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Berkeley This Week
Meet Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson and acknowledge the commissioners and non-profit organizations that help make a difference in District 5, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the African American Museum and Library, 659 14th St., Oakland. 272-6695.
100% Biodiesel Fleet Come celebrate the City of Berkeley’s conversion to 100% biodiesel vehicles. An exhibit and ceremony will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Old City Hall, 2134 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way. 981-7000.
Lawyers in the Library at 6 p.m. in the West Branch, 1125 University Ave. 981-6270.
St. John’s Prime Timers meets at 9:30 a.m. at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 2727 College Ave. We offer ongoing classes in exercise and creative arts, and always welcome new members over 50. 845-6830.
Berkeley Camera Club meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Northbrae Community Church, 941 The Alameda. 525-3565.
Berkeley Partners for Parks Haskell-Mabel Mini-Park Play Area Renovation Meeting, at 7 p.m. at the Frances Albrier Community Center, 2800 Park St. at San Pablo Park. Contact Landscape Architect Yi-Liang Kao for more information, 981-6435.
Cerrito Creek Access Final public meeting on plans for pedestrian and bicycle access along Cerrito Creek from the Ohlone Greenway to the Eastshore State Park, at 7 p.m., Albany City Hall. For information contact Friends of Five Creeks, 848-9358 or
Berkeley Food Policy Council meets at 7 p.m. at the Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave., near Dwight Way. The Berkeley Food Policy Council is a coalition of residents, non-profit agencies, community groups, school district and city agencies formed in 1999 to in-
crease community food access and help build a healthy regional food system. Everyone is welcome.
“Crisis in the Schools: What Can be Done?” Discussion with Terry Doran, Berkeley School Board member and teacher Jonah Zern of Edu-
cation Not Incarceration, at 1:30 p.m. at the North Berke-
ley Senior Center. All welcome. Sponsored by the Ber-
keley Gray Panthers. 548-9696.
“Local Heroes: Changing Sustainability Cultures One Company at a Time” Panel discussion on how individuals can change the sustainability culture in their company, from 6 to 7:30 pm, at Café de la Paz, 1600 Shattuck Ave. Cost is $7 for SBA members, $10 for non-members. Sponsored by The Sustainable Business Alliance. For information and registration visit or call 282-5151.
University Village Redevelopment, Public Scoping Meeting at 7 p.m. at University Village Community Center, Four Corners Room, 1123 Jackson St., Albany.
Amnesty International Berkeley Community Group
meets at 7 p.m. at the Berkeley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1606 Bonita Ave., at Cedar St. 872-0768.
Berkeley NAACP Youth Council Pinning Ceremony and Silent Auction, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Berkeley Yacht Club, 1 Seawall Drive. Cost is $20 per person, $150 for a table of eight, and includes light refreshments and deserts. Your support will help send five Berkeley youth to the 94th Annual NAACP Convention in Miami. 330-8577.,
Zoot Soot Riots A panel discussion on one of the worst race riots in U.S. history, with Jose Montoya and Dr. Jose Cuellar. Film clips will also be shown. At 7:30 p.m. at at La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave. Suggested donation $5. 849-2568.
Public Hearing on Ursula Sherman Village, Draft Environmental Impact Report, at the Zoning Adjustments Board, at 7:10 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Written comments should be submitted to Wendy Cosin, Planning Dept., 2118 Milvia St., Berkeley 94704, before 5 p.m. Mon. July 7. 981-7402.
Friends of Strawberry Creek
Meeting on Water Quality Arleen Feng, an engineer/
scientist with the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program, will discuss how to monitor contaminants, limit storm water pollution and generally improve water quality in Strawberry Creek, at 6:30 p.m. at the Corporation Yard Green Room, 1326 Allston Way. For more information, contact at janet@ or 848-4008.
Berkeley Friends Meeting with Catherine Hunter to discuss a new Quaker School in San Francisco, at 7 p.m., at 2151 Vine St. 705-7314.
Women in Black Vigil, from noon to 1 p.m. at UC Berke-
ley, Bancroft at Telegraph., 548-6310, 845-1143.
Meditation, Peace Vigil and Dialogue, gather at noon on the grass close to the West Entrance to UC Berkeley, on Oxford St. near University Ave. 496-6000, ext. 135.
Memorial for Kevin Lee Freeman, resident of Berkeley’s streets, who was murdered on May 9 in Santa Rita Jail. March at noon in People’s Park, followed by Memorial at the Berkeley Fellowship, 1924 Cedar St. 845-2248.
Howard Dean House Party at 6 p.m. at 2933 Benvenue Ave., corner of Ashby. Conference call with Howard Dean at 7 p.m. Learn about Dean's campaign for President, his record as Governor of Vermont, why we are supporting him, and how he is the most progressive electable Democrat running to defeat George W. Bush. Please bring your checkbooks, and questions to ask Howard Dean. For information or to confirm your attendance call Paul Hogarth, 666-1260.
Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Exercise The public is invited to ob-
serve the Northern Alameda County Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services in a nationwide test from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Berkeley’s Emergency Operations Center at 997 Cedar St. For more in-
formation call Ron Jacobs at 525-0212.
Kids’ Garden Club: Bread
Learn about bread, mill wild wheat, and bake bread. For children age 7 - 12, from 2 to 4 p.m., Tilden Nature Area. Cost is $5 for Berkeley residents, $7 for non-residents. 525-2233,
Sudden Oak Death in California, a two-day class with UC researcher Matteo Garbeletto and Botanical Garden Director Ellen Simms who will provide an up-to-date account of the research and status of the epidemic. Cost is $200. To register, call the Jepson Herbarium at 643-7008.
National Organization for Women, Oakland/East Bay chapter, celebrates its 36th anniversary at noon at Café de la Paz, 1600 Shattuck. The keynote speaker will be Ruth Rosen, author of “The World Split Open: How the Modern Women’s Movement Changed America.” Cost for the luncheon is $30, $20 for students. 287-8948.
Permaculture Workshop Series Ongoing workshops held every second and last Sunday of each month. Call for information. Berkeley EcoHouse, 1305 Hopkins St. 465-9439.
Gardening With Kids, A Workshop for Adults
Whether you’re starting a school or home garden or have one already and want to get kids involved, this is the workshop for you, from 1 to 4:30 p.m in Tilden Nature Area. Cost is $10 for Berkeley residents, $12 for non-residents. 525-2233,
“History of Nyingma” with Lama Palzang and Pema Gellek at 6 p.m. at the Tibetan Nyingma Institute, 1815 Highland Place. 843-6812.
LBNL Development, Public Scoping Meeting on the proposed six-story 65,000 sq. ft. Research Office Building on Cyclotron Rd., at 6:30 p.m., North Berkeley Senior Center.
Berkeley CopWatch meets at 8 p.m. at 2022 Blake St.
Volunteers needed. For information call 548-0425.
Educators Academy: Insects and Crawling Creatures Tues., June 24 - Thurs., June 26, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Tilden Nature Area, in Tilden Park. Registration is required. Cost is $100 for Berkeley residents, $110 for non-residents. Financial as-
sistance is available. For information call 636-1684.
Summer Science Weeks: Insects and Plants Count butterflies, hunt bugs, and meet common plant families. Mondays, June 30 to July 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for ages 9 to 12, in Tilden Nature Area in Tilden Park. Cost is $150 for Berkeley residents, $166 for non-residents. Financial assistance available for low-income families. For information call 636-1684.
Bay Area Technology Education Collaborative, a community non-profit offers low-cost training in Computer Information Technology. For information call 451-7300, ext. 604.
Alameda County Hazardous Waste Drop-Off from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 26-28 at Ala-
meda County Household Hazardous Waste, 2100 E. 7th St., Oakland. Take ad-
vantage of this opportunity to safely dispose of paint, stain, varnish; auto products such as old fuel and motor oil; household batteries, cleaners and sprays; garden products, including pesticides and fertilizers. Call 1-877-STOPWASTE or visit
Council Agenda Committee meets Monday, June 30, at
2:30 p.m., at 2180 Milvia St., Sherry M. Kelly, city clerk
Citizens Budget Review Commission meets Wednesday, June 25, at 7 p.m., at the North Berkeley Senior Center. Phil Kamlarz,
Civic Arts Commission
meets Wednesday, June 25, at 6:30 p.m., at the North Berkeley Senior Center. Mary Ann Merker, 981-7533.
Disaster Council meets Wednesday, June 25, at 7 p.m., at the Emergency Operations Center, 997 Cedar St. Carol Lopes, 981-5514.
Energy Commission meets Wednesday, June 25, at 6:30 p.m., at the North Berkeley Senior Center. Neal De Snoo, 981-5434.
Mental Health Commission
meets Wednesday, June 25, at 6:30 p.m., at 2640 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way. Harvey Turek, 981-5213.
Planning Commission meets Wednesday, June 25, at 7 p.m., at the North Berkeley Senior Center. Ruth Grimes, 981-7481.
Police Review Commission
meets Wednesday, June 25, at 7:30 p.m., at the North Berkeley Senior Center. Barbara Attard, 981-4950.
West Berkeley Project Area Commission meets Thursday, June 26, at 7 p.m., at 1900 Sixth St. Iris Starr, 981-7520.
Zoning Adjustments Board
meets Thursday, June 26, at 7 p.m., in City Council Chambers. Mark Rhoades, 981-7410.