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Police Briefs

Tuesday July 18, 2000

$35,000 reward for arrest, $5,000 for info 

Police are keeping the memory of a two-year-old murder alive, by offering a large reward for information leading to the suspect’s arrest. 

In 1998, Rick De Vecchi was killed by a man whom witnesses said intentionally ran him over. There is already a $35,000 reward for the man’s arrest. Now they have added $5,000 for any information on the vehicle used to commit the murder, according to chief investigator Cary Kent.  

“Somebody knows where this car is located and once we find this car, we can start to put the puzzle together,” stated the victim’s younger brother Randy Vecchi. 

The vehicle is described as a late-model 1970s or 1980s light-colored two-door Cadillac with a dark, probably dark maroon, landau top. The license plate included letters similar to “CUS.”  

Anyone with information on the case should contact Investigator Cary Kent at 644-6807. The persons can remain anonymous if they wish. 


Accident turns assault 

On Sunday, two cars collided on the 1600 block of Bancroft Way. One of the people involved asked for the second driver’s identification. The driver refused and the first person decided to take the law into his own hands, said Police Captain Bobby Miller. 

“He tried to take (the other guy’s) keys,” Miller said. “Then he tried to take off the license plate.”  

That action caused the second driver to take a swing at the first one. The first driver then ran across the street and called the police. 

“The guy should have been memorizing the license plate number” instead of trying to force the man to give him his information, Miller said. 

While the first driver was on the phone across the street, the driver of the second vehicle left. His car is described as a two-door, 1997 burgundy Chrysler.