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Ramsey’s contribution numbers are padded
In today's paper there is a story about the contributions received as of January 25 by the three Assembly candidates. I don't know where you got your numbers, but they are all wrong. According to the filings with the Secretary of State, which anyone can access on the web, the totals as of January 25 are as follows: Ramsey $250,865 (not $300,000!), Hancock $219,486, and Brown $116,764.
Furthermore, your story ignores the fact that Loni Hancock has received significant labor contributions as well as Ramsey.
But Ramsey's labor contributions are almost all from the building trades unions, while Loni has received many contributions from teachers unions and public employees; nor are Loni's union contributions as high a percent of her total contributions as Ramsey's approximately 40% of his total. Loni has hundreds of individual contributions, far more than Ramsey.
By the way, Ramsey has more than PG&E to explain in his list of contributors; why is he accepting money from "The Evictors" in
this district of small home owners and tenants?
I know your paper has tried to be accurate and impartial in this race; but I don't know where you got the incorrect figures in your story.
As a final point, you might research the amount of money on hand for each candidate. If you do, you will see that that, despite raising somewhat more than Loni to date, Ramsey has $15,000 less on hand. And it is what is on hand that counts.
mal burnstein
Treasurer, Loni Hancock for Assembly