Public Comment
Oakland Children's Art Museum's Ban on Palestinian Works is Futile
In summer 2005, Berkeley resident John Gertz confirmed to a Daily Planet reporter the rumors that he had indeed packed the Peace and Justice Commission with persons who could be depended on not to criticize Israel.“What I have observed is that a lot of people were sick of the commission being run by the lunatic left and some brave people came forward to put a stop to it,” he said.
Although I was at the time aware of widespread censorship activities by the Jewish lobby, I was naively shocked to learn that the same processes were at work in liberal Berkeley, the home of the Free Speech Movement, a city where people frequently and publicly debate each other over everything possibly debatable.
Richmond Council Fails to Pass Marijuana Ordinance
There are clearly different shades of green on the Richmond City Council. -more-
Tough Talk from President Obama is Too Little Too Late
The headline on The Economist’s story a couple of weeks ago said it all:
“The administration hands a victory to America’s polluters.”
The Editor's Back Fence
A New Schedule: PLEASE READ
A bonus contribution from regular columnist Conn Hallinan has inspired us to move to a new form of daily publication. Instead of doing a weekly roundup issue on Wednesdays, as we've done for about a year, we're going to create a new "issue" as soon as we have something new to post, including comments of all kinds. If you only check out the Planet infrequently, you'll be able to see what you've missed since your last visit by clicking the "Previous Issue" button at the top of the page as many times as you need to get back to what you last saw. To comment on this change or on anything else, just write us by clicking on -more-
Dispatches From the Edge: Of Kabul & Tet & Generals
“Now we can see [success in Vietnam] clearly, like the light at the end of a tunnel” -more-