Public Comment

Open letter to the Oakland City Council

Bruce Joffe
Sunday July 11, 2021 - 10:37:00 PM

Please don't yield to vague promises from the As management and make a huge financial blunder similar to what was foisted on us taxpayers with the Raiders deal, decades ago. 

We are still paying for that betrayal of fiscal responsibility even as the Raiders no longer play in Oakland. 

Why should our city government subsidize a private, for-profit company? There must be a surety of overwhelming net benefit to the public. And that benefit must accrue early in the project, not 45 years into the future. 

Furthermore, our in-place transportation infrastructure favors using the existing Coliseum site, not the waterfront area that would result in traffic and parking congestion. 

Wasn't the goal of the Raiders deal to create economic development around the Coliseum site? What evidence is there that a new site on the waterfront would fare any better? 

Thank you for giving this your attention.