Public Comment

New: HUMAN RIGHTS DISPATCH:Biden’s Israel policy, “Speak softly and carry a big carrot”

Jagjit Singh
Tuesday June 25, 2024 - 02:10:00 PM

A few months ago, President Biden seemed frustrated as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel ignored his calls for restraint in Gaza. In March, Biden was asked if his calls for Israel not to invade the southern Gaza city of Rafah marked a “red line,” indicating serious consequences if crossed. “It is a red line,” Biden said, “but I’m never gonna leave Israel.” It was unclear what this meant, but it seemed to imply that an Israeli invasion of Rafah would lead to a suspension of offensive weapon transfers while maintaining defensive aid.  

In April, Biden urged Netanyahu to announce and implement specific steps to address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering, and the safety of aid workers, linking U.S. policy to Israel's actions. In May, Biden reiterated a red line, telling CNN, “If they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons” used against cities. This suggested Biden was finally willing to stand up to Netanyahu and prevent a humanitarian disaster in Rafah. 

Despite these declarations, Biden has since allowed Netanyahu to act without consequences. Israel invaded Rafah, reduced food supplies to southern Gaza, killed at least 15 additional aid workers, and conducted reckless bombings. Now, as Biden proceeds with an $18 billion sale of F-15 fighter jets to Israel, it sends a signal that there are no consequences for ignoring his warnings. 

Former administration official Jeremy Konyndyk observed, “What Biden has shown Netanyahu over and over is that he will wag his finger but he won’t enforce the finger-wagging.” Netanyahu has shown ingratitude by criticizing the Biden administration and preparing to bypass the White House to speak to Congress. Diplomacy involves sticks and carrots, but Netanyahu doesn’t take Biden seriously because Biden mostly speaks softly and carries a big carrot. Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper, asked, “How much more proof does Biden need that Netanyahu is not a U.S. ally?” If Biden’s red lines are meaningless in Gaza, why should Russia, China, or Iran find him credible? The Biden administration needs to reassess its approach and enforce consequences to maintain international credibility and uphold a rules-based order. G The war in Gaza may drag on, and Israel is contemplating an attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon. Biden’s perceived weakness in dealing with Netanyahu limits his influence and undermines efforts to prevent further conflicts. While navigating real-world policy is complex, Biden must recognize that his Gaza policy is a failure. It has not helped anyone but Netanyahu and has damaged the U.S.'s standing. Biden needs to cut Netanyahu off and stop treating Israel as the 51st state. It’s time for the administration to enforce its red lines and demonstrate that there are consequences for actions that undermine peace and stability. 

Why now, after 75 years, and the great success Israel has enjoyed, must our hands be tied by Netanyahu and his hard-right cabinet? Why must billions of our tax dollars go to Israel, year after year, with little help in finding a lasting peace in the Middle East? 

Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, and hundreds of senators received substantial donations from AIPAC. And we worry about Russian interference in our elections? Really.