
Open Letter to the Berkeley City Council Re Warming Unhoused People

Moni T. Law, J.D. Chair, Berkeley Community Safety Coalition
Tuesday December 27, 2022 - 05:55:00 PM

Sadly, there are approximately 1,000 people unhoused in Berkeley who are facing cold nights sleeping outdoors. Many people have disabilities and advancing age and failing health. Can we confirm that an emergency shelter will be open tonight and all week with the upcoming heavy rains? Last night, a blind 59 year old homeless man who grew up In Berkeley was in his wheelchair outside the North Berkeley Senior Center (has excruciating neuropathy in feet). I believe he slept outside because the center initially said they were opening for the Warming Center, but then posted it was closed. 

If it is a staffing shortage, can you declare an emergency and request Governor’s support from National Guard to staff a large heated tent with portable bathrooms set in a large parking lot - and/or request Red Cross to set up volunteer staffed shelters during these horrific, cold, wet, life threatening nights?  

Thank you In advance for a reply. We would like to have news to give our unhoused neighbors on where they can take shelter from the cold. Community members are trying to fill some gaps but we don’t have sustainable resources. Thank you for considering this urgent plea.