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Councilmember says thanks

Tuesday July 25, 2000

Dear Neighbors, 

Have served two terms as your Councilmember, I will not be a candidate for District 5’s City Council seat this November. 

I feel privileged to have been allowed to serve as your Councilmember for these six years. You and this office have given me an extraordinary education in human nature, in life and in the perplexities of city government. This education has been beyond price. 

I hope that I’ve succeed in softening the rough edges of government for some and perhaps heading off or paring down some of its worst blunders. I’ve worked hard for District 5 and for the betterment of all Berkeley. My hope is that my gift to you is a city that has benefited from these efforts. 

I have gotten to meet scores of you, made friends, and carry many of you and your causes in my heart. 

With thanks, hope and love, 

Diane Woolley 

P.S. When you have a chance, ask the next Council to increase the budget for fixing the sewers.