Public Comment


Jagjit Singh
Thursday May 30, 2024 - 12:31:00 PM

Ignoring her great Sikh tradition, which reveres all life, Nikki Haley, in a misguided attempt to ingratiate herself with Israel, has urged the Israeli military to “kill all Palestinians.” This callous stance was made evident during her recent visit to Israel, where she inscribed “Finish them” on an artillery shell. 

Haley's visit came on the heels of international condemnation of an Israeli strike that killed dozens of Gazan civilians in a camp for displaced Palestinians. During her tour, she visited the site of the music festival where attendees were killed and kidnapped on October 7 and signed the artillery shell near Israel’s northern border with Lebanon. 

Her actions and statements, including declaring unconditional support for Israel's actions in Gaza and dismissing Palestinian suffering, drew significant criticism. Commentators like Wajahat Ali highlighted the potential for even harsher policies under a Republican administration. 

Haley's rhetoric contradicts her Sikh heritage's principles of compassion and respect for all life. I urge all Americans, especially Sikhs, to condemn her actions, which defile the great Sikh tradition in her pursuit of power.