Public Comment

Concerns Regarding Prime Minister Modi's Impact on India

Jagjit Singh
Monday July 03, 2023 - 03:17:00 PM

I am writing to express my deep concerns about the impact that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has had on the nation. While some may argue that he has brought economic progress and development, it is crucial to examine the broader implications of his actions on various sections of society. 

One of the most alarming aspects of Modi's tenure is his treatment of minorities, particularly Muslims and Dalits. As the Chief Minister of Gujarat in 2014, he was responsible for the tragic events where over 1,000 Muslims lost their lives. This violence has created profound fear and insecurity in these communities. Furthermore, his identification of Gandhi's killer as a hero has sent a disturbing message, undermining the values of peace and tolerance that India has long stood for. 

Another worrying trend under Modi's leadership is the assault on press freedom and dissent. Journalists who dare to criticize Modi and his government face severe consequences, which has led to a chilling effect on the media landscape. It is disheartening to see India's ranking on the World Press Freedom Index at a dismal 161st position, just a few places above Russia! 

Moreover, Modi's government has attempted to rewrite history by purging school textbooks to glorify Hinduism. This deliberate distortion of education undermines India's secular fabric and promotes a narrow, divisive agenda. Such actions further marginalize minority communities and breed social unrest. 

Equally concerning is the suppression of human rights activists, as think tanks in India have had their licenses revoked, and individuals fighting for justice have been imprisoned. This crackdown on dissent and the persecution of those who speak out against government policies make a mockery of President Biden's claim that human rights are at the forefront of US foreign policy. 

Furthermore, the Prime Minister has remained silent when violent attacks on Christians and churches have occurred, such as in Manipur. This silence not only perpetuates a culture of impunity but also contradicts the principles of inclusivity and religious freedom. 

It is disheartening to witness the irrational exuberance of the Indian diaspora in supporting Modi, often turning a blind eye to the concerns raised by various human rights organizations and international bodies. 

While acknowledging the need for progress and development, we must also critically examine the impact of leaders like Modi on the fundamental principles of democracy, pluralism, and human rights in India. It is crucial that we hold our elected leaders accountable and strive for a society that upholds the values of inclusivity, tolerance, and respect for all. 

Finally, on a personal note, following years, of bureaucratic obstructiveness, we were forced to shut down our charity we have operated successfully for over five decades. We are not alone, other charities have reluctantly closed their offices resulting in the loss of huge critical resources supporting India’s poor, long abandoned by the Modi government. Jagjit Singh