
Police Briefs

Daily Planet Staff
Friday April 28, 2000

Dog bites dog 

A 7-year-old female basset hound being walked by its owner was attacked by another dog Tuesday afternoon. The dog ran from his home on the 700 block of Vincente Avenue onto the sidewalk to attack the basset hound. 

The attacker, a 1-year-old large white German shepherd Labrador mixed breed, grabbed the basset hound by the neck. The victim yelled for the German shepherd’s owner and tried to pull her dog to freedom, said Miller, but the German shepherd didn’t release his hold on the basset hound. Miller said the victim started kicking the German shepherd and then another person came out to the sidewalk and pulled the attacker away from the basset hound. 

The German shepherd’s owner maintains his dog is a rescue dog and said he would keep him on his property in the future. The basset hound was taken to Albany Animal Hospital for treatment of lacerations on her left ear. The case has been reported to the animal shelter. 


Stolen vehicles reported 

Two autos were reported stolen on Wednesday. One of them, a 1997 green Honda Accord, was stolen from the 1800 block of Parker St. It was stripped and left in front of a place of business in Oakland. The vehicle was inoperable and was towed to an insurance agency. 

The other was a 1994 silver Volkswagen Jetta that was stolen from the top floor of the Sather Gate garage on Durant Street. The victim returned to the garage to find it missing with a half tank of gasoline. 

– Daily Planet Staff