
New: COVID-19 at Harrison House?

from the Where Do we Go Berkeley Facebook Page
Monday April 20, 2020 - 01:44:00 PM

I have spoken to the residents at the encampments and it our understanding that there are confirmed cases (yes plural) of COVID-19 at Harrison House. We are all very concerned. 

We understand that individuals at Harrison House were showing symptoms early in this crisis. Yet we have not heard about this in the news or from the City of Berkeley or from Berkeley Public Health. Many residents at Harrison House walk down Harrison Street past the RVs, Skate Park, businesses, etc. They are surrounded by unsheltered friends in the community. This past week I had a person in a tent on 9th and Harrison develop symptoms. She was placed in a hotel. 

If this claim false, then let the City and BOSS confirm. If these claims are true, then we must demand answers for our Harrison House residents in Berkeley from the City and BOSS. We must demand answers for the unsheltered, the businesses and residents that live in that area. 

We need to know: How many confirmed cases? When were these symptoms reported? What was done for the individuals? We’re they immediately placed in hotels or quarantined on-site? How were the other individuals at Harrison House protected? We’re the unsheltered, businesses, and residents in surrounding area contacted by public health or homeless outreach? Will masks be handed out to the unhoused in the surrounding areas? We need answers.