Public Comment

Save Savannah Sparrows

Isabelle Gaston
Monday June 26, 2023 - 05:16:00 PM

Dear Councilmember Kesarwani,

I was very disappointed -- in fact, devastated -- to learn of the annihilation of the Savannah Sparrow's grassland habitat in Chavez Park that took place several weeks ago.

It strikes me as inconceivable, given the precarious state of our natural world, that a City of Berkeley employee (or contractor) would mow down an area of the park where not only the Savannah Sparrow, but the Song Sparrow and Western Meadowlark, are known to breed, nest, brood, and feed hatchlings from March through July.

As councilperson of the district which encompasses Chavez Park, I would like to know if any employees are being held to account for this incompetence? I would hope so.

As the Chavez Park Conservancy noted, "Having your nest destroyed by a mower may be similar to having your home with your babies blown away by a hurricane."