The former San Pablo Florist and Nursery at 1806 San Pablo Ave., the front page photograph of Friday's Planet, was reduced to rubble early Saturday to make way for condos in West Berkeley.
The former San Pablo Florist and Nursery at 1806 San Pablo Ave., the front page photograph of Friday's Planet, was reduced to rubble early Saturday to make way for condos in West Berkeley.

Page One

Now You See It, Now You Don’t

Tuesday December 18, 2007

The former San Pablo Florist and Nursery at 1806 San Pablo Ave.—a key piece of pre-World War II Japanese history and one of the last standing links to Berkeley’s hidden Japantown—was reduced to rubble early Saturday to make way for condos in West Berkeley, although property owner Syed Adeli had told the Planet on Dec. 7 that demolition wouldn’t occur for two months. Tonight he’s expecting the City Council to defer $315,588 in fees so that he can start construction before his building permit expires on Friday. Photograph by Richard Brenneman. -more-

Lodi Superintendent Tops BUSD List

By Riya Bhattacharjee
Tuesday December 18, 2007

Bill Huyett, superintendent of the Lodi Unified School District, has emerged as the leading candidate for the new superintendent of the Berkeley Unified School District. -more-

Recycling Contract Scrutinized by Council, Community

By Judith Scherr
Tuesday December 18, 2007

“Talkin’ trash” will take on new meaning at today’s (Tuesday) City Council meeting when contracts for hauling rubbish from the city’s Second Street Solid Waste Transfer Station will be considered. -more-

Council Considers Aquatic Park Dredging, Downtown Plan

By Judith Scherr
Tuesday December 18, 2007

Councilmember Darryl Moore wants to get to the bottom of the surprise dredging of an Aquatic Park lagoon in early November. -more-

West Berkeley Plan Changes Raise Questions for City

By Richard Brenneman
Tuesday December 18, 2007

While the proposed new zoning standards for West Berkeley are officially dubbed “relaxed,” that adjective didn’t necessarily apply to area business owners and developers addressing the Planning Commission Wednesday night. -more-

Seismologists Warn of Looming Quake on Hayward Fault

By Riya Bhattacharjee
Tuesday December 18, 2007

When geologists across the country observe the 140th anniversary of the 1868 Hayward earthquake next year on Oct. 21, they will have more than speeches and slideshows on their mind. -more-


Zoning Board Postpones Alta Bates Parking Violations

By Riya Bhattacharjee
Tuesday December 18, 2007

The Berkeley Zoning Adjustments Board on Thursday postponed discussing the Alta Bates Medical Center parking violations until April . -more-

King Swim Center Users Unhappy With Compromise

By Riya Bhattacharjee
Tuesday December 18, 2007

King Swim Center regulars now have the option of doing laps at the Downtown Berkeley YMCA while their pool gets a facelift over winter. -more-

Lab Project, West Berkeley Top Planning Commission Agenda

By Richard Brenneman
Tuesday December 18, 2007

Berkeley planning commissioners take up LBNL building plans and West Berkeley housing questions when they gather for their final meeting of 2007 Wednesday night. -more-

Five-Day Nurses’ Walkout / Lockout Ends at Alta Bates

By Richard Brenneman
Tuesday December 18, 2007

Once again, a two-day nurses’ strike at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center turned into a five-day affair, with a three-day lockout added by corporate parent Sutter Health. -more-

China Must Go Green, and Soon

By Jun Wang, New America Media
Tuesday December 18, 2007

When it comes to environmental issues like global warming, America and China behave like a couple in a bad marriage, playing the blame game. But to tackle the problem of global warming, neither country can go it alone. -more-

News Analysis: Militarism and Global Warming

By Steve Martinot
Tuesday December 18, 2007

U.S. militarism has to be considered under three headings. First, the U.S. military is the largest single consumer of fossil fuel in the world. Second, the U.S. economy, the largest national consumer of fossil fuel in the world, has shown that its primary mode of maintaining a supply of fossil fuel for itself is through military action (assault, intervention, occupation of other oil-producing nations). Third, the U.S. military operates in the interest of a corporate economy, of which it (the military) is the foremost sector in the U.S. -more-

First Person: What’s On Your Mantel?

By Winston Burton
Tuesday December 18, 2007

As we get closer to election time, and I’m beginning to get more literature, photos, and slogans, I’m pondering what should I keep, display or throw in the garbage (recycle). Nowadays people express their beliefs, passions and identity on T-shirts, bumper stickers, and even tattoos! But I still like to look at what’s on people’s mantels. -more-

Public Comment

Letters to the Editor

Tuesday December 18, 2007


Commentary: Illegal Fee Deferral, Immoral Demolition

By Gale Garcia
Tuesday December 18, 2007

On tonight’s City Council agenda is a very interesting request from Councilmembers Maio and Capitelli to “defer” permit fees. It is Item 36 on the agenda and I encourage all to read it. -more-

Commentary: Budget Cuts for Food and Housing Project

By Terrie Light
Tuesday December 18, 2007

Last month I watched as boxes and bags of food came into Berkeley Food and Housing Project generously donated by our supporters. I watched as those items went out as quickly as they came in as they left with our graduates who have moved into housing, but are still forced to manage their lives on the edge economically. -more-

Commentary: Oakland Should Not Bet on the Wrong ‘Green’ Horse

By Nazreen Kadir
Tuesday December 18, 2007

I can understand why Oakland’s elected officials would want to be seen as team players in the Bay Area Green Corridor grand scheme. After all, Oakland was not even included in the biosciences industry Bay Area life sciences strategic planning several years back, yet when it was time to lobby for the stem cell institute to be located in the Bay Area, the same industry lobby wasted no time obtaining letters from Oakland City Council members endorsing the project and offering up land in Oakland. Earlier this year, an outside consulting firm, linked to the same industry lobby, referred to Oakland as a “hole-in-a-donut” when it comes to promoting technological innovation. -more-

Commentary: Don’t Blame Economic Woes on Street Dwellers

By Glen Kohler
Tuesday December 18, 2007

Last Tuesday at midnight the temperature outside fell to near-freezing as I left my heated apartment in search of a restaurant open at that hour. The trip began as an adventure; bundled in scarf and gloves to ride a bicycle in the bracing air. But all sense of adventure died as I wheeled past the dark, silent figures sitting and lying on Telegraph Avenue, mute and stoic in the penetrating cold. These are the people that Thomas Lord (in a Dec. 11 Daily Planet commentary) and Tom Bates, et. al., want us to see as “potentially dangerous.” -more-

Commentary: Bush Executive Order Denies Public Access to History

By Charles N. Davis
Tuesday December 18, 2007

If your holiday shopping this season finds you in a bookstore, take a moment and do me a favor. -more-


Editorial: Politically Correct Shopping is Getting Harder

By Becky O’Malley
Tuesday December 18, 2007

First, let’s stipulate that the Planet was delighted to get the lively and well-written commentary about the virtues of some of our distinctive local businesses from Deborah Badhia of the Downtown Berkeley Association which ran in our last issue. We’ve patronized many of them ourselves over the years, and we have a healthy appreciation even for some we’ve had no occasion to try. (I don’t usually need to buy electric guitars, but I appreciate Fatdog at Subway because of his community participation.) -more-


Wild Neighbors: December: Time to Count the Kinglets

By Joe Eaton
Tuesday December 18, 2007

This weekend, against my better judgment, I will be doing a couple of Audubon Society Christmas Bird Counts, one in Marin County, the other in Solano. (The Christmas Bird Count arose as a humane alternative to the traditional Christmas Side Hunt, whose object was to shoot every bird you saw. The data compiled by this annual exercise in citizen science has become a mother lode for ornithologists studying trends in North American bird populations.) -more-

Arts Listings

Arts Calendar

Tuesday December 18, 2007

The Theater: ‘The Shaker Chair’ at Ashby Stage

By Ken Bullock, Special to the Planet
Tuesday December 18, 2007

Akademie Ensemble Presents Bach, Beethoven, Strauss

By Ken Bullock, Special to the Planet
Tuesday December 18, 2007

Sidney Howard: From Berkeley to Broadway and Hollywood

By Phil McArdle, Special to the Planet
Tuesday December 18, 2007

Events Listings

Berkeley This Week

Tuesday December 18, 2007


Tuesday December 18, 2007

Back Stories



Editorial: Politically Correct Shopping is Getting Harder 12-18-2007

Editorial: This Should Not Be Necessary 12-14-2007

Public Comment

Letters to the Editor 12-18-2007

Commentary: Illegal Fee Deferral, Immoral Demolition By Gale Garcia 12-18-2007

Commentary: Budget Cuts for Food and Housing Project By Terrie Light 12-18-2007

Commentary: Oakland Should Not Bet on the Wrong ‘Green’ Horse By Nazreen Kadir 12-18-2007

Commentary: Don’t Blame Economic Woes on Street Dwellers By Glen Kohler 12-18-2007

Commentary: Bush Executive Order Denies Public Access to History By Charles N. Davis 12-18-2007

Letters to the Editor 12-14-2007

Commentary: Buying Local Improves Our Community By Deborah Badhia 12-14-2007

Commentary: Zero Waste Commission Recommends Rubbish Sorting in Stockton By Mary Lou Van Deventer 12-14-2007

Correction 12-14-2007


Now You See It, Now You Don’t 12-18-2007

Lodi Superintendent Tops BUSD List By Riya Bhattacharjee 12-18-2007

Recycling Contract Scrutinized by Council, Community By Judith Scherr 12-18-2007

Council Considers Aquatic Park Dredging, Downtown Plan By Judith Scherr 12-18-2007

West Berkeley Plan Changes Raise Questions for City By Richard Brenneman 12-18-2007

Seismologists Warn of Looming Quake on Hayward Fault By Riya Bhattacharjee 12-18-2007

Zoning Board Postpones Alta Bates Parking Violations By Riya Bhattacharjee 12-18-2007

King Swim Center Users Unhappy With Compromise By Riya Bhattacharjee 12-18-2007

Lab Project, West Berkeley Top Planning Commission Agenda By Richard Brenneman 12-18-2007

Five-Day Nurses’ Walkout / Lockout Ends at Alta Bates By Richard Brenneman 12-18-2007

China Must Go Green, and Soon By Jun Wang, New America Media 12-18-2007

News Analysis: Militarism and Global Warming By Steve Martinot 12-18-2007

First Person: What’s On Your Mantel? By Winston Burton 12-18-2007

Effort to Save Historic Japanese Florist Can’t Prevent Demolition By Riya Bhattacharjee 12-14-2007

Judge Issues Key Ruling In UC Stadium Lawsuit By Richard Brenneman 12-14-2007

Judge Overturns Council Decision On Gaia Building ‘Cultural Bonus’ By Richard Brenneman 12-14-2007

Ross to Leave Downtown Berkeley, Joining Departure of Shoe Pavilion and The Spot By Judith Scherr 12-14-2007

City Council Votes to Curb Alcohol Outlet Problems By Judith Scherr 12-14-2007

City to Allow Auto Sales in West Berkeley, Exempts Transfer Station By Judith Scherr 12-14-2007

Council Looks at Abusive Acts at Tot Lot By Riya Bhattacharjee 12-14-2007

Council Considers Removing Kavanagh from Rent Board By Judith Scherr 12-14-2007

Waterside Workshop This Sunday at Aquatic Park By Riya Bhattacharjee 12-14-2007

Sea Scout Meeting Called for Monday to Discuss Activities 12-14-2007

Woman Severely Injured Crossing Solano Avenue Wednesday By Judith Scherr 12-14-2007

Poll Explores Racial Tensions Among Minority Groups By Christine Senteno, New America Media 12-14-2007

Sutter Nurses Begin Second Walkout in Two Months By Bay City News 12-14-2007

OUSD Agrees to $7.5 Million Education Complex By J. Douglas Allen-Taylor 12-14-2007

First Person: He Likes Hot Chocolate By Tracie de Angelis 12-14-2007


Wild Neighbors: December: Time to Count the Kinglets By Joe Eaton 12-18-2007

Column: Undercurrents: There is a Tradition to American Torture By J. Douglas Allen-Taylor 12-14-2007

East Bay Then and Now: The Bentleys of Le Conte Avenue: 96 Years of Service and Art By Daniella Thompson 12-14-2007

Garden Variety: The Gift That Keeps On Living By Ron Sullivan 12-14-2007

Quake Tip of the Week By Larry Guillot 12-14-2007

About the House: You Broker It, You Fix It: Why Buyers Should Buy ‘As Is’ By Matt Cantor 12-14-2007

Arts & Events

Arts Calendar 12-18-2007

The Theater: ‘The Shaker Chair’ at Ashby Stage By Ken Bullock, Special to the Planet 12-18-2007

Akademie Ensemble Presents Bach, Beethoven, Strauss By Ken Bullock, Special to the Planet 12-18-2007

Sidney Howard: From Berkeley to Broadway and Hollywood By Phil McArdle, Special to the Planet 12-18-2007

Wild Neighbors: December: Time to Count the Kinglets By Joe Eaton 12-18-2007

Berkeley This Week 12-18-2007

Correction 12-18-2007

Arts Calendar 12-14-2007

Thomas Saraceno’s Visionary Art at BAM By Peter Selz, Special to the Planet 12-14-2007

Brookside Rep’s Holiday Shorts at The Claremont This Sunday By Ken Bullock, Special to the Planet 12-14-2007

‘Siddhartha, the Bright Path’ at the Marsh By Ken Bullock, Special to the Planet 12-14-2007

The Hangman’s Tree By Richard Schwartz, Special to the Planet 12-14-2007

East Bay Then and Now: The Bentleys of Le Conte Avenue: 96 Years of Service and Art By Daniella Thompson 12-14-2007

Garden Variety: The Gift That Keeps On Living By Ron Sullivan 12-14-2007

Quake Tip of the Week By Larry Guillot 12-14-2007

About the House: You Broker It, You Fix It: Why Buyers Should Buy ‘As Is’ By Matt Cantor 12-14-2007

Berkeley This Week 12-14-2007