Lies endanger democracy (Public Comment)
No argument is too petty for little Donald when it comes to assertions about size. While photographic evidence confirms the crowd that witnessed his inauguration was half the size that celebrated President Obama's inauguration, Trump chose to claim the opposite and make a fuss about "media bias." His official representative, Kellyanne Conway, went even further, saying Trump's claim is based on "alternative facts."
This is not the first time the blowhard candidate and then president-elect made claims based on verifiable untruths. So let's call "alternative facts" what they are; they are lies.
Now as President of the United States, his lying prevarications pose a direct threat to our free society which depends on engaged citizens informed by true facts. Government officials calling their lies "alternative facts" endangers the very foundation of our democracy.
Patriotic appreciation to news reporters who check the facts and point out the lies.