The Week

A tent in People's Park burns.
Glen Kohler
A tent in People's Park burns.


Berkeley Copwatch Response To Bpd Use Of Less Lethal Weapons On Man Kneeling Before Police

Andrea Prichett
Monday April 20, 2020 - 12:59:00 PM

It has been over almost two weeks since Berkeley Copwatch publicly released disturbing footage of an African American man kneeling before five Berkeley police officers with his empty hands in the air. The man was shown talking to the officers just before they shot him with what BPD identified as a “less-lethal foam baton round”. This concerning encounter raises important questions about what constitutes “de-escalation” and under what conditions Berkeley Police Officers should be allowed to discharge their less lethal (potentially lethal) weapons.

It is important to understand what a “less lethal” weapon can do. Generally, these weapons are used in riot situations to prevent individuals from engaging in violent acts. Increasingly, Berkeley officers are using these weapons in routine encounters. For example, Copwatch recently observed BPD officers using them when investigating a bike theft at a homeless encampment and they have become commonplace at protests regardless of the presence of violence. However, these munitions can also seriously injure people. They are intended to incapacitate a suspect through the infliction of significant, blunt trauma. Injuries sustained from these weapons can be long lasting and, according to the product specs from one distributor of foam baton rounds, “Shots to the head, neck, thorax, heart or spine can result in fatal or serious injury.” -more-

Flash: People’s Park Fire

Glen Kohler
Tuesday April 21, 2020 - 04:59:00 PM

A large homeless encampment tent on Haste Street West of Bowditch was consumed by flames this afternoon, beginning around 4:20 pm.

The big tent, covered with blue polyester tarps, has been visible to people going West on Haste for some weeks . The exact cause of the fire is unknown at this time, but plentiful fuel was surely available for any open flame or spark. The resulting smoke was dense black, probably because the majority of flammable materials were plastic or other synthetic materials. -more-

New: More Falcons in Berkeley?

Steven Finacom
Sunday April 19, 2020 - 09:53:00 PM
A falcon takes off with its prey, possibly a pigeon wing.

The peregrine falcon pair that nests atop UC Berkeley’s Sather Tower (the Campanile) have received a lot of press and public attention in recent years, including this spring.

But Berkeley has many communities and neighborhoods. Have falcons taken up residence in the southwest portion of town as well?

This weekend (April 18/19) we made a quick trip to Outdoor Supply Hardware on Ashby Avenue to get a part for a home repair. The OSH store is located in part of the historic and landmark Heinz Plant, that occupies a square block bordered by Ashby, San Pablo, and Heinz Street.

The plant is a U-shaped complex with a large central parking lot and a huge, freestanding, water tower. In recent decades the water tower has mainly served as a perch for cell phone antennae.

When we came out of the store there was a strong bird call—“kee! kee! kee!”—in the air. What certainly appeared to be a falcon was perched atop a lamp post in the parking lot. After a minute, he or she took off, flying heavily, carrying what looked like the wing of a dead pigeon (the water tower is also quite near Aquatic Park, which has a large number of other bird species that might serve as falcon prey).

The falcon circled the building complex a couple of times, then landed on the catwalk surrounding the water tank. I did not get a picture, but others in the parking lot did. Two are shown here.

Note that the falcon doesn’t seem to have a leg band, implying it’s not one of the progeny of the falcon pair from the Campanile.

Was there a nest up there on the water tower? A pair of peregrines? Or was this one just on a hunting trip, passing through on its way to home elsewhere? I leave it to the falcon experts to figure out, from ground based observation.

You can see the water tower from the parking lot, the public street, and also from the parking lot of West Berkeley Bowl across the street. If you're making a trip to Berkeley Bowl or OSH for essential goods or taking an exercise walk through the neighborhood you can bird-watch as well. Keep your appropriate social distance from two-legs and don't disturb the avians! -more-

New: The Constitution Has Been Suspended

Thomas Lord
Monday April 20, 2020 - 04:08:00 PM

On April 13, with little fanfare, and in an offhanded way, Vice President Michael Richard Pence remarked to the press that at this time, and in any national emergency, the President's powers are "plenary": absolute and supreme. -more-

New: CODIV-19: Needed Actions Taken in Berkeley?

Jurgen Aust, AICP
Monday April 20, 2020 - 01:59:00 PM

Inundated by a virtual tsunami of largely redundant and repeat emails /notifications from City Hall and City Council offices, it becomes ever more difficult to discern what has actually been done to alleviate our crisis vs merely talking about it. -more-

New: COVID-19 at Harrison House?

from the Where Do we Go Berkeley Facebook Page
Monday April 20, 2020 - 01:44:00 PM

I have spoken to the residents at the encampments and it our understanding that there are confirmed cases (yes plural) of COVID-19 at Harrison House. We are all very concerned. -more-

New: Group Housing Endangers Residents in COVID-19 Emergency

Marcia Poole
Sunday April 19, 2020 - 07:10:00 PM

First They Came For The Homeless has been acting as an advocate for Phil Woodruff (aka. James Wood) for over a year. He was placed into a group housing situation in Oakland by BACS from their Berkeley Stairway Navigation Center. He currently resides in a house that is not up to code (2326 Myrtle St., Oakland, 94607.) It is a group congregate situation with from 10 to 15 residents and a house manager living or working in it.

We are very concerned about his health and safety at this place. Two weeks ago he was told to leave the house and not come back. He was essentially evicted in the COVID-19 quarantine by the house manager who raged at him that he had "white privilege". He endured at least 5 days living outside and sleeping on the pavement because of this. He did not have his medicine, clothing or even a charger for his phone since he was so abruptly tossed out. He was told to return to the house by BACS, but when he got there, they locked the door on him, would not let him in and the landlady shouted from her car in front of the house at him. He left feeling isolated, in physical pain from falls while he was on the street, in fear and sick from not having his medication. Evicted in the time of the Corona Virus. -more-

Updated: BERKELEY MUSIC CIRCUS: World Sing-Along

Lisa Bullwinkel, Hoopla CEO, Another Bullwinkel Show
Monday April 20, 2020 - 04:10:00 PM

For the past month, neighbors have been singing together on Wednesdays at noon from windows and porches around the world. For a few moments each week, a little bit of joy fills the air. The Berkeley Music Circus was originally set up with a final performance of “Celebration” at the end of April. However, with COVID-19 still in play, we are holding off on that song for a while and have added a few more to get us through the end of May. If we have to stay home longer and need more tunes, we’ll post them online at Meanwhile, keep your hearts and lungs open by singing. Be safe – sing with social distancing.

Wednesday, April 22 THREE LITTLE BIRDS (Bob Marley) -more-

New: Bay Area Teens Found QuaranTunes:
Virtual Music Lessons For Kids Stuck In Quarantine

Julia Rose Segal
Monday April 20, 2020 - 04:32:00 PM

A group of Bay Area teens has recently founded a charitable organization called QuaranTunes, which connects experienced and qualified teen musicians with children ages 4-14 to give virtual music lessons in piano, drums, guitar, bass, songwriting, music production, voice, violin, viola, and much more to keep them occupied while they are stuck in quarantine. Payment for the lessons is donation-based, and 100% of their proceeds go directly to the CDP COVID-19 Response Fund. Just in the past few weeks, they have already assembled a team of over 40 volunteer teachers, all of whom are accomplished musicians, some already in top colleges (UC Berkeley, Stanford, UCLA, UCSB, Cal Poly, etc) pursuing careers in music. They are currently giving on average 15 lessons a day to clients living as close as the Bay Area and as far as the UK. If you or someone you know would be interested in getting involved by either teaching or signing up for music lessons, you can get in contact with them by visiting their website (, emailing them at, or calling them anytime at (650) 924-5660. You can also donate directly to their cause at (any amount is greatly appreciated). -more-

Berkeley Health Officer Mandates Face Coverings in Public

Lisa B. Hernandez, MD, MPH
City of Berkeley Health Officer
Friday April 17, 2020 - 12:32:00 PM

Today, I issued an Order mandating the use of face coverings for everyone especially customers and workers in essential businesses so that infected people without symptoms don’t unintentionally spread COVID-19. -more-

Berkeley Fiddler

Josh and Diane Schon Wirtschafter
Sunday April 19, 2020 - 12:45:00 PM

Thanks for including our videos in your piece on joy during the epidemic! FYI, there’s some background in the Jewish Weekly.

‘Separatiooooon!’ — East Bay family’s ‘Fiddler’ coronavirus parody goes viral

Thanks for serving our community !

Berkeley Orders Symptom Checks at Nursing, Care Facilities

Jeff Shuttleworth (BCN)
Friday April 17, 2020 - 10:51:00 PM

Berkeley Public Health Officer Dr. Lisa Hernandez issued an order on Thursday mandating masks, temperature screenings and symptom checks for workers and visitors at skilled nursing and residential care facilities to control the spread of the coronavirus. -more-

Virtual Berkeley Town Hall Tomorrow with Mayor and Manager

Friday April 17, 2020 - 08:33:00 PM

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin and City Manager, Dee Williams-Ridley, and Health Officer, Dr Lisa Hernandez will appear at an online town hall tomorrow, Saturday, April 18 at noon. You can submit questions using this form. Watch the live stream at -more-

Press Release: Suspects Charged after Package Theft Spree

Byron White, Berkeley Police Public Information Officer
Thursday April 16, 2020 - 06:25:00 PM

On April 11th at 8:23 am, officers responded to the Panoramic Hill neighborhood on a report of a package theft. The alert person in the neighborhood noticed one of the suspects stealing a package from their neighbor and immediately called the police. When officers arrived, they learned that the suspects were last seen driving up the Panoramic Way hill in a full-size SUV and had not returned yet. -more-


The Editor's Back Fence

Sensible Rules for Keeping Safe with COVID-19

Friday April 17, 2020 - 02:17:00 PM

Here's the best article I've seen on this topic:

Saving Your Health, One Mask at a Time


Public Comment

New: BACS Group Housing Not Complying with COVID-19 Rules

Marcia Poole
Sunday April 19, 2020 - 07:10:00 PM

First They Came For The Homeless has been acting as an advocate for Phil Woodruff (aka. James Wood) for over a year. He was placed into a group housing situation in Oakland by BACS from their Berkeley Stairway Navigation Center. He currently resides in a house that is not up to code (2326 Myrtle St., Oakland, 94607.) It is a group congregate situation with from 10 to 15 residents and a house manager living or working in it.

We are very concerned about his health and safety at this place. Two weeks ago he was told to leave the house and not come back. He was essentially evicted in the COVID-19 quarantine by the house manager who raged at him that he had "white privilege". He endured at least 5 days living outside and sleeping on the pavement because of this. He did not have his medicine, clothing or even a charger for his phone since he was so abruptly tossed out. He was told to return to the house by BACS, but when he got there, they locked the door on him, would not let him in and the landlady shouted from her car in front of the house at him. He left feeling isolated, in physical pain from falls while he was on the street, in fear and sick from not having his medication. Evicted in the time of the Corona Virus. -more-

How the Berkeley Farmers' Markets Can Survive the Pandemic

Robert Brokl, Alfred Crofts
Thursday April 16, 2020 - 04:38:00 PM

There can be no good that comes from a global pandemic, leaving lives and economies in ruins, except hopefully the none-too-soon Trump exit. You would think this period of hording, uncertainty, and paranoia, extending to and including formerly banal activities like food shopping, might have a small silver lining with renewed appreciation for outdoor food shopping at farmers’ markets. Fresh air, disinfecting sunlight, farmers hurting from restaurant shutdowns but more seasonal offerings like asparagus and strawberries, more people cooking at home, with time on their hands and families around. And a renewed appreciation for fresh, local produce and other staples—farm-to-table made real, not just a cliche. Meet the people who grow the food. -more-

Trump Playing the Blame Game

Tejinder Uberoi
Friday April 17, 2020 - 12:18:00 PM

This has been an especially bad week for Donald Trump. Multiple media reports have carefully cataloged his conflicting statements in response to the Coronavirus. He initially praised China’s and later charged them with withholding critical information. Twisting his Rubik’s Cube of blame he now blames the World Health Organization (WHO) of being too China-centric.
Halting American funding of WHO during a raging pandemic is like torching a fire department’s trucks in the middle of an inferno. WHO rang the alarm as early as January 4 and declared the Coronavirus an international emergency at the end of the month. Tragically, the Trump administration ignored their warnings and rejected their diagnostic testing kit which has been used in dozens of countries.Trump repeatedly downplayed the severity of the Coronavirus dismissing it as a Democrat hoax claiming the number of infections would quickly disappear. His passivity has caused the death of thousands of Americans and left large numbers of doctors and nurses unprotected. -more-

Migrants Left to Die in Gulf States

Jagjit Singh
Wednesday April 15, 2020 - 11:10:00 AM

The Gulf has always been a mecca for poor migrant workers. The local Gulf “Brahmin” inhabitants have always eschewed blue collar jobs importing migrants to do the heavy lifting. Many migrants amassed substantial debts to recruiters and middlemen before arriving. Many are desperately short of food and money and are bitter their host countries treat them as an expendable underclass. Gulf States like Qatar and Saudi Arabia have fired tens of thousands of migrants and ordered a lockdown in overcrowded facilities raising fears of the widespread of the coronavirus. If the migrants are lucky enough to escape the virus they will certainly die of starvation. According to recent statistics released by the CIA, migrants make up more than 30% of Saudi Arabia’s 34 million citizens; more than 50% in Bahrain and Oman and in Kuwait foreigners outnumber citizens by two-thirds. In Qatar the number is a staggering nine to one. It is extremely short sighted to deny them support. A hasty exit would surely cause many of the Gulf States economies to collapse. Equally guilty are their countries of origin who have failed to airlift the migrants back home. In a show of contempt for poor migrants, a prominent Kuwaiti actress said on TV that they should be thrown out “into the desert.” It is appalling that the US,Britain and other western counties who have amassed $billions in arms sales to the Gulf States but show little concern for the welfare of migrant communities. -more-

They Should Have Named This Planet “Irony”

Janet Bridgers, President & Cofounder,Earth Alert,
Friday April 17, 2020 - 12:14:00 PM

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day. How ironic that this spring marks a big decrease in carbon emissions, due not to a great switch to renewable energy and energy efficiency, but to the global pandemic’s effect on reduced air traffic and other transportation. -more-

Don't let Trump dredge the SF Bay

Jeff Hoffman
Monday April 20, 2020 - 12:42:00 PM

I am strongly and unequivocally opposed to any dredging of the San Francisco Bay for oil companies or for any other reason. Dredging destroys the ecosystem that is dredged and stirs up toxic pollutants that had not been causing harm when they were underneath the bottom of the water. Dredging to allow more and larger oil tankers is especially egregious, as we should be moving away from polluting fossil fuels like oil for multiple reasons including human-caused climate change, not accommodating even more of them. We have already done a lot of environmental and ecological harm to the Bay with landfills, pollution, and other dredging. This proposed dredging would do even more harm and should not be approved! -more-

New: Keep Trump's Dredging Project Out of SF Bay

Richard Freeman
Monday April 20, 2020 - 12:41:00 PM

The Army Corps of Engineers' proposal to dredge the Bay should not be allowed. The Corps is working hand-in-glove with Phillips 66, which has a refinery in Rodeo. The dredging would make it easier for the oil company to bring in deeper (thus larger) ships containing tar sands crude, an extremely heavy and dirty oil that requires additional fossil fuel use to break down into a usable state. In the likelihood of a spill, tar sands crude goes directly to the bottom of the Bay. The fact that it is almost entirely irretrievable is proven by its location at the bottom of the Kalamazoo River in Michigan, where a major leak occurred several years ago. We already have a huge problem on our hands with COVID-19, let's not set ourselves up for more heartbreak. -more-

New: Protect the SF Bay Area

Chrissy Hoffman
Monday April 20, 2020 - 12:35:00 PM

I am really outraged that interests from outside of our community would put us and our environment at risk for profit. The proposal to dredge our beautiful bay, majorly disrupting its fragile ecosystem, churning up mercury and lead from the bottom is bad enough. But to then create an endless parade of massive tar sands oil tankers, each one carrying a potential spill is absolutely unacceptable! The Bay Area should be leading in the move away from fossil fuels and plastic, not participating in its expansion. And we certainly should not be jeopardized the amazing San Francisco Bay which is central to our shared history and way of life! I call on everyone to join in fighting oil companies and the federal government who would steal our this iconic asset from us! -more-



Conn Hallinan
Sunday April 12, 2020 - 11:05:00 AM

While the corona virus has focused much of the world on Europe and the United States, India promises to be the greatest victim of the disease. But other than a slick public relations campaign, the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has done little to confront the crisis. Indeed, a number of policy moves by Delhi have likely fed the spread of the dangerous virus.

When Modi announced a 21-day nationwide shutdown on March 24, he did so without any warning. Almost before the Prime Minister had finished talking, panicked city residents—mostly middle class—poured into the streets to stock up on food and medicines, almost certainly accelerating the spread of COVID-19.

The shutdown instantly made tens of millions of people jobless, setting many of them in motion toward their home villages. Since public transportation has been shut down, that involved journeys of over 300 miles. And because many villages are blocking outsiders, where migrants will get food and water is anyone’s guess.

Except for a few independent news sources, much of the chaos set off by the March 24 orders has gone unreported. Using a combination of financial pressure and outright censorship, Modi and his rightwing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have silenced much of the media. Newspapers and broadcast outlets are finding that criticism of Modi or the BJP results in the loss of government advertising, a major source of revenue. Modi has also filed expensive and difficult to fight tax cases against opposition media outlets. -more-

THE PUBLIC EYE:Newsom’s Plan for California’s Recovery

Bob Burnett
Friday April 17, 2020 - 11:07:00 AM

On April 14, California Governor Gavin Newsom detailed what will be required before the Golden State can begin to open up, shake off the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Newsom's grim assessment stands in marked contrast to the position of Donald Trump.

While acknowledging that California has made significant progress "flattening the curve" of the pandemic, Newsom cautioned that it was premature to declare victory: "As we contemplate reopening parts of our state, we must be guided by science and data, and we must understand that things will look different than before.” ( ) California currently has 28,156 Coronavirus cases and a mortality rate of 3.4 percent -- compared with 5.1 percent for the U.S.

Newsom presented a six-part plan that will enable California's leaders to determine when to begin to "dial back" the current stay-at-home order: -more-


Jack Bragen
Friday April 17, 2020 - 11:14:00 AM

April Fool's Day of 2020 marked 24 years since my most recent inpatient psychiatric hospital admission. The release was about two weeks after. When I got out, I had the nerve to solicit a marriage proposal from my girlfriend, Joanna Freeman. We moved in together, and I needed to have someone (my fiancé) help me, because I was not yet normal upon release. It was to take several months for me to find my way back to reality--following being reinstated on antipsychotics. -more-

ECLECTIC RANT:On Reopening the American Economy

Ralph E. Stone
Friday April 17, 2020 - 12:13:00 PM

Trump claims that he, not the state governors, have the ultimate authority to reopen the American economy. Actually, he is wrong. The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” -more-

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces

Gar Smith
Sunday April 19, 2020 - 07:16:00 PM

Getting to Know God's Bisexual Critters

One wonders how a Bible-thumping, Hetero-Christian evangelist would react to this news: Scientists have discovered that the Creator has created a thriving community of animals that are bilateral gynandromorphs. Or, in layman's terms: bisexual!

From Texas to Pennsylvania, birdwatchers have been bewitched by sightings of Northern Cardinals whose feathered forms are, as LiveScience describes them, "divided down the middle like a winged black-and-white-cookie"—but, in this case, a manly scarlet on one side and a lady-like taupe on the other.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology researchers assured the National Geographic that these "half-siders" are not just a cardinal rule: they exist in many species of birds, crustaceans and butterflies. (Yes, there are bisexual crabs in Chesapeake Bay.)

Gynandromophism is not just a superficial divide. As Virginia Institute of Marine Science geneticist Kimberly Reese explained to the New York Times, the bird's brain would also be "half male" and "half female." These birds have been seen to court but, with only a half-brain, the birds lack the male's ability to sing. On the other hand, the bisexual budgies could still produce an egg, as long as the bird's "left ovary" remains functional.

More Weird Bird News -more-

Arts & Events

The Berkeley Activist's Calendar, April 19-26

Kelly Hammargren, Sustainable Berkeley Coalition
Friday April 17, 2020 - 11:13:00 PM

Worth Noting:

All City meetings and events are either by videoconference or teleconference.

Video Updates from the Mayor on COVID-19 are on Mondays and Wednesdays and will be posted on the Mayor’s YouTube page, the April 10 Town Hall is also posted

  • Saturday, April 18 - Virtual Town Hall, 12 – 1 pm, Live stream on
submit questions ahead of time using this form by 9am on Saturday.

  • Tuesday, April 21City Council Regular meeting is at 6 pm,
  • Thursday, April 23Fair Campaign Practices Commission meets at 7 pm via teleconference

The agenda for the April 28 City Council meeting is available for comment and follows the daily list of meetings. The agenda includes 7. opting up residential and commercial customers to Brilliant 100 and Municipal accounts to Renewable 100.

Dashboards for Tracking the Incidence and Trends of COVID-19

  • The Worldometer dashboard gives totals for “today” and “yesterday” and includes incidence by population making comparisons by country and states possible. The dashboard clock is set to GMT+0, which translates to 5 pm California Time.

  • COVID-19 Compiler provides a map of the US with every county outlined. To view the incidence of COVID-19 by county just click on the county.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

No City meetings or events found

Monday, April 20, 2020

No City meetings or events found

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

LATE ENTRY – Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board, 3:15 pm, meeting announced, but no agenda available teleconference/videoconference information to be posted Monday, April 20, 2020, go to website for details

Berkeley City Council, Note there are different teleconference and videoconference numbers for the closed session and the regular session. Videoconference: If you do not wish for your name to appear on the screen, use the drop down menu and click on “rename” and rename yourself to be anonymous use the “raise your hand” and wait to be recognized to comment Teleconference: to comment press *9 and wait to be recognized, you will hear your phone number when recognized

LIVE AUDIO: KPFB 89.3, LIVE CAPTIONED BROADCAST: Cable B-TV (Channel 33) for the full agenda use the link

CLOSED Session, 4 pm,


Teleconference: 1-669-900-9128 Meeting ID 964 5002 9566, Agenda: 1. 295 University Negotiating Parties City of Berkeley (Dee Williams-Ridley, Paul Buddenhagen, Scott Ferris) and YOONACO dba Hana Japan, 2. Conference with Legal Council – Pending Litigation, Harris v. City of Berkeley, RG HG19025563

REGULAR Session, 6 – 11 pm,


Teleconference: 1-669-9009128 Meeting ID 257 156 624

Agenda: CONSENT: 1. Adopt Resolution Ratifying COVID-19 Local Emergency, 2. Bid Solicitations and RFP, 3. On-Call Landscape Architectural Services for Capital Improvement Projects, 4. FY 2021 Street Lighting Assessments, 5. Letter to Assemblymember Wicks supporting AB 1851eliminating parking requirements on faith-based properties for density bonus qualifying housing development projects, ACTION: 6. Public Hearing to grant Franchise Agreement Amendment for Electric Bike Share Program with Bay Area Motivate, LLC, a subsidiary of Lyft, A. Resolution Oppose Alameda County Sheriff Proposal for additional $85,000,000 for Santa Rita Jail, B. Establish Moratorium on Enforcements of BMC 14.48 Ordinance 3x3 regulation, Encampment Evictions, Sweeps, RV Parking and towing/ticketing/impounding of vehicles used for shelter during COVID-19 Pandemic, 7. Adopt Resolution to upgrade residential and commercial customers to a 100% GHG-Free Electricity Plan (Brilliant 100) and to upgrade Municipal accounts to 100% Renewable (Renewable 100), 8. Urgency Ordinance 1. Limit Commercial Rent Increases to 10% thru and 6 months after emergency declaration, 2. Send Correspondence to District DA and authorize City Attorney to take action against any violator who seeks rent increase that has the effect to evict any commercial tenant.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

No City meetings or events found

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Open Government & Fair Campaign Practices Commission, 7 pm, Teleconference: 213-279-1690 Meeting ID 783454379, Agenda: 3. Public Comment non-agenda items, 7. Negotiated stipulation with Lacey for 2018, Amendments to Election Reform Act, 9. Officeholder accounts, 10. Presentation 2020 Census, 11. FCPC 2020-2021 Work Plan, 13. Lobbying registration and reporting, 14. D-13 accounts and nonprofit donations, 15. Open Government 2020-2021 Work Plan

Friday, April 24, 2020

No City meetings or events found

Saturday, April 25, 2020

No City meetings or events found

Sunday, April 26, 2020

No City meetings or events found


The April 28, 2020 City Council Agenda is available for comment for comment email

The April 28 City Council Meeting will be conducted exclusively through VIDEOCONFERENCE:

TELECONFERENCE: 1-669-9009128 Meeting ID 962 0768 8419

April 28 Agenda: CONSENT: 1. 2nd reading Amendment to FY 2020 Annual Appropriations Ordinance $28,565,263 (gross) $15,378,568, 2. 2nd reading lease agreement with 200 Marina Blvd LLC, Doubletree Hotel 60-year term 5/14/2020 – 12/31/2080, capital contribution from 200 Marina LLC to Marina Street improvements, 3. Zoning Ordinance Amendment for Family Daycare Homes to comply with Senate Bill 234, 4. 2nd reading Amend Tenant Screening to prohibit fees to existing tenants and lease terminations, 5. Approve 5/10/2020 minutes, 6. Ordinance to establish Citizen Redistricting Commission rules and procedures will convene in Fall in response to 2020 Census results, 7. Formal Bid solicitations, RFP Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project, 8. Contract $32,160/yr for FY21 with City Data Services and authorization to extend for additional 3 years (FY21+FY22+FY23+FY24=$128,640), 9. Amend and extend Contract add $117,000 total $217,000with Youth Spirit Artworks for Transition Age Youth Case Management, Linkage Services and Tiny House Case Management, 10. Contract $500,000 with ENGEO for testing and inspection services for Tuolumne Camp Construction project 5/1/2020 – 7/1/2022, 11. Contract $556,292 (includes 10% contingency) with Andres Construction for Sanitary Sewer Rehab at West Frontage Road, 12. Contracts 1. Add $1,000,000 total $1,500,000 and extend to 6/30/2022 with LCC Engineering & Surveying Inc for on-call civil engineering, 2. Add $1,000,000 total $2,500,000 and extend to 6/30/2022 with Pavement Engineering In for on-call engineering services, 13. Approve Proposed Projects anticipated to be paid for by State Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) for FY 2021, 14. Fill Vacancy with appointment of Mr. Carlos Hill (District 1) on Human Welfare and Community Action Commission,

ACTION: 15. Public Hearing Redesign and Rezone of Rose Garden Inn at 2740 and 2744 Telegraph and 2348 Ward, 16. Public Hearing Submission of 2020-2025 Consolidated Plan Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME), allocate 85% of Program Year (PY20) to Housing Trust Fund, 5% to Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) and 10% Program Administration and authorize City Manager to submit Plan to HUD, 17. Discussion and Direction to City Manager regarding community survey for Nov 3, 2020 Ballot Measures,

18. Charter Amendment on Nov 3, 2020 Ballot changing Mayor and Councilmembers to full-time status with salary increase, 19. Prepare City Ballot Measure to Create a Climate Action Fund to become fossil free – response to Climate Action Plan and Climate Emergency, 20. Ballot Measure to introduce Term Limits 3 – 4 year terms or twelve years with required 2-year hiatus in order to serve additional terms for Mayor and City Councilmembers, INFORMATION REPORTS: 15. Mid-Year Budget Update, 16. Eight Previous Referrals to Planning Dept Which Can Be Tracked as Fulfilled,


Public Hearings Scheduled – Land Use Appeals

1533 Beverly (single family dwelling) 6/2/2020

0 Euclid – Berryman Reservoir TBD

Remanded to ZAB or LPC With 90-Day Deadline

1155-73 Hearst (develop 2 parcels) – referred back to City Council – to be scheduled

Notice of Decision (NOD) With End of Appeal Period

1132 Amador 4/28/2020

2590 Bancroft 4/30/2020

2715 Belrose 5/5/2020

1440 Bonita 4/28/2020

1449 Grizzly Peak 4/28/2020

1484 Grizzly Peak 4/30/2020

1476 Keoncrest 4/28/2020

2150 Kittredge 4/28/2020

1397 La Loma 4/30/2020

11 Maryland 4/30/2020

74 Oak Ridge 4/30/2020

1231 Ordway 4/28/2020

1205 Parker 5/5/2020

1315 Peralta 4/28/2020

2418 Sacramento 4/28/2020

2910 Seventh 4/23/2020

1998 Shattuck 4/30/2020

600 Spruce 4/28/2020

2650 Telegraph 4/28/2020

1665 Thousand Oaks 4/30/2020

LINK to Current Zoning Applications



June 23 – Climate Action Plan/Resiliency Update,

July 21 – Crime Report

Sept 29 – Digital Strategic Plan/FUND$ Replacement Website Update, Zero Waste Priorities

Oct 20 – Update Berkeley’s 2020 Vision, BMASP/Berkeley Pier-WETA Ferry

Unscheduled Workshops/Presentations

Cannabis Health Considerations

Vision 2050

Ohlone History and Culture (special meeting)

Presentation from StopWaste on SB1383

Systems Realignment


To Check For Regional Meetings with Berkeley Council Appointees go to

To check for Berkeley Unified School District Board Meetings go to


This meeting list is also posted on the Sustainable Berkeley Coalition website. and in the Berkeley Daily Planet under activist’s calendar

When notices of meetings are found that are posted after Friday 5:00 pm they are added to the website schedule and preceded by LATE ENTRY

If you wish to stop receiving the Weekly Summary of City Meetings please forward the weekly summary you received to, -more-