Public Comment

Why I Partly Agree With Trump's Class Action Suit

Jack Bragen
Sunday July 11, 2021 - 10:06:00 PM

In my creative endeavors, to be more specific, my writing, because I want to be compensated and known, I am at the mercy of Google and Amazon. Although Trump's First Amendment argument is dumb and won't work, since that part of the Constitution only applies to the U.S. Government, (prohibiting the government from censoring people) there is another angle to this. 

In the early nineteen eighties the U.S. Government forcibly broke up "Ma Bell," into smaller pieces. It was an earlier mega corporation that had a monopoly on communications in the U.S. Today, small time writers are at the mercy of Amazon. Amazon is so big that it essentially has a monopoly over book sales. And Google is also huge, and in large part has a monopoly over people finding you on the web. 

Even though the First Amendment does not apply to Trump's lawsuit, a monopoly basis could be applicable. Because of the idea that big tech has a chokehold on publishing and can decide on a whim who gets to be famous and who doesn't, Trump's class-action suit strikes a chord with me. 

It would be simplistic thinking to believe that because Trump is bad, we must disagree with everything he says and does. On a few things he gets it right. And I hope to the Universe that he does not regain the Presidency.