super-alert at every second, for every second counts and the angel knows everything. To listen to these conversations is to experience a colloquial, witty, emotional, and urgent discourse not to be found anywhere else."--Kenneth Koch. August 9, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Donation is $2.00 


Leonard J. Cirino and Marc Elihu Hofstadter 

Leonard J. Cirino, editor and publisher of Pygmy Forest Press, is the author of twenty-one poetry collections, including The Terrible Wilderness of Self, 96 Sonnets Facing Conviction, and American Minotaur & Other Work, Poems 1998. His newest collection is The Sane Man Speaks & Other Poems. Marc Elihu Hofstadter is the author of House of Peace. He has published his poems and critical articles in many literary journals, including Exquisite Corpse and Talisman, and works as the Librarian of the San Francisco Municipal Railway. August 16, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Donation is $2.00 


Jamal Ali and Russell Gonzaga 

Jamal Ali writes in a broad spectrum of genres from journalism and history to poetry and plays. He's been performing and reading across the U.S. since 1985. His published works include Jazz is a Sacrament of Substance. Russell Gonzaga is a celebrated performance and slam poet based in the Bay Area. August 23, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Donation is $2.00 


Joe Todaro 

Joe Todaro is the author of Notes From a Burning Theater, a poetry chapbook. He co-produced, withCelia White, the 1998 Urban Epiphany poetry reading in Buffalo, New York, the largest such event in that city's history. Celia White is a poet, fiction writer, and librarian. Her poetry chapbooks are Cusp, Mouth, Stick, and Lit; her poems have appeared in Exquisite Corpse and upstream. The event room at Cody's is wheelchair accessible. Please ask for help or directions at the Information Desk. ASL interpreters for the deaf and hearing impaired can be provided with reasonable advance notice. August 30, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Donation is $2.00 


Janice M. Gale and Noel Peattie 

Berkeley poet Janice M. Gale's new book is House of Leaves. A former dancer, cook, editor, community organizer and teacher, she has been an activist for social justice for more than fifty years. Noel Peattie published Sipapu, a review journal for librarians and others interested in dissent literature, including poetry, and the small press, between 1970-1996. His poetry books include In the Dome of Saint Laurence Meteor and Western Skyline. August 13, Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Donation is $2.00 


Parking is available at the Durant/Channing Garage; Cody's will validate one hour of parking with purchase. 

Cody's Books: (510) 845-7852 • Poetry Flash: (510) 525-5476 


To publicize an upcoming event, please submit information to the Daily Planet via fax (841-5695), e-mail (calendar@berkeleydailyplanet.com) or traditional mail (2076 University Avenue, 94704). Calendar items should be submitted at least one week before the opening of a new exhibit or performance. Please include a daytime telephone number in case we need to clarify any information. 

tion in Los Angeles. The bronzes range in style from the artist's classically inspired “Torso of a Woman” to the anguish of “The Martyr.” Some of the maquettes were cast during Rodin’s lifetime, others have been cast fairly recently under the aegis of the Musee Rodin which alone is authorized to cast his sculptures posthumously. 

$6 general; $4 seniors and students ages 12 to 18; free children age 12 and under; free Thursday, 11 a.m. to noon and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2626 Bancroft Way, Berkeley. 642-0808. 



2230 Shattuck Ave. (lower level), Berkeley 

A hands-on community health education museum and science center sponsored by Children's Hospital Oakland and Alta Bates Medical Center. 

“This is Your Heart!” ongoing. An in teractive exhibit on heart health. 

“Good Nutrition,” ongoing. This exhibit includes models for making balanced meals and an exercycle for calculating how calories are burned. 

“Draw Your Own Insides,” ongoing. Human-shaped chalkboards and models with removable organs allow visitors to explore the inside of their bodies. 

“Your Cellular Self and Cancer Prevention,” ongoing. An exhibit on understanding how cells become cancerous and how to detect and prevent cancer. 

Free. For children ages 3 to 12 and their parents. 





“Experiment Gallery,” through Sept. 10. Step inside a giant laboratory and experiment with concepts surrounding sound, light, mechanics, electricity, and weather. 

“Math Rules!” ongoing exhibit. A math exhibit of hands-on problem-solving stations, each with a different mathematical challenge. Make mathematical ice-cream cones, use blocks to build three dimensional structures, make dodecagon pies from a variety of mathematical shapes and stretch mathematical thinking. 

“Within the Human Brain,” ongoing installation. Visitors test their cranial nerves, play skeeball, master mazes, match musical tones and construct stories inside a simulated “rat cage” of learning experiments. 

$6 general; $4 seniors, students and children ages 7 to 18; $2 children ages 3 to 6; free children under age 3. Daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Centennial Drive, University of California, Berkeley. (510) 642-5132 or www.lhs.berkeley.edu 



Kroeber Hall, UC Berkeley 

“Modern Treasures from Ancient Iran,” through Oct. 29. This exhibit explores nomadic and town life in ancient and modern Iran as illustrated in bronze and pottery vessels, and textiles. 

“Phoebe Hearst Museum-Approaching a Century of Anthropology,” a sampling of the vast collections of the museum, its mission, history, and current research, with selections from ancient Egypt, ancient Peru, California Indians, Asia (India), and Africa. 

“Ishi and the Invention of Yahi Culture,” Ishi, the last Yahi Indian of California, spent the final years of his life, 1911 to 1916, living at the museum, working with anthropologists to record his culture, demonstrating technological skills, and retelling Yahi myths, tales, and songs. 

Wednesday through Sunday 10 am -4:30 pm; Thursday until 9 pm (Sept-May) 

(510) 643-7648 



Kittredge Street and Shattuck Avenue 

A museum especially for children age 7 and younger. Highlights include “WaterWorks,” an area with some unusual water toys, an Infant Tree for babies, a garden especially for toddlers, a child-scale grocery store and cafe, and a costume shop and stage for junior thespians. The museum also features a toy lending library. 

Exhibit: “Back to the Farm,” open-ended. This interactive exhibit gives children the chance to wiggle through tunnels like an earthworm, look into a mirrored fish pond, don farm animal costumes, ride on a John Deere tractor and much more.  

Admission is $4 for adults; $6 child age 7 and under; $3 for each additional child.  

Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

(510) 647-1111 



2911 Russell St., Berkeley 

“Telling Time: To Everything There Is A Season,” through May 2002.  

An exhibit structured around the seasons of the year and the seasons of life with objects ranging from the sacred and the secular, to the provocative and the whimsical. Highlights include treasures from Jewish ceremonial and folk art, rare books and manuscripts, contemporary and traditional fine art, video, photography and cultural kitsch. Through Nov. 4: “Spring and Summer.” 

Free. Sunday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

(510) 549-6950. 




“Markings/Imprints,” through July 28. The 2000 Kala Art Institute Fellowship Awards Exhibitions, Part I, featuring works by Susan Belau, Liliana Lobo Ferreira, and Jamie Morgan. 

Free. Tuesday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m. Workshop Media Center Gallery, 1060 Heinz Ave., Berkeley. (510) 549-2977. 



Rachel Davis, Samantha Fisher, Benicia Gantner, Cherith Rose, through July 22. An exhibit of new work by the four artists. 

Free. Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 1316 10th St., Berkeley. (510) 527-1214. 




“Yangtze River: in the Dragon’s Teeth” 

Carol Brighton's poured paper paintings of the Yangtze River gorges, through July 31. Six-foot paper pieces in the long format of a Chinese scroll. This artwork is done in support of the International Rivers Network campaign to save the Yangtze River. The full impact of these beautiful compositions can even be viewed from across the street. 

Addison Street Windows Gallery, 2018 Addison St., Berkeley 





3105 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. 

The multimedia show “Destruction or Love” will take place this Thursday, July 20 at 8 p.m. at La Peña Cultural Center. 

This show is based on the poetry of Vicente Aleixandre. 

A poet is looking for reason to keep living, he spends the night alone remembering key moments of his life. 

He takes a trip to inside himself and his feelings, and reflects on life, death, and human nature. 

“Destruction or Love” comes out of a series of poetry readings by Vicante Aleixandre and brings together sensorial experiences in a creative way, with a group of actors and dancers who produced the video, music and choreography. 

Call (510) 849-2568 or visit www.lapena.org 



2454 Telegraph Ave. 

Upcoming poetry readings at Cody’s: 

The Haiku Anthology Contributors Reading 

Garry Gay, Jerry Kilbride, Vincent Tripi, Micheal DylanWelch 

Edited and with a foreword by the former Haiku Society of America president Cor van den Heuvel, The Haiku Anthology collects 850 of the best English language Haiku and related works. A selection of Bay Area contributors will read at this event. "Haiku is basically about living with intense awareness, about having an openness to the existence around us-kind of openness that involves seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching."-- Cor van den Heuvel August 2, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 

Donation is $2.00 


Joseph Di Prisco And Dean Young 

Joseph Di Prisco's newest book, Poems in Which, won the 2000 Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize. An essayist and reviewer, he is also the co-author of a recent book about adolescence and growing up, Field Guide to the American Teenager. His novel, Confessions of Brother Eli, is forthcoming in the fall. Dean Young has published three books of poems, most recently First Course in Turbulence. "Dean Young's exhilarating, complex, and wide-ranging poems give one the impression of conversations with an angel in which the poet has to be super-alert at every second, for every second counts and the angel knows everything. To listen to these conversations is to experience a colloquial, witty, emotional, and urgent discourse not to be found anywhere else."--Kenneth Koch. August 9, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.  

Donation is $2.00 

Cody's Books: (510) 845-7852 

Poetry Flash: (510) 525-5476

Rucker gets council nod for interim city manager post

By Judith Scherr Daily Planet Staff
Wednesday July 19, 2000

In a closed-door meeting, a unanimous City Council voted Tuesday to appoint Deputy City Manager Weldon Rucker as interim city manager. He will take the place of outgoing City Manager James Keene, who leaves for Tucson, Ariz., in August. 

“It’s quite an honor. It’s quite demanding. It’s quite a challenge,” Rucker told the council, after the appointment was re-enacted in open session. 

Rucker will receive the same salary as Keene, based on $154,000 annually. He will continue, however, to receive the same benefits he has garnered as Deputy City Manager. That probably means that he will not get the manager’s $700 monthly car allowance, although the Daily Planet could not immediately confirm this. 

The public missed out on the closed-door discussion relative to the interaction between the interim city manager and the council. In public session, Rucker announced that he was looking forward to an “improved working relationship” with the council and “improved council meetings.” 

Six candidates say they’re ready to run

By Judith Scherr Daily Planet Staff
Wednesday July 19, 2000

Berkeley’s bi-annual local election season opened Monday with six candidates throwing their birkenstocks into the proverbial ring, taking out papers to run for various offices. They have until Aug. 11 to return the papers and become official candidates. 

Two incumbents got in the queue early – Councilmember Diane Woolley, whose District 5 takes in north central Berkeley and Councilmember Margaret Breland, whose District 2 is in southwest Berkeley. Woolley has been on the council since 1994 and Breland got on board in 1996. The Councilmembers’ terms were changed from two-year to four-year terms in 1996. 

No one had taken out papers to run against Woolley, as of mid afternoon Tuesday, but Breland will face at least one challenger, Carol Hughes-Willoughby, a minister who works in an afterschool program. Hughes-Willoughby took out papers to run Monday. 

A third challenger, San Pablo Park Neighborhood Association activist Betty Hicks has promised to jump into the District 2 fray as well, but she hadn’t taken out papers when the Daily Planet checked in with the Berkeley City Clerk on Tuesday. 

Councilmember Betty Olds, first elected in 1992 in North Berkeley hill’s District 6 said she plans to run, but hasn’t taken out papers. She’ll face Norine Smith, a neighborhood activist, who is particularly concerned with planning issues. Smith took out papers Monday. 

South Berkeley Councilmember Maudelle Shirek, District 3, also plans to run. The 16-year incumbent, who has yet to take out election papers, faces no challenger to date. 

Incumbent School Board President Joaquin Rivera has taken out papers to run again. Schools and environmental activist John Selawsky also recently picked up his official papers to run for school board. 

Medical marijuana ordinance goes to commission

By William Inman Daily Planet Staff
Wednesday July 19, 2000


Berkeley’s medical marijuana users and sympathizers are chagrined about the amount of pot they would be allowed to possess under an ordinance that recently left the city attorney’s desk. 

These medical marijuana advocates hope the City Council will revise the proposal in September, after the Health Commission takes a look at it and makes recommendations to the City Council. 

City Councilmember Linda Maio told the Daily Planet that individuals have voiced their displeasure about the limits in the proposal -- allowing medical marijuana users and their primary caregivers to possess up to a pound of dry marijuana and cultivate up to five plants.  

People are saying that the amount is inadequate relative to what patients need, according to Maio. Consequently she said she hopes the Health Commission will revise the quantity recommended in the ordinance after comparing the proposal to the Oakland ordinance. 

Last week the City Council unanimously passed a recommendation to forward copies of the Oakland ordinance and the proposed Berkeley ordinance to the Health Commission for review. The recommendation included a suggestion that a member of the Oakland Police Department be asked to attend the council meeting in September to discuss that department’s experience with the Oakland ordinance. 

The Oakland ordinance allows patients to possess up to one and a half pounds of dry marijuana, or up to six pounds if patients can prove that they grew it themselves. And it allows patients and primary caregivers to possess up to 96 plants grown indoors, among which only 48 can be producing plants. Sixty plants can be grown outdoors, with half of those being producing plants. 

The amounts are different because outdoor plants yield more buds, the ordinance says. 

“The Oakland ordinance has been in effect for two years and has been working really well,” Maio said. 

“Personally, I think the Oakland ordinance is a good one because it is based on government clinical trials,” said Berkeley resident Gretchen Lumke. 

Lumke added that she is not affiliated with a marijuana lobby nor is she a user of marijuana medically or recreationally. 

She pointed out that the Oakland ordinance is based on Food and Drug Administration trials that verified the quantity patients would need based on each consuming one-third of an ounce (roughly ten joints) per day. 

The amount of marijuana allowed in Berkeley’s ordinance, according to an “expert at the Drug Enforcement Agency,” is based upon several pertinent facts about cultivation. 

City Attorney Manuela Albuquerque said the city has been enforcing Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act, since it passed in November of 1996, though there is no “real threshold” in the act, she said. 

Police Chief Dash Butler issued a Departmental Order on January 18 that defined the quantity a medical marijuana user could posses at one pound of dried cannabis plus five plants after they received the analysis from the DEA.  

The report that accompanies the Berkeley ordinance, however, says that the FDA study used by Oakland is vague and that smoking one-third of an ounce per day far exceeds medicinal use. And it states the Oakland ordinance failed to consider that Northern California marijuana is on average 10-times more potent than what was used in the study. 

It says that the marijuana used in the study was of such poor quality that it was nicknamed “Mississippi ditchweed,” and had a 2-3 percent THC content. THC is the chemical in marijuana which causes medical benefits such as relief from pain. The amount of THC in the cannabis used in the study pales in comparison to the 40-50 percent THC content contained in pot grown in Northern California, the Berkeley report said. 

Lumke said that after reading the Oakland ordinance she was initially concerned about youths and non-medical users breaking into yards and homes with so many plants being grown.  

But after a call to the Oakland Police Department she said her concerns were dissolved after they informed her that they had not experienced an increase in break-ins. 

Also, she said the only enforcement problems are in the interpretation of the Oakland law. She noted that there is a clause in the ordinance that says a supervising officer should be present at the scene where a Proposition 215 defense is asserted before any enforcement action is taken. This is a procedure that the Berkeley police also employ. 

The Berkeley analysis says that quantities greater than one pound plus five plants would likely result in thefts, conflicts and a diversion for illegal drug use and dealing. 

It says that if the amount of plants were increased to, say, 10 plants, it would result in an outdoor marijuana garden worth up to $45,000. And that such an expensive crop would be a target for theft, perhaps by force, and diverted for non-medical purposes and sold illegally. 

Those who prefer the Oakland ordinance say it would be wrong to deny patient needs if they happen to require more. 

Lumke pointed to the fact that a recent San Francisco study on the effects of marijuana on AIDS patients found that it improves the well-being of the patient and does not interfere with the body’s ability to break down the protease-inhibitors used in treating HIV-infected patients. 

“This provides even more of a foundation to de-criminalize marijuana for the people who use it medically,” she said. 

Berkeley police did not return calls for comment.

News Briefs

Wednesday July 19, 2000

AC Transit plans major Line 51 detour  

AC Transit will detour Line 51-Berkeley-Oakland-Alameda service in Berkeley from Thursday, July 20, through the end of August to bypass the major construction project scheduled to close College Avenue between Alcatraz Avenue and Dwight Way. 

During the street closure, Berkeley-bound Line 51 and 51M buses will divert from the regular route in North Oakland to travel via Claremont Avenue to Ashby Avenue, to Telegraph Avenue, to Dwight Way, to College Avenue and regular route.  

En route from Berkeley to Oakland, Line 51 and 51A buses will detour from Durant Avenue south of the UC campus via Dana Street to Dwight Way, to Telegraph Avenue, to Ashby Avenue, to Claremont Avenue to College Avenue (in North Oakland) and regular route.  

This full-time detour will remain in effect until the street construction is completed, which is presently projected for about August 30, 2000. 

Abandoned baby 

Alameda police are looking for the mother of 3-day-old baby girl who was found yesterday at the South Shore Center mall. 

The baby, suffering from hypothermia, was found at about 10 p.m. in a brown paper shopping bag in front of 2210 South Shore Center Alameda. 

Police say the infant was naked, wrapped in a green bath towel. She is 17 and three-quarters inches long, weighs 5 pounds 9 ounces, has dark hair and eyes and was found to have A positive blood. 

The infant, assigned the name “Tennis Four” for identification purposes, was examined at Childrens Hospital Oakland and was determined to have been bathed and fed since birth. The girl is now in good condition at the hospital. 

Police say it is possible the infant was born in a local hospital. 

Anyone with information about the identity of the parents are asked to call police at (510) 748-4508 ext. 3350 or ext. 3315.

They’ve got lots of chi

By Ian Buchanan Daily Planet Staff
Tuesday July 18, 2000

A group of seniors are keeping alive the ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi in their weekly practice at the North Berkeley Senior Center. Under the instruction of Ben Levitan, 83, some 15 senior come together to achieve, what Levitan calls a state of “balance and relaxation”  

Levitan has taught Tai Chi for 18 years in Berkeley and El Cerrito. With simple yet powerfully precise instructions, he helps his students learn the basic movements while having an enjoyable time.  

With movements called Daughter in the Valley, Push and Pull, Pulling Taffy, Pulling Energy and Passing Cloud, Levitan helps students achieve a relaxed state. One becomes so relaxed that “she comes in and starts to yawn, and she yawns the whole hour,” said Levitan. 

During class Levitan asks his students to lead certain movements and always has a keen eye on beginners, whose minor mistakes he corrects.  

“You have to keep you hands apart,” Levitan often says. “You lose your energy when you hold your hands.” 

“It’s a nice way to gain peace. It’s very relaxing, extremely so, for your mind. At the end of class, I feel at peace,” said Alex Esparza, a member of Levitan’s class for 11 years. 

Although there are some very long timers, Levitan wants people to be aware that he has students of all levels and that everyone is welcomed. “These people who are doing Tai Chi, some of them have been doing Tai Chi for years, some are just beginners, “ he said. 

Besides having a positive mental effect on the students, there are real physical ones as well. “The tingling feeling in your fingers is the increased blood circulation,” said Esparza. “There isn’t anything better for, us seniors, than to increase blood circulation.” 

Levitan Tai Chi classes are every Monday from 1-2 p.m. at the North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst, in Workshop “B.” For more information call 644-6107. 

Calendar of Events & Activities

Tuesday July 18, 2000

Tuesday, July 18


Big Band/Show Tunes 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 

Come for live music with piano, trumpet and violin. 



Kitchen Kut-Ups in the Razzle Dazzle Review 

8:45 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 

Broadway variety show featuring songs, dance and comedy with seniors 64-82+. Annual sell-out show! 

No host lunch at Fresh Choice in Rohnert Park. 

BRJCC members $26.50; Public $28, Includes deluxe bus and show admission 

Call Frieda at (510) 649-6260 for info and reservations 


“What is nice?” 

7-9 p.m. 

Jewish Community Center 

1414 Walnut Ave. 

Come for a free discussion and social group, open to everyone regardless of age, religion or viewpoint. 



“A New Model of Learning”  

7:30 p.m. 

Café de la Paz Banquet Room 

1600 Shattuck at Cedar 

Dean Whitney, a physical therapist, will illuminate the world of brain integration, as it applies to both chronic health problems and cognition. Discussion and question will follow. Refreshments will be available. 




Fibromyalgia Support Group 

Noon-2 p.m. 

Alta Bates Medical Center, Maffly Auditorium-Herrick Campus, 2001 Dwight Way 

Rap Session 



Free Meditation Seminar 

2:30 p.m. 

Northbrae Community Church 

941 The Alameda 

Experience the awakening of peace and love through meditation. 




“Women Who Run With Words” 

7:30 p.m. 

Diesil Bookstore 

5433 College Ave, Oakland 

A writing workshop created by local poet Ruth Wynkoop, will present a group reading of poetry and short prose.  



Townhall Meeting on the Public Housing Plan 

6-8 p.m. 

West Berkeley Senior Center 

1900 6th Street 



Ballroom Dance 

10 a.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 

Come for a practice session of ballroom dance. 



Chinese Calligraphy with Mrs. Jou 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Community Action Team 

7 p.m. 

Black Repertary Group Theatre 

3201 Adeline St. 

The team will consider actions to take to address the healthcare crisis in southwest Berkeley. 



Citizens Humane Commission 

7 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst Ave. 

Items for discussion are how relationships can be improved between the Shelter and Rescue groups. 


Thursday, July 20


“Wilderness 911” 

7 p.m. 


1338 San Pablo Ave 

Learn how to better manage medical problems in the backcountry from Eric A. Weiss, M.D., Associate Director of Trauma and Emergency Medicine at Stanford University Medical Center and medical editor for BACKPACKER magazine.  



“La Ciudad” 

7 p.m. 

Revolution Books 

2425 Channing Way 

“La Ciudad,” filmed in black and white, presents four stories about people from Latin America who have come to work and survive in New York City. A garment worker in a sweatshop, a homeless puppeteer and his daughter, a young man newly arrived from Puebla, Mexico who crashed a quincenera (sweet fifteen) party, and a group of day laborers hired to clean huge stacks of bricks for pennies. The actors in this film are immigrant workers who had a special stake in bringing these stories to light. 


Free/opinional donations go to Revolution Books Video Library 


Movie: “Civil Action” 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 


“Meeting Life Changes” with John Hammerman 

10 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Memorial Stadium Permanent Lighting Project 

7-9 p.m. 

Lower Conference Room, Unit One Residence Hall 

2650 Durant Ave.  

This is a community meeting to present supplemental documents to the initial study that describes the project and identifies its potential environmental effects. 

For more information: 510-642-7720. 



Elderly Disabled Advisory Committee 

10 a.m.-noon 

Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter 

101 8th Street, First Floor 


The agenda will include information on Ed Roberts Campus, transportation blueprint for the 21st century, and a follow-up from the Mobility Matter Conference. 


Council to look at trading toilets for billboards tonight

By William Inman Daily Planet Staff
Tuesday July 18, 2000

A proposal that would trade billboards for toilets will be considered by the council tonight. 

The City Council may vote to open a dialogue with the Eller advertisement company for a package deal that would install public toilets in commercial districts and remove several billboards in the city. In return, the advertising company would get a billboard along I-80. 

Councilmember Kriss Worthington said he got the idea while attending an Oakland City Council meeting two months ago. 

“Berkeley has been talking for years about how to get billboards down in neighborhoods where people don’t like them,” he said. “And about putting public toilets in commercial areas. So the idea is to get this process started and to get some feedback.” 

The package originally involved the removal of four of Eller’s billboards and the installation of two Adshel toilets in exchange for a billboard in the I-80 corridor, but Councilmember Linda Maio said the numbers have yet to be worked out. 

Adshel, a French company, manufactures toilets much like the public toilets in San Francisco. They cost from $200,000 to $250,000 to install. Maio said the package would also include maintenance at no cost to the city. 

Both Maio and Worthington agree that the idea is worth discussing, but aren’t sure about the benefits of implementation. 

“I don’t know if this is a good idea,” Maio said. “I think it’s worth talking about. But we want the staff to research it first.” 

She said that she didn’t know how much a billboard on I-80 would cost. 

If the proposal is not pulled from the consent calendar at tonight’s council meeting, it will go the Office of Economic Development and the Office of the City Manager for closer study. 

“To get these benefits, you have to give something to the company,” Worthington said. “(The I-80 billboard) has to be highly visible so we can get the toilets and have the signs removed. It’s a trade and we need to weigh our options carefully.” 

cerned about the I-80 billboard’s impact in the community and in the environment. 

“Some people are going to resist” he said. “There has already been a strong objection to putting it in Aquatic Park, so we haven’t even thought about putting it there.” 

He said that some cities use floating billboards, but was worried about the environmental impact. 

“Ideally we would want to put it where it would have as little impact as possible.” 

Maio guessed one of the public toilets would go downtown and one could possibly go on Telegraph Avenue, but it would be a “whole community discussion,” she said.  

Council to reaffirm opposition to fourth Caldicott bore

Tuesday July 18, 2000

Among the items on the council plate tonight are: 

• A recommendation to approve a proclamation recognizing the 50th anniversary of the formation of the San Pablo Neighborhood Council. 

• A recommendation to reaffirm the opposition to the proposal of a fourth bore of the Caldecott tunnel. 

•A recommendation to conduct a public hearing and adopt a resolution to overturn the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s designation of the West Berkeley Shellmound as a city landmark. Also, to adopt an urgency ordinance to protect the archeological and cultural resources in the shellmound.  

• A progress report on Memorial Stadium Lighting Emergency Working Group. 

• An informational report on investigating alternative methods to eliminate the use of chalk by parking enforcement representatives to reduce time, error and to increase revenue. 

• A report on the status of the South Shattuck redevelopment study that concerns the redevelopment of the South Shattuck and South San Pablo Avenue areas. 

• A discussion of truck prohibition on Marin Avenue. 

The council meets at 7 p.m. at 2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, broadcast on KPFB, 89.3-FM and telecast on TV-25. 

Rucker up for interim manager post tonight

By William Inman and Judith Scherr Daily Planet St
Tuesday July 18, 2000

In what Mayor Shirley Dean called “unusual” circumstances, Councilmember Linda Maio placed an item on tonight’s City Council agenda, asking the council to promote Deputy City Manager Weldon Rucker to the acting-city manager post, replacing City Manager James Keene, who is leaving for a city manager position in Tucson Aug. 4.  

Maio’s item also asks for the council to work better with staff and with each other and to allow the interim manager to continue with the “neighborhood service initiative” Keene began. This is a reorganization of the city bureaucracy, aimed at better serving citizens. 

While Maio placed her recommendation on the consent calendar, Dean argued that was not appropriate because the discussion between employee and employer is a confidential matter that should take place in closed session. 

Putting the recommendation on tonight’s agenda is something that the mayor said “(Maio) has no right to do. These are supposed to be confidential matters. We can’t appoint anyone without a proper interview. Who’s to say (Rucker) will accept? There are a lot of things that need to be discussed.” 

Maio agreed that the salary discussion should take place behind closed doors.  

In her recommendation to her council colleagues, she asked them to “offer the position of interim city manager tonight to Weldon Rucker at the same salary as our departing city manager, for a period to be determined, but likely to be at least six months.” 

Rucker was acting city manager for much of the time between 1993 and 1996 and was paid less than the departing city manager. 

Maio said the part of her resolution that she hoped would be discussed publicly was finding a more civil and positive way of interaction between the city manager and the council.  

Changes “would include conducting business in a civil manner during meetings (minimize bickering) and working in a consultative manner, in general, with the manager and the staff,” Maio wrote. “It is also recommended that council continue support of organizational initiatives currently in development, that is customer services, neighborhood services, etc.” 

Four of the councilmembers – Maio, Dean, Vice Mayor Shirek and Councilmember Dona Spring – met with Rucker Monday afternoon to discuss the pending appointment. The discussion will continue among the entire council in a 5:30 p.m. closed-door session today. 

Dean said an announcement of the appointment will made in open session at the meeting. 

Dean added that she hopes this process will be smooth and orderly and respect the candidate. 

“After our meetings today and tomorrow, I hope everything will be fine,” she said Monday. “Everyone will just have to wait and see.”

Police Briefs

Tuesday July 18, 2000

$35,000 reward for arrest, $5,000 for info 

Police are keeping the memory of a two-year-old murder alive, by offering a large reward for information leading to the suspect’s arrest. 

In 1998, Rick De Vecchi was killed by a man whom witnesses said intentionally ran him over. There is already a $35,000 reward for the man’s arrest. Now they have added $5,000 for any information on the vehicle used to commit the murder, according to chief investigator Cary Kent.  

“Somebody knows where this car is located and once we find this car, we can start to put the puzzle together,” stated the victim’s younger brother Randy Vecchi. 

The vehicle is described as a late-model 1970s or 1980s light-colored two-door Cadillac with a dark, probably dark maroon, landau top. The license plate included letters similar to “CUS.”  

Anyone with information on the case should contact Investigator Cary Kent at 644-6807. The persons can remain anonymous if they wish. 


Accident turns assault 

On Sunday, two cars collided on the 1600 block of Bancroft Way. One of the people involved asked for the second driver’s identification. The driver refused and the first person decided to take the law into his own hands, said Police Captain Bobby Miller. 

“He tried to take (the other guy’s) keys,” Miller said. “Then he tried to take off the license plate.”  

That action caused the second driver to take a swing at the first one. The first driver then ran across the street and called the police. 

“The guy should have been memorizing the license plate number” instead of trying to force the man to give him his information, Miller said. 

While the first driver was on the phone across the street, the driver of the second vehicle left. His car is described as a two-door, 1997 burgundy Chrysler.

State budget to include funds for local parks

Tuesday July 18, 2000

East Bay Regional Park District’s planning for the Eastshore State Park, renovations at Lake Temescal in Oakland, and other major parkland projects are included in the 2000-2001 state budget just signed on June 30th by Gov. Gray Davis. 

Altogether the state budget provides funding for a dozen specific key projects in which the Park District is either the lead agency or a partner. Obtained with the support of the East Bay’s entire state legislative delegation, the funds will enhance public outdoor recreation throughout the region. 

The funds are not usable for routine operations and maintenance. They are intended for park facility construction, land acquisition, and major rehabilitation projects. 

The allocation for the Eastshore State Park totals $2.8 million for planning, design and environmental review. 

“I would like to say kudos to the legislators,” said Park District Director John Sutter of Oakland. “Certainly Dion Aroner was involved in the Eastshore State Park efforts. This moves us ahead several years in the planning and development of the Eastshore State Park.”  

Sutter also thanked State Senator Don Perata for his support of the project at Lake Temescal. It is a $275,000 allocation for refurbishment of a building originally constructed in the late 1930s by CCC and WPA workers. It will become a facility for community meetings. 

The Eastshore State Park site extends for eight miles along the shore of San Francisco Bay between Emeryville and Richmond. Acting as agent for the State of California, East Bay Regional Park District has purchased some 1,800 acres that will comprise the park. The next step, now under way, is planning for parkland facilities, including shoreline trails and picnic areas.  

These are the other Park District or district-related projects approved in the state budget, for a total expense of $16,840,000. Many of these projects come from the Coastal Conservancy’s allocation from Prop. 12, the State Park Bond Act: 

Black Diamond Historical Mine development: $500,000. Funds will be used to develop a larger, permanent underground visitor center at Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve near Antioch, with an auditorium and restored coal mine. 

Historic Merry-Go-Round renovations: $200,000. The merry-go-round at Tilden Regional Park in Berkeley is on the National Register of Historic Places. Built in 1911, it has hand-carved carousel animals. 

Ferry Point Renovations: $500,000. The allocation is for rehabilitation and extension of the ferry slip, located at Miller-Knox Regional Shoreline in Richmond. The slip once was the terminus of the transcontinental railroad. Benefits will include deep water access for fishing, historic interpretation, and other enhancements. ‘I’m particularly grateful to Dion for her support on this project,” said Park Director Jean Siri, who represents the area, “because I think it will be one of the best fishing piers around.” 

Rose Hill Cemetery renovations: $30,000. The historic cemetery contains the graves of many miners who worked the Black Diamond coalfields. The allocation will fund tombstone restoration, vandalism repair and general refurbishing. 

Camp Ohlone: $330,000. The camp is a disabled accessible overnight facility in Sunol Regional Wilderness. The allocation will help to fund conversion of a barn into a shelter and interpretive facility, expansion of the trail system, and remodeling of a site manager residence. 

Completion of bike trail in Concord: $945,000. This will enable extension of the Iron Horse Regional Trail in the Concord area, with links to other regional trails. 

Completion of Iron Horse Regional Trail: $260,000. Extension of the Iron Horse Regional Trail farther south in Alameda County. 

Delta Science Center: $2 million. The proposed Delta Science Center in Brentwood will be a major facility for hands-on educational programs about the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The Park District is one of several partners in the project. 

Clayton Ranch acquisition: $250,000. The Park District is partnering with Save Mt. Diablo in the purchase of this 1,000-acre wildlife corridor between Mt. Diablo and Black Diamond Mines. 

Purchase of conservation easement for Save Mt. Diablo: $250,000. This allocation to the Park District is for purchase of a conservation easement at Diablo Foothills Regional Park. 

Per capita allocation: $8.5 million. Gov. Davis also used the budget surplus to fund the entire per capita allocation to all local and regional agencies that was authorized by passage of Prop. 12. The Park District’s share, $8.5 million, is based on the District’s population. It is expected that the State Department of Parks and Recreation will administer the program, receiving applications from agencies for funding of specific individual projects. 

In addition to the allocations just mentioned, totaling $16,840,000, the city of Oakland is receiving $850,000 from the budget for development of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Freedom Center at King Regional Shoreline in Oakland. The Park District is a partner in this project. The center will emphasize the teachings of Dr. King, with programs on non-violence, conflict resolution, services for inner-city youth and environmental education.

Rally at People’s Park calls for government out, compassion in

By Dan Greenman Daily Planet Staff
Monday July 17, 2000

People’s park was the scene of a small “emergency rally” Sunday, called to discuss the park’s future. 

Community activist Michael Delacour called for the rally on the 123rd anniversary of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 in Martinsburg, W. Va., which he considers one of the most important, though little-known, strikes in American history. 

Delacour told the 30 or so people present that he wanted to hold the rally on this anniversary because of the similarities he sees between the railroad workers’ strike to protest their wage cuts and the ongoing struggle the people of Berkeley have been having with the University of California over People’s Park. Both are fights against power, he said. 

“You have to have a plan,” said Delacour, who was involved in rallies for the park in the 1960s and 70s. “We have to deal with this university wanting to bring in their police and eventually wanting to put up a fence or whatever, and do it militarily. We have to deal with that.” 

One topic of discussion that came up at the rally was the university’s recent decision to end its maintenance arrangement with the city. Many of those who spoke agreed that the university has maintained too tight a hold on the park and that Cal should leave People’s Park to the people. 

Carol Denney, another Berkeley resident, said she attended the event to celebrate the recent end of the university’s lease agreement with the city for People’s Park. 

“I’m glad to see the end of the lease agreement,” Denney said. “The city never should have participated in the war that was declared on the traditional participants of the park.” 

Speakers talked about instances where the university has tried to intervene in the park’s operations, such as the construction of volleyball courts in 1991 and a recent situation when UC police are alleged to have thrown away homeless people’s possessions that were left in the park. The 1991 construction brought protests and eventually riots, killing one person. 

“People’s blood is in the ground here,” Berkeley resident Joe Cadora said. “The university tries to pave over it, which they try to do every 10 years; it’s ridiculous.” 

Delacour said he wants people to come up with a collective solution for keeping the park a part of the community. 

People said that what needs to happen at People’s Park is continuing the outreach services that the park already offers. One of these services is the free box, a community arrangement that allows people to take and leave clothing for anyone who needs them.

Calendar of Events & Activities

Monday July 17, 2000

Monday, July 17


Tai Chi Chih 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 

Come for Tai Chi Chih with Ben Levitan 



Tuesday, July 18


Big Band/Show Tunes 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 

Come for live music with piano, trumpet and violin. 



“What is nice?” 

7-9 p.m. 

Jewish Community Center 

1414 Walnut Ave. 

Come for a free discussion and social group, open to everyone regardless of age, religion or view point. 



Fibromyalgia Support Group 

12:00-2:00 p.m. 

RAP Session 

Alta Bates Medical Center, Maffly Auditorium-Herrick Campus, 2001 Dwight Way 



Free Meditation Seminar 

2:30 p.m. 

Northbrae Community Church 

941 The Alameda 

Experience the Awaking of peace and love through meditation 



Wednesday, July 19


“Women Who Run With Words” 

7:30 p.m. 

Diesil Bookstore 

5433 College Ave, Oakland 

A writing workshop created by local poet Ruth Wynkoop, will present a group reading of poetry and short prose.  



Ballroom Dance 

10 a.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 

Come for a practice session of ballroom dance. 



Chinese Calligraphy 

1:00 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 


Thursday, July 20 

“La Ciudad” 

7:00 p.m. 

Revolution Books 

2425 Channing Way 

“La Ciudad,” beautifully filmed in black and white, presents four stories about people from Latin America who have come to work and survive in New York City. A garment worker in a sweatshop, a homeless puppeteer and his daughter, a young man newly arrived from Puebla, Mexico who crashed a quincenera (sweet fifteen) party, and a group of day laborers hired to clean huge stacks of bricks for pennies. The actors in this film are immigrant workers who had a special stake in bringing these stories to light. 


Free/opinional donations go to Revolution Books Video Library 


“Movie: Civil Action” 

1:00 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



“Meeting Life Changes” with John Hammerman 

10:00 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 


Memorial Stadium Permanent Lighting Project 

7-9 p.m. 

Lower Conference Room, Unit One Residence Hall 

2650 Durant Ave.  

This is a community meeting to present supplemental documents to the initial study that describes the project and identifies its potential environmental effects. 

For more Information: 510-642-7720. 


Friday, July 21


“Does Winning by Intimidation Count?” with Betty Goren 

1:00 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



“Schubert Songs” with Baker Lake 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Sunday, July 23


“The Wind and the Willows” 

3:00 p.m. 

Pacific Film Archive 

2575 Bancroft Way @ Bowditch 

Recommended for ages 7+. Monty Python fans and kids of all ages will revel in this witty and imaginative live-action adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s 1908 tale in which Rat, Badger and Mole team up to save their wealthy, reckless friend Toad from losing his estate. 

Tickets $4.00 




Monday, July 24


“Pros and Cons of Measure B” with Marike Baan, Unites Seniors 

1:15 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 



Tuesday, July 25


“Commitment Ceremonies” 

6 p.m.-7:30 p.m. 

Judah L. Magnes Museum 

2911 Russell St. 

Rabbi Allen B. Bennett of Temple Israel in Alameda and Muchal Friedlander, Blumenthal Curator of Judaica at the Judah L. Magnes Museum will pose the question of-and whether-new concepts of commitment can be integrated with more traditional Jewish and general perspectives on marriage. 

$5 donation suggested for non-members. Reservations are appreciated, but not required. 



“Chinese Macrame: Ornaments” 

10 a.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center 

1901 Hearst at MLK Jr. Way 


“The History and Mystery of the Universe” mixes science, technology, and politics too

By John Angell Grant Daily Planet Correspondent
Monday July 17, 2000

“The History and Mystery of the Universe” is a fascinating, mind-expanding one-man play based on the life, work and writings of 20th century American spiritual and technological guru R. Buckminster Fuller.  

An import which originated at the San Diego Repertory Theater, written and directed by D.W. Jacobs, and performed by Ron Campbell, the play opened Wednesday at the Lorraine Hansberry Theater in San Francisco, produced by Foghouse.com, an offshoot of Z Space arts collective. 

“The History and Mystery of the Universe” takes the form of a two-and-a-half hour lecture in which the eccentric, inspired and ingenious R. Buckminster Fuller talks about his life, and explains his work directly to the audience. 

Though the show runs too long, and bogs down in overly familiar and repetitious political analysis near the end, it is a very important play and will be of interest to any person who gives thought to the big problems that human beings face moving into the new millennium on a planet filled with both beauty and conflict. 

A fascinating and inspired mix of science, technology, philosophy, history, politics, and economics, in this play Fuller basically asks the question, “Why are we here?” and then proceeds to find the answer. Along the way he hits many other big questions. 

Fuller shares his ideas with the audience in the context of his own life, his own growth, and his own personal discoveries. 

Born in New England in the late nineteenth century, Fuller was kicked out of Harvard as a young man for cutting classes. After several failed attempts at business, and the death of a young daughter, the 32-year-old Fuller contemplated suicide. 

In losing his way in life, Fuller had an epiphany. Admission of failure, he says, is the point at which humans begin to understand the mysteries of the universe. He then spent two years in near silence rethinking everything he had been taught. 

An interdisciplinary creative thinker in the areas of physics, cosmology, engineering technology, philosophy, architecture, automotive design, history, politics and economics, Fuller set out explicitly to bridge the chasm between humanity and science, and find the unifying structure that unites physical and metaphysical reality. 

It is hard to communicate the impact of his work and thinking in a short review. One of the ways this play is successful is in bringing the richness and ingeniousness of Fuller's thought to life in a simulation of one of his lectures. 

Fuller's discovery of the triangle as a fundamental structure of the universe, for example, and his demonstration that one plus one equals four (meaning that two triangles comprise a tetrahedron), is fascinating. 

This leads to Fuller's discovery of the geodesic dome, and his perception that pulsing transformations among the tetrahedron, octahedron and icosahedron describe the phenomenology of the universe. 

Got that? Well, he makes it clear in the play. 

The polarities between tension and compression, convexity and concavity, and protons and neutrons, lead Fuller to further key understandings. You will also understand that if you go see the play. 

In addition to the geodesic dome, Fuller invented a very energy-and-human-friendly house and car. A central theme to Fuller's thinking is synergy. 

Fuller also has fascinating takes on human history, and the stages of evolution that humans have passed through historically. 

The weakest part of this play, however, is the final section dealing with politics. Counterculture political analysis is well-known by now, and after the substance that has gone before, Fuller's political pep talk at the play's end is anti-climactic. 

The evening, running about two and a half hours including an intermission, is long. Shortening the play by a half hour would increase its impact.  

Jumping from armchair to blackboard to overhead projector to illustrate his ideas, actor Ron Campbell turns in an eccentric, energetic, hyperactive, angular performance as Fuller. 

In Annie Smart's set design, there are six or seven distinct spaces on the lecture stage. Transitions in thinking are effectively punctuated by designer David Lee Cuthbert's effective blue and green lighting. 

Composer Luis Perez's electronic music helps create emotional depth at key moments when the physical and the metaphysical become one. 

Buckminster Fuller was one of America's leading spiritual and social visionaries. If you enjoy pondering the meaning of human existence, and the mysteries of the universe, you will enjoy this play. 

“R. Buckminster Fuller: The History (and Mystery) of the Universe,” runs Wednesday through Sunday, through August 13, at Lorraine Hansberry Theater, 620 Sutter Street (at Mason), San Francisco. For information or tickets, call (415) 392-4400, or visit the website (www.foghouse.com). 

Letters to the Editor

Monday July 17, 2000

The zoning department is biased 


Dear Berkeley City Councilmembers, 

On July 25, you will decide an appeal on the Landmarks Commission’s designation of 1525-29 Shattuck Ave. as a Structure of Merit. 

You will no doubt receive information from the Zoning Department about this matter, but you should be sure to regard their information with great skepticism. 

This is because from the outset, the Zoning Department has sought to mislead, frustrate and lose important documents of longtime Berkeley resident, Harvey Sherbeck who filed this action. 

The latest document to be lost is a letter in support of Mr. Sherbeck is landmark application from Alice Waters of Chez Panisse. This letter was submitted to the Landmarks Commission along with 700 signatures from North Berkeley residents and merchants in favor of landmarking. But somehow, it has been “lost.” 

Previously, on June 26, seeking information for his July submission to the Council, Mr. Sherbeck found that the entire file on this matter was “lost.”  

Ten days later, after my phone calls to the Mayor’s and City Manager’s offices, the files were “found” in four hours, with the exception of the Alice Waters letter. 

Prior to that, the Zoning Dept. gave Mr. Sherbeck the wrong information about when his 

application had to be heard by the Landmarks Commission. If he had followed the staff advice his application would have been beyond the purview of the Commission. Fortunately, he was able to get accurate information from the Berkeley Architectural and Historical Society. 

When Mr. Sherbeck first began the process, zoning staff members basically told him he had no right to request landmark status.  

When BAHA enlightened him about the process, he somehow managed to find one helpful staff member. 

This conduct by the Zoning Department is outrageous! They are supposedly being paid by Berkeley citizens to act in our interests. Instead, we find them sneaking in 100-foot towers, and Starbuck’s coffee shops, while local citizens are given the run-around and misinformation. 

Clearly, the Zoning staff is not to be trusted in this matter. 

Art Goldberg 


MUSIC VENUES ASHKENAZ Billy Dunn, July 12, 9 p.m.
Monday July 17, 2000




Billy Dunn, July 12, 9 p.m. $8. 

Babatunde Olatunji, July 13, 9 p.m. $11. 

Tamazgha, July 14, 9:30 p.m. $11. 

Kotoja, Akimbo, July 15, 9:30 p.m. $11. 

Resin, Caesar Myles and Dreaded Truth, Rebecca Riots, Famous Last Words, Erika Luckett, Liz Anah, July 16, 4 p.m. $8 to $25. 

1317 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley. (510) 525-5099 or www.ashkenaz.com 



Dan Crary and Beppe Gambetta, July 12. $15.50 to $16.50. 

Bill Evans, Avram Siegel, Marty Cutler, July 13. $14.50 to $15.50. 

Juan-Carlos Formell, July 14. $14.50 to $15.50. 

The Laura Love Band, July 15. $17.50 to $18.50. 

Pat Donohue, July 16. $14.50 to $15.50. 

Music at 8 p.m. 1111 Addison St., Berkeley. (510) 548-1761 or (510) 762-BASS. 



War!, July 12, 7 p.m. $10. 

Jon Fromer and Friends, July 14, 8 p.m. $8 to $15. 

Ray Cepeda, July 15, 9:30 p.m. $10. 

Dya Singh, July 16, 8 p.m. $18. 

3105 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 849-2568 or www.lapena.org 



Attitude Adjustment, Wolfpack, Men's Recovery Project, Axiom, July 14. 

MU330, Alkaline Trio, Link 80, Venice Shoreline Chris, Blue Meanies, Lawrence Arms, Honor System, Dan Potthast, Mike Park, July 16, 4 p.m.  

$5. Music at 8 p.m. unless otherwise noted. 924 Gilman St., Berkeley. (510) 525-9926. 



Cadillac Angels, Rip Carson and the Twilight Trio, July 13. $5. 

Tempest, Azigza, July 14. $8. 

Plus Ones, The Cables, Luminar, The Fitsners, July 15.  

For age 21 and over. Wednesday, 8 p.m.; Thursday, 9:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9:45 p.m. unless otherwise noted. 3101 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 841-2082. 





“Doug Aitken/MATRIX 185: Into the Sun,” July 9 through Sept. 3. An exhibit of works primarily in video and film, using the interplay of art and media to evoke deserted landscapes. Artist’s Talk, July 9, 3 p.m. Doug Aitken discusses his installation. In Gallery 1. 

Rodin and His Contemporaries,” through August. An exhibit of 11 bronze maquettes on loan from the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation in Los Angeles. $6 general; $4 seniors and students ages 12 to 18; free children age 12 and under; free Thursday, 1 1 a.m. to noon and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2626 Bancroft Way, Berkeley. (510) 642-0808. 



2230 Shattuck Ave. (lower level), Berkeley 

A hands-on community health education museum and science center sponsored by Children's Hospital Oakland and Alta Bates Medical Center. 

“This is Your Heart!” ongoing. An in teractive exhibit on heart health. 

“Good Nutrition,” ongoing. This exhibit includes models for making balance. 

“Draw Your Own Insides,” ongoing. Human-shaped chalkboards and models with removable organs. 

“Your Cellular Self and Cancer Prevention,” ongoing. An exhibit on understanding how cells become cancerous. 

(510) 549-1564 




“Experiment Gallery,” through Sept. 10. Step inside a giant laboratory and experiment with concepts surrounding sound, light, mechanics, electricity, and weather. 

“Math Rules!” ongoing exhibit. A math exhibit of hands-on problem-solving stations, each with a different mathematical challenge. Make mathematical ice-cream cones, use blocks to build three dimensional structures, make dodecagon pies from a variety of mathematical shapes and stretch mathematical thinking. 

“Within the Human Brain,” ongoing installation. Visitors test their cranial nerves inside a simulated “rat cage” of learning experiments. 

$6 general; $4 seniors, students and children ages 7 to 18; $2 children ages 3 to 6; free children under age 3. Daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Centennial Drive, University of California, Berkeley. (510) 642-5132 or www.lhs.berkeley.edu 



Kroeber Hall, UC Berkeley 

“Modern Treasures from Ancient Iran,” through Oct. 29. This exhibit explores nomadic and town life in ancient and modern Iran. 

“Pana O’ahu: Sacred Stones – Sacred Places,” through July 16. An exhibit of photographs by Jan Becket and Joseph Singer. 

“Phoebe Hearst Museum-Approaching a Century of Anthropology,” a sampling of the vast collections of the museum, its mission, history, and current research, with selections from ancient Egypt, ancient Peru, California Indians, Asia (India), and Africa. 

“Ishi and the Invention of Yahi Culture,” Ishi, the last Yahi Indian of California, spent the final years of his life, 1911 to 1916, living at the museum, working with anthropologists to record his culture, demonstrating technological skills, and retelling Yahi myths, tales, and songs. 

Wednesday through Sunday 10 am -4:30 pm; Thursday until 9 pm (Sept-May) 

(510) 643-7648 



Kittredge Street and Shattuck Avenue 

A museum especially for children age 7 and younger. Highlights include “WaterWorks,” an area with some unusual water toys. The museum also features a toy lending library. 

Exhibit: “Back to the Farm,” open-ended. This interactive exhibit gives children the chance to wiggle through tunnels like an earthworm, look into a mirrored fish pond, don farm animal costumes, ride on a John Deere tractor and much more.  

Admission is $4 for adults; $6 child age 7 and under; $3 for each additional child.  

Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

(510) 647-1111 




2911 Russell St., Berkeley 

“Telling Time: To Everything There Is A Season,” through May 2002.  

An exhibit structured around the seasons of the year and the seasons of life with objects ranging from the sacred and the secular, to the provocative and the whimsical. Highlights include treasures from Jewish ceremonial and folk art, rare books and manuscripts, contemporary and traditional fine art, video, photography and cultural kitsch. Through Nov. 4: “Spring and Summer.” 

Free. Sunday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

(510) 549-6950. 




“Markings/Imprints,” through July 28. The 2000 Kala Art Institute Fellowship Awards Exhibitions, Part I, featuring works by Susan Belau, Liliana Lobo Ferreira, and Jamie Morgan. 

Free. Tuesday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m. Workshop Media Center Gallery, 1060 Heinz Ave., Berkeley. (510) 549-2977. 



Rachel Davis, Samantha Fisher, Benicia Gantner, Cherith Rose, June 21 through July 22. An exhibit of new work by the four artists. 

Free. Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 1316 10th St., Berkeley. (510) 527-1214. 



“Yangtze River: in the Dragon’s Teeth” 

Carol Brighton's poured paper paintings of the Yangtze River gorges, through July 31. Six-foot paper pieces in the long format of a Chinese scroll. 

Addison Street Windows Gallery, 2018 Addison St., Berkeley 


To publicize an upcoming event, please submit information to the Daily Planet via fax (841-5695), e-mail (calendar@berkeleydailyplanet.com) or traditional mail (2076 University Avenue, 94704). Calendar items should be submitted at least one week before the opening of a new exhibit or performance. Please include a daytime telephone number in case we need to clarify any information.

Greens, BCA, NAACP, others name rent slate

By William Inman Daily Planet Staff
Monday July 17, 2000

The final three seats on a Rent Board slate were filled Sunday afternoon at a convention held by a coalition of progressive organizations at the North Berkeley Senior Center. 

Judy Ann Alberti, incumbent Maxwell Anderson and Matthew Siegel will join Paul Hogarth, who was nominated at a special student convention in May, on a progressive Rent Board slate in the November election. 

The nominees beat out Chris Kavanaugh and Larry Buckhalter on the first ballot, which is “unusual,” Hogarth said, in the method used in the selection. Alberti received 66. 7 percent, Anderson received 62.5 percent and Seigel 68.1 percent on a ballot where three nominees were to be chosen from the five. In order to be nominated on the first ballot a nominee had to receive at least 60 percent. 

Kavanaugh and Buckhalter received 47.2 and 11.1 percent respectively. 

Hogarth said he was excited about the results and noted that all the nominees were qualified candidates. 

“The thing about today is that they are all excellent candidates,” he said. “I was torn when I cast my votes.” 

The Rent Board has nine members, each with four-year terms staggered every two years. Four seats are open this year. 

Hogarth said he was excited to get to work with the other nominees. 

“I look forward to working with them,” he said. “And introducing them to the student community and having them introduce me to the rest of Berkeley.” 

Hogarth went on to say that one out of three students can’t live in Berkeley because they can’t find affordable housing. 

Maxwell Anderson echoed Hogarth’s excitement and readiness. 

“I’m very happy,” he said. “This is a good balanced slate with the backgrounds to help serve the city well.” 

“We have to protect renters right now in terms of evictions and controlling the rent,” he said. 

He added that he and City Councilmember Linda Maio have been working together to have a housing conference next spring to “take a real good look at the conditions” of renters in Berkeley, he said. 

Among the organizations that called the meeting are the Berkeley Citizens Action, the Green Party of Berkeley, NAACP, the Service Employees International Unions.

Theater and opera events around the Bay Area

Monday July 17, 2000



“Beatrice and Benedick” by Hector Berlioz, July 14 through July 23. A joyous evening of wit, deception and romance based on William Shakespeare’s comedy “Much Ado About Nothing.” Jonathan Khuner conducting. Sung in English. 

$16 to $30 general; $24 senio rs; $15 youths age 17 and under. Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. Julia Morgan Center for the Arts, 2640 College Ave., Berkeley. (925) 798-1300 THEATER 


“Murder At The Vicarage” by Agatha Christie, July 14 through Aug. 12. Performance of the classic whodunnit. $10. Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; Aug. 10, 8 p.m. Live Oak Theatre, 1301 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 528-5620. 



“Hamlet” by William Shakespeare, July 1 through July 22. Shakespeare probes the shadowy corners of the human psyche in this dark, compelling tragedy of vengeance, madness and murder most foul. 

$21 to $38 general; $19 to $38 seniors; $10 to $38 children. Wednesday and Thursday, 7 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 4 p.m.; July 11 and July 18, 7 p.m.; July 22, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Bruns Memorial Amphitheatre, Shakespeare Festival Way/Gateway Exit on state Highway 24.  

Call (510) 548-9666 or visit www.calshakes.org.

A letter to our readers

Judith Scherr
Monday July 17, 2000

I am not the editor of a newspaper and shall always try to do right and be good, so that God will not make me one. 

- Mark Twain 


Dear Reader, 

Many years ago, the day before the editor of my high school newspaper was to be named, my journalism teacher took me aside. 

“You understand, we need to pick someone who can set type,” she said.  

These were the days when boys took print or auto shop and girls baked cookies in home “ec.” 

“So Richard Schmorleitz will be editor. Don’t worry, you’ll be his assistant,” the teacher concluded.  

So here I am with a second chance. Though I’m minimally conversant with the digital tools to put the Planet together – we are completely computerized and, in fact, looking for someone who wants to design pages and copy edit – I’ve accepted the task. 

The job is likely to equal some of the daunting challenges I’ve faced – hitchhiking through west Africa by myself, teaching horseback riding when I knew nothing about horses, singing in nightclubs, teaching disabled children in a culture that cherishes bodily perfection…. 

After facing the greatest challenge (and joy) of my life – raising a child without a partner or a village and often on less than half a shoestring – I figure I can do anything, even master page design. 

“Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” a friend just completing a book e-mailed me, congratulating me, sort of, on the new post. 

And I know you, dear readers, will help me – pointing out every headline you hate, noting that pedaling is not peddling, that stationery isn’t stationary… 

On a more serious note, your support for our no-longer-fledgling community paper has been overwhelming and has sustained me over the 14 months I’ve been with the Planet. 

In addition to your support, another unique and exciting part of being at the planet, is the commitment of the paper’s founders and, in particular, publisher Arnold Lee, who insists upon recognizing and honoring that sacred wall that divides the advertising functions of the paper from the editorial side. You won’t find our advertisers boring their way into our stories, unless they are newsmakers in their own right, or making decisions about stories to be spiked or moderated. 

Looking ahead, as we add staff – and, again, we’re looking for experienced reporters -- we will be going deeper into neighborhoods, delving further into our diverse social, religious and cultural institutions; we’ll look at business and employment trends in our city, do more interviews with local writers and reviews of local authors’ books.  

We plan to get more of your voices onto our editorial pages. 

There’s another way I’d like you hear from you. I plan to run well-written first-person stories, 750-1,000-word slices of Berkeley life written by those you know and love (or hate or whatever) this city. This will begin as soon as I get viable submissions. 

As for city government, the “buzz” won’t die. While making every effort to fairly portray all the varied facets of our debates, and, generally, not taking an editorial position on them, the Planet will take a stand and shine a strong bright light on city government, relentlessly calling on our city mothers and fathers to conduct business where the public can see it and participate in it. And the Planet will play a role, providing as much information as we can, enabling your involvement with the city, schools and more. 

So, I hope, dear readers, you will embark on this second-chance adventure with me, continuing your supportive missives, your thoughtful critiques and, perhaps my favorite, your powerful insider tips. 

See you around the Planet, 


Disabled parents get help

By William Inman Daily Planet Staff
Monday July 17, 2000

Hal Kirshbaum has multiple sclerosis. But that never stopped him or his wife Megan from parenting. 

Being disabled and parenting, however, is not easy. The couple faced and learned to surmount barriers as they parented their two children. And they decided that they shouldn’t keep to themselves what they had learned. 

In 1982, when the Kirshbaums’ children were 9 and 3, they founded the Berkeley-based non-profit, Through the Looking Glass, which pioneered clinical services, training and research serving families in which a parent or child has a disability.  

Through the Looking Glass has emerged as the main resource in the country for disabled parents. 

Megan Kirshbaum, who now directs the nonprofit agency with Paul Preston at a crowded first-floor office at Allston Way and 6th Street, proudly says the staff at the organization has grown to 33 strong. Most of the staff members – some 80 percent, are disabled or have family members who are. 

“The point is to provide more appropriate, and less discriminatory, practices for families,” she said. “And to help other places start services based on what we’ve learned.” 

Indeed, research and its implementation is a big part of what the TLG does. The agency recently published an “Adaptive Parenting Equipment” handbook detailing useful products, such as a wheelchair climbing step so a child can easily climb into a parent’s lap, to simplify and de-stress an already daunting task. 

“None of this stuff existed before, so people were struggling,” she said. “This equipment can make a really big difference for mothers and fathers with disabilities.” 

She said that 19 members of the staff, all of whom have significant training or are social workers, go into the field to assist around 200, primarily low-income, families in Alameda and Contra Costa county. The endeavor to send assistants out into the field has been helped by funds from the Regional Center, which is part of the California State Department of Developmental Services, and a grant they received as a result of Proposition 10, the tobacco settlement. But she added that there is still a “critical lack of services for a growing group of people all over.” 

“We never have enough funding to accommodate all the referrals we get,” she said. “And it’s hard to get public systems to realize the needs of parents with disabilities.” 

A project TLG started called “Every Child Counts,” funded by Proposition 10, did more to identify parents and children with disabilities, but “is relatively small compared to the extent of need,” she said. “We still have to seek other solutions.” 

The TLG’s reach is not just local. The National Resource Center, part of the services the TLG offers, gives families and professionals a national clearinghouse of resources, articles and books related to parenting with a disability, toll-free technical assistance, a national parent-to-parent network, workshops and program consultation, and it publishes the international newsletter “Parenting with a Disability.” Many of the organization’s literature and supplements can be found on its website: www.lookingglass.org., including “Mother Father Deaf: Living between Sound and Silence,” authored by TLG co-director Paul Preston. 

The organization also leaves its mark around the country by training thousands of professionals from around the world in disability and medical issues.  

Back in 1997, the TLG hosted the first International Conference on Parents and their Families in Oakland. It was the first of its kind to focus on parents with disabilities and their families. The conference drew people from 22 states and 14 countries, Kirshbaum said.  

“And we expect even more people at our next meeting because our network has increased,” she said. The next conference is planned for October 2001 and will again be held in Oakland. 

Another task the organization is undertaking is a three-year project aimed at learning more about the experiences of families in which a parent with a disability is raising a teen. From 1985 to 1988, the TLG documented how mothers with disabilities and their babies – with no services or special equipment – worked around obstacles over time, and channeled that knowledge to helping families that are particularly stressed. 

Kirshbaum said that the TLG recently received its first grant from the city of Berkeley, and she hopes that they can work more with the city. 

“It’s silly for us not to be working more with people in our own town,” she said, adding that Berkeley is the place where the independent living movement began. 

Kirshbaum said the TLG plans to team with eight other organizations to create the Ed Roberts campus, which will group services for disabled people at the Ashby BART station in south Berkeley. The campus is named after the leader and educator in the disability rights movement and UC Berkeley’s first student with significant disabilities. 

Together the organizations will offer an even broader range of services for the disabled. 

Through the Looking Glass can be reached at 800-644-2666, voice, or 800-804-1616, TDD/TTY. It is located at 2198 Sixth Street. 


News briefs

Monday July 17, 2000

John Fisher’s “Cleopatra: The Musical” 

Berkeley July 2000-UC Berkeley Department of Dramatic Art/Center for Theater Arts had added a preview performance and two Thursday performances to its run of “Cleopatra: The Musical.” The play will be performed at the Zellerbach Playhouse from July 27 through August 13, 2000. Written and directed by award-winning playwright and direct John Fisher, “Cleopatra: The Musical” is a gender-bending, musical parody of the Caesar/Clropatra/Anthony love triangle, chock-full of flamboyant production numbers that satirize scheming politicos, theatrical ambition, and epic romance. In this hilarious burlesque of musical comedy aesthetics, Fisher brings us camp comedy at its most outrageous. Women play men, men play women, and Caesar is reincarnated as the obnoxious nine-year-old child, Caesarian, of Caesar and Cleopatra. The production is rife with exaggerated battle scenes, bawdy lyrics, and salacious. 

John Fisher is the recipient to two Will Gilckman Playwright Awards (for “Combat” and “Medea: the Musical”), four Bay Area Theater Critics Awards, the Bay Guardian Goldie Award (“The Joy of Gay Sex”), the Eisner Prize, The Phyllis Wattis Fellowship (“Titus!”), and two Cable Car Awards for Best Theatrical Production ( “Medea: The Musical” and “The Joy of Gay Sex”). He has written and directed “Titus!” (Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco), :Combat!” (UC Berkeley, San Francisco), :Medea: The Musical” (UC Berkeley, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sonoma County), “The Joy of Gay Sex” (UC Berkeley, San Francisco), and “Napoleon: The Musical” as the Mainstage Production for the HBO Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen Colorado. In Los Angeles, the play garnered four LA Weekly Awards, a Garland Award from Backstage West, and the 2000 GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding L.A. Theater. His newest play “Barebacking,” premiered at Theater Rhinoceros in April and “Partisans” premiered at UC Berkeley in October, 1999. John makes his Seattle debut this summer with “Medea: The Musical” at the ArtsWest Theater. He is the recipient of the Townsend, Regents, and Wheeler Fellowships and is a member of the Advisory Board at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. 

“Cleopatra: The Musical” opens Friday, July 28 at the Zellerbach Play house on the UC Berkeley campus. The play previews on Thursday, July 27 and runs through Sunday, August 13. Evening performances are July 27, 28, 29 and August 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 at 8:00 PM. Matinee performances are July 30 and August 6, 13 at 2:00 PM. Tickets are $12.00 general admission; $8.00 for faculty/staff; and $6.00 for students/seniors. 

Tickets are available through Ticketweb at www.ticketweb.com or by calling 510-601-8932. For more information on Department of Dramatic Art and Center for Theater Art events, check out their web site at http://ls.berkeley.edy/dept/theater/index.html or contact Genevieve Turcotte at 510-642-8262. 


School Vouchers 2000: Giving parents and kids a choice 

Redwood City – the California Secretary of State’s office announced that the School Vouchers 2000 initiative will be Proposition number 38 on the November ballot. 

“Proposition 28 will offer every parent the chance to choose the best education for their child, guarantee a higher public school per pupil spending than the current system, and do it all without a tax increase,” said parent and Proposition 38 proponent Tim Draper. 

“The vouchers provided by Proposition 38 will mean parents can rescue their kids that are trapped in failing school,” continued Draper. “Proposition 38 means a chance at success for kids who are trapped in a system that is ranked 49th in the country in math and reading and where a third of California’s ninth-graders will never receive a high school diploma.” 

For more information on School Vouchers 2000, visit the web site at www.schoolvouchers2000.com. 


College Ave. construction 

The City of Berkeley will be starting street reconstruction of College Ave. beginning July 18. Construction will last throughout the summer and extend from Dwight way to the southern city limits. All northbound traffic will be detoured to three alternative routes. and parking will be unavailable within the immediate construction zone during work hours. Parking will be available at the parking lot on Russell Street between Benvenue and College. Residents are encourages to observe all no parking sign, tie or keep pets from work site, and use either bicycles or carpool around the area. Transit riders can call Berkeley Trip at 644-7665 for revised schedules. Check the city website at www.ci.berkeley.ca.us or call Berkeley’s public workers department at 644-6540 for more information. 


Home at Last Animal Rescue fundraiser 

Members of the entire Bay Area community will gather Sunday, July 23 at 7:30 p.m. at Ashkenaz in a special event of sharing and caring for Bay Area homeless animal. 

The event will raise money for the Homes At Last Animal Rescue, an all-volunteer animal Rescue organization which takes dogs and cats primarily from the Berkeley Municipal Animal Shelter, places them in foster homes and ultimately permanent homes with loving families, saving their lives. 

Over the course of the past three years, Home At Last has rescued and saved from imminent death over 400 animals. Recognizing the innate value of many animals not considered immediately “adaptable,” HAL helps a real cross-section of homeless cats and dogs.



News briefs

Tuesday July 18, 2000

A Party in Honor of DBA Leaders 

A party to honor for Larry Bush, Rauly Butler, and Donn Logan for their leadership of the Downtown Berkeley Association (DBA) will be held. 

Don Logan, a former principle of Elbasani and Logan Architects (ELS), recently resigned as the DBA’s Vice President of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Design Committee. ELS architectural firm that has made a mark in the City of Berkeley through their design of The Berkeley Repertory’s new theater and the new Berkeley High School Student Union. 

Larry Bush, DBA Past President, is the current President Elect of the Berkeley Rotary Club. Bush has been involved in the DBA for five years with the Promotion Committee as President, and continues to serve on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. 

Rauly Butler, DBA President, has recently been promoted at The Mechanics Bank. Currently the Vice President at the Shattuck Avenue branch, he will soon become the head of Retail Banking at the Hiltop Mall main branch. 

17th Annual National Night Out 

On, Tuesday, August 1, neighborhoods throughout Berkeley are being invited to join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the “17th Annual National Night Out” (NNO) crime/drug prevention event. NNO, which is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch and co-sponsored by the Berkeley Police Department, will involve more than 9,000 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases around the world. In all, over 30 million people are expected to participate in “America’s Night Out Against Crime” on August 1.  

National Night Out is designed to: 1) heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; 2) generate support and participation in local anti crime efforts; 3) strengthen neighborhood spirit and police community relations; 4) send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.  

From 7 to 10 p.m. on August 1, residents in neighborhoods throughout Berkeley and across the nation are asked to lock their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and police. Many neighborhoods throughout Berkeley will be hosting a variety of special events such as block parties, cookouts, parades, visits from police, flashlight walks, contests, youth activities and anti crime drug rallies.  

Berkeley neighborhoods interested in participating in this year's NNO should contact the Berkeley Police Department’s Community Services Bureau at 644-6696.  

Each year our NNO activities continue to grow in the City of Berkeley. In 1999, National Night Out activities included participation by over 900 residents and 60 Police Employees in 50 different Berkeley neighborhoods.  

Events included: potlucks, block parties, poetry readings, flashlight walks, neighborhood clean-ups and get-togethers all with the purpose of deterring crime and promoting Neighborhood Watch.  

For more information on National Night Out, please contact Berkeley Police Department’s Community Services Bureau at 644-6696.  


Sierra Nevada Forest Protection Campaign 

The Sierra Nevada Framework is an attempt to correct a serious environmental problem. The U.S. Forest Service currently had no coherent management plan for the 11 national forests in the Sierra Nevada. Conservation groups have explained many times that the lack of a unified plan had contributed to the destruction of ancient forest and the extinction of species. 

The Forest Service finally initiated the framework process and in May released eight alternative management plans for public comment. Two of those alternatives – six and eight – are identified as preferred options. Conservationists support Alternative Five, the only management plan that would make wildlife, watersheds and ancient forest the top priority. 

Dozens of framework hearings are being held this summer across California; the only one in the Bay Area is this weekend. Conservationists will attend to show their support for Alternative 5. Two Sierra Club leaders will also attend. 


Summer Tours of Botanical Gardens  

Celebrating the long days of summer, the University of California Botanical Garden is offering special “Twilight Tours” every Wednesday evening during July and August at 5:30 p.m. Each week a different horticultural specialist will lead the tours, which are free with Garden admission. 

Of special interest are the tours planned for August 9 and August 16, when Dr. Tom Carlson, a medical ethnobotanist, will lead tours that focus on traditional European herbs used as medicines, and on traditional Native American medicinal herbs. 

Please call (510) 643-2755 for directions to the Garden and more information about the Twilight Tours.