Arts & Events

Arts Calendar

Friday June 22, 2007

FRIDAY, JUNE 22 -more-

Compositions of Space and Light

By Peter Selz, Special to the Planet
Friday June 22, 2007

Michael S. Moore’s acrylic paintings at the Graduate Theological Union are images of landscapes as symbolic order. They are pictures of vast desert landscapes, of large empty spaces along the Nevada-Oregon border as well as of the Colorado plains. It would seem that the canvases are based on watercolors which are shown in display cases below the paintings. -more-

The Theater: ‘A Dream Play’ in Live Oak Park

By Ken Bullock, Special to the Planet
Friday June 22, 2007

“Father! Father! I hopped off on a cloud ...”—and the figure in a sari (Sarah Meyerhoff), standing on the lawn at the Berkeley Art Center, seems to be sinking, as the voice of her Father, the god Indra (Thomas West), echoes up from the creek below, reassuring her as she descends to earth, in the first scene of Strindberg’s masterpiece, A Dream Play. -more-

Moving Pictures: Stumbling After ‘The Third Man’

By Justin DeFreitas
Friday June 22, 2007

Everyone talks about Harry Lime. He’s one of the most charismatic and cynical of movie villains, a cad who plays the people and police for suckers while justifying his crimes with glib insouciance. -more-

Music Set to Fill Laurel District for Weekend Solstice Celebration

By Ken Bullock, Special to the Planet
Friday June 22, 2007

The Laurel Summer Solistice Music Festival, inspired by the Fete de la Musique, a solistice celebration initiated in France 25 years ago to bring people into the streets to hear and make music and now a worldwide phenomenon, celebrates its second anniversary this Saturday, 9 a.m.-10 p.m., in Oakland’s Laurel Village district. -more-

Maybeck Connections on View at Gifford McGrew Open House

By Steven Finacom
Friday June 22, 2007

One of Berkeley’s most important and historic brown shingle homes—with Maybeck connections, too—is currently for sale at 2601 Derby Street. An Open House is scheduled from 2-4:30 p.m. this Sunday, June 24. -more-

Garden Variety: Reading Palms from I-580 in Richmond

By Ron Sullivan
Friday June 22, 2007

We’ve driven past the place dozens of times on the way to the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, and it’s become a private landmark rather like San Quentin. But last week was the first time we’ve ever managed to get off I-580 and get our feet on the ground at Golden Gate Palms in Richmond. -more-

About the House: Reverse Engineering for the Builder

By Matt Cantor
Friday June 22, 2007

Ihate code books. Not code as in dot-dash-dot or SLWBT means I love you. I mean the building codes. -more-

Quake Tip of the Week: Is Your Major Asset In Jeopardy?

By Larry Guillot
Friday June 22, 2007

One thing history has taught us about major earthquakes: houses that are correctly retrofitted survive intact. -more-

Berkeley This Week

Friday June 22, 2007

FRIDAY, JUNE 22 -more-

Open Call for First-Person Essays

Friday June 22, 2007

Healthy Living -more-

Arts Calendar

Tuesday June 19, 2007

TUESDAY, JUNE 19 -more-

Arts and Entertainment Around the East Bay

Tuesday June 19, 2007


The Theater: Cal Shakes Stages Richard III in Orinda

By Ken Bullock, Special to the Planet
Tuesday June 19, 2007

In black battle dress, a figure hobbles onstage to the unlikely strains of Patsy Cline belting out “Wheel of Fortune” over a big band. As he performs an exhausted striptease—one suited for a locker room—the battle-weary wraith launches into “Now is the winter of our discontent” and finally dons topcoat over white T-shirt: Gloucester, who will one day soon be Richard III. -more-

The Theater: Virago Presents Two Plays by Local Playwrights

By Ken Bullock, Special to the Planet
Tuesday June 19, 2007

The Virago Theatre company, resident in Alameda, is currently staging the premieres of two short plays by Bay Area playwrights, The Death of Ayn Rand, by John Byrd (directed by Robert Lundy-Paine) and A Bed of My Own, by well-known Oakland actor and director Robert Hamm (directed by Laura Lundy-Paine) at Rhythmix Cultural Works in Alameda. -more-

Green Neighbors: Be Sure to Use Those Exotic Species Responsibly

By Rn Sullivan
Tuesday June 19, 2007

It must have been just about a year ago that a reader wrote to me via The Planet, asking about a row of trees on a street near Ashby and San Pablo. They were blooming—as they are now—and he’d been enjoying them for a long time and wondered what they were. -more-

Berkeley This Week

Tuesday June 19, 2007

TUESDAY, JUNE 19 -more-

Correction and Clarification

Tuesday June 19, 2007


Open Call for Essays

Tuesday June 19, 2007