
Open Letter to Sen.Nancy Skinner and Rep. Buffy Wicks

Carol Denney
Monday March 14, 2022 - 02:18:00 PM

[Editor''s Note: This bill was passed. The governor has not yet signed it.]

Please rethink your support for the effort to allow unlimited enrollment at UC campuses. The Los Angeles Times' March 6th editorial illustrated how easily UC could use under-enrolled state campuses, such as Humboldt State and Santa Rosa's Sonoma State, as additional university sites rather than this horrifying new policy of park and landmark destruction. This one is easy.

The Los Angeles Times is as conservative as they come. Even they see the point of using existing facilities, rather than building entirely new ones, which every sentient being knows comports with climate change best practices.

Pull yourself out of the myopia of allowing wealthy donors to determine every decision governing those of us who remember what an education was supposed to be and are paying the price for what it has become. We can restore our university system. Monetizing every public amenity that exists is unsustainable policy.