The Week

These mailers attacking Berkeley District 4 Council candidate Soli Alpert were funded by a "Dark Money" Political Action Committee.
These mailers attacking Berkeley District 4 Council candidate Soli Alpert were funded by a "Dark Money" Political Action Committee.


Updated: Berkeley City Manager Resigns

Kelly Hammargren
Monday May 06, 2024 - 09:50:00 PM

In a surprise move to anyone watching City of Berkeley politics, City Manager Dee Williams-Ridley resigned (as reported on Berkeleyside) one hour after the scheduled City Council Closed Session with one agenda item: city manager evaluation. -more-

Larry Bensky
May 1,1937-May 19th, 2024

Friday May 24, 2024 - 11:23:00 AM

We are sorry to hear of Larry Bensky’s death on May 19. To learn more about his amazing life and achievements, go to:

There will be a memorial gathering at St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Berkeley, June 13, 4 pm. -more-



Hydra-Headed Hamas Redux

Becky O'Malley
Sunday May 05, 2024 - 04:04:00 PM

I hate to say I told you so, but… I wrote this as a Berkeley Daily Planet editorial just about 20 years ago, in April of 2004.

“The ancient Greeks told stories about the history of the world as they knew it which are still a useful way to predict what will happen to humans in the modern world. Hercules, half man and half god, was one of the central figures in Greek mythology. Like Superman in the 20th century, he dedicated his career to stamping out evil wherever he found it. One of the labors, or heroic tasks, of Hercules was killing the legendary Hydra.

“Whoever is calling the shots in Israel today would be well advised to study the lesson of Hercules and the poisonous Hydra, depicted below. -more-

Public Comment


Jagjit Singh
Thursday May 30, 2024 - 12:31:00 PM

Ignoring her great Sikh tradition, which reveres all life, Nikki Haley, in a misguided attempt to ingratiate herself with Israel, has urged the Israeli military to “kill all Palestinians.” This callous stance was made evident during her recent visit to Israel, where she inscribed “Finish them” on an artillery shell. -more-

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces: Tents,Taunts&Tensions

Gar Smith
Monday May 27, 2024 - 04:55:00 PM

Berkeley People’s Alliance Files Campaign Finance Complaint in District 4 City Council Special Election

Monday May 27, 2024 - 04:45:00 PM

On May 23, 2024, the Berkeley People’s Alliance (BPA) filed a complaint with the City of Berkeley’s Fair Campaign Practices Commission against “Californians for Safety and Security,” a right-wing PAC based in Sacramento and funded entirely by the Berkeley Property Owners Association, the Los Angeles police union, and the Personal Insurance Federation Committee. The PAC recently launched numerous hit pieces against City Council candidate Soli Alpert. -more-

New: A BERKELEY ACTIVIST'S DIARY:Dark Money in District 4?

Kelly Hammargren
Friday May 24, 2024 - 11:15:00 AM

When I finally came up for air this weekend from my non-city related projects to check what was happening in the world, I tuned in to Ayman on MSNBC to hear about AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) pouring a flood of money into elections to defeat progressive Democrats and bolster conservative Israel-friendly Democrats in Democratic districts. -more-

Recognizing Palestine: A Historic Step Rooted in Ireland's History

Jagjit Singh
Friday May 24, 2024 - 11:09:00 AM

The recent decision by Ireland to officially recognize Palestine as a state, joining Norway and Spain, is a landmark moment deeply connected to Ireland's long history of colonization and famine. This move, celebrated by many on the streets of Dublin, reflects Ireland’s long-standing solidarity with the Palestinian people and its decades-long experience of oppression. Catherine Connolly, an independent member of the Irish parliament, eloquently expressed this sentiment, highlighting the frustration that it took so long for this recognition to happen but celebrating it as a significant step towards peace. -more-

Israel’s response to Spain, Norway, and Ireland's recognition of Palestinian statehood.

Jagjit Singh
Wednesday May 22, 2024 - 12:39:00 PM

The recent announcement by Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich to halt the transfer of tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority (PA) represents an excessively cruel response to a population already enduring a brutal occupation. This decision, coming on the heels of Spain, Norway, and Ireland's recognition of Palestinian statehood, further exacerbates the dire fiscal crisis facing the PA. These funds, collected by Israel under longstanding agreements, constitute a vital part of the Palestinian budget, especially as international aid dwindles. Smotrich's move threatens to plunge the PA into deeper financial instability, undermining its ability to provide essential services and pay civil servant salaries. This decision is not just a retaliatory measure against European recognition of Palestinian statehood but also an attack on the livelihood of Palestinians who are already suffering under severe economic and military pressures. The humanitarian impact is profound. Since the Hamas-led attack on October 7, over 500 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank, and more than 100,000 Palestinian workers have been barred from entering Israel, leading to widespread unemployment. Daily life is further disrupted by increased raids, road closures, and stricter checkpoints, choking the economy and exacerbating tensions. Prime Minister Netanyahu, along with other officials, especially our own government, continues to ignore the broader context of the brutal occupation and collective punishment. The PA’s financial collapse could lead to greater unrest and instability, not only in the West Bank but in the broader region, further diminishing the prospects for peace. It is imperative that the international community, including our own government, reconsider its support for policies that perpetuate suffering and impede progress toward a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. -more-

New: SMITHERSCRAPS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces: Protests,Roasts&Reckonings

Gar Smith
Wednesday May 22, 2024 - 10:26:00 AM

The Occupation of the Anna Head School Conjures Quotes

A Free Speech Movement vet turned military historian offered the following response to the news that a group of agitators had seized control of the empty Anna Head School:

What brilliance. To occupy a burnt-out building, as revenge for Al Shifa. Right! Right after a victory is won, see if you can destroy it.

As Von Clausewitz pointed out: "Against stupidity, no amount of planning will prevail."

As David Hilliard of the BPP once said: "There ain't no difference between a pig and a fool.

Jim Peake once described such as "semi-professional provocateurs—they aren't paid, but ought to be."

As Sun T'zu said:"Tactics, without strategy, is the noise that precedes defeat."

Who ARE these people?

Were the Campus Arrests Legal? -more-

HUMAN RIGHTS DISPATCH: Goliath Seeking to Annihilate David

Jagjt Singh
Sunday May 19, 2024 - 12:21:00 PM

In recent media coverage, Israeli journalist Yehuda Shlezinger's reaction to images of Palestinians enjoying a Gaza beach starkly highlights a broader, troubling trend in Israeli society. Appearing on Israel’s Channel 12, Shlezinger expressed intense revulsion, advocating for severe retribution against Palestinians, reflecting a shift towards a more hardened, dehumanizing attitude among many Israelis. -more-

SMITHERSCRAPS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces: Moms,Memes&Memos

Gar Smith
Tuesday May 14, 2024 - 09:58:00 AM


In the afterglow of Mother's Day, a report from the Coalition on Human Needs (CHN) casts a somber shadow over the economic plight of America's moms. "Did you know," CHN Action begins, "74% of mothers are working moms?" According to the stats, 43% of White moms, 49% of Latina moms, 64% of Native moms, and a whopping 79% of Black moms are "the major breadwinners of their families."

This institutionalized "motherhood penalty" leaves millions of working moms earning an average "lifetime wage" that is $237,000 less than the average wage pocketed by men. And that means 20% less payback from Social Security retirement benefits.

CHN has a solution: "a national paid family leave program that would allow more moms to stay in the workforce while cutting down on career penalties for mothers." Currently, only 27% of private sector workers benefit from paid-family-leave programs. And only 6% of low-wage workers (mainly women of color—and mothers) have access to paid-leave support.

Colbert Clobbers; Kimmel Klobbers

When it comes to dumping on Trump, the Battle of the Late-Night Comedy Kings continues to surge. In the latest use of conjured taglines to brand their late-night episodes, the two hosts continue to deliver. But, while Colbert remains competitive, it's Kimmel who rules as Caption King. Here are last week's offerings:
Colbert: "Eye of the Stormy." "Gag, You're It." "Wormaggedon" (a ref to JFKJr's brainworm).
Kimmel: "Porn Star Witness," "Lepre-Con Man," "Count Flatula," "Founding Farter." -more-

New: Justice Denied,
Our Security at Risk

Bruce Joffe
Tuesday May 14, 2024 - 09:45:00 AM

Judge Aileen Cannon's decision to indefinitely postpone trump's trial for stealing and mis-handling government secrets is an attack on Justice. Not bringing the former president to account for his dangerous behavior also attacks our national security. With boxes of top secret documents stacked in his bathroom and elsewhere, there is no accounting for who may have seen sensitive military secrets. Indeed, we don't know whether the former president tried to trade some of those secrets for his personal benefit, as befits his character and previous schemes.

Prosecutor Jack Smith ought to call for a replacement judge. The judge's bias favoring trump has been exposed by several of her decisions that were subsequently reversed by the higher Appellate Court. American voters need to know before the election whether this candidate engaged in traitorous disregard for our national security. Top secrets about nuclear weapons and foreign agents must be kept secret.


New: Delay in Revealing Potential Findings of Native American Significance in the Vicinity of People’s Park

Harvey Smith
Monday May 13, 2024 - 11:27:00 AM

People’s Park Historic District Advocacy Group and Make UC A Good Neighbor submitted on April 29, 2024 a Public Records Act (PRA) request to UC Berkeley due to the recent registration of a Native American site adjacent to People’s Park (listed on the National Register of Historic Places). UCB hasn’t disclosed any of the information about this site. Results of any subsequent investigation, subsequent discussions, or writings about it within UCB have not been shared with the public.

In response to the PRA request on May 7, 2024, UC Berkeley acknowledged it was holding responsive documents, but did not plan to produce this potentially highly significant information for 10 weeks.

There is urgency in the request because UCB is awaiting a State Supreme Court decision that could come at any day allowing initiation of construction at People’s Park. Before any construction begins at the park, the nature of the Native AMerican site must be determined by appropriate and thorough archeological investigative techniques and testing. -more-

New: Stop the Berkeley Bike Park
Mountain Biking and Trail-Building Destroy Wildlife Habitat!

Mike Vandeman, Ph.D.
Monday May 13, 2024 - 09:35:00 AM

The major harm that mountain biking does is that it greatly extends the human footprint (distance that one can travel) in wildlife habitat. E-bikes multiply that footprint even more. Neither should be allowed on any unpaved trail. Wildlife, if they are to survive, MUST receive top priority!

What were you thinking??? Mountain biking and trail-building destroy wildlife habitat! Mountain biking is environmentally, socially, and medically destructive! There is no good reason to allow bicycles on any unpaved trail!

Bicycles should not be allowed in any natural area. They are inanimate objects and have no rights. There is also no right to mountain bike. That was settled in federal court in 1996: . It's dishonest of mountain bikers to say that they don't have access to trails closed to bikes. They have EXACTLY the same access as everyone else -- ON FOOT! Why isn't that good enough for mountain bikers? They are all capable of walking....

Why do mountain bikers always insist on creating illegal trails? It's simple: they ride so fast that they see almost nothing of what they are passing. Therefore, they quickly get bored with any given trail and want another and another, endlessly! (In other words, mountain biking is inherently boring!) -more-


Jagjit Singh
Sunday May 12, 2024 - 10:54:00 AM

The long-standing conflict between Palestinians and Israelis has continuously evolved since 1948, raising critical questions about the nature of oppression and the right to resistance. This discourse often labels one group, the Israelis, as the oppressor, and the other, the Palestinians, as the oppressed. -more-


Kelly Hammargren
Saturday May 11, 2024 - 05:42:00 PM

The resignation of the City Manager, Dee Williams-Ridley wasn’t the only surprise on May 6, 2024. -more-

Shoddy Journalism:
copy of letter sent to the New York Times

Jagjit Singh
Thursday May 09, 2024 - 01:22:00 PM

< I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the reporting and editorial practices surrounding the December 28 article, "Screams Without Words," which detailed allegations of widespread sexual violence by members of Hamas on October 7. This piece has significant implications, especially given its utilization by Israeli leaders and Western allies to justify a military campaign in Gaza. -more-

Esteemed diplomat from the State Department Resigns over Gaza Policy

Jagjit Singh
Sunday May 05, 2024 - 07:02:00 PM

I am writing to express my deep concern over the recent resignation of Hala Rharrit, an esteemed diplomat from the State Department, who took a courageous stand against the United States' militaristic approach in the Gaza Strip. -more-


Jack Bragen
Sunday May 05, 2024 - 04:02:00 PM

"If you're going to take away the money, then you should take away the label." --the words of a long-deceased friend, an activist in mental health with a spotty reputation and background. And he was on spot with that comment. It was his response to the griping of taxpayers who don't want to foot the bill of paying the livelihood of mentally ill disabled people. -more-

Famine Causes Genocide in Gaza

Jagjit Singh
Saturday May 04, 2024 - 05:38:00 PM

As reported by the World Food Program (WFP) Chief, Cindy McCain, there are alarming signs of famine spreading rapidly throughout the territory, particularly in northern Gaza. -more-

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces: Free Speech Edition

Gar Smith
Saturday May 04, 2024 - 12:16:00 PM

Make Some Noise for Peace
Don't let a few raindrops get in the way: There's a big Stop Genocide rally set for San Francisco's Ferry Building Plaza at the Embarcadero today from 12:30 to 2.

The organizers, a raucous team of radical rascals previously known as RACCOON have just announced their latest free-speech event—calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Now known by the moniker MegaMouth Rebels, MMR's pre-protest posters promise the "Let Gaza Live" event will feature "Chants! Noise! Art! Angry Speech!" And when it comes to making noise, MMR isn't kidding. Their open-air auditory assault promises to include "8 megaphones, 7 air horns, 6 soccer trumpets, and chalk."

For the erudite in the crowd, MMG promises a "Palestinian Culture Quiz with Watermelon Prize!" And for the iconoclasts on hand, MMG plans a hands-on attraction called: "Tomato-Tossing at Bibi / Netanyahu Image." -more-

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces: Tents,Tenets&Tensions

Gar Smith
Wednesday May 01, 2024 - 12:50:00 PM

More Tents, Less Tension: The Sprawl at Sproul
With the news that a pro-Palestinian/anti-genocide occupation of the Sproul Steps was underway, I donned one of my tattered, decades-old Free Speech Movement T-shirts and trotted off to reconnoiter with some of my fellow FSM vets to show my support for the current generation of student protesters.

Recent days had been filled with apocalyptic scenes of police crackdowns as peacefully protesting students (and some faculty) were being falsely accused of supporting Hamas and promoting anti-Semitism, I was concerned that I might find Sproul Plaza playing host to a hoard of campus, city, and state cops, sheriffs, and troops.

Instead, the visit to the "tent-in" at Sproul Hall was a refreshing break from the plethora of video clashes that have been flashing on media screens from colleges and universities across the nation. Instead of another crackdown involving pepper-spray, batons, tasers and tie-downs, the tent city on the sanctified "free speech steps" of Sproul Hall was calm, quiet, and kempt.

Instead of hand-to-hand tussles with the fuzz, students were writing slogans on the Sproul Steps with an array of colored chalk. Instead of lines of chanting students, a single loudspeaker was placed on the steps, above the seated and passing students. Instead of a line-up of fiery orators, a series of calm, pre-recorded addresses streamed from the amplifier—somewhat garbled by a background noise that sounded like a weed-whacker. (Intentional electronic interference?)

Everyone was in good spirits, including a few homeless souls who visited the support tents to pick up some free fresh fruit. And, topping if off, the Cal Band's horn-and-drum team showed up to perform the Golden Bears' fight song and a stage-worthy rendition of ABBA's "Dancing Queen."

And there was much information available in handouts, flyers, and posters. One handbill advised hummus-lovers: "Don't dip into Israeli Apartheid." Instead, boycott Sabra and Tribe brand spreads. The pro-active pamphlet also contained a recipe for home-made hummus next to a photo of a picket sign reading "No Justice. No Chickpeas."

With all the violence at Columbus, Yale, Austin, USC and UCLA, it was a relief to see the authorities at UCB responding with non-confrontational acceptance. It looked like the lessons of the Free Speech Movement had left a lasting legacy here in Berkeley—an abiding respect for protest and debate limited only by the constraints of "time, place and manner." An exemplary model for other citadels of learning. -more-

Free Speech – 1964 and 2024

Sent by Gar Smith
Wednesday May 01, 2024 - 12:55:00 PM

The following statement of support from veterans of the 1964 Free Speech Movement was delivered to the occupation site on the steps of Sproul Hall on behalf of the Free Speech Movement Archives (

In the fall of 1964, the administration of the University of California at Berkeley, under external political pressure and spurred on by an administrator who was working with the FBI, attempted to ban political speech or activity on campus.

This resulted in a 3-month struggle, which gave birth to the Free Speech Movement, a successful campaign that organized the campus and culminated in massive peaceful civil disobedience, resulting in a complete victory for free speech rights.

In recent weeks, we have witnessed the depressing spectacle of university administrators at USC, Columbia, and NYU buckling under to external political pressure and attempting to silence voices demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and humanitarian aid for civilians. A valedictorian was prevented from addressing the graduating class, peaceful protests have faced mass arrests of students and faculty, faculty firings and student suspensions.

We urge these administrators to get off their knees, and stand up for free speech and academic freedom on the campuses it is their duty to lead and protect. Without the free exchange of ideas, there can be no learning, only indoctrination. The prohibition of ideas can only be for one reason; there is no way to rebut them with facts or logic. Invoking police power to close discussion is an admission of intellectual bankruptcy.

We applaud the development of a rapidly growing campus movement all over the country in solidarity with USC, Columbia and NYU. Free speech must be defended, now as it was in our time.

Free Speech Movement Archives Board

Jack Radey, President; Anita Medal, Treasurer; Bettina Aptheker; Robert Cohen; Susan Druding; Lee Felsenstein; Barbara Garson; Jackie Goldberg; Steve Lustig: Lynne Hollander Savio; Gar Smith; Barbara Stack -more-

Close Guantanamo and Release All Prisoners

Jagjit Singh
Wednesday May 01, 2024 - 12:58:00 PM

“Confessions” under torture are inadmissible and at $13 million per prisoner an appalling waste of taxpayer funds. -more-

Arts & Events

Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour Registration

Kelly Hammargren
Wednesday May 01, 2024 - 11:29:00 AM

May 4 and May 5 are the in person Bringing Back the Natives Garden tours from 10 am – 5 pm. There are sixty gardens big and small open to the public over the weekend. The tour is free (donations are welcome). You must register to receive the garden tour addresses.

While you are waiting for the email from Kathy Kramer with the tour addresses, start checking out the garden descriptions and photos listed on the 2024 in-person tour webpage.
• BAYSIDE CITY LOCATIONS (number of gardens): Alameda (1), Albany (3), Berkeley (10), Castro Valley (5), El Cerrito (2), Hayward (4), Kensington (1), Oakland (8), Piedmont (1), Pinole (2), Richmond (3), San Leandro (2), San Pablo (1)
• INLAND CITY LOCATIONS (number of gardens): Antioch (1), Clayton (1), Concord (1), Danville (1), Lafayette (1), Livermore (5), Martinez (2), Moraga (1), Pleasant Hill (1), San Ramon (3) Walnut Creek (1)

How to make your windows bird safe is on the Saturday Garden Tour at Keith Johnson’s and Erin Diehm’s house in Berkeley. Their display includes multiple samples of window film and inexpensive DIY projects. (44% of bird glass collisions occur on 1,2, & 3 story buildings)

Most of us have heard by now that if we don’t have milkweed, we don’t have Monarch butterflies. There is so much more to native plants. Native plants are easier to care for, bring joy with butterflies and hummingbirds and full of beauty.

If native plants haven’t been on your priority list please watch the Douglas Tallamy YouTube video with Tallamy giving us the “why” little bites out of plant leaves from caterpillars is reason to celebrate, not a reason to take a trip to by pesticide poisons. Caterpillars are the perfect baby bird food. Even Hummingbird babies need bugs to grow and fledge.

Calscape, the native plants resource, is filled with thousands of choices which makes going on the in person tour the perfect way to start.

Tour Instructions: If you are someone who takes your dog everywhere, note dogs are not allowed in the gardens. The tour planners and volunteers request, please leave your dog at home. -more-

April Novels

Bob Burnett
Thursday May 02, 2024 - 10:49:00 AM

This month I have six mystery/thriller novels to recommend and one to avoid. There wasn’t a sure-fire winner in April, as there was in March with Tana French’s The Hunter. This month’s novels shared a common flaw: their endings were convoluted. -more-


Kelly Hammargren
Sunday May 26, 2024 - 11:35:00 AM

Worth Noting:

The date of the next Budget and Finance Committee special meeting to complete the biennial FY 2025 and FY 2026 Budget is not posted or scheduled. Check the City website for late announcements and meetings posted on short notice at:

The agenda for the next regular scheduled City Council meeting on June 4, 2024 is available for comment. Use the link and choose the html option to review agenda items individually or pdf to see the entire packet as one document. or go to the agenda listed at the end of the calendar.

  • Tuesday, May 28, 2024: Is the special District 4 City Councilmember election. (only District 4 residents may vote in this special election). Ballots must be returned before 8 pm. In person voting through the weekend from 9 am – 5 pm and on Tuesday, May 28 from 7 am – 8 pm.
  • Thursday, May 30, 2024:
    • At 6:30 pm the Board of Library Trustees meets in person.
    • At 7 pm the Zoning Adjustment Board meets in the hybrid format. The agenda includes public comment on the draft EIR on the 26-story mixed-use project at the corner of Oxford and Center.
  • Saturday, June 1, 2024 - from 10 am – 4 pm is the Green Home Tour. Register in advance to receive the zoom link for the virtual tour and the addresses for the in-home tour.
Bringing Back the Native Garden Tour and gardening resources are available at




Kelly Hammargren
Sunday May 19, 2024 - 12:31:00 PM

Worth Noting:

The City Council worksession/special meeting on November Ballot initiatives was previously tentatively scheduled for Thursday, May 23 at 4 pm. This meeting is now listed in the Agenda and Rules packet as tentative Friday, May 24 with no time. No City Council official day and time is posted for the Ballot initiative meeting on the City Council agendas webpage. Check the city website home page after Tuesday or go directly to the council agendas page

All City Council meetings and Council Committee meetings are offered in the hybrid format (in person and by videoconference on Zoom).

Goto meetings are in bold and underlined. Home owners should check the insurance webinar.

  • Monday, May 20, 2024 is the Malcolm X Day City Holiday
  • Tuesday, May 21, 2024:
    • At 1 pm the Agenda Committee meets to finalize the June 4 City Council agenda.
    • At 3 pm the City Council meets in closed session.
    • At 4 pm City Council meets on the affordable housing in lieu fee.
    • At 6 pm is the regular City Council meeting with hearing #1 on FY 2025 & FY 2026 budget.
  • Wednesday, May 22, 2024:
    • At 12 pm the Budget and Finance Committee meets on the proposed FY2025 & 2026 budget.
    • At 6 pm the Civic Arts Commission meets in person.
    • At 6 pm the Environment and Climate Commission meets in person.
    • At 6:30 pm the Police Accountability Board meets in the hybrid format at a new location 2020 Milvia.
  • Thursday, May 23, 2024:
    • From 5 – 7 pm the Community Meeting on the Cesar Chavez Perimeter Pathway and Permanent Restroom meets online on Zoom.
    • From 7 – 9 pm is the Insurance Crisis Webinar on zoom. Pre-registration is required.
    • At 7 pm the Mental Health Commission meets in person.
  • Friday, May 24, 2024: at 2:30 pm the 2 x 2 (BUSD and Council) meets in the hybrid format.
  • Saturday, May 25, 2024: From 10 am – 12:15 pm is an in-person introduction to Nature Journaling.
The Green Home Tour is June 1 from 1-4 pm. Bringing Back the Native Garden Tour and gardening resources are available at

At the bottom are the directions for getting on or off the email list for the Activist’s Calendar and Activist’s Diary and how to make the most out of ZOOM with closed captioning, zoom transcripts and converting YouTube to a transcript.




Kelly Hammargren
Saturday May 11, 2024 - 05:47:00 PM

Worth Noting:

Nice weather is here, before you go out and make all kinds of gardening mistakes check out the resources on Bringing Back the Native Garden Tour including the YouTube channel with Douglas Tallamy on why to use native plants, Erin Diehm on how to make your windows bird safe and garden tour videos, Then go to Calscape restore nature one garden at a time to choose plants and find nurseries that specialize in native plants.

Note bolded meetings:

  • Monday:
    • At 9 am the Budget and Finance Committee meets in the hybrid format on the FY 2025-2026 budget. There will be an audio recording (NOT video) of the meeting.
    • At 6:30 pm the Youth Commission meets in person.
  • Tuesday:
    • At 11 am the Solano BID meets in person.
    • At 4:30 pm (hybrid format) the Police Accountability Board presents the 2021-2023 report to City Council.
    • At 6 pm City Council meets in the hybrid format with items 25-PICKUPS/loading drop-off zones, 26-prioritizing referrals (see table at ), 27-reimagining public safety, 28-implementing AB 1033 selling ADUs separately
  • Wednesday:
    • At 1:30 pm the Commission on Aging meets in person with a presentation by ACTC on the San Pablo Corridor Plan,
    • At 2 pm FITES meets in the hybrid format.
    • At 6:30 pm the HWCAC meets in person in a fully equipped room for hybrid meetings.
    • At 7 pm the Commission on Labor meets in person on Fair Work Week Ordinance.
    • At 7 pm the Commission on the Status of Women meets in person.
  • Thursday:
    • At 10 am the Health, Life Enrichment, Equity & Community meets in the hybrid format with NOX on the agenda.
    • At 5:30 pm the Zero Waste Commission meets in person.
    • At 6:15 pm the Transportation and Infrastructure Commission meets in person on bicycle blvds.
    • At 6:30 pm the Community Health Commission meets in person.
    • At 6:30 pm the Design Review Committee meets in person.
    • At 6:30 pm the FCPC/OGC meet in person in the Cypress Room fully equipped for hybrid meetings.
  • Saturday: At 9 am is shoreline cleanup.
At the bottom are the directions for getting on or off the email list for the Activist’s Calendar and Activist’s Diary and how to make the most out of ZOOM with closed captioning, zoom transcripts and converting YouTube to a transcript.


Check for email from Karen Klatt for MHSA Advisory Committee meeting



Saturday May 04, 2024 - 01:22:00 PM

Worth Noting:

Busy week, City Council returns from recess on May 7, 2024. The council agendas for May 7 and May 14, plus the Agenda Committee draft Council agenda for the May 21 council meeting make this Activist’s Calendar very long (sorry)

  • Sunday, May 5: From 10 am – 5 pm is the inland cities Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour.
  • Monday, May 6:
    • At 2:30 pm the Civic Arts Commission Grants Subcommittee meets online.
    • At 3 pm the City Council meets in the hybrid format in closed session to evaluate the City Manager.
    • At 7 pm the Peace and Justice commission meets in person.
    • At 7 pm the Personnel Board meets in person.
  • Tuesday, May 7:
    • At 2:30 pm the Agenda Committee meets in the hybrid format.
    • The Council meets in the hybrid format starting at 4 pm to swear in Cecilia Lunaparra for District 7.
    • At 4:15 pm is the Council public hearing on the allocation of federal funds.
    • At 6 pm is the Council regular meeting.
  • Wednesday, May 8:
    • At 9 am the Budget and Finance Committee meets in the hybrid format with 7 department budget presentations for FY 2025.
    • At 5 pm the Commission on Disability meets in the hybrid format for commissioners and in person only for the public. (The zoom link is not shared with the public.)
    • At 6:30 pm the Police Accountability Board (PAB) meets in the hybrid format.
    • At 7 pm the Parks, Recreation and Waterfront Commission meets in person.
  • Thursday, May 9:
    • At 9 am the Budget and Finance Committee meets in the hybrid format with 6 department budget presentations for FY 2025.
    • From 4 – 6pm there is a community safety meeting at San Pablo Park.
    • At 7 pm the Zoning Adjustment Board meets in the hybrid format.
    • At 1 pm WETA meets in the hybrid format with an amendment to the WETA Berkeley MOU as agenda item 9.
  • Saturday, May 11: From 10 am – 12 pm the Berkeley Neighborhoods Council meets online.

Check the City website for late announcements and meetings posted on short notice and city recreational activities at:

At the bottom of the calendar are the directions for getting on or off the email list for the Activist’s Calendar and Activist’s Diary and how to make the most out of ZOOM with closed captioning, zoom transcripts and converting YouTube to a transcript.




Kelly Hammargren
Wednesday May 01, 2024 - 11:25:00 AM

Worth Noting:

May 4 and May 5 are the free in person Bringing Back the Natives Garden tours from 10 am – 5 pm. Visit gardens planned around butterflies, hummingbirds, and caterpillars (baby bird food). Previewing the gardens online before going out is highly recommended. Saturday East Bay bayside cities list 42 gardens open to the public (all are private gardens except (1) the pollinator pathway). Sunday - Inland cities list 18 gardens (all are private except (1) the John Muir Historic site).

  • You must REGISTER to receive the garden tour addresses (email will arrive from Kathy Kramer with subject line Garden Tour addresses, maps and tickets)
  • How to make your windows bird safe is on the Saturday Berkeley Garden Tour at Keith Johnson’s and Erin Diehm’s house. Their display includes multiple samples of window film and inexpensive DIY projects.
  • The YouTube channel with webinars and videos of prior Bringing Back the Native Garden Tours is at:
  • Douglas Tallamy gives the “why” of seeing little bites out of plant leaves is reason to celebrate and not take a trip to by pesticide poisons. Even Hummingbird babies need insects to grow and fledge.
  • Calscape is the California Native Plant resource
This is the 20th year of the annual garden tours. Several tour stops include all electric green homes.
