Community Produce Stands
Affordable, high-quality nutritious fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs and apple juice. Organic and low residue produce. Support small independent African -American, Latino and Asian Farmers continue to farm in environmentally sound ways.
4 to 6 p.m., every Tuesday
Three Locations:
The Young Adult Project at Oregon and Grant, Bahia on Eighth Street at James Kenny Park and The Berkeley Youth Alternative at Bonar and Allston Way.
Michelangelo Did This?
8 p.m.
Thurs, Fri., Sat. through May 11th
Exit Theatre
156 Eddy St.
San Francisco
Berkeley Camera Club
7:30 p.m.
Northbrae Community Church
941 The Alameda
Share your slides and prints and learn what other photographers are doing. 525-3565.
Low-Cost Hatha Yoga Class
6:30 p.m.
James Kenney Recreation Center
1720 8Eighth St.
$6 per class. 981-6651.
Mandela Arts DJ Workshop
For ages 16-22
Tuesdays 6:30-8 p.m.
1357 5Fifth St. (across from West Oakland BART)
National Credit Union Youth Week
Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union offers any Berkeley youth between ages 1 to 17 a $5 credit when they open a “Youth Savers” account along with a “Financial Smartz” Educational packet with $15 of gift certificates.
2001 Ashby
Friday, April 19
City Commons Club
12:30 p.m.
2315 Durant Ave.
“Whither U.S. - Japan Relations?” Steven Vogel, Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley. $1. 848-3533.
Hip-Hop for Vieques
A night of Culture and Food: Prophets of Rage, DJ’s, Grupo Folklorico Raule Afro-Puerto Rican Drumming and Dancing
8 p.m.- doors open and dinner begins
1928 Telegraph (Between 19th and 20th- 19th St. BART)
$6 before 10 p.m.
Mandela Arts Freestyle Fridays
Dancing, Hip-Hop, Breakdancing, Live DJ
5-8:30 p.m.
1357 Fifth St. (near West Oakland BART), Oakland
(Previews begin)
Through June 23rd
Berkeley Repertory Theatre
2025 Addisons St., Berkeley
Previews, $38, Tue/Th (8 p.m.) $42, Wed (7 p.m.), Thu/Sat/Sun matinee (2 p.m.), Sun (7 p.m.) $44, Wed opening/Fri eve (8 p.m.) $47, Sat (8 p.m.) $54
Discounts: 20 half price HotTix go on sale at noon Tues. - Fri., Student/Senior half-price Rush one half hour before curtain, $16 for under 30, with valid ID, some restrictions apply.
510-647-2949 or 888 4BRTTix,
Marimba Pacifica
The Bay Area’s Premiere Marimba ensemble, a unique mixture of joyous World Beat dance music along with first Bay Area appearance of Dijaly Kunda Kouyate, traditional Griot Music from West Africa.
Doors 8:30 p.m., music 9 p.m.
San Pablo at Gilman
510-525-5054 or band and CD info 510-532-3579
Standup Comedy
8 p.m.
Julia Morgan Theater
2640 College Ave.
A special one night only East bay appearance by standup comedian Scott Capurro. $16.50. 925-798-1300,
A Benefit for The Cartoon Museum
The Rent Party
Live music by Nik Phelps & the Sprocket Ensemble, animation by Jason Shiga and other artists. Partygoers mix & mingle with talented cartoonists and comic-book creators.
8 p.m.
The Cartoon Art museum
655 Mission St.
San Francisco
Saturday, April 20
Berkeley Alliance of
Neighborhood Associations
Live Oak Park
1301 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley
Hear the latest news for the city wide network and confab for neighbors and their groups.
California State Parks
Foundation’s Earth Day
Forty Eight State and Community Parks throughout California host a variety of projects including recycling bin installation, planting of native trees and flowers, restoration of trails and wildlife habitats and an underwater cleanup along the coast. Volunteers of all ages needed
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
For more information about volunteering for the 2002 Earth Day Restoration and Cleanup call 1-888-98-PARKS or visit the web site at
Eastshore State Park - Earth Day Project
Clean-up Two beaches, removing debris and other materials that have washed up. 100 Volunteers needed, Bring gloves, sturdy shoes, water and sun-block. Supported by Starbucks of Alameda.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Meet at Brickyard Beach, behind the Seabreeze Deli, go west off University Avenue from either direction on I-80.
Further information: 510-544-2515
Word Beat Reading Series
7-9 p.m.
458 Perkins at Grand, Oakland
Entertainment of kinds come together for this free show, featuring readers “Vampyre” Mike Kassel and Eve Sutton.
For more information: 526-5985,
Mumia’s Freedom in a 9-11 World
7:30 p.m.
St. Joseph the Worker Church
1640 Addison
Historian Howard Zinn and Pulitzer novelist Alice Walker will speak at a legal benefit for death-row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal. $20. 415-695-7745.
Annual California Native Plant Sale
10 - 3 p.m.
Tilden Park
Regional Parks Botanical Garden
South Park Dr. and Wildcat Canyon Rd.
For more information call 841-8732.
2nd Annual Self-Care and Wellness Practices Fair
9 - 3 p.m.
Alta Bates Hospital
2450 Ashby
Self Care and Wellness Practices fair offers participatory workshops and a health fair featuring booths, free consultations, demonstrations, mini-classes and health information. 530-5611
Community Music Day
noon - 5 p.m.
Crowden Music Center
1475 Rose St.
Free concerts, an instrument petting zoo, Tatsumaki Taido, and other family activities. 559-6910,
Friends of Albany Seniors White Elephant Sale
10 am - 2 pm
846 Masonic Ave.
All proceeds to benefit the Albany Senior Center.
Home-made crafts, jewelry and baked goods will also be for sale!
Donations to sell are being eagerly accepted through Friday, April 19th
Free Puppet Shows
1:30 and 2:30 p.m.
Hall of Health
2230 Shattuck Ave.
Educational puppet troupe, Kids on the Block, will include puppets from diverse cultures with such conditions as cerebal palsy, blindness, arthritis, Down syndrome, leukemia and spina bifida. Free. 549-1564,
Three Films to Honor Judi Bari/Benefit the Earth First!
Lawsuit and Heritage Tree
7 - 9 p.m.
Berkeley Fellowship Unitarian Universalists
1924 Cedar
“Viva Judi Bari!”; “Timber Gap”; “Conquest of the Giants - Mankind’s Historic View of the World Challenged”; 655-4601.
Building Education Center
“Earthquake Retrofiting” seminar taught by Tony DeMascole and seismic contractor Jim Gillett. $75
10 a.m- 5 p.m.
812 Page
Regional Conference and Convergence, World Week for Animals in Laboratories (WWAIL)
10 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Berkeley Unitarian Fellowship, 1606 Bonita Ave. (at Cedar)
Public Contact: ARDAC voicemail: 415.364.3053
The conference will include experts and activists speaking on a variety of issues, including: debunking the myths of animal experimentation, the ABCs of anti-vivisection activism, and the campaign against HLS.
FREE - Events for WWAIL , will run from Friday April 19th through Monday April 22nd.
Animal Rights Direct Action Coalition
740A 14th St. #177, San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 364 3053;
Low-Cost Hatha Yoga Class
10 a.m.
James Kenney Recreation Center
1720 Eighth St.
$6 per class. 981-6651.
The Blessing of the Stained Glass Triptych designed by David Goines
3 p.m.
Saint Mary Magdalen Church, Reception Following
2005 Berryman St.
Live Afro-Latino Hip-Hop
\Doors at 9 p.m.
VooDoo Lounge
2937 Mission St.
San Francisco
UC Davis Picnic Day
Open House for the University of California, Davis. This hallmark event has been designed to showcase and celebrate the richness of campus life, the diverse achievements of UCD students, staff and faculty and to provide a day of education, information and entertainment for all who attend. There will be more than 150 events throughout campus, including the riotous band “The Blow Kings” who appear in Freeborn Hall from 3-4 p.m.
420 Hemp Festival
Saturday, April 20 and Sunday, April 21
Zigaboo Modeliste and the New Aahkesstra, Extra Action Marching Band, 20 bands and DJ’s, Hemp Bazaar, Special Guests and more!
Doors: 4 p.m., show 4:20 p.m.- 4:20 a.m.
Studio Z (formerly the Transmission Theater) secure parking at 11th and Harrison streets, Saturday $22, Sunday $20
415-486-8083, Tickets:
Sunday, April 21
Local RAWA Solidarity Group featuring Jello Biafra presents Heads Up and anti-war collective
5:00 PM
924 Gilman St., Berkeley, CA
All Ages / $5-7
Harum Scarum (Portland, OR)
What Happens Next (SF/BAY, CA)
Iowaska (U.K.- Alternative Tentacles)
Fleshies (Oakland, CA – Alternative Tentacles)
Desobedencia Civil (Mexico D.F.)
For more details contact: Michelle at (415)282-9784 or e-mail
4-20 Free The Herb Celebration
With Master of Ceremonies, Woody Harrelson and music of Fantuzzi and the Flexibles- a high energy blend or world beat, rainbow music and “Hamsa Lila” a unique blend of North African Music.
Precita Park
At Folsom Street and Precita Ave. (One block West of Cesar Chavez)
“In Search of a practical Philosophy of Nature”
Presented by Sterling Bunnell
We nowadays tend to view nature in strangely contradictory ways -- either as a sacred relic to be kept pristine and under glass or as a resource to be exploited and plundered. Yet in actuality the living world is our community and extended family and we are completely dependent on it for our well-being and survival. Respectful interaction is therefore required. Many
historical and present examples can show us ways to work with nature for our mutual benefits.
Fellowship of Humanity
12 p.m.
411 28 th Street & 390 27 th Street, ( between Telegraph & Brd.way)
Oakland, CA 94609
Tel: 510-451-5818,
Music, Animation, Film
Nik Phelps & Nina Paley will discuss how they work individually and together on projects.
Reception at 7, talks at 7:30
The Oakland Art Gallery
150 Frank Ogawa Plaza 2
14th & Brd.way, Oakland