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Support clearn energy in California
To the Editor:
The article on April 23, regarding the hundreds of thousands of dollars that polluting energy companies have poured into politicians pockets' since the beginning of the year, sheds light on why our current energy policies lack room for clean energy solutions.
While the article addresses this problem on a national level, it is important to realize that this occurs on a large scale in California, too. Currently, over 90 percent of California's energy comes from environmentally degrading sources that cause air and water pollution, global warming, and among other kinds of other damage.
This is despite the fact that California has an abundance of sunshine, wind, and geothermal energy that easily could be harnessed to provide clean, renewable power.
California has the opportunity to take a step in the right direction by having the assembly pass the California Clean Energy Bill, SB 532. This would require that power suppliers obtain at least 20 percent of their power from clean, renewable sources by 2010.
Now that decision-makers can think about our energy future outside of crisis mode, it's time for an energy policy that is good for the environment.
- Beth Gunston