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Letters to the editor

Friday July 28, 2000

Dear Editor: 


We read so much in the papers about crime in the streets, I thought you'd like to know that we may actually be entering an era of honesty in the streets. 


My husband dropped his wallet this morning in the Telegraph Avenue area with more than a hundred dollars in it, and before he had even missed it, we got a call from someone who had found it and wanted to return it.  


The finder had looked us up in the phone book, and offered to bring it over to our house when he got home from work, which very kindly did. 


His name is Singh (I didn't get his first name), he lives on Ward Street, and he's a UC student during the school year.  


We offered him the money in the wallet as a reward, but he wouldn't take a dime, saying something about karma instead. Aren't we all lucky to live in a world that has such honest people in it? 


Becky O'Malley 
