
Police Briefs

Daily Planet Staff
Thursday April 27, 2000

Armed robbers target nighttime pedestrian 

A man was robbed after leaving the Cal campus around 10 p.m. Monday. 

As the man was walking home, he heard footsteps behind him, becoming faster as he walked along. He was overtaken by two men, one of whom stood on his left side, pointed a dark pistol in the victim’s face and said, “Give me all your money” and repeated the demand. 

The victim had two $5 bills in his jeans pocket and took it out and gave it to the man with the gun who handed it over to his accomplice. Scared, the victim ran away and the suspects fled in the opposite direction. Police Capt. Bobby Miller said both of the suspects were Hispanic males. The one with the gun was about 18 years old, 6 feet tall, weighing about 160 pounds. He was wearing light blue jeans and tennis shoes. The accomplice was about the same age and height, but weighing about 190 pounds. He was wearing a navy blue sleeveless vest and baggy blue jeans. 


University Avenue motel robbed at gunpoint 

A masked gunman robbed the Ramada Inn at 920 University Ave. around 11:15 p.m. Sunday. 

Wearing a black knit cap with holes cut out for eyes, nose and mouth, the suspect walked right up to the desk clerk, who was working alone. He held up a silver semi-automatic hand gun and in the same motion cocked the gun, and said, “Give me all the money,” according to Police Capt. Bobby Miller. 

The desk clerk complied, taking the money from the cash register and laying it on the counter. Then the suspect wanted the money under the cash drawer and he wanted the clerk to open another cash register below the counter. As the robber proceeded around a pillar to the rear of the counter the desk clerk fled down a hallway leading to the stairway to the second floor. 

Miller said the clerk feared the suspect was in pursuit but managed to scramble up the stairs and down a hallway. He hid upstairs until he no longer heard the suspect and then went downstairs and he and the manager called the police. 

The suspect is described as an African-American male in his 20s, about 6 feet tall, weighing about 200 pounds. He was wearing a dark jacket and blue sweat pants. 

Miller said the suspect stole more than $100. 


Stolen vehicle reported 

A 1984 Toyota Extra Cab pickup truck was stolen last weekend from the 2800 block of Seventh Street. The victim said he left the truck in front of his workplace for the weekend and when he returned at 3 p.m. Sunday it was gone. 


– Daily Planet Staff