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Man takes cash from register

Daily Planet Staff
Tuesday June 20, 2000

A man robbed the cash register in Walgreen’s Drug Store at 1050 Gilman St. about 9:50 p.m. Friday. 

The suspect walked in and told the clerk he wanted to buy a pack of Newport cigarettes. He paid with a $5 bill. When the clerk opened the cash register to return change to the suspect, he quickly reached into the cash drawer and grabbed all the $20 bills inside, an unknown amount, according to police reports. He ran out of the store and into a getaway car, a 1980s model white Toyota Celica, and rode off on 10th Street. 

The suspect is described as a 25-year-old African-American male, about 6 feet, 2 inches tall, weighing 190 pounds, wearing a baseball cap, green T-shirt and blue jeans.