Public Comment

New: The media's Anti-Biden noise isn’t an accident

forwarded by Tom Hunt
Saturday July 06, 2024 - 04:55:00 PM

-CNN: CEO Trump donor -

ABC: CEO Trump donor -

CBS: CEO Trump donor -

NBC: CEO Trump donor -

MSNBC: CEO Trump donor -

Washington Post: owner Jeff Bezo -

Wall Street Journal: Owner: Rupert Murdoch -

New York Times: CEO Trump donor. -

New York Post: Owner: Rupert Murdoch

Check out: ./112740884242629814 -more-


Kelly Hammargren
Saturday July 06, 2024 - 04:10:00 PM

My neighbor and I are out looking in anticipation for little bites in the leaves of the plants in the strip between the sidewalk and the street. I call it the median, though a new friend constantly corrects me that the median is in the middle of the street. The strip has many names like road verge, parkways, medians, berms, hellstrip. It’s really owned by the city, but we’re responsible for maintaining it. -more-

New: Terrorism in Palestine

Jagjit Singh
Wednesday July 03, 2024 - 01:24:00 PM

Israel’s terrorist activities are growing exponentially, making all Americans complicit in their crimes. It ordered another mass expulsion of Palestinians from Khan Younis. It is imperative to address the grave concerns raised regarding Israel's military actions and the treatment of Palestinians. -more-

New: The False Narrative of People’s Park -

People’s Park Historic District Advocacy Group
Tuesday July 02, 2024 - 02:59:00 PM

An analysis of the nonfactual presentation in UC Berkeley’s flyer “A Renewed People’s Park for All” reveals the irrationality of the People’s Park project and the venality of UCB administration in pursuing it. This is amplified by the undercutting of park proponents’ win in the State Court of Appeal by AB 1307 and its subsequent impact on the recent State Supreme Court decision reversing that win. -more-

HUMAN RIGHTS DISPATCH: Gender apartheid in Islam

Jagjit Singh
Monday July 01, 2024 - 07:44:00 PM

The United States spent decades in Afghanistan, spending billions, only to leave the situation for women far worse than before. It’s time for women around the world to be liberated from the imposition of archaic rules and customs, such as the mandatory hijab in Iran and the severe lack of women's rights in Afghanistan and throughout the Muslim world. The United Nations should convene a meeting to encourage Islam to modernize its faith.

Women worldwide should displace men in key government positions to bring order and sanity, correcting the mess men have created. This approach aligns with a simple Persian prayer: "I praise the thought well thought, the word well spoken, and the deed well done." It is worth noting that the founder of the Sikh faith was a pioneer of women's rights. When the Taliban retook power in Afghanistan in August 2021, they initially suspended education for girls above the sixth grade until conditions were deemed suitable under Islamic rules. Now, over 1,000 days later, school remains off-limits for girls older than 12, and restrictions have extended to universities. The Taliban claim education is an "internal matter," leaving the future of girls' education uncertain. -more-

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces: News and Views to Peruse

Gar Smith
Monday July 01, 2024 - 07:24:00 PM

The Predictability of TV Newscasts
ABC World News, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News all seem to be working from the same script these days: An opening report on the latest floods, hurricanes, and wildfires (with no mention of "climate change") followed by "The Mass Shooting of the Day." And, to offset all the downer stories, the networks close each daily newscast with a short, upbeat "human-interest" story. -more-


Saturday July 06, 2024 - 04:19:00 PM

I’ve been doing more reading than writing in the recent weeks and as usual the reading content is heavy, bringing a different frame to the war in Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, the debate and the Supreme Court. -more-

New: ECLECTIC RANT: Trump v. United States: The Undoing of American Democracy

Ralph E. Stone
Wednesday July 03, 2024 - 12:42:00 PM

In Trump v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Donald Trump is immune from prosecution for official acts but may not shield all his efforts to overturn the 2020 election while president. The court returned the case to the trial judge to decide which Trump’s acts may be prosecutable.

Practically speaking there will be no trial before the election and if elected, Trump will likely have his attorney general end the case. Who said Trump was not above the law?

With Trump’s likely election and the implementation of Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, a collection of conservative policy proposals from the Heritage Foundation to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power, the transition of our country from a democracy to a banana republic will be well on its way. -more-

New: Time for a Change

Bruce Joffe
Tuesday July 02, 2024 - 02:45:00 PM

President Biden succeeded in accomplishing good policies for our future, recovering from trump's chaotic disaster.

But, presidents don't get to create and administrate good policies unless they can communicate them well to the public, and debunk the opponent's "policies" and character. Biden failed to do that during the "debate." Repubs will play and replay the debate's many cringe-worthy moments endlessly.

A wise man knows how to see himself. Wise people understand that aging is inevitable and final. Wisdom knows when to step aside, victorious, rather than remain in a final competition that will crush one's reputation into ignominy. -more-

New: MENTAL HEALTH: A Lot of Adjusting

Jack Bragen
Monday July 01, 2024 - 07:42:00 PM

I am Jack, I'm a 59-year-old man, and I have suffered from a psychotic-type psychiatric condition my entire adult life.

A major psychiatric condition has the potential to ruin your life if you let it. And you should not let that happen. Despite the massive hardships that come with mental illness, you are better off not giving in to it, and you are better off getting what you can still get. And part of not letting this condition do away with your happiness is to adapt. And there is a lot of adapting you must do.

A psychotic condition may be the most severe category of mental illness and the worst in terms of affecting your present and future life. If you are new to psychosis, whether you are the patient or a family member, there is a lot to learn, and there may be a lot of unpleasant surprises. How do you manage psychotic symptoms? Is the medication truly necessary? What can I expect? What will be my son's or daughter's capabilities, and what will be the limitations? -more-


Earth to Dems: Keep Calm and Carry On

Becky O'Malley
Monday July 01, 2024 - 02:56:00 PM

On my kitchen wall there’s a poster with a slogan from World War II Britain: “Keep Calm and Carry On.” In the wake of the recent presidential debate (also known as The Debacle), pundit wannabes could use a sign like that. They fell all over each other pronouncing President Biden down for the count.

The worst offender was the New York Times Editorial Board, which should be charged with journalistic malfeasance. Almost before the MSNBC talking heads had finished their OMGs over Biden’s poorish performance on Thursday night, the NYT Board was out of the gate on the Internet (“digital edition”) calling for his scalp, a cry they repeated in print in the Sunday Opinion section:

“As it stands, the president is engaged in a reckless gamble. There are Democratic leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a second Trump presidency. “

And there were plenty more top-tier newsies and editorial writers who announced the same hasty conclusion.


Granted, the president was somewhat hoarse, and he obviously struggled not to revert to his childhood stutter. And yes, he seemed a bit fuzzy, with trouble choosing words and finishing sentences.

Why was he sounding like that? Watching at home I made an immediate diagnosis before he’d spoken the equivalent of three grafs: he had a cold, of course.

But colds don’t make you fuzzy, do they?

No, but as an experienced home medicator (daughter,spouse,parent, grandparent) I can tell you that a vast array of OTC (over the counter) cold remedies do. I’ve learned from personal experience not to take any of the stuff Big Pharma would like you to buy at CVS or Walgreens before doing anything moderately complicated, like driving … or participating in a debate.

I’m not a doctor, or at least just a J.D, not an M.D. That’s why I was gratified to learn that a trio of Yale professors, including two genuine M.Ds, agreed with my diagnosis. Their conclusion appeared on Saturday on the MedPage Today site::

“The most probable explanation for this transient period of cognitive impairment in an older person with a cold is a side effect of cold medications. If this is so, the handwringing should cease, and we should use the debate as a reminder of how common such reactions are rather than an indication that the president is chronically debilitated.”

Unfortunately, it seems that President Biden’s handlers, including his lovely wife perhaps, didn’t realize this. If the man had a bad cold, he should have been advised to announce that he’d lost his voice and offer to set another date.

Now, after the damage has occurred, here’s the advice of the Yale doctors:

“We need to know if President Biden took cold medications before the debate. His doctors should assess the role they may have played. How the American people assess the debate hinges on the answer. It would be tragic to magnify the meaning of an ill-timed adverse drug effect -- and potentially have it change the course of history.”

But following such sober advice is no fun for the commentariat. Sunday’s NYT Opinion is loaded with what Jamelle Bouie, interviewed there, called “hyperventilating panic”. His own comments are the exception; he catalogs the “fatal downsides to Biden leaving the race” which seem to have escaped the notice of his NYTO colleagues.

The Board members in particular don’t seem to be aware of how hard it would be for Democrats to mount a real campaign for a new candidate at this stage. They claimed, remember, that

There are Democratic leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a second Trump presidency. “

Really? Who?

Liberals, traditionally Nervous Nellies always looking for alternatives, need to be constantly reminded that you can’t beat someone with no one, and the devil you know is usually the safer choice. An assortment of governors with little name recognition outside their own states would be risky even two years out, and we’re down to single digit numbers of months now. Senators are needed right where they are. Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom have negatives well known to Californians.

The Times Editorial Board, like similar boards of other well-funded prestige papers, is populated by and large by people who have no real-life political experience. They tend to overestimate the influence of “independent” or “undecided” voters. From an early job as a campaign manager I know that people who describe themselves thus actually seldom vote. “Infrequent” registered voters on the rolls have probably moved away. Of the probable voters, a very small percentage will be changing their minds because of this debate.

As NYT and its competitors become more and more digital, man-bites-dog excitement becomes more and more desired as clickbait. Follow-up to the debate conspicuously lacked factchecking of Trump’s 90 straight minutes of lies—where’s the news in that? He performed as expected.

As my daughter pointed out to me, it’s a lot easier to deliver a smooth presentation if you don’t worry about facts, which is why some viewers claimed Trump “won”. He radiated confidence, not letting truth cramp his style.

The best analysis I’ve seen of how this first debate will or won’t, should or shouldn’t, affect the November election came from MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, someone who had a real political job working in the Senate before he became an opinion journalist.

You can see it here. His opening monologue is only about twenty minutes long and well worth the time.

Just as I'm ready to post this, the Supreme Court has given us all very good reasons to stop squabbling and get on with it. If we can't bar the door in November, we'll find out what real trouble looks like. -more-

The Editor's Back Fence

A Hot July Predicted

Monday July 01, 2024 - 07:48:00 PM

Well, July has started with a big bang. As I said last month, new issues will (probably) be posted on the first of the month, with new contributions added periodically throughout. Berkeley is calm, but the action is in DC. Keep an eye on People's Park. -more-


Berkeley City Meetings - July 1 & 3, 2024, Mon-Land Use on TOPA & Artist Housing, Wed-FITES on Curbs & Train quiet zones

Kelly Hammargren
Saturday July 06, 2024 - 03:45:00 PM

With the With the Fourth of July Holiday on Thursday there are only two meetings this week. -more-

Back Stories



Earth to Dems: Keep Calm and Carry On 07-01-2024

The Editor's Back Fence

A Hot July Predicted 07-01-2024

Public Comment

New: The media's Anti-Biden noise isn’t an accident forwarded by Tom Hunt 07-06-2024

New: A BERKELEY ACTIVIST'S DIARY, July 5 Kelly Hammargren 07-06-2024

New: Terrorism in Palestine Jagjit Singh 07-03-2024

New: The False Narrative of People’s Park - People’s Park Historic District Advocacy Group 07-02-2024

HUMAN RIGHTS DISPATCH: Gender apartheid in Islam Jagjit Singh 07-01-2024

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces: News and Views to Peruse Gar Smith 07-01-2024


New: ECLECTIC RANT: Trump v. United States: The Undoing of American Democracy Ralph E. Stone 07-03-2024

New: Time for a Change Bruce Joffe 07-02-2024

New: MENTAL HEALTH: A Lot of Adjusting Jack Bragen 07-01-2024

Arts & Events

Berkeley City Meetings - July 1 & 3, 2024, Mon-Land Use on TOPA & Artist Housing, Wed-FITES on Curbs & Train quiet zones Kelly Hammargren 07-06-2024