
News briefs

Tuesday July 18, 2000

A Party in Honor of DBA Leaders 

A party to honor for Larry Bush, Rauly Butler, and Donn Logan for their leadership of the Downtown Berkeley Association (DBA) will be held. 

Don Logan, a former principle of Elbasani and Logan Architects (ELS), recently resigned as the DBA’s Vice President of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Design Committee. ELS architectural firm that has made a mark in the City of Berkeley through their design of The Berkeley Repertory’s new theater and the new Berkeley High School Student Union. 

Larry Bush, DBA Past President, is the current President Elect of the Berkeley Rotary Club. Bush has been involved in the DBA for five years with the Promotion Committee as President, and continues to serve on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. 

Rauly Butler, DBA President, has recently been promoted at The Mechanics Bank. Currently the Vice President at the Shattuck Avenue branch, he will soon become the head of Retail Banking at the Hiltop Mall main branch. 

17th Annual National Night Out 

On, Tuesday, August 1, neighborhoods throughout Berkeley are being invited to join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the “17th Annual National Night Out” (NNO) crime/drug prevention event. NNO, which is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch and co-sponsored by the Berkeley Police Department, will involve more than 9,000 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases around the world. In all, over 30 million people are expected to participate in “America’s Night Out Against Crime” on August 1.  

National Night Out is designed to: 1) heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; 2) generate support and participation in local anti crime efforts; 3) strengthen neighborhood spirit and police community relations; 4) send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.  

From 7 to 10 p.m. on August 1, residents in neighborhoods throughout Berkeley and across the nation are asked to lock their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and police. Many neighborhoods throughout Berkeley will be hosting a variety of special events such as block parties, cookouts, parades, visits from police, flashlight walks, contests, youth activities and anti crime drug rallies.  

Berkeley neighborhoods interested in participating in this year's NNO should contact the Berkeley Police Department’s Community Services Bureau at 644-6696.  

Each year our NNO activities continue to grow in the City of Berkeley. In 1999, National Night Out activities included participation by over 900 residents and 60 Police Employees in 50 different Berkeley neighborhoods.  

Events included: potlucks, block parties, poetry readings, flashlight walks, neighborhood clean-ups and get-togethers all with the purpose of deterring crime and promoting Neighborhood Watch.  

For more information on National Night Out, please contact Berkeley Police Department’s Community Services Bureau at 644-6696.  


Sierra Nevada Forest Protection Campaign 

The Sierra Nevada Framework is an attempt to correct a serious environmental problem. The U.S. Forest Service currently had no coherent management plan for the 11 national forests in the Sierra Nevada. Conservation groups have explained many times that the lack of a unified plan had contributed to the destruction of ancient forest and the extinction of species. 

The Forest Service finally initiated the framework process and in May released eight alternative management plans for public comment. Two of those alternatives – six and eight – are identified as preferred options. Conservationists support Alternative Five, the only management plan that would make wildlife, watersheds and ancient forest the top priority. 

Dozens of framework hearings are being held this summer across California; the only one in the Bay Area is this weekend. Conservationists will attend to show their support for Alternative 5. Two Sierra Club leaders will also attend. 


Summer Tours of Botanical Gardens  

Celebrating the long days of summer, the University of California Botanical Garden is offering special “Twilight Tours” every Wednesday evening during July and August at 5:30 p.m. Each week a different horticultural specialist will lead the tours, which are free with Garden admission. 

Of special interest are the tours planned for August 9 and August 16, when Dr. Tom Carlson, a medical ethnobotanist, will lead tours that focus on traditional European herbs used as medicines, and on traditional Native American medicinal herbs. 

Please call (510) 643-2755 for directions to the Garden and more information about the Twilight Tours.