Frat Pack, Not Rat Pack
Berkeley Police were summoned to the 2300 block of Telegraph Avenue a few minutes before midnight Tuesday where callers had reported a brawl in progress, according to the police blotter.
Officers quickly established that the frac as had resulted from an excess of testosterone and allegiances to two rival fraternities and counseled the combatants to, like, chill.
City Hall Keys Swiped
Berkeley Planning Commissioner Susan Wengraf called police to report that someone had broken in t o her car while it was parked near Cordonices Park Tuesday and made off with her purse—which included keys to City Hall.
Officers were unable to find anyone who had witnessed the crime.
Hit and Run Injuries
A 40-year-old Berkeley man sustained injuries in a hit and run accident at 1099 San Pablo Avenue Tuesday morning.
Police are seeking a Richmond resident in connection with the incident.