Police Blotter
Glue in locks
The glue bandit is back. Two more San Pablo Avenue businesses had their locks filled with a glue-like substance between Friday night and Saturday morning, according to the Berkeley police. On Saturday morning, an employee at Popeye’s on San Pablo and Delaware Street reported that both the front and back door locks were filled with some type of glue and could not be opened. Also that morning, the owner of the Country Cheese Shop on San Pablo Avenue and Addison reported the front door of the shop was filled with glue. Similar incidents took place last fall on San Pablo Avenue and Telegraph Avenue.
Slept while robbed
Two Prospect Avenue roommates slept while a burglar made off with a score of valuable electronics—from the very room in which they were sleeping. The two college-age men fell asleep around 3 a.m. on April 12. When they woke up around 9 a.m., an Xbox console, a laptop and a television were missing. According to police reports, they had left the front door unlocked the night before.
Hate crime
On April 10, Berkeley police were called to the 2900 block of Ellis Street for a report of a possible hate crime. A resident of the block told officers that sometime between midnight and 8 a.m., an unknown person had spray-painted a message referring to her son’s sexual orientation on the sidewalk in front of her house. Berkeley police are investigating the case as a bias crime. The mother reported no similar incidents prior to last Friday.