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Dream Land isn’t just for our kids

Saturday May 27, 2000

Last week I heard about a unique opportunity to help create an amazing addition to Berkeley’s landscape. In Aquatic Park volunteers are building a 17,000 square foot wooden playground structure that is bound to become an instant hit with both the younger set and their parents. 

Little did I know what to expect when I went. Dozens of volunteers had been working from early in the morning to craft every piece of this custom-designed playground. I soon found myself building what looked like a small box. Later I took a turn applying sealant to the boards. 

The spirit of enthusiasm among the workers was palpable. Good cheer abounded. Experienced workers showed the rest of us simple techniques to do our jobs more effectively. 

By the end of my shift, I realized that the box I made had been mounted as a step on a staircase and the boards were now nailed in as safety railings. 

The level of satisfaction at doing something so practical – and so beautiful – is difficult to express. All I can say is that, I’ve juggled my schedule so I can go back on Wednesday, May 31,when we begin the final five days of construction. The kids voted to name it “Dream Land for Kids,” but for me it’s a dream come true for all of us. 

We need lots more people to help finish by Sunday night. Come even for a short time to lend your support. You won’t be sorry. 


Becky Johnson