Arts & Events

Don't Miss This

By Dorothy Snodgrass
Wednesday August 24, 2011 - 10:04:00 AM

With all those gloomy newspaper headlines and television reports of the unhappy news that the Dow had tumbled 5%, leading to global recession fears, it's hard to feel optimistic about the future. Nevertheless, we may take comfort in some of the pleasant, informative activities lined up for the next several weeks. -more-

Freedom: The Movie that Dares to Defend Ethanol

Reviewed by Gar Smith
Wednesday August 24, 2011 - 09:38:00 AM

Back in the ‘80s, I was in the vanguard of environmental reporters who warned against the adoption of methanol as an alternative to oil-based gasoline. The preferred fuel, I claimed, was ethanol. Made from a renewable plant crops, ethanol was a perfect “green” fuel that burned clean and didn’t emit Greenhouse Gases. But a series of critical scientific studies began to challenge ethanol’s claims and critics attacked the concept of using corn to feed automobiles instead of people. Soon environmental organizations were protesting agrofuel programs as criminal conspiracies against the biosphere. Ethanol was no longer a cool fuel.

And then Josh and Rebecca Tickell rolled into town. -more-

Six Characters Chasing an Author

By Ted Friedman
Wednesday August 24, 2011 - 09:38:00 AM
David A. Moss ponders a question in Q & A after his one-man play--"Cracked Clown"

For David A. Moss's one-man play, "Cracked Clown," a work-in-progress staged last weekend at the performance studio at East Bay Media Center in Berkeley, Moss creates at least six characters who chase him around the stage for the entire 60 minute performance. The characters—mostly demons and one angel—seem to have him on the run, until the surprising ending. Caspar the Friendly Ghost, and G.I. Joe appear in cameos. -more-

Film Review: Ripe Tomatoes: Herzog Doc Gets Second Wind at Elmwood

by Ted Friedman
Wednesday August 24, 2011 - 03:54:00 PM
Promotional shot of Werner Herzog's, 'the Cave of Forgotten Dreams, 2010, showing at the Elmwood in the Elmwood--

Werner Herzog's The Cave of Forgotten Dreams has been revived for a second run at the Elmwood, Friday, after ending a three month run at Shattuck Cinemas. -more-