Events Listings
Berkeley This Week
Impeachment Banner Fridays at 6:45 to 8 a.m. on the Berkeley Pedestrian bridge between Seabreeze Market and the Berkeley Aquatic Park, ongoing on Fridays until impeachment is realized. www.
City Commons Club Noon Luncheon with Ismail Khaldi, Deputy Consul General of Israel in SF on “Pluralism in Israel Today” Luncheon at 11:45 a.m. for $14, speech at 12:30 p.m., at the Berkeley City Club, 2315 Durant St. 526-2925.
What is Wheat Gluten in our Foods Doing to Us and our children if it is killing cats and dogs? Free documentary screening by Ann Marks at 1 p.m. at Northbrae Community Church, 941 The Alameda. 528-6267.
“This Black Soil” a film about the struggles of an impoverished community in Virginia, at 7:30 p.m. at Humanist Hall, 390 27th St., midtown Oakland. Donation $5.
“Finding Your Roots on the Web” a class on genealogy research at 11 a.m. in the Berkeley History Room, Berkeley Public Library, 2090 Kittredge St. To register call 981-6148.
Oaxaca & Chiapas Report Back at 7 p.m. at Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists 1924 Cedar St. Donations accepted. 528-5403.
Circle Dancing, simple folk dancing with instruction at 8 p.m. at Hillside Coommunity Church, 1422 Navellier St., El Cerrito. Potluck supper at 7 p.m.. Donation of $5 requested. 528-4253.
Introduction to Meditation at 7 p.m. at New Dahrma Meditation Center, 1056 60th St., Emeryville. Cost is $15-$25, no one turned away. 547-3733.
“The Art of Beekeeping in Your Backyard” A presentation by the Alameda County Beekeepers Association at 10 a.m. at 2418 California St. Cost is $10, reservations required, call Jim at 845-2419 or Heiko at 549-3377.
Berkeley Youth Alternatives Community Barbeque and Orchard Tree Planting from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 1255 Allston Way. 845-9010.
Farmyard Stories and Songs with Tara Reinertson at 11 a.m. at the Tilden Nature Center, Tilden Park. 525-2233.
“Native Plants, Native Americans and the Spanish” A walk and discussion of the encounter between the two cultures from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Peralta Hacienda Historical Park, 2465 34th Ave., Oakland. 532-9142.
Outdoor Gardening with Cacti and Succulents from 9 a.m. to noon at the UC Botanical Garden, 200 Centennial Drive. Cost is $25-$30. Registration required. 643-2755, ext. 03.
Solo Sierrans Walk in Codornices Park Meet at 3:30 p.m. at the top of the Berkeley Rose Garden on Euclid Ave. Walk lasts about 1.5 hours and includes some steps. Rain cancels. 647-3513.
Mt. Wanda Wildflower Walk Join a Park Ranger for a walk in the hills where John Muir took his daughters. Terrain is steep, wear walking shoes and bring water. Rain cancels. Meet at 9 a.m. at the Cal-Trans Park and Ride lot at the corner of Alhambra Ave. and Franklin Canyon Rd., Martinez. 925-228-8860.
Alameda County Commission on the Status of Women Summit with Congresswomen Barbara Lee and Nancy Pelosi and workshops on domestic violence, breast health, and women in politics. From 1 to 6 p.m. at the Fremont Marriott, 46100 Landing Parkway, Admission is free, but registration required. 259-3871.
Zoo Ambassador Training Orientation The Oakland Zoo is looking for volunteers to help teach visitors about the zoo and the animals. Training from 9 to 1 p.m. at the Oakland Zoo. For information call 632-9525.
CopWatch Know Your Rights Training Movie Night Learn your rights with the police and police observation from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Grassroots House, 2022 Blake St. 548-0425.
Understanding Chronic Fatigue at 11:30 a.m. at Elephant Pharmacy, 1607 Shattuck Ave. 549-9200.
“Preserving Home Ownership Forum” Learn how to avoid defaults, forclosures and protect your credit at 9:30 a.m. at Preservation Park, Ginn House Meeting Room, 660 13th St., Oakland. Sponsored by the California Association of Mortgage Brokers. 339-2121.
Petite Pooches Playgroup for small dogs from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., one block north of Solano on Ensenada at Talbot. 524-2459.
The Berkeley Lawn Bowling Club provides free instruction at 10:30 a.m. at 2270 Acton St. 841-2174.
Free Garden Tours at Regional Parks Botanic Garden Sat. and Sun. at 2 pm. Regional Parks Botanic Garden, Tilden Park. Call to confirm. 841-8732.
Around the World Tour of Plants at 1:30 p.m., Thurs., Sat. and Sun. at UC Botanical Garden, 200 Centennial Drive. 643-2755.
Car Wash Benefit for Options Recovery Services of Berkeley, held every Sat. from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Lutheran Church, 1744 University Ave. 666-9552.
Specialty Nursery Plant Sale, sponsored by California Horticultural Society, with thousands of rare and unique plants, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Lakeside Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Ave., Oakland, off Grand Ave., beside Lake Merritt. Cost is $3 for park entrance, free admission to plant sale.
Family Exploration Day at the Oakland Museum of California with information on the peregrine falcon recovery efforts and special family tours of the Bringing the Condors Home exhibition, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Oak and 10th St., Oakland. Cost is $5-$8. 238-2200.
Cancer Prevention and Survival Cooking Class from 1 to 3 p.m. at the First Congregational Church of Oakland, 2501 Harrison St., Oakland. Free, but registration required. 444-8511.
“Creating Collaborative Resistance to the Israeli Occupation” with Dr. Dalit Baum, Israeli peace activist, at 2:30 p.m. at the Berkeley Public LIbrary, Third Flr Community Meeting Room, 2090 Kittredge St. Suggested donation $10, no one turned away.
“How Can We Get the Health Care We Need?” A Peace and Freedom Party forum on competing plans for health care and health “coverage,” with presentations and discussion, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Spud's Pizza, corner of Alcatraz and Adeline. 845-4360.
Health Care Reform: Acts for Justice as a Spiritual Practice Soup supper at 5:30 p.m., program at 6:15 p.m. at Epworth United Methodist Church, 1953 Hopkins. Sponsored by Berkeley Organizing Congregations for Action. Free, but RSVP requested. 267-7131.
Holistic Pet Evaluation from 1 to 4 p.m. at RabbitEars, 303 Arlington Ave., Kensington. Free, appointments required. 525-6155.
Easter Egg Painting from 2 to 3 p.m. at Elephant Pharmacy, 1607 Shattuck Ave. 549-9200.
Free Hands-on Bicycle Clinic Learn how to keep your bike in excellent working condition through safety inspections, from 10 to 11 a.m. at REI, 1338 San Pablo Ave. 527-4140.
Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace Peace walk around the lake every Sun. Meet at 3 p.m. at the colonnade at the NE end of the lake. 763-8712.
Tibetan Buddhism with Santosh Philip on “Advanced Kum Nye: The Joy of Being” at 6 p.m. at the Tibetan Nyingma Institute, 1815 Highland Pl. 843-6812.
Help with the Frog Survey Learn to recognize frog calls and help with Friends of Five Creeks’ every-other-year frog survey, at 7 p.m. at the Albany Community Center, 1249 Marin, Albany. For information call 848 9358.
Cancer Prevention and Survival Cooking Class at 6:30 p.m. at Keller Williams, 4341 Piedmont Ave., 2nd Flr., Oakland. To register call Lori at 531-2665.
Red Cross Blood Drive from noon to 6 p.m. at East Pauley Ballroom, MLK Student Union, UC Campus. To schedule an appointment go to (code UCB)
“Housing the Homeless and Low Income in Berkeley” with Stephen Barton, City of Berkeley Housing Director, brown bag lunch from noon to 2 p.m. at the Albany Library. Sponsored by the League of Women Voters. 843-8824.
“Health and Stress” with Dr. Jay Sordean, Oriental Medical Doctor at 7 p.m. at the El Cerrito Library, 6510 Stockton Ave., El Cerrito. 526-7512.
Free Legal Assistance the first Tues. of the month at 6 p.m. at the Albany Library, 1247 Marin Ave. Advance registration required. 526-3720, ext. 5.
Discussion Salon on Incarceration vs Education at 7 p.m. at JCC, 1414 Walnut.
Fresh Produce Stand at San Pablo Park from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Frances Albrier Community Center. 848-1704.
Berkeley Camera Club meets at 7:30 p.m., at the Northbrae Community Church, 941 The Alameda. Share your digital images, slides and prints and learn what other photographers are doing. 548-3991.
St. John’s Prime Timers meets at 9:30 a.m. at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 2727 College Ave. We offer ongoing classes in exercise and creative arts, and always welcome new members over 50. 845-6830.
Teach-In and Vigil Against American Torture every Wed. at noon at Boalt Hall, Bancroft Way at College Ave.
Walk, Talk, Buck the Fence What’s at stake in the Ecology of Berkeley’s Strawberry Canyon A walk at 5 p.m. every Wed. with Ignacio Chapela and expert guests to discuss what is at stake in the proposed steps for the filling of the Canyon by the UC-LBL Rad-Labs, and now British Petroleum.
Volunteer at the Native Nursery in Oakland in plant propagation and transplanting, watering, and other maintenance associated with growing native wetland plants. From 1 to 3 p.m. at Martin Luther King, Jr. Regional Shoreline, Oakland. RSVP to 452-9261.
Oakland Public Library Book Sale at The Bookmark, 721 Washington St., Oakland, through April 7. Benefits Friends of the Oakland Public Library. 444-0473.
ReelVenezuela, Venezuelan films at 7:30 p.m. at La Peña Cultural Center. Cost is $7-$9. 849-2568.
“Arctic Warming” with author and filmmaker Jonathan Waterman at 7 p.m. at REI, 1338 San Pablo Ave. 527-4140.
Forum on the Solutions to Math and Science Education Lag at 5 p.m. at Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, 17 Gauss Way. Sponsored by the East Bay Community Foundation. 836-3223.
New to DVD: “Volver” at 7 p.m. at JCCEB, 1414 Walnut St. Discussion follows. 848-0237.
American Red Cross Blood Services Volunteer Orientation from 10 a.m. to noon at 6230 Claremont Ave., Oakland Advanced sign-up is required; phone Anne at 594-5165.
“Avalokitesvara is Everybody: Disguise As Skillful Means in Sanskrit Mahayana” with Dr. Will Tuladhar-Douglas at 6:30 p.m. at Jodo Shinshu Center, 2140 Durant Ave. Sponsored by the The Institute of Buddhist Studies. RSVP Requested 809-1444.
Walk Berkeley for Seniors meets every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Sea Breeze Market, just west of the I-80 overpass. Everyone is welcome, wear comfortable shoes and a warm hat. 548-9840.
Berkeley Peace Walk and Vigil at 6:30 p.m. at the Berkeley BART Station, corner of Shattuck and
Stitch ‘n Bitch at 6:30 p.m. at Caffe Trieste, 2500 San Pablo Ave., at Dwight. 548-5198.
ReelVenezuela, Venezuelan films at 7:30 p.m. at La Peña Cultural Center. Cost is $7-$9. 849-2568.
“Finding Inspiration from Wild Places for Your Native Garden” A presentation by Pete Veilleux, of the native landscape firm “East Bay Wilds” at 7 p.m. at the Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave. 548-2220 ext. 233.
Free Diabetes Screening from 8:15 to 11 a.m. at the North Berkeley Senior Center. Do not eat or drink anything for 8 hours beforehand. 981-5332.
“The Eight-Circuit Brain in Theory and Practice” with Antero Alli at 8 p.m. at the Finnish Brotherhood Hall, 1970 Chestnut St., near University. Cos tis $8. 464-4640.
World of Plants Tours Thurs., Sat. and Sun. at 1:30 p.m. at the UC Botanical Garden, 200 Centennial Drive. Cost is $5. 643-2755.
Avatar Metaphysical Toastmasters Club meets at 6:45 p.m. at Spud's Pizza, 3290 Adeline.
Tax Help at the Berkeley Public Library Sat. from 11:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the South Branch. Call for appointment. 981-6260. Also every Tues. and Thurs. at the West Branch from 12:15 to 3:15 p.m. Call for appointment. 981-6270.
Berkeley Youth Alternatives Girls Basketball Age 15 and under league begins April 11 and 18 and under begins April 13. From 5:30 to 8:30 at Emery High School, 1100 47th St. Emeryville. Cost is $175 per team. 845-9066.
Commission on the Status of Women meets Wed., April 4, at 7:30 p.m., at the North Berkeley Senior Center. Tasha Tervelon, 981-5190.
Downtown Area Plan Advisory Commission meets Wed., April 4, at 7 p.m. at the North Berkeley Senior Center. 981-7487.
Housing Advisory Commission meets Thurs., April 5, at 7:30 p.m., at the South Berkeley Senior Center. 981-5400.
Landmarks Preservation Commission meets Thurs., April 5, at 7:30 p.m., at the North Berkeley Senior Center. Gisele Sorensen, 981-7419.
Public Works Commission meets Thurs., April 5, at 7 p.m., at the North Berkeley Senior Center. Jeff Egeberg, 981-6406.