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Council excels at ‘petty backbiting’

Bonnie Hughes, Berkeley
Wednesday May 03, 2000

I want to thank you for your excellent coverage of the Berkeley Arts Festival and to respond to Polly Armstrong’s May 1 Perspective piece. I, too, question the attack on the manager’s report. It is the report that should be scrutinized not the kind of paper it is printed on.  

Unlike our councilmember, I think poking fun at ourselves and a little gossip are good sport and should be encouraged. We provide you with a rich source for amusing your readers, I would like to see Ms. Scherr refine her skills in that department. 

As for the “petty backbiting” Councilmember Armstrong deplores, is there any better example of how annoying it can be than a Berkeley City Council meeting? Don’t they listen to themselves?