Public Comment

Netanyahu 's Niece Speaks Out

Jagjit Singh
Saturday November 18, 2023 - 09:28:00 PM

I'm writing to highlight the critical need for an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian actions in the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. Recently, Uth Ben-Artzi, the niece of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, voiced a compelling call for an urgent ceasefire and the release of all hostages held by Hamas. Ben-Artzi, a professor of political science at Providence College, joined forces with notable Rhode Island rabbis, Jewish leaders, and Israelis to demand a cessation of hostilities in Gaza. She emphasized that a ceasefire stands as the sole path toward any viable solution. Ben-Artzi astutely elucidated that military actions cannot resolve this conflict and underscored the necessity of a political resolution. She aptly stated, "Finding a political solution is the only way for the roughly 7 million Jews and 7 million Palestinians living between the river and the sea to achieve lasting peace." Hamas has taken a step by agreeing to release 10 hostages in exchange for 10 Palestinians wrongfully incarcerated. However, it is disheartening that Israel has not responded positively to this offer. Additionally, the Biden administration's continued supply of weapons to the region, prioritizing political gains over the safety of innocent civilians, is deeply troubling. The sole viable path forward is an immediate cessation of bombings, the restoration of essential amenities crucial for supporting life, the lifting of the siege on Gaza, and the end of occupation. It is imperative for global leaders to prioritize the lives and well-being of civilians over political gains or military actions. Let us work towards a ceasefire, ensure humanitarian aid reaches those in need, and earnestly pursue a sustainable resolution for peace in the region.