More Aftershocks Today
Another aftershock with a 2.5 magnitude struck this morning, after two small quakes shook the East Bay this morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. -more-
Another aftershock with a 2.5 magnitude struck this morning, after two small quakes shook the East Bay this morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. -more-
November 8, 2011
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Councilmember Jesse Arreguin, Councilmember Kriss Worthington
Subject: Possible New Council Chambers – Options and Accessibility
That the City Council request a report back to the Council in no less than 60 days on the proposal suggested to vacate Old City Hall and relocate the City Council Chambers to a new location. The report should analyze feasible alternate locations for a Council Chambers, issues of accessibility for the disabled, proximity to transit, adequate seating for large crowds, and connectivity to technology including television broadcasting.
October 14
A coward's way of killing
Murders from afar
Yemen body count:
Saleh's volleys kill 18
US drones kill nine.
Both Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland for generations have celebrated what’s called “the marching season”, a time of the year beginning around Easter when various groups stage parades to commemorate dates and causes that they consider significant. Here in the United States, October has often been our “marching season”—some of the best protests decrying the first (or was it the second?) Gulf War were in October, as I recall.
This year is no exception. Yesterday’s various Occupy events in Berkeley and the rest of the East Bay, though serious in purpose, had an almost festive air consistent with the fine weather and earnest camaraderie of the participants. If you kept moving, it was possible to enjoy a good cross section of the available color at various locales.
While the organic Occupy Wall Street movement is similar to the spontaneous Arab Spring uprisings that began last December in Tunisia and Egypt, OWS is eerily reminiscent of the run up to the American revolutionary war.
Three ingredients fueled the original American Revolution. The first was egregious British taxation policy exacerbated by the fact that the colonies had no representation in Parliament. The second was the growth of liberalism and its concepts of natural rights and the social contract. Finally, Americans embraced the values of “republicanism” -- in its original form – which criticized both British corruption and the power of the English aristocracy.
For eighteenth-century American colonists, democracy was a novel idea, whose influence grew from 1763 onward and culminated with the publication of Tom Paine’s Common Sense.
Have you seen the television commercial that advertises a new medication for children with hyperactivity and attention deficit? The commercial shows a well-behaved, sedated little kid doing his homework and being an angelic little boy, while at the same time a list of possible side effects is being read over the sound portion of the commercial. If you’re paying any attention to those side effects, it sounds horrific. If you’re paying attention to the portrayal of the child, you ought to be horrified. No child should be that well-behaved; it’s not natural. -more-
New: Hancock Sponsors "Gut-and-Amend" Bills in Sacramento 10-19-2011
Cartoon Page: BOUNCE: By Joseph Young 10-20-2011
Cartoon Page: Odd Bodkins: The Answer Dan O'Neill 10-18-2011
Letters 10-22-2011
Possible New Council Chambers By Councilmembers Jesse Arreguin and Kriss Worthington 10-22-2011
Two Haiku for Yemen By Gar Smith 10-22-2011
Letter: Arreguin and Worthington Submit Agenda Item re Council Move to West Campus From Councilmember Jesse Arreguin 10-20-2011
Letters to the Editor 10-19-2011
A Framing Memo for Occupy Wall Street By George Lakoff, Reader Supported News 10-19-2011
Resurrect Berkeley's Rink By Wendy Schlesinger, MJ, CIP 10-18-2011
More Aftershocks Today By Sasha Lekach (Bay City News Service) 10-22-2011
Updated: Second Earthquake Strikes Berkeley Tonight: 3.8 By Bay City News Service 10-20-2011
Updated: Earthquake in Berkeley Now Estimated to be 3.9 Magnitude 10-20-2011
Berkeley City and BUSD Consider Moving Meetings to West Berkeley, Abandoning Old City Hall By Steven Finacom 10-20-2011
New: Occupy Berkeley Deliberates Reviving "How Berkeley Can You Be" Oct. 30; Calls for "Grade-in" and Lawn Watering Saturday--in Lieu of a March by Ted Friedman 10-21-2011
Berkeley City College Student Wins Norman Mailer Writing Award 10-20-2011
Earthquake Advice By Dorothy Snodgrass 10-20-2011
Press Release: Village Movement Takes Root among UC Berkeley’s Dynamic Elders By Yasmin Anwar | UCB Media Relations 10-20-2011
Berkeley City Officials Push UC to Choose West Berkeley for New LBNL Site--
With No Public Review(News Analysis)
By Zelda Bronstein
Inside "Occupy Berkeley"—A Week in the Life of a Nascent Revolution by Ted Friedman 10-17-2011
The Unfinished Legacy of 2010: How a massive Democratic voter cop-out in last year’s elections put the reactionary right in the driver’s seat (News Analysis) By Frank Viviano (New America Media) 10-18-2011
One Fountain, One Hundred Years: The Circle Has a Centennial Party By Steven Finacom 10-18-2011
Add Your Opinion to the Downtown Berkeley Perceptions Survey By Deborah Badhia, DBA 10-18-2011
Remembering the Firestorm (First Person) By Dorothy Snodgrass 10-18-2011
Fire This Morning at Berkeley Iceland: A Neighbor's Reaction By Jane Stillwater 10-17-2011
Hikers Freed in Iran to Speak Tonight at Occupy Oakland By Dan McMenamin (BCN) 10-17-2011
The New American Revolution: Occupy Wall Street By Bob Burnett 10-22-2011
On Mental Illness: Children on Medication By Jack Bragen 10-22-2011
My Commonplace Book (a diary of excerpts copied from printed books, with comments added by the reader.) By Dorothy Bryant 10-20-2011
Senior Power… “Always my best day of the week.” Part 1. By Helen Rippier Wheeler 10-20-2011
Warbler Variations and the Origin of a Species By Joe Eaton 10-18-2011
Around & About Theater: Central Works Premieres Brian Thorstenson's 'Embassy: A Domestic Diplomatic Comedy' By Ken Bullock 10-20-2011
New: Kronos Quartet Resets the Clock By Lou Fancher 10-19-2011
Around & About Theater, Music--& John Malkovich: The Infernal Comedy, Friday at Zellerbach By Ken Bullock 10-18-2011
Eye From the Aisle: Rep’s HOW to Write a NEW Book for the Bible—too funny, often too tragic to abide By John A. McMullen II 10-18-2011
Press Release: School Violence: Myths and Reality - Rescheduled - A Discussion with Annette Fuentes and Jody Sokolower at the Berkeley Public Library, Tuesday, November 1 at 6 p.m. From the Berkeley Public Library 10-19-2011
Open Houses for LBNL Campus at Golden Gate Fields By Zelda Bronstein 10-17-2011