
The Public Eye: Why is McCain Even Close?

By Bob Burnett
Thursday July 24, 2008 - 10:01:00 AM

Five weeks after Barack Obama clinched the Democratic nomination, the parameters of the 2008 presidential contest have been established. The battle will be waged in roughly 33 states and cost more than a billion dollars. The central issues will be gas prices, the economy, and Iraq. And, despite John McCain’s ineptness as a candidate, the race will be disturbingly close. -more-

Water Water Everywhere

By Shirley Barker Special to the Planet
Thursday July 24, 2008 - 10:02:00 AM

Water rationing strikes terror into the heart of the gardener. How on earth can one conserve water and maintain healthy plants? -more-

Undercurrents: Mayoral Race, Perata Case May Explain Political Maneuvering

By J. Douglas Allen-Taylor
Thursday July 24, 2008 - 10:03:00 AM

To understand the political maneuvering currently going on in Oakland, one has to take into account two events. The first is the possible pending federal indictment of State Senator Don Perata. The second is the upcoming 2010 Oakland mayoral election. These two elements certainly don’t fully explain everything, but leaving them out of your equations will leave you hopelessly confused. -more-

Wild Neighbors: Rabid Bats in Berkeley

By Joe Eaton
Thursday July 24, 2008 - 10:20:00 AM

A rabid bat was found on July 15 in the Sonoma-Hopkins Triangle area of North Berkeley. According to Manuel Ramirez of the Environmental Health Division of the city’s Health and Human Services Department, it was identified as a California myotis, a common western bat species. -more-

East Bay Then and Now: Civil War Hero Established a Military Dynasty

By Daniella Thompson
Thursday July 24, 2008 - 10:18:00 AM
The two McCleave rental houses (l to r), 1510 and 1506 Oxford St.

On Feb. 4, 1904, the San Francisco Call published the following obituary: -more-

Remembering Paul Mickiewicz

By Matt Cantor
Thursday July 24, 2008 - 10:20:00 AM
Paul Mickiewicz with his daughter Miranda in an undated photo.

There is, for me, no virtue greater than kindness. The world suffers for an inadequacy of this greatest of dispositions and today the world is a little more deficient for the loss of our friend Paul, who knew kindness as both student and teacher. -more-