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Youths attack elderly man

Tuesday May 02, 2000

A 63-year-old man was attacked and beaten on the street around 8 p.m. Sunday in the 1300 block of Channing Way. 

In what was probably attempted robbery, three males about 18 years old approached the victim who started running across the street. Berkeley Police Capt. Bobby Miller said the three followed him and knocked him down and pummeled and kicked him. Miller said he as severely beaten and kicked and police officer at the scene “a pool of blood on the street near the gutter.” 

The three youths fled when the passing driver of a van witnessed the beating and tried the chase the suspects, but they evaded him by running through backyards. Another witness heard the noise and looked out the window and called police. 

The victim, who was unable to recall what happened to him right after the beating, was taken to a hospital.