
SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces

Gar Smith
Friday October 16, 2020 - 04:19:00 PM

Tammy to Trump: Take This, Sucker! 

Every day brings a new flood of political campaign solicitations in the mail. Each one has to compete for attention. Many envelopes flash the word "Urgent!" Some attempt to seduce the recipient with phrases like "Confidential Materials prepared for [name goes here]." But my fave has got to be the envelope I just got from Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth, a combat vet who lost both legs when her helicopter was shot down over Iraq The message on the Purple Heart winner's envelop reads: "I'll take my wheelchair and titanium legs over Donald Trump's supposed bone spurs any day." 

The Sample Ballot Is Finally Updated 

There are a few surprises on the ballot booklets that have been arriving for the 2020 election. Year after year, I've been bothered by the "Sample Ballots" presentation. Obviously, the sample can't show the names of any actual candidates so the ballot-makers have traditionally resorted to using the names of deceased celebrities. Really deceased! I'm talking about entertainment icons from the 1930s! 

Up until 2018, the names that inevitably appeared on the fake ballot were these: Carole Lombard, George E. Jessel, Billy Rose, Kate Smith, Isadora Duncan, and Edward (Duke) Ellington. At long last, the good people responsible for the Alameda County Voter Information Guide have created a sample ballot that's more up-to-date. In 2020, the faux candidates running for the faux office of "Directors of Entertainment" include: Aretha Franklin, Bruce Lee, Bea Arthur, Sidney Poitier, Selena, and Freddie Mercury. 

There's one small error, however. The sample ballots traditionally list the names of celebrities who have passed on. That's the case with five of's choices but one of these candidates, praise the lord, is still alive and kicking at age 93—Sydney Poitier. 

Kanye West Is Running for Two DC Positions? 

Another surprise popped up on the Sample Ballot for the presidential race. There are candidates for six parties on the ballot this year, including Howie Hawkins and Angela Nicole Walker for the Green Party and Gloria La Riva and Sunil Freeman on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket. 

But the real surprise is the duo listed for the American Independent Party (AIP) ticket. For president, Roque "Rocky" de la Fuente Guerra (which, in English, would be "Rocky from the War Fountain) and, for vice-president, Kanye Omari West. 

I thought Kanye was heading his own Birthday Party ticket in his quest to occupy the Oval Office. (The White House already includes a "West Wing," does it not?). But Kanye for Veep? It's a bit difficult to imagine Alpha-male Kanye West vying for a subordinate position. So what's up? 

According to Newsweek, West had nothing to do with it. The AIP chose him— because they liked his anti-abortion position and the fact that he based his platform on biblical citations. And there was one other reason the AIP leadership chose the hyper-rapper-entrepreneur. As API chair Markham Robinson explained: "Well, he wasn't available for President." 

Adding to the confusion, AIP presidential candidate De La Fuente didn't know that the AIP leadership had chosen West to be his running mate. "I was not consulted," De La Fuerte revealed, "but it was their decision and their decision only." 

A Correction 

In last week's Planet, I posted a report about a confrontation between a nonviolent protest against the installation of wireless transmitters and members of the Berkeley Police Department. I quoted a written eyewitness account that described two women being removed by members of the BPD who reportedly treated them "like rag dolls." One of the women has informed me that the description exaggerated the force that was used to remove her. In response to her comments, the Planet has deleted that sentence from the posted article. 

The Chicago 7: The Netflix Version and the Real Deal 

One of the fall season's most-anticipated big-ticket, small-screen movies is set to debut on Netflix on October 16—Aaron Sorkin's retelling of "The Trial of the Chicago 7." 

Giving voice to Sorkin's zingers is an all-star cast including Sacha Baron Cohen (Abbie Hoffman), Eddie Redmane (Tom Hayden), Mark Rylance (William Kunstler), Frank Langella (Judge Julius Hoffman), and Michael Keaton (Ramsey Clark). 


But here's a bonus! After watching Sorkin's film, you can join in a live conversation with four of the activists whose lives are reflected in the film. 

On Friday, October 24 (4PM local time), trial defendant and Black Panther leader Bobby Seale will join co-defendant Rennie Davis, Troy Garity (son of trial defendant Tom Hayden) and Berkeley resident Judy Gumbo, a trial participant. Proto-feminist, and member of the Yippies. 

With the approach of a critical and already-disputed election, the agenda for this lively live event couldn't be more timely: This rare electronic meet-up will discuss how the legacy of Chicago 7—a combination of youth rebellion and a divisive clash of established and emerging cultures—is relevant to the protests we are seeing today. 

The free Zoom webinar is being sponsored by the Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee. For more information, see To register, go to tinyurl/Chi7trial 

In related news, there will be a Zoominar this Sunday devoted to "Civil Disobedience: Then and Now. A national dialogue on our history — and where we go from here" (1-3 PM local time). The conversation will include voices from Black Lives Matter, Climate Action, the Anti-War Movement, Women and Gender, Labor Activism, the Civil Rights Movement, and 2020 Post-Election Democracy Defense. You can register here

Trump's Fear-mongering Reaches New Lows 


Local Filmmaker Screens Math Doc at UN Film Fest 

Bay Area filmmaker George Csicsery has laid claim to a unique cinematic beat: he makes films about mathematics and mathematicians. His latest work, "Secrets of the Surface: The Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani," reveals the life and work of a young Iranian girl who "became a superstar in her field." In 2014, Ms. Mirzakhani became the first Iranian—and the first woman—to win the greatest award in the field of mathematics, the Fields Medal. 

Secrets of the Surface is a fine tribute to a remarkable person who achieved remarkable breakthroughs. Mirzakhani became a much-loved professor at Stanford and she died much too soon, succumbing to breast cancer in 2017. 

The film has been selected for presentation at the prestigious United Nations Association Film Festival. Secrets of the Surface debuts at the UNAFF on Sunday, October 18. There will be an interview with the filmmakers at 6PM followed by an online screening of the film at 7PM. 


Occupella Concert and Sing-a-long Sunday 

If you are in the mood for some socially responsible Zoom-crooning, here's your chance. The roving street chorus known as Occupella with be hosting a pandemic-proof sing-along this Sunday, October 18, at 3PM.  

The invite reads: "Everyone’s welcome—old friends from Curbside Choruses, Tax the Rich, Women’s Marches, Climate Justice rallies, BLM BART sings, all manner of bold gatherings—as well as friends we don’t know yet. Occupella core members are still singing, writing, and rabblerousing. We love to see you singing with us—even if we won’t be able to hear you in the Zoom Room." 

We’ll lead with some favorites from our online songbook, and we look forward to sharing some new and timely tunes this strange time has inspired. 

To sign on, RSVP a spot on Zoom at 

And, for a taste of the treats ahead, here’s Laura Love and Roy Zimmerman (and a host of Bay Areans) performing “My Vote, My Voice, My Right": 


Vandalism at the Chavez Memorial 

Another act of vandalism has been recorded at the Dolores Huerta-Cesar Chavez Memorial Solar Calendar, a Stonehenge-like meditative space that tops a windy summit at the north end of the Berkeley Marina. 

Vandalism is a rare, but recurring, problem. Most visitors come to enjoy the ambience, to celebrate two legendary labor leaders, to pose for photos at the site's sundial, and to learn about labor rights, solar cycles, and astronomy. 

In the past, some rock-stacked berms have been breached and stones strewn. Recently, some signage was torn from a display area and left on the ground. A peace symbol, carefully formed from rocks, was kicked apart and scattered. 

On October 5,(as one of the Memorial's volunteer Stewards), I checked in on the site and discovered that one of the rocks marking the Four Directions had been defaced. Each of the four boulders are engraved with fkey virtues—Hope, Determination, Courage, and Tolerance. 

The latest attack seemed to carry an implied partisan message—the word "MAGA" had been etched atop the stone dedicated to "tolerance." The perpetrator would appear to be a Trump partisan who, like Trump, takes pleasure in promoting intolerance. 

As usual, repairs will be made and the memorial will continue to attract visitors who, more often than not, leave bouquets of flowers propped against the stones and the sundial's gnomon in memory of family and friends who have died. Case in point: On October 16, Santiago Casal, the Berkeley visionary behind the memorial, visited the site and reported finding "a tribute — I assume for Cesar and Dolores, but maybe also to counter the MAGA graffiti — a living plant with a jug of water to water it!" 

The Militarization of Domestic Politics 

Following the disruption of an armed right-wing plot to kidnap Gretchen Withmer, Michigan's Democratic governor, The Daily Kos announced a campaign to "protect democracy" in Michigan but the wording was disturbing. 

The Kos writer was right-on when he noted it was Donald Trump who set the stage by tweeting “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" following "the lockdown Whitmer imposed to stem the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Three minutes later, [Trump] wrote, 'LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!'  

"Trump’s call for armed insurrection against duly elected officials provided the backdrop—and very possibly the impetus—for the terrorists who sought to overthrow Whitmer." 

But the Kos response came off sounding like a proposal to raise counter-militias to confront the Boogaloo troops and Wolverine Watchmen. Kos readers were invited to: "send Gretchen Whitmer reinforcements who will uphold democracy and the rule of law in Michigan!" 

Has Whitmer requested these "reinforcements"? And who are these outside forces who would travel to Michigan to enforce that state's "rule of law"? The implications of the wording were alarming and seem to echo one of the White Right's fondest dream—Civil War. But this would be civil war with a twist—instead of the people unifying and rising up to overthrow a tyrant, the tyrant's followers would aim their weapons at other citizens that the tyrant had identified as targets. 

I've asked for clarification from The Daily Kos. So far, no reply. 

Are Image Search Algorithms Rigged? 

Recently, while doing an on-line search for an image of Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro, the auto-select option that pops up on the Yahoo Image Search page included an option for photos of "Nicolas Maduro dead." 

Sorry, (and all the yahoos in the White House) but President Maduro is still very much alive. (Despite a recent, failed US-backed coup attempt that left a number of American mercenaries jailed in Caracas.) 

Meanwhile, following up on Donald Trump's Il Duce-like appearance on a White House balcony, another Yahoo image search generated around 40 images of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini addressing huge throngs from his balcony. But the last image on the search page stood out—it was a photo of a US balcony occupied by none other than Donald Trump. 

Vote Him Away