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Teachers cannot be reasoned away

Monday May 08, 2000

Mr. Jeffrey M. Hannan expresses his feelings best in his opening paragraph (Perspective on teachers’ union, May 5) in which he details his 30-35 hours of work in a period of three days: In contrast to Mr. Hannan, we are all wimps who are “ignorantly giving in to the manufactured battle of the BFT leadership.” Mr. Hannan’s well thought out, “reasoned” approach on the situation paralleled that of board member Shirley Issel, whose quiet, detached, analytical scolding is first-rate rhetoric, but to those of us in the trenches, brings to mind Luther’s words, “the whore, Reason.” 

At the board meeting, the voices of Berkeley High School teachers were some of the strongest, and not without cause. Yet, it seems the high school’s circumstances and their effects on teachers can be quietly reasoned away, as can other issues brought forth Wednesday night by other school teachers. 

Wake up, Berkeley! Indifference is a broken promise and breeds decay. 


Pat Russell 

English Department 

Berkeley High School