924 Gilman Street Sept. 15: Tragedy, Run For Your Fucking Life, Funeral, plus assorted punk rock movies: Behind the Screams, Brainbox, Kamala’s Revenge and others; Sept. 16: 5 p.m. The Influents, The Thumbs, One Time Angels, Agent 51; Sept. 21: Slow Gherkin, 78 RPMS, Enemy You, Wisecracker; Sept. 23: 5 p.m. Subtonix, Running Ragged, (+t.b.a.); Sept. 28: Erase Errata, The Intima, Ibobuki, (+t.b.a.); Sept. 29: DS-13, Beware, Blown To Bits, (+t.b.a.); Most shows are $5 and start at 8 p.m. unless otherwise noted.