Public Comment

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces: News and Views to Peruse

Gar Smith
Monday July 01, 2024 - 07:24:00 PM

The Predictability of TV Newscasts
ABC World News, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News all seem to be working from the same script these days: An opening report on the latest floods, hurricanes, and wildfires (with no mention of "climate change") followed by "The Mass Shooting of the Day." And, to offset all the downer stories, the networks close each daily newscast with a short, upbeat "human-interest" story. 

Here are a few stories that aren't being followed. 

Stuck in Space 

Since June 5, two US astronauts—Sumita Williams and Barry Wilmore—have been stranded in orbit, unable to return to Earth owing to helium leaks in their Starliner space capsule that could leave them without power needed to fuel the capsule's thrusters. The Starliner was designed by Boeing—the military contractor now famous for building passenger jets with badly bolted side doors. Asked for a response on the discovery of the helium leaks, a Boeing rep replied: "We thought we'd fixed that." 

The Starliner mission is a year behind schedule and $1.5 billion over budget (a performance typical of Pentagon-funded programs). If the Starliner remains off-line, the two stranded astronauts' back-up plan will involve "catching a ride" on Elon Musk's SpaceX vehicle, which is parked on the opposite side of the International Space Station. The Dragon space capsule has room for 7 passengers.. 

The Less-than-Admirable Admiral
A former Pentagon figure has been caught in the middle of a "revolving door" scandal. According to American Military News, former US Navy Vice Admiral Robert Burke has been accused of "attempting to secure government contracts in exchange for future employment." The Justice Department has accused Burke of colluding with Yougchul Kim and Meghan Messenger, co-CEOs of "an unnamed company" (aka "Company A") to steer a "sole-source contract" to the unnamed firm "in return for future employment." 

Burke also conspired with fellow Navy brass to offer the "unnamed company" a contact for a training program worth "triple-digit millions." Burke has been charged with acts of bribery and conspiracy that could land him in prison for up to 30 years—essentially a life sentence. No word on what penalties, if any, the "unnamed company" might face. 

Final note: the Justice Department's decision to hide the name of the complicit company is no match for Google. A search quickly reveals Company A is a firm called Next Jump: "Led by Co-CEOS Charlie Kim & Meghan Messenger, Next Jump is run by innovative mentors who are passionate about transforming the workplace." The company was also apparently passionate about transforming Admiral Burke's workplace. 


Yes to Peace. No to NATO: July 6-7
World BEYOND War and a long list of anti-war organizations are planning to converge on Washington DC for the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. But they aren't converging to join NATO's "big celebration of 75 years of itself"—with a host of militaristic meetings beginning in the US capitol on July 9 that is expected to draw "many presidents, prime ministers, foreign secretaries—and weapons dealers." 

The No to NATO global peace alliance is planning to host (and livestream) a summit on Saturday July 6 and a rally on Sunday July 7, with "various other actions in the days before and after that weekend" to say "Yes to Peace and No to NATO."' The organizers note that the demonstrations are not intended to promote any governments or political candidates and participants are asked not to bring any national flags or campaign signs. 

What's the gripe over NATO? For one thing, this post-WWII institution's founding principal—"an attack on one is an attack on all"—enshrines a threat of armed violence without just cause or constraint. It is an imperial threat that NATO's armies shares with drug cartels and Mafia enforcers. For another: NATO is no longer limited to the US, Canada and 10 European nations. Today NATO has nearly tripled in size with 32 members, including many countries that are found far outside NATO's original boundaries. 

If you can't make it to DC, you can follow the events live on YouTube at this embedded link


The GOP's Plans to Belabor Labor
Former Labor Secretary and UC economics professor Robert Reich must be outraged over the following piece of news. The Coalition of Human Needs recently noted: "At a time of skyrocketing CEO pay, stagnant wages for workers, and widening income inequality, House Republican appropriators have proposed drastic cuts to the Department of Labor (DOL)," including: 

• Cutting the National Labor Relations Board's budget to $200 million―a third of its current funding. 

• Slashing worker protection by cutting the Wage and Hour Division by 10% and OSHA by 12%—two agencies responsible for addressing child labor violations. 

• Blocking the DOL from preventing the misclassifying of employees as independent contractors―thereby excluding them from employment benefits and worker protections. 

• Targeting the DOL’s expansion of overtime pay rates. 

As usual, when it comes to aiding the working class, the GOPers are playing Stoppers and Loppers. 

Fashion Plates
Personalized license plates spotted about town.
BGBLU24 (Big Blue 24?) 

Ride the Surf
Blame Canada
Visualize Whirled Peas
Not Rich Enough for a Tax Break
Don't Assume I Share Your Prejudices
Shop at Wal-Mart. China Depends On It
Don't Believe Anything Until Its Been Officially Denied
Vote Republican. Won't You Help Us Profit From The Suffering of Others?
Join the Army and Travel to Exotic, Distant Lands, Meet Unusual, Exciting People, and Kill Them.