
Time to build a national water grid

Jagjit Singh
Monday September 20, 2021 - 03:07:00 PM

After experiencing colossal military failures and $trillions in wasteful spending, it is time to identify the real threat to our very existence, the existential threat of climate change. California is in the fourth year of a very serious drought significantly affecting agriculture. Wildfires rage in California, and New England amid changing climate. Reservoirs are at about 30 percent of capacity Tube wells are being dug deeper and deeper to access diminishing ground water. Oregon and Washington experienced draught conditions this year. Texas and Louisiana have been awash with severe flooding causing billions of dollars damage. If ever there was an environmental battle exemplifying a game of ping pong, it would be the stop-start story of the Keystone XL pipeline. We should pay more attention to indigenous people’s voices who revere the land, rivers and the natural habitat more than the fleeting pleasure of corporate profits. 

If we can transport dirty tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada to the US Gulf coast we most certainly have the know how and technology to transport flood waters from states like Texas and Louisiana to drought-stricken California. It is a win-win situation all around. It is time to drastically cut back wasteful military spending and redirect the savings in the construction of a national water grid. The time to begin construction of the grid is NOW! Please call your legislators and demand immediate action.