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Chiu, Wiener Attack ‘Left-Eight Pincers’ on Housing

Zelda Bronstein
Thursday March 04, 2021 - 04:21:00 PM

Some of the best reporting on how the state's housing law is being impacted has been done by ZELDA BRONSTEIN former Berkeley Planning Commission Chair and former Berkeley Daily Planet PUBLIC EYE columnist, who is now writing mostly about San Francisco for, the successor to the San Francisco Bay Guardian. Here's her latest:)

Legislators decry alliance between progressive housing activists and 'Nimby' homeowners

On Tuesday, March 2, SPUR hosted an hourlong online conversation with Assemblymembers Phil Ting and David Chiu and State Senator Scott Wiener. (Link to tape here.) My state senator, Nancy Skinner, was also on the program; but as is so often her wont on such occasions, she didn’t show up. The legislators covered a lot of territory: COVID, the state budget, homelessness, the Newsom recall, and housing. Most of the talk was unremarkable. It was only when they got to housing that the knives came out. 


Click here to see the whole story.