Public Comment
The Spy Cables
In what has been widely described as the largest intelligence leak since Edward Snowden, Al Jazeera has begun releasing a series of spy cables from the world’s top intelligence agencies.
In one cable, which is eerily similar to the CIA/Bush administration fabricated reasons for going to war in Iraq, the Israeli spy agency, Mossad, contradicts Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s own dire warnings about Iran’s ability to produce a nuclear bomb.
Former Mossad chief Meir Dagan publicly stated that a war with Iran would be a bad idea, a very bad idea. Other Israeli security officials have expressed frustration by Netanyahu’s rhetoric on the Iranian nuclear threat, accusing him of "messianic" political leadership pushing for military action.
J Street has placed a full page ad in the New York Times: "Presidents of Israel, and the US, five former Israeli ambassadors, dozens of elected officials and major Jewish leaders, all say :Postpone the Speech”.
The leaked cable is a huge embarrassment for Netanyahu just as he prepares his highly controversial US visit.