The South Berkeley Library. Photos are of the existing structure, and architect Todd Jersey's rendering illustrates his proposal for remodeling and expanding it to meet current needs.  The view is of the entrance at the corner of Russell Street.
Todd Jersey Architecture
The South Berkeley Library. Photos are of the existing structure, and architect Todd Jersey's rendering illustrates his proposal for remodeling and expanding it to meet current needs. The view is of the entrance at the corner of Russell Street.


Celebrate International Women's Day with Peace Heroine Awards

From Holly Harwood
Tuesday March 08, 2011 - 09:34:00 PM

The first annual Peace Heroine Awards for women peace and social activists over age 70 will be awarded at noon on Mar. 9 at the Marine Recruiting Station, Shattuck Sq. Berkeley. As Pamela Sihvola said when nominating Gene Bernardi, these women “personify peace and social justice.” The 41 award winners include veteran members of EBCOSSI (East Bay Coalition to Support Self-Rule for Iraqis), Grandmothers Against the War, Women for Peace, Veterans for Peace, the Committee to Minimize Toxic Waste, Gray Panthers, Old Lesbians Organizing for Change, California Alliance for Retired Americans, CODEPINK, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Women in Black, Cop Watch, US Labor Against the War, the women's movement, the single payer health care movement, and many more. -more-

Berkeley Police Release Information about Body Found on Blake Street in Berkeley

From Lt. Andrew Greenwood
Tuesday March 08, 2011 - 05:26:00 PM

[Sent at 5:17 p.m.] On March 8, 2011, just after 1:00 pm, the Berkeley Police Department received a call of “loud reports” in the area of the 1600 block of Blake St. -more-

Body found in Backyard on Blake Street in Berkeley.

Tuesday March 08, 2011 - 01:31:00 PM

The Contra Costa Times has reported that a dead man was found this afternoon in the back yard of 1634 Blake Street in Berkeley. -more-

Poetry Reading at Moe's on Wednesday

By Ken Bullock
Tuesday March 08, 2011 - 01:01:00 PM

Poets David Gitin and George Mattingly will read for free at Moe's Books, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday March 9 (849-2089; ), Gitin from his new collection The Journey Home, Poems 1962-2010, a Blue Wind Press book, published by Mattingly in Berkeley, who has also published other titles among Gitin's nine other books of poetry. -more-

Berkeley Council has Special Meeting Today to Discuss Controversial Solid Waste Proposal

Tuesday March 08, 2011 - 01:01:00 PM

Tonight at 5:30 the Berkeley City Council will take part in a special meeting in the council chambers in the Maudelle Shirek Building (Old City Hall) to discuss a controversial consultant’s report, the Sloan-Vasquez report on solid waste recycling -more-

Press Release: Man Dies in Home Barricade Incident on Marin in Berkeley

From Lt. Andrew Greenwood, Berkeley Police Department
Monday March 07, 2011 - 09:03:00 PM

Here is the information we are able to share at this time regarding the barricaded subject incident which occurred for several hours last night and this morning on the 1800 block of Marin: -more-

Press Release: Collision in Downtown Berkeley Involving a Bus and Two Pedestrians

From Sgt. MC Kusmiss City of Berkeley Police Department
Monday March 07, 2011 - 09:07:00 PM

The City of Berkeley Police Department (BPD) BPD Communications Center began receiving many 911 calls at approximately 4:28 p.m. the afternoon of March 7, 2011. -more-

Flash: UC Berkeley Shuttle Bus Injures Two in Crosswalk at Center and Shattuck

By Patricia Decker(BCN)and Planet
Monday March 07, 2011 - 09:03:00 PM

Two female pedestrians were injured this afternoon in Berkeley when one of the women was struck in a crosswalk by a University of California shuttle bus and the other injured herself trying to gain the bus driver's attention, police officials said. -more-

Updated: Berkeley Demonstrators Retreat from Ledge, Cited for Trespassing

By Patricia Decker
Thursday March 03, 2011 - 08:31:00 AM

Eight protesters have retreated from the ledge of the University of California at Berkeley building where they have been perched for several hours, according to campus police. -more-

Protesters Occupy Wheeler Hall on UC Berkeley Campus (LIVE BLOG)

From the Daily Californian
Thursday March 03, 2011 - 05:17:00 PM

Protesters on top of Wheeler Hall hoist a bag containing wate... on Twitpic

Protesters on top of Wheeler Hall hoist a bag containing water and oranges.

The Daily Californian reports in a live blog that student protesters have taken over Wheeler Hall on the UC Berkeley campus. Heliocopters have been circling the campus area since noon. The Daily Cal also has a twitter feed: See -more-

One Protester Arrested, Eight Others Remain on Ledge at UC Berkeley

By Rachel Purdy (BCN)
Thursday March 03, 2011 - 07:04:00 PM

Classes inside Wheeler Hall have been canceled as eight student protesters, six of whom are chained together, stand on its ledge on the University of California at Berkeley campus, a UC Berkeley spokesman said. -more-

Six Protesters Chained on a Ledge at UC Berkeley

By Rachel Purdy (BCN)
Thursday March 03, 2011 - 05:25:00 PM

Six student protesters are chained together on the ledge of a building on the University of California at Berkeley campus, a UC Berkeley spokesman said. -more-

Berkeley Police Identify Man Alleged to Have Stolen Wallet, Injured Officer

By Kristen Peters (BCN)
Thursday March 03, 2011 - 09:23:00 AM

Police have identified a man alleged to have struck an officer with his vehicle while trying to escape with a stolen wallet on Tuesday, Berkeley police Sgt. Mary Kusmiss said. -more-

Berkeley: Police Arrest 17 Protestors Occupying Wheeler Hall

By Kristen Peters (BCN)
Thursday March 03, 2011 - 09:12:00 AM

Officers arrested 17 protestors that refused orders to leave a University of California at Berkeley campus building on Wednesday night, according to a campus police officer. -more-

Page One

Press Release: Suspect Accused of Deliberately Injuring Berkeley Police Officer with His Car

From Sgt. Mary Kusmiss, Berkeley Police Department
Tuesday March 01, 2011 - 09:34:00 PM

At about 4:38, the City of Berkeley Police Department (BPD) received a call regarding the theft of a wallet from Ecole Bilingue French School in the 1000 block of Heinz Avenue in West Berkeley. A witness provided a description of the suspect and car to a BPD dispatcher who broadcast it to BPD officers. Suspects often use debit/ATM and credit cards soon after their crimes, thus officers began doing area checks of convenience marts and gas stations. -more-

Centennial of Women's Vote in California is 2011: Berkeley Celebrations Planned

By Steven Finacom
Tuesday March 01, 2011 - 10:08:00 PM
A drawing in the Oakland Tribune in 1909 captured the spirit of the campaign for
                    women’s votes—Equal Suffrage—in California, which would triumph in October, 1911.

In June of 1908, as Berkeley prepared to ceremonially lay the cornerstone of a new City Hall, a group of local women registered a protest. They weren’t against the building itself, but wanted to use the occasion bring attention to the cause of Women’s Suffrage, the campaign to achieve voting rights for women. -more-

Press Release: Outpouring of listener support after KPFA lays off news anchor and threatens to "restructure" newscast

Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 03:48:00 PM

Back from reporting on Wisconsin's historic labor rally this weekend, KPFA news producer John Hamilton arrived in Berkeley to a layoff notice this week from the station's interim program director Carrie Core. Hamilton, who has worked at KPFA for three years, was told his last work day would be March 30. -more-

Daytripping Through Death Valley with the Oakland Museum (First Person)

By Dorothy Snodgrass
Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 03:40:00 PM

Leave it to the wonderful Oakland Museum, particularly the History Guild Department, to offer informative and exciting trips, many of them planned by Helen Tryon, a long-time tour leader. Last week's trip had an added feature, as we travelled on a luxurious "Daytripping" bus with the very knowledgeable and well known Tour Guide, Gary L. Holloway, a member of the California Historical Society. What Gary doesn't know about the Valley isn't worth knowing! -more-

Section 8 Tenants can Remain When Owners Opt out of Program

By Lynda Carson
Monday February 28, 2011 - 03:51:00 PM

In a Feb. 25, 2011 ruling, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Section 8 project-based tenants are allowed to remain in their rental units at the Park Village Apartments in Oakland at 3761 Park BLVD Way, as long as they keep paying their current share of rent. -more-

Public Comment

Letters to the Editor

Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 01:54:00 PM

Caring; Rights and Duties; Good Will; Arpeggio;Response to a Response on the Library Demolition; West Berkeley Zoning; Security Council Veto -more-

New: Sierra Club Unfairly Bashes Richmond for Alleged High Solar Permit Fees

By Tom Butt, Richmond City Councilmember
Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 08:16:00 PM

The Sierra Club study of commercial solar PV system permit fees by Kurt Newick cited in “Fees for business solar power units vary widely” (Mike Taugher, Contra Costa Times 2/27/2011) is both misleading and misplaced, and it unfairly and inappropriately targets Richmond as having the highest permit fee in Contra Costa County. -more-

How a Public Process Led to New Designs for the South and West Branch Libraries

By Judith Epstein
Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 12:50:00 PM
West Berkeley Library Design: View of University St. Entrance

In 2008, Berkeley voters passed Measure FF “to renovate, expand, and make seismic and access improvements at four neighborhood branch libraries.” In his impartial analysis of the measure, the City Attorney wrote, “Current plans for renovation include restoration and refurbishment of historic features at the branch libraries as part of any renovation.”

Yet, sometime after the passage of Measure FF, plans to demolish and rebuild the South and West Branch Libraries surfaced. Both of these libraries have historic features, and their proposed demolitions triggered an Environmental Impact Report – a public process required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Few people would claim that the branch libraries aren’t in need of improvement, in particular, the South and West Branches, which have been historically neglected by the City of Berkeley. While the Claremont and North Branch Libraries have been carefully and beautifully maintained, the South and West Branches have not fared so well. Ironically, the City’s pattern of poor treatment of these libraries is being used as reason to demolish them. In an excellent commentary in the February 16, 2011 edition of the Berkeley Daily Planet, Gale Garcia questioned the social justice of neglecting buildings in less affluent neighborhoods, which leads to the idea that demolition is the only viable alternative. Sometimes it’s not. -more-

Letter to the Berkeley City Council Re West Berkeley Rezoning

From Mary Lou Van Deventer,Member of the Board of Directors, Former President, on behalf of the Northern California Recycling Association
Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 02:17:00 PM

When the zoning changes now called the West Berkeley Project were begun, the Planning Department said it simply wanted “flexibility” to negotiate with landowners in developing their properties. The West Berkeley Plan itself wouldn’t be changed. Planning staff said that was their “mantra.” Industry would be protected. -more-

RE: South and West Berkeley Branch Libraries and Zoning Ordinance amendment to allow development flexibility for existing public libraries.

By Carole Davis Kennerley
Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 01:03:00 PM

Editor's Note: This letter was addressed to the Berkeley Planning Commission and copied to the Daily Planet.

As a long-time resident of South Berkeley, a former member of the Berkeley City Council and Vice Mayor, parent and grandparent, I ask that you support approval of the proposed zoning ordinance amendment. I also want to take this opportunity to express my strong support for the Berkeley Library plans for all four branch libraries. I strongly support the demolition and renovation plans for South and West Branch libraries.

As you are aware the Berkeley voters overwhelming approved the Measure FF directing the City of Berkeley to issue general obligation bonds not to exceed $26 million dollars to renovate, expand, and improve four (4) neighborhood branch libraries, but not the central library. When these libraries are renovated and rebuilt, they will be brought up to code standards and fully be able to provide services to Berkeley's diverse population. -more-

On Wisconsin

By Ron Lowe
Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 02:58:00 PM

Before this subject fades into the twilight let's get the facts straight. -more-

Pepper Spray Times

Grace Underpressure
Tuesday March 01, 2011 - 11:09:00 PM

Editor's Note: The latest issue of the Pepper Spray Times is now available. -more-

Institutionalized Hate in Berkeley

By Jim Harris
Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 01:15:00 PM

“A deputy attorney general in Indiana was fired Wednesday after he tweeted that police should 'use live ammunition' against labor union protesters in Wisconsin, The Indianapolis Star reported.” -more-


When an Orchestra is Biased, We Who Pay the Pipers Should Call the Tune

By Becky O'Malley
Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 12:19:00 PM

So, is it okay to censure and/or boycott arts organization on account of “political” questions? A friend forwarded Chronicle music critic Joshua Kosman’s gutsy column twitting the Vienna Philharmonic for continuing to limit most of their hires to white guys in a world where female and non-white musicians are increasingly prominent.

In my knee-jerk liberal innocence, I assumed that the sender agreed with the sentiments express therein. I posted the link in The Editor’s Back Fence space last week, and I forwarded it to a list of my musical friends. Well, it seems that the male sender wasn’t quite on the same page—he followed up with a letter explaining from his perspective the justifying rationale for the Vienna orchestra’s hiring polices, and pointing out that they do now have a couple of women in the group, including one in a leadership role.

But my musical friends—at least those who wrote back—didn’t agree with him. Oddly enough, those who answered were all women. I’ll quote them without names because they weren’t intending to write for publication, -more-


The Public Eye: Ronald Reagan: Setting the Record Straight

By Bob Burnett
Tuesday March 01, 2011 - 11:20:00 PM

Shakespeare wrote, “the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.” In American politics the process is reversed, as the longer a President is out of office the more his reputation is sanitized. Tricky Dick Nixon is recast as a “statesman.” And Ronald Reagan, who did more than any contemporary President to kill the American dream, is elevated to sainthood. -more-

Dispatches From The Edge: Left Shows Its Claws in Irish Vote

By Conn Hallinan
Tuesday March 01, 2011 - 10:08:00 PM

While the media focused on the massacre of the conservative Fianna Fail Party in the recent Irish elections, the real story may be the earthquake on the Left, particularly the success of the new kids on the block, the United Left Alliance (ULA). -more-

Eclectic Rant: What Is Modern Day Progressivism?

By Ralph E. Stone
Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 01:32:00 PM

Political campaigns have been compared to marketing campaigns for products where the candidates market themselves to the voters using modern marketing techniques such as market research, advertising, branding, product differentiation, product placement, and often, disparaging Brand X, the other product. The successful sale of the product depends in large part on marketing. Long ago, Republicans accepted and perfected this reality as did Obama in the last presidential election. Progressives, on the other hand, just do not seem to understand this concept. -more-

On Mental Illness: The Causes of Stopping Medication

By Jack Bragen
Tuesday March 01, 2011 - 11:26:00 PM

A reader posed an important question in her letter to the editor in The Planet: What is it that makes persons with mental illness resist taking medication? This is one of the things that seem to perplex people in the community; and it also makes it more difficult for mentally ill persons to receive much sympathy. I will try to give a detailed answer to this enigma in this week’s column. -more-

Wild Neighbors: Woody Has the Last Laugh

By Joe Eaton
Tuesday March 01, 2011 - 10:14:00 PM
Golden-fronted woodpecker: irreducibly complex?

A few years back I wrote about the bestowal of the Ig Nobel Prize for medicine on UC-Davis ophthalmology professor Ivan Schwab for his explanation of why woodpeckers don’t get headaches. (Other Ig Nobels have honored studies of the effect of Viagra on jet-lagged hamsters and the fluid dynamics of swimming in syrup.) -more-

Senior Power: “History is written by winners... and the bad witch is old.” -- Child, interviewed on PBS program, The Goddess Remembered

By Helen Rippier Wheeler
Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 12:35:00 PM

March is Women’s History Month. Why a celebration of the history of women in particular? And what’s it got to do with senior power? It’s annual recognition that recorded history still omits the history of females, and that when something is noted about them, it is often distorted. -more-

Cartoon Page: Odd Bodkins, BOUNCE

Tuesday March 01, 2011 - 11:14:00 PM

Arts & Events

Don't Miss This!

By Dorothy Snodgrass
Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 02:22:00 PM

With the nation agonizing over the heart-wrenching trials and tribulations of Charlie Sheen, it's high time we turn to loftier thoughts and maybe come up with a few worthwhile programs and events to enrich our lives. A good beginning would be the University of California's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, an educational program for older adults who are learning just for the joy of it. On Tuesday, March 15, OLLI will host an Open House at Freight and Salvage Coffee House, from 9:30 - noon. For information on the courses offered, call (510) 642, or berkeley_olli@berkeley edu. -more-

Film Review: Of Gods and Men: A Tale of Christian Monks Caught in a Muslim Insurgency

By Gar Smith
Tuesday March 01, 2011 - 09:39:00 PM

“Of Gods and Men” opens at the Embarcadero in San Francisco on March 4 and at the Albany Twin on March 11.

A war film about monks may seem an odd choice for the big screen, but “Of Gods and Men” was the Grand Prize Winner at the Cannes Film Festival and went on to become France’s official selection for an Oscar as Best Foreign Language Film. Writer-director Xavier Beauvois’ challenging human drama is “loosely based” on the 1996 tragedy that befell an isolated band of Christian monks that became caught up in the war between the Algerian army and a Muslim insurgency. -more-

Around & About the Performing Arts

Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 02:54:00 PM

Music: Other Minds 16; Berkeley Western Edge Opera Carmen Fixation. Theater: Philip Kan Gotanda's new play, I Dream of Chang and Eng, premieres at UCB -more-

Arts Listings

Readings-East Bay Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 11:00:00 AM

Stage-San Francisco Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 11:00:00 AM

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:59:00 AM

Popmusic-East Bay Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:58:00 AM

Galleries-East Bay Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:54:00 AM

Galleries-San Francisco Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:54:00 AM

Classical Music-San Francisco Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:52:00 AM

Classical Music-East Bay Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:51:00 AM

Events Listings

Outdoors-East Bay Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:58:00 AM

Museums-East Bay Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:57:00 AM

Museums-San Francisco Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:57:00 AM

Highlights-East Bay Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:56:00 AM

Kids-East Bay Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:56:00 AM

General-East Bay Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:55:00 AM

Exhibits-East Bay Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:53:00 AM

Exhibits-San Francisco Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:53:00 AM

Dance-East Bay Through March 13

Thursday March 03, 2011 - 10:52:00 AM

Back Stories



When an Orchestra is Biased, We Who Pay the Pipers Should Call the Tune 03-02-2011


Cartoon Page: Odd Bodkins, BOUNCE 03-01-2011

Public Comment

Letters to the Editor 03-02-2011

New: Sierra Club Unfairly Bashes Richmond for Alleged High Solar Permit Fees By Tom Butt, Richmond City Councilmember 03-02-2011

How a Public Process Led to New Designs for the South and West Branch Libraries By Judith Epstein 03-02-2011

Letter to the Berkeley City Council Re West Berkeley Rezoning From Mary Lou Van Deventer,Member of the Board of Directors, Former President, on behalf of the Northern California Recycling Association 03-02-2011

RE: South and West Berkeley Branch Libraries and Zoning Ordinance amendment to allow development flexibility for existing public libraries. By Carole Davis Kennerley 03-02-2011

On Wisconsin By Ron Lowe 03-02-2011

Pepper Spray Times Grace Underpressure 03-01-2011

Institutionalized Hate in Berkeley By Jim Harris 03-02-2011


Celebrate International Women's Day with Peace Heroine Awards From Holly Harwood 03-08-2011

Berkeley Police Release Information about Body Found on Blake Street in Berkeley From Lt. Andrew Greenwood 03-08-2011

Body found in Backyard on Blake Street in Berkeley. 03-08-2011

Poetry Reading at Moe's on Wednesday By Ken Bullock 03-08-2011

Berkeley Council has Special Meeting Today to Discuss Controversial Solid Waste Proposal 03-08-2011

Press Release: Man Dies in Home Barricade Incident on Marin in Berkeley From Lt. Andrew Greenwood, Berkeley Police Department 03-07-2011

Press Release: Collision in Downtown Berkeley Involving a Bus and Two Pedestrians From Sgt. MC Kusmiss City of Berkeley Police Department 03-07-2011

Flash: UC Berkeley Shuttle Bus Injures Two in Crosswalk at Center and Shattuck By Patricia Decker(BCN)and Planet 03-07-2011

Updated: Berkeley Demonstrators Retreat from Ledge, Cited for Trespassing By Patricia Decker 03-03-2011

Protesters Occupy Wheeler Hall on UC Berkeley Campus (LIVE BLOG) From the Daily Californian 03-03-2011

One Protester Arrested, Eight Others Remain on Ledge at UC Berkeley By Rachel Purdy (BCN) 03-03-2011

Six Protesters Chained on a Ledge at UC Berkeley By Rachel Purdy (BCN) 03-03-2011

Berkeley Police Identify Man Alleged to Have Stolen Wallet, Injured Officer By Kristen Peters (BCN) 03-03-2011

Berkeley: Police Arrest 17 Protestors Occupying Wheeler Hall By Kristen Peters (BCN) 03-03-2011

Press Release: Suspect Accused of Deliberately Injuring Berkeley Police Officer with His Car From Sgt. Mary Kusmiss, Berkeley Police Department 03-01-2011

Centennial of Women's Vote in California is 2011: Berkeley Celebrations Planned By Steven Finacom 03-01-2011

Press Release: Outpouring of listener support after KPFA lays off news anchor and threatens to "restructure" newscast 03-02-2011

Daytripping Through Death Valley with the Oakland Museum (First Person) By Dorothy Snodgrass 03-02-2011

Section 8 Tenants can Remain When Owners Opt out of Program By Lynda Carson 02-28-2011


The Public Eye: Ronald Reagan: Setting the Record Straight By Bob Burnett 03-01-2011

Dispatches From The Edge: Left Shows Its Claws in Irish Vote By Conn Hallinan 03-01-2011

Eclectic Rant: What Is Modern Day Progressivism? By Ralph E. Stone 03-02-2011

On Mental Illness: The Causes of Stopping Medication By Jack Bragen 03-01-2011

Wild Neighbors: Woody Has the Last Laugh By Joe Eaton 03-01-2011

Senior Power: “History is written by winners... and the bad witch is old.” -- Child, interviewed on PBS program, The Goddess Remembered By Helen Rippier Wheeler 03-02-2011

Arts & Events

Readings-East Bay Through March 13 03-03-2011

Stage-San Francisco Through March 13 03-03-2011


Popmusic-East Bay Through March 13 03-03-2011

Galleries-East Bay Through March 13 03-03-2011

Galleries-San Francisco Through March 13 03-03-2011

Classical Music-San Francisco Through March 13 03-03-2011

Classical Music-East Bay Through March 13 03-03-2011

Don't Miss This! By Dorothy Snodgrass 03-02-2011

Film Review: Of Gods and Men: A Tale of Christian Monks Caught in a Muslim Insurgency By Gar Smith 03-01-2011

Around & About the Performing Arts 03-02-2011

Outdoors-East Bay Through March 13 03-03-2011

Museums-East Bay Through March 13 03-03-2011

Museums-San Francisco Through March 13 03-03-2011

Highlights-East Bay Through March 13 03-03-2011

Kids-East Bay Through March 13 03-03-2011

General-East Bay Through March 13 03-03-2011

Exhibits-East Bay Through March 13 03-03-2011

Exhibits-San Francisco Through March 13 03-03-2011

Dance-East Bay Through March 13 03-03-2011