The Editor's Back Fence

Boring Boxes in Berkeley's Downtown:
Why They're All Made of Ticky-Tacky and All Look Just the Same

Becky O'Malley
Wednesday June 01, 2022 - 12:48:00 PM

Well, it looks like the Chron has finally gotten the memo. Perhaps someone there even reads the Planet.

On Tuesday of this week, their resident "urban design critic" John King, who lives in Berkeley for his sins, took official notice of the fact that the city is being overrun with Ugly Boxes. Well, he didn't quite admit that, but the net sentiment he expressed is close. Here's his take on what's happening, such as it is:

Berkeley has a downtown housing boom right now. It’s going to transform the city’s character

Yes. As usual, the comments (hard to find) tell the story. Two of my faves:

"Witness Neoliberal crony capitalism's version of Stalin's Five Year Plans", That''s undoubtedly from a genuine Cal graduate.

And another good one called the prevailing style "applique architecture", which I take to mean Ugly Boxes with Some Fancy Stuff Outside.

But here's the breakthrough: In the same issue the good old Chron actually ran an op-ed by someone who brings facts and analysis to the topic. We've told you before about Professor Davarian Baldwin, and here in print he spotlights the major culprit in the "transformation of Berkeley's character" to Boring Boxland.

Read it and weep.

How UC Berkeley has used public power to become a private developer

By the way, if these links don't get you through the Chronicle's pay wall, a Berkeley Public Library card will give you online access to that and many other publications.