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Downtown get a facelift2

Daily Planet Staff
Thursday April 20, 2000

Buildings in the downtown area will be getting a new coat of paint. 

Someone say Hey, Ho.....

John Miller Belts Out the Truth

Wednesday April 19, 2000

As Baseball been very very good to me

Barry Bonds Hits Homer 460

Mary Jones
Wednesday April 19, 2000

giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants giants

Paintings on Display at City Hall

John Williams
Wednesday April 19, 2000

Paintings on Display at City HallPaintings on Display at City HallPaintings on Display at City Hall Paintings on Display at City Hall

The Mayor Doesn't Get It

John Williams
Wednesday April 19, 2000

Sometimes it seems like dealing with city hall is like dragging a stubborn mule up a steep hill. 

Taxes Create Headaches for City Officials

Daily Planet Staff
Wednesday April 19, 2000

Taxes Create Headaches for City Officials but it pays their salaries. Moves to abolish taxes are kljfkj, asdfkdfskjasdasd. adf adfg adf adfg adfg. 

lkjlkjsdnks sdfklj sdfjk sdkfjasdklfjasdfkl alsdkfj kl;adsfklj asdfk jao;isdfadfgkl;jzdfglk zdfg dokf d fg. ;lkjadfkj;ald k;lkjdfg. 


oijadrklgj adfkjdalkfjg lkdfjgoijdfgij dfgju dfgju dofi dafg odifjuoidkljdfk j;lkdflk jdzf dfkl kljdfgkj d fklj lk jdfgjk df kl jdf gsd dfg.

Cal Men's Basketball Loses to UCLA, Again!

John Williams
Wednesday April 19, 2000

UCLA rules! UCLA rules! UCLA rules! UCLA rules! UCLA rules! UCLA rules! UCLA rules! UCLA rules! UCLA rules! UCLA rules! UCLA rules! UCLA rules! UCLA rules!

Recycling Should Be Manditory

Eric Ramstad
Wednesday April 19, 2000

Here is a sample of two of the menus that we have done recently. 

Will send some suggestions in the next few weeks if you would like. Hope 

this works out for both of us. Burt (Boont Berry Farm). 



SUMMER 1999 


Arrival Dinner 


Roasted Vegetable Lasagna with Four Cheeses 

Brushetta with Olive Tapenade and Fresh Pesto 

Mixed Baby Greens Salad with trio of dressings 

Almond Biscotti and our own Gelato Ice Cream 

Martin Short Hits it Big

Mary Jones
Wednesday April 19, 2000

Small men rule the world

Alan Iverson Arrested for Jaywalking

John Williams
Wednesday April 19, 2000

racist cops racist cops racist cops racist cops racist cops racist cops racist cops racist cops racist cops racist cops racist cops racist cops racist cops racist cops

BHS Wins Again

Mary Jones
Wednesday April 19, 2000

;ajf;aldjf a;lsdjfa;lsdjf

Another Shocking Story

Mary Jones
Wednesday April 19, 2000

Shock This! Shock This! Shock This! Shock This! Shock This! Shock This! Shock This! Shock This! Shock This! Shock This!

art art art

Daily Planet Staff
Wednesday April 19, 2000

A firefighter who magically knows about accidents before they happen is something Berkeley High could have sorely used a few weeks back, and also happens to be the pretense of a film directed by one of the school’s six new Hall of Fame honorees. 

In a twist of fate perhaps even a bit too much for Hollywood, director Gregory Hoblit’s film “Frequency” opened nationwide on Friday, the same day he and five others were honored by their Alma Mater. 

“I did not exactly graduate at the top of my class. Or the middle. In fact, I was toward the bottom, and lucky to graduate at all. But I did,” said Hoblit to the amusement of the students at the morning assembly. “I have a vivid memory of coming home with some particularly bad grades in 1961. My father did little other than suggest we take a drive. We got in the car and perused through some rather nice neighborhoods. Then we came to some not so nice neighborhoods and perused them. Dad pulled up the car and simply said, ‘your choice.’ It took several years for that reality check to come to me.” 

Hoblit joined longtime BHS English teacher Jacqueline White, famed jazz critic Philip Elwood, the husband-and-wife nature photography team of Stephen and Sylvia Sharnoff and navy pilot Capt. Kenneth Cameron in Friday’s 11th annual induction ceremonies. 

White was a recent hire when Hoblit and the Sharnoffs graduated in ’62. The Berkeley native taught 25 years at BHS, from 1961 to 1986. The former chair of the English department recalled a few words her own teachers had told her: “‘You’re irreverent toward tradition’, ‘your tone is impertinent’ and, I think my favorite is ‘Jacqueline, you are incorrigible.’” 

Elwood – whose grandson is a Berkeley High student and was in attendance – has been recognized as “the Dean of West Coast Jazz Critics.” The 1943 graduate has been a San Francisco Examiner music critic since 1965, and his 44 years hosting a jazz archives show on KPFA stand as the longest continuous stint on the same show in radio history. Elwood recalled coming of age in Berkeley during World War II (in which he served as a Navy ensign). 

“When I came here in 1940, Germany had invaded Poland and World War II started. We thought that was a long way away, and had nothing to do with our lives as 10th-graders here in Berkeley,” said Elwood. “The war disrupted the whole fabric of the community. Most boys were into the draft at age 17. We also saw the loss of all our Japanese students, who were sent away to concentration camps. I’d like to point out that the student body here was appalled at the act. They were our friends and classmates, they’d gone through Berkeley schools and loved Berkeley and Berkeley High as much as anyone else.” 

The Sharnoffs’ induction to the Hall of Fame came as a bittersweet honor, as Sylvia died in 1998 after battling cancer. The couple’s upcoming book, “Lichens of North America” is slated to be published in 2001, and the pair’s photographs have graced the pages of National Geographic. 

“The French painter Matisse once said, ‘There are flowers everywhere for those who want to see them,’” said Stephen Sharnoff, who met his future wife at Berkeley High. “Sylvia was one who did see them ... Find an interest to pursue, you might find a whole new world. And you don’t need to go it alone. The combination of work and love is completely fantastic.” 

The award also came late for Cameron, a career Navy pilot who flew 40 missions over North Korea and was shot down while serving in Vietnam, where he died as a Prisoner of War in 1970. Cameron’s son, Kenneth Jr., accepted the honor on his behalf. 

“I’ve taken a journey through a part of my life that was always missing,” said Cameron. “I was too young to know how my father grew up, what he was like and how he went to school. In the last few days, I’ve met some of my father’s friends, and they’ve brought my father back to life for me. The memories of the stories they’ve told about my father will live forever.” 

Health crisis for minorities

Judith Scherr
Tuesday April 18, 2000

Daily Planet Staff 


Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson calls the newly released health care statistics “outrageous.” 

African-American children in Alameda County are more than three times as likely to die during their first year of life than children of any other racial/ethnic groups. African-American children are the least up-to-date on their immunizations. In Berkeley, African Americans are more likely than their ethnic counterparts to die from AIDS, cancer, heart disease, injuries and violence. 

Alameda County’s report, released two weeks ago, underscores the disparate state of health between the black and white communities in the county. The health divide is mirrored in Berkeley and outlined the city of Berkeley’s 1999 Health Status Report, released earlier this year. 

“There are glaring statistics regarding health in the African American community,” said Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Oakland, who has joined Carson to host a community forum Wednesday on the Health Status of Blacks in the City of Berkeley. 

The findings in the Berkeley and Alameda studies will be discussed by health experts, including Dr. Michael LeNoir, physician and radio commentator; Dr. Poki Namkung, Berkeley’s health officer; Dr. Vicki Alexander, Director of Maternal and Child Health for the city of Berkeley; Dr. Melanie Tervalon, a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital; and Shyaam Shabaka, a health outreach worker. 

Both Carson and Lee said the forum will bring information directly to the impacted South Berkeley community. But its intent is to go beyond education. The evening will be a venue where the community can begin organizing to address its own health needs, Carson said. 

“When more people are aware, they can take action,” Carson said. 

The forum is co-sponsored by a number of community groups, including the Berkeley chapter of the NAACP, the San Pablo Avenue Neighborhood Association and the Tyler King Neighborhood Association. 

Another participant in the forum will be Anthony Santangelo, director of the Berkeley High Health Center. 

Because of last week’s fire at Berkeley High, the health center, which serves some 55 students each day, is not usable. Santangelo said he hopes to make people attending the forum aware of the importance of the health center so that the school district will not forget the center when the school receives portable buildings to replace fire-scarred classrooms. 

The high school health center serves as the primary source of medical care for some 760 students who have no health insurance, Santangelo said. 

Lee told the Daily Planet that the issues that divide the black and white communities – and that lead to disparate health care – are huge: housing, jobs, education and more. It all cannot be tackled at once, but these issues need to be addressed nonetheless, she said. 

“It’s got to be a multi-faceted, comprehensive approach. We’ve got to look at the big picture,” she said. 

The task is not impossible, Lee said. “The first step is to have some dialogue.” 

The forum is at 7 p.m. Wednesday, at Progressive Avenue Baptist Church 3301 King St. in Berkeley. 

Calendar of Events & Activities

Tuesday April 18, 2000

Tuesday, April 18


“Spring Break Science Week” 

10 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Tilden Regional Park 

This is a weeklong program of activities for children ages 9 to 12. Registration is required, and the program costs between $125 and $139 per child, 



“Dinosaur Safari” 

Noon and 1:30 p.m. 

Lawrence Hall of Science, Centennial Drive above UC Berkeley campus 

This is part of a series of family events being held through April 28. “Celebrate Spring” events are included with admission to the science center. 

510-642-5132; www.lhs.berkeley.edu 


Historical Institutionalism Seminar 


119 Moses Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

Chris Howard, from the College of William & Mary, will speak on “Social Citizenship in the American States, 1900-1935.” 


“Is Assertiveness chutzpah?” with Betty Goren 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Ave. 



Free computer class for seniors 

1-4 p.m. 

South Berkeley Senior Center, 2939 Ellis St. 

This free course offers basic instruction in keyboarding, Microsoft Word, Windows 95, Excel and Internet access. Space is limited; the class is offered Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Call ahead for a reservation. 



Berkeley Farmers’ Market 

2-7 p.m. 

Derby Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Milvia Street 



“Pilgrimage: One Woman’s Return to a Changing India” 

7:30 p.m. 

Easy Going Travel Shop and Bookstore, 1385 Shattuck Ave. 

Pramila Jayapal, an Indian-bored, Western-educated woman, returns to her country of birth and presents an inside look at contemporary societal issues in India. This event is free. 



Wednesday, April 19


“Spring Break Science Week” 

10 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Tilden Regional Park 

This is a weeklong program of activities for children ages 9 to 12. Registration is required, and the program costs between $125 and $139 per child, 



Third Annual Spring Fling 

11 a.m.-2 p.m. 

People’s Park 

This will be a day of games, arts and crafts, face painting, interactive games and more, with a scheduled visit by the Easter Bunny. 



Korean Music and Dance 


Hertz Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

Members of the Korean Youth Cultural Center will join the Yong-In University Art Troupe in the final performance of their West Coast debut. This concert is free. 


Harris Seminar 


119 Moses Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

Dan Schnur, former Director of Communication for John McCain and IGS Visiting Scholar, will speak on “Straight Talk Talk.” 


“Art of Recycling Day” 


Lawrence Hall of Science, Centennial Drive above UC Berkeley campus 

This is part of a series of family events being held through April 28. “Celebrate Spring” events are included with admission to the science center. 

510-642-5132; www.lhs.berkeley.edu 


Caregivers support group for Alzheimer’s 

1:30 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Ave. 



Art in the Garden 

2-4:30 p.m. 

UC Botanical Garden, 200 Centennial Drive 

Karen LeGault, a local artist and teacher whose work has been exhibited internationally, is leading this eight-week class in drawing and painting from nature. Both experienced artists and beginners are welcome. Call ahead for more information or to enroll. 



“MAS 2000 Climbing School” 

6 p.m. 

REI Berkeley, 1338 San Pablo Ave. 

Mountain Adventure Seminars offers an introductory rock climbing school with instruction on equipment, fundamental climbing techniques, basic anchoring and safety procedures. Registration required. The in-store training will be followed by an outdoors session Saturday morning. Cost is $110. 



Citizens Humane Commission 

6:30 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Ave. 

The commission will discuss the proposed animal shelter, affordable spay/neuter and the euthanasia policy at the Berkeley animal shelter. 


Human Welfare and Community Action Commission 

7 p.m. 

South Berkeley Senior Center, 2939 Ellis St. 

Among other items, the commission will discuss the proposed Living Wage Ordinance. 


Forum: Health Status of African Americans in the Berkeley Community 

7 p.m. 

Progressive Avenue Baptist Church, 3301 King St. 

Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson and Congresswoman Barbara Lee will chair a community meeting on the health of African Americans in Berkeley. They will address the following concerns: the death rate for African Americans in Alameda County is 50 percent higher than any other ethnic group in the County; African-American children are three times as likely to die during their first year of life than children of any other racial/ethnic group; in Berkeley, African Americans are more likely than their ethnic counterparts to die from AIDS, cancer, heart disease, injuries and violence. 



Baby Bounce and Toddler Tales 

7 p.m. 

West Branch Berkeley Public Library, 1125 University Ave. 

This storytime program is designed for families with children up to 3 years old. The free, participatory program features a half hour of multicultural songs, rhymes, lap jogs and stories to give very young children a lively introduction to the magic of books. 



Poetry Flash 

7:30 p.m. 

Cody’s Books, 2454 Telegraph Ave. 

Diem Jones and Reginald Lockett will be the featured poets. 

510-845-7852; 510-525-5476 


Throat singers of Tuva, Siberia 

7:30 p.m. 

Julia Morgan Theater, 2640 College Ave. 

The musical group Huun-Huur-Tu will perform this unique style of music created in Tuvan throat singing. 



Thursday, April 20


“Spring Break Science Week” 

10 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Tilden Regional Park 

This is a weeklong program of activities for children ages 9 to 12. Registration is required, and the program costs between $125 and $139 per child, 



“Science Behind the Book: Inspired by Harry Potter” 


Lawrence Hall of Science, Centennial Drive above UC Berkeley campus 

510-642-5132; www.lhs.berkeley.edu 


Free computer class for seniors 

1-4 p.m. 

South Berkeley Senior Center, 2939 Ellis St. 

This free course offers basic instruction in keyboarding, Microsoft Word, Windows 95, Excel and Internet access. Space is limited; call ahead for a reservation. 



“Legends of Ancient India” 

3:30 p.m. 

West Branch Berkeley Public Library, 1125 University Ave. 

Armin Palkhivala will present picture books and stories for children ages 3 through 9 highlighting ancient Indian legends and culture, and will incorporate the many and various festivals celebrated in India. 



American Political History Seminar 

4 p.m. 

119 Moses Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

Gail Sheehy, contributing editor for Vanity Fair, will discuss her new Hillary Clinton biography “Hillary’s Choice.” 


Berkeley Path Wanderers Association General Meeting 

7-9 p.m. 

Live Oak Park Recreation Center, Shattuck Avenue and Berryman Street 

John Underhill, a retired biological photographer and geographer, will give a slide show and commentary about Rose Walk. He will also present a brief look at Berkeley Paths from his childhood. Underhill’s family history in the Rose Walk neighborhood dates back to 1904. 


“True Adventure Mountain Biking: Cycling the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route” 

7 p.m. 

REI Berkeley, 1338 San Pablo Ave. 

Bobbee Palmer and Jonna Uibel will make a slide presentation of their ride from Canada to Mexico along the Continental Divide. 


Tuesday April 18, 2000





“Rough Crossing” by Tom Stoppard, April 7 through May 6. The writers of a Broadway musical are simultaneously trying to finish and rehearse a play while crossing the Atlantic on an ocean liner. 

$10. Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; May 4, 8 p.m. Live Oak Theatre, 1301 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 528-5620. 



“The Homecoming” by Harold Pinter, April 6 through May 7. A dark comedy about a philosophy professor who brings his wife home to meet his all-male family. 

$25 to $28. Wednesday through Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Berkeley City Club, 2315 Durant Ave., Berkeley. (510) 843-4822. 



“Let My Enemy Live Long!” by Tanya Shaffer, April 19 through May 12. The story of an ill-advised boat ride up West Africa's Niger River to Timbuktu. 

$19 to $48.50. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8 p.m.; Wednesday, 7 p.m.; Saturday, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.; April 19, 8 p.m.; NO PERFORMANCES APRIL 25 AND APRIL 26. 2025 Addison St., Berkeley. (510) 845-4700 or (888) 4BRTTIX. 



“The Skriker” by Caryl Churchill, April 29 and April 30. In this ecological play faeries are damaged due to polluted rivers and woods, and are forgotten. 

$15 general; $10 seniors and students. Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 7 p.m. Julia Morgan Center for the Art s, 2640 College Ave., Berkeley. (510) 655-0813. 


Subterranean Shakespeare 

“Measure for Measure,” by William Shakespeare. Run has been extended through April 30. Performances are Thursdays through Saturdays, at 8 p.m. each night, and Sundays at 7 p.m. $10 general; $6 students. La Val’s Subterranean, 1834 Euclid Ave., Berkeley. (510) 234-6046. 





Rumeli, Westwind Voices, April 18, 9 p.m. $8. Dance lesson 8 p.m. 

DP and The Rhythm Riders, April 19, 9 p.m. $8. Dance lesson 8 p.m. 

Cannon and The Lion of Judah Band, DJ Peja Peja, April 20, 9:30 p.m. $8. 

Gumbo, April 21, 9:30 p.m. $11. 

West African Highlife Band, April 22, 9:30 p.m. $11. 

Cascabulho, April 23, 7 p.m. $11. 

1317 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley. (510) 525-5099 or www.ashkenaz.com 



An Evening with Taos Hum, April 18. $3. 

Third World with UC Buh, DJ Add, Jah Bonz, Big Willie, April 19. $5. 

Ripe, April 20. $4. Shelley Doty X-tet, Habaneros, April 21. $5. 

Monkey, Fuzzbucket, April 22. $5. 

For age 18 and older. Music at 9:30 p.m. 2367 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley. (510) 848-0886. 



Jessie Turner, Shelley Doty, Deborah Pardes, April 18. $13.50. 

Sol y Canto, April 19. $14.50. 

The Battlefield Band, April 20. $18.50. 

Darryl Henriques, April 21. $16.50. 

The Bluegrass Intentions, April 22. $14.50. 

Quicksilver Messenger Service featuring Gary Duncan, April 23. $15.50. 

Music at 8 p.m. 1111 Addison St., Berkeley. (510) 548-1761 or (510) 762-BASS. 



Los Papines, April 21, 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. $18. 

Ultra Gypsy and Fire Act, April 22, 9 p.m. $10. 

3105 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 849-2568 or www.lapena.org 



Plus Ones, Camera Obscura, Four Speed, April 21. 

Christdriver, Misery, Extinction of Mankind, Murder Takes No Holiday, April 22. 

$5. Music at 8 p.m. unless otherwise noted. 924 Gilman St., Berkeley. (510) 525-9926. 



Ceili Dance featuring Brian Therlault and Friends, April 19. Free. 

Rhett Miller, Girl's Guitar Club featuring Mary Lynn Rhaskub, April 20. $10. 

Rube Waddell, Amy X. Neuberg and Men, April 21. $6. 

Mark Growden's Electric Pinata, Baby Grampa, April 22. $7. 

For age 21 and over. Wednesday, 8 p.m.; Thursday, 9:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9:45 p.m. unless otherwise noted. 3101 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 841-2082. 






“Anne Chu/MATRIX 184 Untitled,” April 16 through June 18. The exhibition features a selection of Chu's T'ang dynasty funerary figures sculpted following her travels to Xian and Guangdong. The wooden figures range in height from 28 inches to over six feet.  

“China: Fifty Years Inside the People's Republic,” through June 18. The work of 25 Chinese and Western photographers explores half a century of social and political upheaval in this unusual exhibit. The 200 photographs, both black-and-white and color, cover the many regions, cultures and people that make up China as well as the mix of traditional life and the modern one. 

“Roma/Pacifica: The Phoebe Hearst International Architecture Competition and the Berkeley Campus, 1896-1930,” through April 23. An exhibition showing how the campus developed from the original lavish design of Franco-Roman buildings by French architect Emile Bernard to the modified version with Italianate granite and stucco buildings and tile roofing by New York architect John Galen Howard to the vision of California Arts and Crafts architect Bernard Maybeck and his student Julia Morgan.  

$6 general; $4 seniors and students ages 12 to 18; free children age 12 and under; free Thursday, 1 1 a.m. to noon and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2626 Bancroft Way, Berkeley. (510) 642-0808. 



2230 Shattuck Ave. (lower level), Berkeley 

A hands-on community health education museum and science center sponsored by Children's Hospital Oakland and Alta Bates Medical Center. 

“This is Your Heart!” ongoing. An in teractive exhibit on heart health. 

Free. For children ages 3 to 12 and their parents. 

(510) 549-1564 



“Bridging the Bay: Bridging the Campus,” through April 30. The exhibit has been created from the libraries of the eight University of California campuses. The exhibit includes books, documents, architectural drawings, blueprints, artifacts, maps and photographs that record the building of the San Francisco Bay area’s bridges. It also includes documents detailing Bay area bridge projects that were seriously considered but never built. 

Free. Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Doe Memorial Library, University of California, Berkeley. (510) 643-9999. 



“Dinosaurs 2000,” through June 4. An exhibit featuring 16 lifelike robotic creatures, fossils, activities to compare yourself to a dinosaur, and daily live demonstrations. 

“The News About Dinosaurs,” through June 4. Learn more about the “Dinosaurs 2000” exhibit with live demonstrations exploring recent paleontological discoveries and how scientists know what they do about prehistoric creatures. Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. 

$6 general; $4 seniors, students and children ages 7 to 18; $2 children ages 3 to 6; free children under age 3. Daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Centennial Drive, University of California, Berkeley. (510) 642-5132 or www.lhs.berkeley.edu 


Kroeber Hall, UC Berkeley 

“Modern Treasures from Ancient Iran,” through Oct. 29. This exhibit explores nomadic and town life in ancient and modern Iran as illustrated in bronze and pottery vessels, and textiles. 

“Pana O’ahu: Sacred Stones – Sacred Places,” through July 16. An exhibit of photographs by Jan Becket and Joseph Singer. 

“Phoebe Hearst Museum-Approaching a Century of Anthropology,” a sampling of the vast collections of the museum, its mission, history, and current research, with selections from ancient Egypt, ancient Peru, California Indians, Asia (India), and Africa. 

“Ishi and the Invention of Yahi Culture,” Ishi, the last Yahi Indian of California, spent the final years of his life, 1911 to 1916, living at the museum, working with anthropologists to record his culture, demonstrating technological skills, and retelling Yahi myths, tales, and songs. 

Wednesday through Sunday 10 am -4:30 pm; Thursday until 9 pm (Sept-May) 

(510) 643-7648 



Kittredge Street and Shattuck Avenue 

A museum especially for children age 7 and younger. Highlights include “WaterWorks,” an area with some unusual water toys, an Infant Tree for babies, a garden especially for toddlers, a child-scale grocery store and cafe, and a costume shop and stage for junior thespians. The museum also features a toy lending library. 

Admission is $4 for adults; $6 child age 7 and under; $3 for each additional child.  

Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

(510) 647-1111 



2911 Russell St., Berkeley 

“Chagall: Master Prints and Posters, Selections from the Magnes Museum Collection.” Accompanying the exhibition is “Exploring Chagall and His Use of the Elements of Art,” a child-friendly Interactive Educational Room with five work-stations and a central activities space. Free. Sunday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (510) 549-6950. 




“Recycled Art,” April 1 through April 30. A group exhibit featuring jewelry, sculpture and functional art all from refuse. 

Free. Tuesday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 1652 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 843-2527. 



“On Common Ground.” through June 23. This exhibit is a portrait of faith-based communities in Los Angeles. 

“Finding the Sacred Mountain,” through June 20. An exhibit of sumi-e and watercolors by Robert Kostka. 

Free. Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am. to 10 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 7 p.m. Flora Lamson Hewlett Library, 2400 Ridge Rd., Berkeley. (510) 649-2541. 



“High Touch/High Tech: Crossing The Divide,” through May 6. An exhibit of juried and invited artists. 

Free. Tuesday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m. Workshop Media Center Gallery, 1060 Heinz Ave., Berkeley. (510) 549-2977. 



“Irish Stones and More,” April 1 through April 27. An exhibit of quilts by Denise Snell. 

“Down from the Attic,” April 1 through April 27. An exhibit of dolls by Gretchen Jennings. 

Free. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 1597 Solano Ave., Berkeley. (510) 527-6779. 



“minimalPOP,” April 15 through May 14. A group exhibit of a variety of media. 

Artists Reception, April 15, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. 

Free. Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 1316 10th St., Berkeley. (510) 527-1214. 


To publicize an upcoming event, please submit information to the Daily Planet via fax (841-5695), e-mail (calendar@berkeleydailyplanet.com) or traditional mail (2076 University Avenue, 94704). 

Calendar items should be submitted at least a week before the opening of a new exhibit or performance. 

Please include a daytime telephone number in case we need to clarify any information.

Bears name new basketball coach

James Wiseman
Tuesday April 18, 2000

Daily Planet Staff 


After 12 years at the helm of the highly successful Santa Clara University women’s program, head basketball coach Caren Horstmeyer broke away from the Broncos on Monday, signing a five-year contract to become the new women’s coach at Cal.  

Horstmeyer, who put together a 221-124 record at Santa Clara, beat out a short list of serious candidates for the job that included Xavier head coach Melanie Balcomb and UCLA assistant Willette White. As the most successful coach in Broncos’ history, Horstmeyer hopes her offense-oriented coaching style will yield similar results for the struggling Cal program, which hasn’t compiled a winning season in seven years. 

“I am very excited and honored to be the new head basketball coach at Cal,” the 37-year old Santa Clara graduate said at Monday’s press conference. “I see tremendous potential, great support from the administration and new and exciting challenges ahead of us.” 

The decision to offer Horstmeyer the position was made by the Cal athletic department last Wednesday, after interviewing nearly a dozen candidates in the weeks since Marianne Stanley’s March 13 resignation. According to Cal Athletic Director John Kasser, the decision came down to Horstmeyer’s proven patience and success, as well as her keen ability to get the most out of college players. 

“Caren was the top choice, and the only one offered the job,” Kasser said. “We were looking for a person who had been a head coach as one of our primary criteria. We believed those types of leadership skills were needed to bring this program forward. The other aspects we were looking for was someone who had been a proven winner and who had developed student-athletes. Those are all areas which Caren has excelled in at Santa Clara.” 

Though the new coach is excited about the challenge at Cal, she did not find leaving her alma mater and longtime home especially easy. As a former four-year varsity player and multi-record holder with the Santa Clara women’s basketball program, Horstmeyer admits the move was unexpected and previously unconsidered. 

“I figured that I’d end my coaching career at Santa Clara,” the coach said. “I think that’s a real credit to Cal and the people who recruited me to come here as your coach. Because, honestly, I thought I was going to end my career at Santa Clara.” 

“We admire her loyalty to her players (at Santa Clara),” added Cal Associate Athletic Director Chris Dawson. “If it was easy to say goodbye, it probably wasn’t the kind of person we wanted.” 

Horstmeyer led the Broncos to an impressive 21-9 mark in 1999-2000, earning the squad a berth in the WNIT tournament, where it fell to USC in the opening round. The coach has taken six teams to the postseason – including four to the NCAA tourney – and has not had a losing season in over 10 years. The Broncos defeated the Bears early in the 1999-2000 season, giving most everyone in the Cal program a taste of the kind of upset she is capable of.  

“(The Broncos) were really disciplined, really well-coached,” said Cal guard Kenya Corley, who was held to 4-of-13 shooting in the December 2 meeting with Horstmeyer’s former squad. “Hopefully, it’ll rub off on us. We need to be really disciplined, too.” 

“There are players who are excited about the program and where it’s heading,” Horstmeyer added. “I saw Cal play this year, and it was exciting to see the kind of talent they have and the enthusiasm they have.” 

In light of the disappointing women’s basketball attendance figures of 1999-2000, one of the athletic department’s main goals was to hire an individual who could drum up community support, and sell the program to a town that already packs Haas Pavilion for men’s games. Horstmeyer expects to bring the community aspect that characterized her Santa Clara teams to Cal by hyping the program – a task she admits may require a winning record.  

“From a community standpoint, I see a lot of room for growth,” she said. “Young girls and families will be a big draw. They see these people as role models. They want to see the Cal women’s basketball players play...and sign autographs.” 

Horstmeyer indicated that the Cal job was one of the few positions that could possibly have lured her from her Santa Clara post, due to the university’s academic reputation. Despite Cal’s recent struggles with wins and losses, the coach believes the program is more appealing – both academically and athletically – to potential recruits than Santa Clara’s. Horstmeyer has lost recruits to the more prestigious Bears program in the past, and expects to have little trouble recruiting quality student-athletes to Berkeley. 

“I’ll have a better chance of getting the elite players at Cal than Santa Clara,” said the coach, who will have the immediate task of filling six open scholarships. “There’s a lot of work to be done.” 

“I believe the team we have in place has a chance to earn an NCAA tournament bid if they work hard, and everyone gets on the same page,” Kasser added. “As we have six scholarships available for next year, recruiting will also be very important.” 

Though terms for the five-year contract were not disclosed, Dawson indicated that Horstmeyer’s deal was similar, financially, to that of men’s head coach Ben Braun.

KPFA legal cases stalled

Daily Planet Staff
Tuesday April 18, 2000

Two KPFA-related cases remain in legal limbo. 

One concerns Kahlil Jacobs-Fantauzzi, charged with obstructing a police officer during the height of the summer conflict with KPFA’s parent organization, the Pacifica Foundation. 

Jacobs-Fantauzzi remains the only person arrested during the summer conflict whose charges are outstanding. More than 90 of the approximate 100 protesters had their charges dropped and a handful pled guilty to jaywalking charges. 

Jacobs-Fantauzzi’s pre-trial motion asking the judge to dismiss the case because he was unfairly signaled out from the other protesters, was to have begun Monday in Oakland. The case, however, was rescheduled. It will be put on the calendar for scheduling at 9 a.m., May 5, in the courts at 661 Washington St., Oakland. At that time, a judge will probably set the date for jury selection, although jury selection could begin that day, according to Jacob-Fantauzzi’s attorney, Richard Krech. 

In a separate case, a motion in the lawsuit that Oakland attorney Dan Siegel filed against the Pacifica Foundation was heard in Oakland Monday.  

The suit claims that Pacifica acted improperly when it changed its method of selecting its national board members. Originally, the local boards could select most the members, but Pacifica changed board selection to a method by which the board is self-selecting. 

It also claims that Pacifica has spent the listener-sponsor funds improperly. 

The judge Monday was to decide whether members of advisory boards of various Pacifica stations are allowed to sue Pacifica on this issue. The judge, however, did not make a decision. He said he will render the decision in writing in two days.

Gabriel Hughes signs Letter of Intent to Cal

Daily Planet Staff
Tuesday April 18, 2000

Faced with a shortage of post players for next season, the Cal men’s basketball team gave itself a boost in that area on Monday, when head coach Ben Braun announced the signing of 6-foot, 10-inch center Gabriel Hughes to a National Letter of Intent to play for the Bears. 

Hughes, the younger brother of current Cal sophomore Solomon Hughes, was highly recruited out of high school, after showing an unselfish ability to contribute in aspects other than scoring. Braun expects the incoming freshman to deepen the No. 5 position, which was depleted somewhat by the April exit of Shahar Gordon, who left the Bears to fulfill a military commitment in Israel.  

“I think Gabriel has a lot of potential to be a presence in the post,” the Cal coach said about the new addition. “With Shahar Gordon’s departure, Gabriel will add depth to a thin front line.” 

Originally a graduate of Bishop Montgomery High School in Torrance, Hughes played the 1999-2000 season for a New Hampshire prep school, at which he averaged 14 points and seven rebounds per game. Like his brother, Gabriel is also a shot-blocking threat who averaged three blocks a game last season. As a senior at Bishop Montgomery in 1998-99, Hughes averaged 12 points, nine rebounds and four blocks.  

Solomon also played at Montgomery during his high school years, compiling slightly better overall numbers than his younger brother. 

“(Gabriel is) an active, 6-10 player who can run the floor,” Braun said. “He has good shot-blocking and rebounding abilities, so he’s further along on the defensive end than the offensive end.” 

Hughes joins his brother and freshman Nick Vander Laan as the only three centers currently on the Cal roster.

Eminent anthropologist Washburn dies

Daily Planet Staff
Tuesday April 18, 2000

Sherwood Larned Washburn, the father of modern primatology who first glimpsed the evolution of human behavior in the actions of monkeys and apes, died Sunday from pneumonia at Alta Bates Medical Center. He was 88. 

A professor of anthropology at UC Berkeley from 1958 to his retirement in 1978 and one of a small number of faculty members appointed as “University Professor” for the nine-campus system, Washburn virtually established the field of primatology in the 1950s following his studies on baboon colonies in Kenya. 

For the next two decades, his theories dominated interpretations of human social evolution and his teachings inspired several generations of students. 

“Sherry Washburn established at UC Berkeley the most influential program of the century for the study of primatology, of fossil man, and the biological and cultural evolution of humanity,” UC Berkeley professor of anthropology J. Desmond Clark said in a statement. “Those who were his friends and those who continue his work will forever be in his debt. He will be missed the world over.” 

Washburn was the first to propose that tool use, hunting and a gender division in labor had been critical in human evolution. He also saw 40 years ago that humans had evolved from an ancestor that walked on its knuckles, like contemporary great apes – an idea that only this year has gripped the anthropological world anew. 

In one of his famous articles on the evolution of man, a 1978 article in Scientific American, Washburn had this to say about knuckle-walking: 

“Gorillas and chimpanzees (and the men who play some of the forward positions in American football), however, have developed a form of locomotion called knuckle walking that enables the apes (if not the football players) to walk normally as they carry objects between their fingers and their palm.” 

But it was his holistic approach, working from anatomy to function and behavior, that so inspired his students and colleagues. 

“Sherwood Washburn changed the way we study human evolution,” said professor of anthropology Adrienne Zihlman of UC Santa Cruz, and a former student. His influence was so pervasive, said Zihlman, that “everyone has adopted his approach but forgotten where it came from.” 

His lectures showing how bones, joints and muscles related to movement and social behavior in humans and other primates often won standing ovations from students. 

Born on November 26, 1911, Washburn was the younger son of the dean of Cambridge’s Episcopal Theological School. He received a bachelor’s degree, summa cum laude, from Harvard College in 1935 and a doctorate in 1940, also from Harvard. 

From a position at Columbia University as assistant professor of anatomy, Washburn moved to the University of Chicago where he was professor of anthropology for 11 years and chair of the department. 

During his career, Washburn won virtually every medal and prize given in his field, including the Wenner-Gren Foundation’s Viking Fund Medal in 1960, the Huxley Medal in 1967 and the American Anthropological Association’s Distinguished Service Award in 1983. The Fourth International Congress of Primatology was dedicated to his honor in 1972. 

Washburn is survived by two sons, Sherwood of Brooklyn, and Stan of Berkeley and five grandchildren. His brother, Bradford, is founder of Boston’s Museum of Science. 

Memorial services will be announced. 

San Pablo business robbed at gunpoint

Daily Planet Staff
Tuesday April 18, 2000

An armed robber took the days receipts and money from the safe of the U-Haul Company location on San Pablo Avenue late Friday afternoon. 

Two employees had locked the front door and the side gate to the parking lot in the rear of the building and assumed they had sufficiently locked up the shop, said Capt. Bobby Miller of the Berkeley Police Department. 

Around 5 p.m., the suspect, wearing a red bandana that covered his face like a mask, walked into the office leading from the parking lot and pointed a semi-automatic handgun at the two employees. The suspect pulled a bag from his pocket and gave it to one of the employees and told him to open the safe and the cash register, and put the money in the bag. 

He shoved the handgun into the other man’s side. After the employee gave him the money, more than $1,000, the robber forced both men into the bathroom. 

From the window of the bathroom the employees saw the suspect – approximately 5 feet, 7 inches tall, 120 pounds – climb over a 6-foot gate and leave the site and get away on foot. 

The suspect, an African-American male wearing a dark jacket and light-colored blue jeans, may have been hiding in the parking lot between the trucks, said Miller.

Grand theft charge filed

Daily Planet Staff
Tuesday April 18, 2000

An employee of Copy Central at 2560 Bancroft Way was arrested Friday on a grand theft charge for allegedly embezzling what may have been thousands of dollars from the photocopying store. 

According to Berkeley Police Capt. Bobby Miller, the alleged thefts occurred from October 1999 until the recent filing of the police report. The suspect’s employers became aware of a problem when the receipts and the cash register printout were different, said Miller, and they observed the suspect’s daily returns. 

At the present time the investigation is not completed, but 45-year-old Walnut Creek resident Heidi Asad has been arrested on a grand theft charge. 

Miller did not know why the store’s accounting system did not reveal the alleged thefts earlier.

Fire station's fate

Marilyn Claessens
Monday April 17, 2000

Daily Planet Staff 


Residents will have an opportunity to offer suggestions and voice their concerns about the proposed new hills Fire Station 7 in a public meeting Tuesday night. 

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. and will be held at the Northbrae Community Church at 941 The Alameda. 

The Berkeley Fire Department has received approval from seismic engineers on the safety of a site to build a state-of-the art station near Shasta Road and Park Gate Road, said Asst. Fire Chief David Orth. 

“We don’t feel there are other suitable sites available,” he said. 

The new station would replace the Station 7 at 2931 Shasta Road. Orth said the existing station could be seismically upgraded but questioned what would happen to coverage while No. 7 was displaced. 

The community meeting is a part of the Environmental Impact Report process to insure that the community will have a voice in what the city decides to do in providing fire protection for the hills, he said. 

“We definitely know there are some people out there with real concerns, and we want them to have a chance to start talking about those things,” he said. 

The city is working with five architects to make preliminary estimates of how large rooms and other areas would look, but no designs have been done, he said. 

Peter Cukor, a neighbor who lives near the proposed site, believes the “industrial” size of the proposed station is inappropriate for the rural, residential character of the neighborhood. 

Cukor also criticized the city’s intention to sue itself to get permission from the court to get approval to alter the provisions set forth in Measure G, the $55 million bond issue approved by Berkeley voters in 1992. 

“We would like an additional fire fighting facility as opposed to replacement, and what was promised in Measure G,” said the homeowner and software developer. 

“We think what the city offers is less protection than promised and less than we paid for.” 

Councilmember Betty Olds, who represents the Berkeley Hills, said that “a lot of people would like a separate room for the community in a new station.” She noted that there is no such facility now. 

“Everybody on the council thinks it is definitely needed,” she said. “We just want things to work out. Hopefully it will come around sometime in May for approval.” 

Calendar of Events & Activities

Monday April 17, 2000

Monday, April 17


“Spring Break Science Week” 

10 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Tilden Regional Park 

This is a weeklong program of activities for children ages 9 to 12. Registration is required, and the program costs between $125 and $139 per child, 



Baby Bounce and Toddler Tales 

10:30 a.m. 

Central Branch Berkeley Public Library, 2121 Allston Way 

This storytime program is designed for families with children up to 3 years old. The free, participatory program features a half hour of multicultural songs, rhymes, lap jogs and stories to give very young children a lively introduction to the magic of books. 



“Butterflies, Bees, and Bugs” 


Lawrence Hall of Science, Centennial Drive above UC Berkeley campus 

This is part of a series of family events being held through April 28. “Celebrate Spring” events are included with admission to the science center. 

510-642-5132; www.lhs.berkeley.edu 


Positive Political Theory Seminar 


119 Moses Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

Daron Acemoglu from MIT will speak on “The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation.” 


Rotary Club luncheon 


H’s Lordship’s Restaurant, 199 Seawall Drive 

Dr. Daniel C. Peterson, director of the Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts at Brigham Young University, will be the featured speaker for this week’s North Oakland-Emeryville Rotary Club luncheon. 


Magnetic Massage 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Ave. 

Learn about preventative health care from Japan with Terry Kekaha. 



The Affordable Housing Advocacy Project 

6 p.m. 

South Berkeley Senior Center, 2939 Ellis St. 

The Berkeley Housing Authority is sponsoring a series of meetings aimed at improving authority operations. 


Free Copwatch Class 

6 p.m. 

Copwatch office, 2022 Blake St. 

Learn about police accountability, your rights when dealing with the police and how to stop police brutality. Sponsored by Berkeley Copwatch. 



Rent Stabilization Board 

7 p.m. 

Council Chambers, 2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way 

The board will hold a public hearing on its 2000-20001 budget. The meeting is broadcast on KPFB, 89.3-FM and B-TV, Cable Channel 25. 


Relaxation and stress management 

7:30-10 p.m. 

135E Haas Pavilion, UC Berkeley campus 

This is a practicum to acquaint people with a broad repertory of relaxation and stress management techniques, life skills, information, and resources. Emphasis is placed on actual experience and involvement to encourage a synthesis of harmony and high quality performance in one’s life. Students $68, faculty and staff $77, community $85. 

510-849-2231 for information; 510-643-5151 to enroll 


Bach performance 

8 p.m. 

Hertz Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

Organist John Butt will perform Bach’s Toccata and fugue in D minor, BWV 565, Sonata No 3 in D minor, BWV 527 & Prelude and fugue in G, BWV 550; Elgar’s Sonata in G; and Messiaen’s La Nativité (excerpts). This concert benefits Berkeley’s Music 150 program, which provides private lessons with professional musicians to advanced students in the Music Department. Admission is $12 general, $6 students and seniors. 


Tuesday, April 18


“Spring Break Science Week” 

10 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Tilden Regional Park 

This is a weeklong program of activities for children ages 9 to 12. Registration is required, and the program costs between $125 and $139 per child, 



“Dinosaur Safari” 

Noon and 1:30 p.m. 

Lawrence Hall of Science, Centennial Drive above UC Berkeley campus 

This is part of a series of family events being held through April 28. “Celebrate Spring” events are included with admission to the science center. 

510-642-5132; www.lhs.berkeley.edu 


Historical Institutionalism Seminar 


119 Moses Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

Chris Howard, from the College of William & Mary, will speak on “Social Citizenship in the American States, 1900-1935.” 


“Is Assertiveness chutzpah?” with Betty Goren 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Ave. 



Free computer class for seniors 

1-4 p.m. 

South Berkeley Senior Center, 2939 Ellis St. 

This free course offers basic instruction in keyboarding, Microsoft Word, Windows 95, Excel and Internet access. Space is limited; the class is offered Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Call ahead for a reservation. 



Berkeley Farmers’ Market 

2-7 p.m. 

Derby Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Milvia Street 



“Pilgrimage: One Woman’s Return to a Changing India” 

7:30 p.m. 

Easy Going Travel Shop and Bookstore, 1385 Shattuck Ave. 

Pramila Jayapal, an Indian-bored, Western-educated woman, returns to her country of birth and presents an inside look at contemporary societal issues in India. This event is free. 



Wednesday, April 19


“Spring Break Science Week” 

10 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Tilden Regional Park 

This is a weeklong program of activities for children ages 9 to 12. Registration is required, and the program costs between $125 and $139 per child, 



Third Annual Spring Fling 

11 a.m.-2 p.m. 

People’s Park 

This will be a day of games, arts and crafts, face painting, interactive games and more, with a scheduled visit by the Easter Bunny. 



Korean Music and Dance 


Hertz Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

Members of the Korean Youth Cultural Center will join the Yong-In University Art Troupe in the final performance of their West Coast debut. This concert is free. 


Harris Seminar 


119 Moses Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

Dan Schnur, former Director of Communication for John McCain and IGS Visiting Scholar, will speak on “Straight Talk Talk.” 


“Art of Recycling Day” 


Lawrence Hall of Science, Centennial Drive above UC Berkeley campus 

This is part of a series of family events being held through April 28. “Celebrate Spring” events are included with admission to the science center. 

510-642-5132; www.lhs.berkeley.edu 


Caregivers support group for Alzheimer’s 

1:30 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Ave. 



Art in the Garden 

2-4:30 p.m. 

UC Botanical Garden, 200 Centennial Drive 

Karen LeGault, a local artist and teacher whose work has been exhibited internationally, is leading this eight-week class in drawing and painting from nature. Both experienced artists and beginners are welcome. Call ahead for more information or to enroll. 



“MAS 2000 Climbing School” 

6 p.m. 

REI Berkeley, 1338 San Pablo Ave. 

Mountain Adventure Seminars offers an introductory rock climbing school with instruction on equipment, fundamental climbing techniques, basic anchoring and safety procedures. Registration required. The in-store training will be followed by an outdoors session Saturday morning. Cost is $110. 



Forum: Health Status of African Americans in the Berkeley Community 

7 p.m. 

Progressive Avenue Baptist Church, 3301 King St. 

Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson and Congresswoman Barbara Lee will chair a community meeting on the health of African Americans in Berkeley. They will address the following concerns: the death rate for African Americans in Alameda County is 50 percent higher than any other ethnic group in the County; African-American children are three times as likely to die during their first year of life than children of any other racial/ethnic group; in Berkeley, African Americans are more likely than their ethnic counterparts to die from AIDS, cancer, heart disease, injuries and violence. 



Baby Bounce and Toddler Tales 

7 p.m. 

West Branch Berkeley Public Library, 1125 University Ave. 

This storytime program is designed for families with children up to 3 years old. The free, participatory program features a half hour of multicultural songs, rhymes, lap jogs and stories to give very young children a lively introduction to the magic of books. 



Poetry Flash 

7:30 p.m. 

Cody’s Books, 2454 Telegraph Ave. 

Diem Jones and Reginald Lockett will be the featured poets. 

510-845-7852; 510-525-5476 


Throat singers of Tuva, Siberia 

7:30 p.m. 

Julia Morgan Theater, 2640 College Ave. 

The musical group Huun-Huur-Tu will perform this unique style of music created in Tuvan throat singing. 


Playwrights turn attention to tragedy at "Good Guys" store

John Angell Grant
Monday April 17, 2000

Daily Planet Correspondent 


SAN FRANCISCO – On April 4, 1991, three Vietnamese-American brothers stormed into a Good Guys electronics store in Sacramento, held 41 people hostage at gunpoint, and demanded a helicopter to take them back to Southeast Asia to fight the Viet Cong. 

During the eight-hour siege that followed, two of the brothers were killed. The surviving brother is currently serving 49 consecutive life terms in Corcoran State Prison. 

This tragic and complex event is the basis for “The Good Guys: An American Tragedy,” a multi-media play that opened its world premiere Thursday in San Francisco presented by Theater of Yugen, a performance group that stages work dealing with the Pan Asian diaspora. 

“Good Guys” is an ambitious project. It tries, with only partial success, to tell the complex and comprehensive story of the immigrant Sacramento Nguyen family.  

The play attunes itself to the dissonances of a family caught among several cultures - South Vietnamese, communist Vietnamese, American and Roman Catholic, to name a few. 

At one point in “Good Guys,” family patriarch Ba (Randall Nakano), an 18-year veteran of the South Vietnamese army, says of his life moving from culture to culture, that he feels he’s lived over and over as a child. 

The Nguyen family escaped Vietnam for the United States as refugee boat people in the 1970s, and suffered many abuses and privations. 

Once in America, the family’s three young boys, outcasts at school, grew quickly into cultural misfits and began downward social spirals. 

Eldest son Ly (Michael Cheng) is schizophrenic and delusional, with a growing psychosis, lost in a cultural fantasy world. Trouble-making youngest son Khang (Dong Nguyen) is locked in an oedipal battle with his disapproving, abusive father. 

Written by Yugen artistic directors Michael Edo Keane and Miko Lee, who also directed and choreographed the play, the script of “Good Guys” uses a cinematic story structure with many short scenes to tell its story. 

It contains a mix of reality, memory and fantasy that tries to reflect the lives of a culturally displaced family. 

But “Good Guys” doesn’t have a clear central character or a clear unifying story line. It waffles here and there, often repeating information or the characters’ emotional states and situations a second, third, or fourth time. 

It also has the disappointing knack of telegraphing what’s to come, depriving the play of suspense, so this complex and fascinating story comes off as flat and predictable. 

With three long acts, the show is way too long, running more than three hours opening night, including two intermissions. The length could be cut in half. Flashbacks about the family’s boat arrival, for example, in the second half of the play, were old news by then and contributed little to the evening. 

The store shoot-out at the end, chopped up by flashbacks, was anti-climactic.  

Interactions among the brothers and the hostages were inexplicably omitted from the story. Interactions among brothers, hostages and police negotiators have the potential to be strong dramatic material. 

In one rather self-indulgent bit of posturing, writer/director Keane plays a pedantic Sacramento Vietnamese gangster and Nguyen family friend who for some inexplicable reason has a pronounced Hollywood theatrical accent that seems completely wrong for the character. 

“Good Guys” is a complicated technical show. It uses traditional theater plus audio tracks, live and taped video, shadow play performed against a backlit screen, radio commercials, political speeches by Reagan and Bush, snippets from Mr. Rogers’s television show, and Brecht-like aphorisms projected on a screen, serving as a gloss on the action. 

On opening night, there were many technical problems. Video and audio transmissions kicked in and out unexpectedly. 

The acoustics in Theater Artaud, where the play is being staged, are tough. Not infrequently the actors spoke towards the side or rear of the stage, and were hard to hear. Offstage voices were also often hard to understand in the cavernous, echo-prone space. 

Basically, the opening night show felt under-rehearsed, like the audience was watching a combination of technical and dress rehearsals. 

Which is too bad, because the 1991 Sacramento event is a significant and meaningful one from which we all have the potential to learn valuable things about America’s important history of inclusion, and the complexities of our melting pot culture. 

“The Good Guys, An American Tragedy,” presented by Theater of Yugen, plays Thursday through Sunday, through April 22, at Theater Artaud, 450 Florida St., San Francisco. For information and reservations, call 415-621-7797.

Quartet of Ex-Bears drafted

Daily Planet Staff
Monday April 17, 2000

While the Dow and NASDAQ continued to plummet in the week leading up to the NFL draft, former Cal cornerback Deltha O’Neal’s stock was going up. The Denver Broncos took the kick return specialist sooner than almost anyone expected on Saturday, and with three other ex-Cal players being selected in the later rounds, it was clearly a Bear market. 

O’Neal, selected with the 15th overall pick, was the first cornerback, and the first of four Pac-10 players chosen in the first round. One day and five rounds later, Cal center John Romero broke the drought, becoming the Philadelphia Eagles’ sixth-round pick. In the seventh and final round, Cal linebacker Sekou Sanyika and defensive end Jeremiah Parker were selected within two picks of each other, by the Arizona Cardinals and New York Giants, respectively.  

Hailed as “the best corner...and best return man in the draft” by ESPN draft analyst Mel Kiper, Jr., O’Neal is expected to contribute immediately, at least on kick returns, for the Broncos, and possibly help fill the pass coverage void left by the suspension of star cornerback Dale Carter.  

“We like (Deltha’s) skills at defensive back,” Denver head coach Mike Shanahan told ESPN’s Chris Berman immediately following the pick. “He plays the ball extremely well, and once he does get the interception, he can do some things with it.” 

Romero, a graduate of Berkeley’s own St. Mary’s High School, happens to be the second offensive lineman from Cal drafted in two years by the Eagles. Last year, Philadelphia picked up former Bears guard John Welbourne with the second pick of the fourth round. Defensive lineman Brandon Whiting and wide receiver Dameane Douglas – both teammates of Romero at Cal – also appear on the Philadelphia roster.  

“(Being drafted) is quite an accomplishment, he’s quite an inspiration,” said St. Mary’s High head football coach Dan Shaughnessy, who coached Romero in his years as a Panther. “He’s got to make it first. It’s one thing to get drafted, and another thing to make the squad, but I talked to his position coach (at Cal), and he said (John) had a future in the NFL.” 

Conspicuously absent from the weekend’s draft board was tenacious linebacker Matt Beck, who was considered an early-rounder before suffering a season-ending foot injury during the 1999 season. Many draft pundits expected an NFL team to take a chance on Beck in the late rounds, despite his injury-riddled collegiate career. 

6 to join Berkeley High Hall of Fame

Daily Planet Staff
Monday April 17, 2000

Six graduates of Berkeley High will be inducted into the school’s hall of fame at a ceremony later this month, joining 55 other BHS alumni who have been previously recognized for their accomplishments. 

This year’s inductees into the Berkeley High School Hall of Fame will be Jacqueline White, Philip Elwood, Sylvia and Stephen Sharnoff, Gregory Hoblit and Kenneth Cameron. The Berkeley High School Hall of Fame was established in 1990 to recognize and honor graduates who have distinguished themselves in their chosen field or fields of endeavor and who serve as excellent role models for current students. 

This year’s inductees join a distinguished group of their peers including: Pulitzer-prize winning playwright Thornton Wilder, 1915 graduate; fitness expert Jack LaLanne, 1934; basketball great Don Barksdale, 1940; television journalist Belva Davis, 1951; environmentalist David Brower, 1928; Supreme Court Justice Wiley Manuel, 1945; Grateful Dead bassist Phil Lesh, 1957; Grammy award winning gospel singer Tramaine Hawkins, 1969; jazz saxophonist Joshua Redman, 1986; and rhythm and blues great Johnny Otis, class of 1939.  

Jacqueline White, class of 1938, Berkeley High School English teacher and department chair. Hall of Fame organizers note that many of the members of the Hall of Fame would not be where they are today if it was not for the teaching staff at Berkeley High School, and Jackie White exemplifies the best of that staff. Born, raised and educated in Berkeley, White brought her talents back to the high school in 1961 after receiving her B.A. and teaching degrees from San Francisco State University. She taught English at Berkeley High for 25 years, and served as department chair from 1973 to 1978, inspiring many students in the love of literature and fine writing, including several of the teachers who are currently on staff. She received many honors during her career including the John Hay Whitney Fellowship. She served as supervisor to many UC teaching interns at various Bay Area schools. For the last 10 years of her teaching career, Jackie taught at University High School in San Francisco. Even in her retirement she volunteers much of her time helping students. 


Philip Elwood, class of 1943, the “Dean of West Coast Jazz Critics.” Elwood is also a distinguished historian and teacher of American cultural history, and an honored journalist and broadcaster. After his graduation from Berkeley High, he enrolled at UC Berkeley, graduating in 1945, and then immediately went into the Navy. While at Cal, he was a drummer in the marching band and was well known in many saloons around town for his piano playing. After returning to the Bay Area, Elwood taught history at Albany High School for many years. He has also taught at Berkeley High, Laney College, and the Peralta Community Colleges. He joined KPFA radio in 1952 and broadcast there continuously for 44 years. He joined the San Francisco Examiner in 1965 and has been its popular music critic for 35 years. He is close friends with many of the jazz greats of the past half-century and has interviewed dozens of musicians including Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Rosemary Clooney, Bonnie Raitt, Woody Allan, Mel Torme, Bruce Springsteen, Elton John and Jerry Garcia. 


Stephen and Sylvia Duran Sharnoff, class of 1962, nature photographers. Steve and Sylvia met at Berkeley High School and married in 1965 after she attended Scripps College and he the University of Chicago. Their relationship has been a partnership, a team, a collaboration, and true soul mates. They began taking photographs of lichens (colorful fungus which grows on rocks and tree trunks) in the early 1970s and their work has been published widely. They have traveled all over the United States and Canada photographing lichens, and their book, “Lichens of North America,” will be published by Yale University Press in 2001. They have amassed the largest library of lichen photographs in North America. Their work has been featured in National Geographic Magazine and has been displayed at the Oakland Museum and the display subsequently traveled to 16 other museums. Sylvia was diagnosed with cancer in 1995, but was still able to travel and photograph in between medical treatments. She passed away in 1998, just after her 54th birthday. Steve continues to do nature photography and is working on a book about plants in the Sierra Nevada. 


Gregory Hoblit, class of 1962, television and film director. Hoblit has received numerous awards for his work including Emmys for “LA Law,” “Hooperman,” and “Hill Street Blues,” as well as the television movie “Roe vs. Wade.” In addition to the Emmys, Hoblit has received numerous Golden Globe, People’s Choice, and Peabody awards. After graduating from Berkeley High School, Hoblit attended Oakland City College and UC Berkeley, but transferred to UCLA where he found his way into the Film and Television School. He eventually joined Steven Bochco at 20th Century Fox where they collaborated on several TV projects. He directed the critically acclaimed film “Primal Fear” with Richard Gere in 1996, “Fallen” with Denzel Washington, John Goodman and Donald Sutherland in 1998, and his newest film, “Frequency,” is due to open this month. 


Kenneth Cameron, class of 1946, Navy captain and pilot and prisoner of war, Vietnam. Cameron was born and raised in Berkeley, attending Berkeley schools and graduating from Berkeley High School, where he had been very active in athletics, lettering in both football and basketball. He graduated from UC Berkeley in 1950, with a major in business administration. He was commissioned as an ensign in the Naval Air Corps in 1952 and flew 40 missions over North Korea during the Korean War. After his release from the Navy in 1954, he moved to Washington, D.C. and joined the FBI. Dissatisfied with his FBI career, Cameron returned to active duty in the Navy and served on the USS Saratoga. He was sent to Vietnam in 1967. While flying a A-4C aircraft off of the USS Bon Homme Richard to North Vietnam, he was shot down, imprisoned, and held in solitary confinement. His wife, Eileen, received a letter in 1974, confirming Ken’s death in October of 1970. He was awarded the Navy Cross, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Purple Heart, among many, many other awards. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery and his buddies from Berkeley had a special gravestone placed on his grave there. 


The criteria for hall of fame membership are that the candidate: must have been a student in good standing with the majority of high school years spent at Berkeley High; must have graduated 10 years before becoming eligible for induction; must be a person of integrity; must serve as a role model for current students; and must have achieved excellence in his or her chosen field or fields of endeavor. 

These graduates will be inducted at a school-wide assembly on April 28, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the Berkeley Community Theater. The public is invited to attend the assembly.

Run game turns heads in scrimmage

Daily Planet Staff
Monday April 17, 2000

Offensive consistency was the focus when the Cal football team participated in a 90-play scrimmage on Saturday morning, and though projected starting quarterback Kyle Boller had a strong outing in the air, it was the productive ground game that drew the most attention. 

Both Joes – Igber and Echema – were better than average in the Bears’ backfield, combining for 174 yards on just 22 carries. Igber broke off runs of 27 and 31 yards on the way to averaging almost eight yards per carry, while Echema averaged 8.1 on nine attempts.  

Igber suffered a knee sprain near the end of the scrimmage, and did not return to action. Though the injury is apparently not serious, the running back is expected to sit out for the remaining weeks of spring practice, which concludes on April 29. 

Boller’s outing served to allay the coaching staff’s fears regarding his shoulder injury, which is apparently no longer hindering the slinger’s distance or accuracy. Boller tossed three touchdown passes of 60-plus yards on Saturday, including a 70-yarder to running back-turned-slot receiver Marcus Fields.  

“We showed a little spark on offense, and that’s encouraging,” Cal head coach Tom Holmoe said after the scrimmage. “We’re emphasizing getting the ball in the hands of our playmakers, and that seemed to click today.”

Suspect killed in shooting identified

Bay City News Service
Monday April 17, 2000

The Alameda County Coroner’s Office has identified a robbery suspect fatally shot by Berkeley police on Wednesday as 23-year-old Christopher Garcia. 

A coroner’s office spokesman said no home address has been reported for the young man who died at Highland Hospital at 9:04 p.m. that night, but said his occupation is listed as “musician.” 

Berkeley police Capt. Bobby Miller said officers shot Garcia after he brandished a gun at them from the window of a taxi. 

Miller said at about 7:30 p.m. April 12 police received a report of an alarm sounding and a robbery in progress at Sona Jewelers at 1640 University Ave. 

Miller said an officer arrived to see a man leaving the store and alerted units in the area, who quickly set up a perimeter and began a search. Soon after the call, officers stationed at Jefferson Avenue and Allston Way stopped a taxi cab van that was heading south through the intersection, Miller said. 

He said as officers approached the van, a passenger stuck a gun out the window and aimed it at them. The officers opened fire and the suspect was hit, he said. 

Miller said a woman who was in the taxi with Garcia was arrested on robbery charges.

BHS girls eclipse record at Mt.SAC

Daily Planet Staff
Monday April 17, 2000

The Berkeley High girls sprint medley relay team ran a dazzling 1:42.08 over the weekend at the Mt. SAC relays in Southern California. The Berkeley High girls sprint medley relay team ran a dazzling 1:42.08 over the weekend at the Mt. SAC relays in Southern California. If you think this sounds like a broken record, that’s because it is. 

BHS coach Darrell Hampton fielded the lineup of Aisha Margain, Raqueta Margain, T’carra Penick and Katrina Keith for the first time all year in that event, and the combination clicked, as the Yellowjackets went on to set a new national record. 

“It’s a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t expecting this at all, but we’ll take it,” said Hampton, who considered using hurdler Simone Brooks in the medley team, before deciding on the alternate lineup. “I played a hunch, and the hunch was correct. They ran the time.” 

Though the weekend-long meet featured teams from all over California, it would ultimately evolve into a two-sided battle between Berkeley High and Wilson – a Southern California track and field powerhouse. In the end, the BHS contingent took home first-place honors in four girls events, including two relays, and a first-place medal for hurdler Daveed Diggs on the boys side.  

Aisha Margain also gained national recognition apart from the relay team, posting a blazing 23.10 in the 200m to set the top mark in the United States this season. Penick pitched in the Yellowjackets’ other individual first-place finish, running the 400m in 55.54. 

Though Berkeley High’s spring break prevents any league meets from taking place this week, the ’Jackets will head to their third invitational meet in three weeks this weekend. The North Bay’s Vallejo Invite will feature more stiff competition for the BHS girls, and Hampton believes they can continue to improve – even on the record-setting relay time.  

“We definitely have a lot of space where we can improve (this weekend),” said Hampton, who felt the handoffs could have been smoother in the Mt. SAC relay races. “We’re kind of nomadic, in a sense. We went to New York, Arcadia, Mt. SAC. We like to travel, and that’s a great thing. 

“We’re getting plenty of frequent flyer miles.”

Chancellor: UC must 'move foward'

Judith Scherr
Monday April 17, 2000

Daily Planet Staff 


As UC Berkeley grows in number of students and research facilities, and as it replaces its seismically unsafe buildings, it reaches out and up into the Berkeley community. There’s a dearth of housing for students and city streets are jammed with cars, many of them heading to the university. These are among the causes of tensions between the city and the university. 

Chancellor Robert Berdahl, in the second of a two-part interview (the first part appeared in the Weekend edition of the Daily Planet), addresses some of these questions and points to ways to ease tensions. 


Q: What can be done to ease the tensions with the city?  

A: I’ve been disappointed that city hasn’t carried through with the Memorandum of Understanding that we created between the university and the city to create a joint planning board. I think that those kinds of things would help in the easing of whatever tensions there might be. 

We have worked, we have changed many of our plans, in response to criticisms. We have reduced the height of that building, on the Oxford site, in accordance with some of the criticism. We have been responsive to the criticism. 

There have been a number of changes to the Southside Plan, in response to conversations that have been held with the city. It isn’t as if we turn a deaf ear to these criticisms. It is that we need to move forward. We cannot simply be stymied in the effort to make changes that are imperative for the continued effective operation and safe operation of this campus. 

Q: The students desperately need housing. What has the university done to provide it? 

A: We started planning housing shortly after my arrival here. There had been a long hiatus from development of that long-range development plan and the construction of Foothill (university dorms at Galey Road and Hearst Avenue), which was the last residence hall to be constructed. And as you may recall, Foothill was to be considerably larger than, in fact, it turned out to be. It couldn’t be built larger because of the presence of the Hayward Fault. The fault made it unsafe to build. 

When I arrived in 1997, and we faced a housing shortfall, in the fall of 1998, we undertook a lot of short-term measures to address that shortfall. And we launched an immediate plan for the new housing that will be on the Southside. And we have that in the design stages now. 

Like all such activities, there’s a domino effect, before one can do certain kinds of things. For example, the first housing will be built on some of the parking lots, on two different sites, and then the next phase of housing will be to replace the current dining facilities, between the units on the Southside, with a new dining facility that will serve all of those units. Then we will build housing, low-level infill housing, between the housing sites, among the units.  

In order to do that, though, we have to complete the planning for the dining facility, and the Underhill site adjacent to it. And so, we’re working very hard. We’re talking with private developers to develop more housing in the city of Oakland, and I have had several meetings with regard to a variety of sites that are close to BART stations, so that students could take public transportation to the campus. 

I don’t want to build undergraduate housing that far away, possibly because we think that would pull us apart. And, as you know, there are also some proposals of private developers to build private residence halls, on sites on the south side of campus. I don’t know if that will develop or materialize, but that’s a solution that’s a common on many campuses. It’s a common solution at the University of Texas. That provides 900 more units, which is nearly a 20 percent increase. 

Q: The university has done a lot in terms of its transportation - there are new bike paths, the class pass, the shuttles, still Berkeley streets become more and more clogged with traffic coming and going from campus. What is the university doing to improve the situation? 

A: We have done quite a bit to reduce it. As you know, we have been working with public transportation, with the bus system to give bus passes to the students, so that the students, for a minimal fee, can ride the buses.  

We have certainly tried, through our own shuttle system, to reduce car trips and to provide safe transport for students, particularly at night. If they’re studying late on the campus, they can take late-night shuttles home so that they don’t feel they have to drive, in order to avoid walking through unsafe neighborhoods on the south side of campus. 

There has been a lot of effort to encourage public transportation. There is the conviction, among some, that I don’t happen to share, that if you build more parking, you encourage more use of private cars. I would suggest that an awful lot of the congestion is the absence of people being able to find places to park, when they have no alternative than to drive cars. And the congestion therefore, could be mitigated a bit, if we had more parking places. 

Q: You mean people driving around? 

A: Yes. I mean, if you can’t find a parking place, you’re on the street driving. And so the notion that, somehow, parking itself increases the use of the automobile is questionable. I think that most studies would show that the absence of parking is a net cost, because of gas consumed, pollution, and all the rest. 

On the other hand, we are not planning on any expansion of the traditional parking available to the campus. We’re just planning to try to restore parking that has been lost. 

We lost about 1,000 spaces, over the past decade. Most of them, was due to the loss of Underhill, when that parking structure had to be taken down because of the seismic condition. We really have to restore the parking that is missing. 

We are a very large employer and I would venture to say we probably have a much higher percentage of the people who come to this location taking either public transportation or shared automobiles or walking, or taking bikes, than any other site in the city of Berkeley. And so I think that we’ve done a lot to encourage it, and I don’t think people who drive to campus, drive to campus because they want to. 

In many cases I know of, I’ve talked to faculty who used to take buses and public transportation, who no longer can because it is not available. The time from home to work has increased or doubled, because of curtailment of public transportation. If the East Bay really got very much engaged in the use of public transportation or expansion of transportation, that would help, too. 

Q: Does the university have a lobbyist who advocates for public transportation? 

A: We work closely with AC Transit. That’s how we got the class pass. In the (1990) Long-range Development Plan, there was talk of satellite parking, but that never really happened. 

In the first place, parking is not a free good. Any parking place is expensive. Just the surface parking place, in terms of site preparation, costs about $20,000 per space. And unless one can provide satellite parking that is attractive in terms of its access, either through bus service or shuttle bus, it really doesn’t work. 

We do have some satellite parking. We have it across from the Lawrence Museum and we have bus service that runs to the Lawrence Hall of Science. And so there is parking in more remote sites. I’m encouraging the use of more sites up behind Foothill, where we have a large parking lot and then running a shuttle service down to the campus. 

We’re looking at some satellite sites, but it has to be closely coordinated with timing. People are not going to park in a remote site if it is unsafe, if they have to stand there waiting for a long period of time, particularly in the evening. 

Q: In the couple of minutes we have remaining, I’m wondering if there’s anything else that you wanted to say about the city-university tensions, and maybe some things that you’d like to see the city do to, on its part, to help reduce them. 

A: Sometimes if one looks at the history of the University of California, and the city of Berkeley, you discover, as I have, from looking at old documents, that there have been at times, tensions between the city and the university. I wouldn’t exaggerate those tensions at any given moment. I think that they are a product of many things. And so I don’t think they should be exaggerated. I think the city, for its part, should really recognize the problems that we have as a university in our need to maintain the quality of this institution. This city is what it is, because of the university. Berkeley has become an attractive place to live because of the university and everybody recognizes that. 

In order to be that university, we cannot stand still. We cannot live in the past. We have to look toward the future and do those things that are really necessary, to make sure that we have quality and safe facilities. Think for a moment of what this university brings to the economy of Berkeley, a $1.3 billion a year budget. Most of that money is spent here. 

If we have an earthquake on the Hayward Fault, that renders 27 percent of our campus incapable of use, you will see faculty leave, you will see students leave, you will see this university and this community go into a real serious depression. It is in the interest of the university and the community to make certain that we are able to make this a safe place and a place that will withstand any kind of disaster. I think that when you look at Northridge, when you look at Loma Prieta, when you look at what happened in Taiwan, where I was just a month or so after the earthquake, you begin to really recognize that this is serious business. We’ve got to take it seriously and we’re going to.

The Town and Gown of it

Judith Scherr
Saturday April 15, 2000

Nestled in the heart of Berkeley, with hills sloping above it and a creek skipping through it, the 134-year-old Berkeley campus of the University of California is one of the most renown places of learning in the world. 

In September 1873, when the university moved from its temporary quarters in Oakland to the town that would be chartered as the city of Berkeley in 1878, there were 191 students. There were more cows, goats and sheep on the farms than residents in the town – just around 2,000 – in the 1870s. 

There were few stores, some muddy roads and no practicing physician in the area when the university opened its doors, so some faculty members opted to continue to live in Oakland. The Regents arranged to provide horsecar service for them so they could get to their classes, writes Verne Stadtman in “The University of California 1868-1968.” 

In contrast, the prestigious 178-acre university today schools 30,000 students and brings 10,000 faculty and staff daily to its hallowed halls. 

The city’s 110,000 residents live in the confines of 18 square miles. 

As the university and city grow according to their own needs, clash is inevitable. No longer confined to the 178-acre central campus area, the university’s printing facility and parking garage are just west of campus. The university took over the former School for the Deaf to the south, renamed it the Clark Kerr campus, and now has conference facilities and housing there. The university has a number of student services and residence halls to the south of the university proper. It owns property on the Berkeley/Oakland/Emeryville border, where the biotech company DNA Plant Technology is located, and it owns property in Albany, where family housing is provided. 

When the university buys property in the city, it creates a particular problem: Those properties are taken off the city’s tax roles. Armstrong College on Harold Way, for example, was bought by the university and now houses extension courses. Loss of these revenues is a city concern. 

Finally, state law exempts the university from adhering to the city’s zoning laws. So the university, if it chooses to do so, can build its buildings higher than others can build in a particular area, closer to the street, or with less parking. 

In an attempt to hear the university’s point of view on some of the points of disagreement and in the hope of mapping out possible solutions, the Daily Planet recently interviewed Chancellor Robert Berdahl. 

Berdahl, 61, took office as chancellor in July 1997. Before coming to Berkeley, he served as president of the University of Texas at Austin for four years. And before that time, he was on the history faculty at the University of Oregon. 

Following is the first of a two-part interview. The second part of the interview will appear Monday. 


Q: After your time here as chancellor, which of your accomplishments do you hope people will remember? 

A: The issues that I have been trying to address in many facets are really the foundations of excellence upon which this university’s quality have been based. And I think renewing those foundations of excellence is really what I hope to achieve in my tenure. That began with the investment in the library, which had suffered in the course of the inflation and the budget cuts. It began with the SAFER (Seismic Action Plan for Facility Enhancement and Research) program, identifying the buildings on the campus that were seismically unsafe.  

The review of the entire campus that was undertaken in the summer of 1997, showed us that 27 percent of our buildings were rated poor or very poor and would present a threat to life in the event of a major earthquake. It has to do with the replacement of some of the facilities, and the effort in the replacing of those facilities to reconceptualize how work is done at this university, in a much more collaborative fashion, so that the health science initiative is part of that renewing of the foundation. (The Health Sciences Initiative redefines health science research by instituting collaboration between physical and biological scientists and engineers.) 

I think that recruiting the very best faculty, bringing the very best students to this campus are part of that entire effort. I would put it in terms of making certain that the foundations upon which the excellence of this university have been built are stronger when I leave than when I came. 

Q: The SAFER program and some of the physical changes at the university has a direct effect on the city. The city is very small and very dense, so any time the university moves, the city reacts, particularly when the university moves across where its physical boundaries have been. 

A: None of these projects anticipate taking (city property.) 

Q: The Surge Building (the Seismic Replacement Building planned for the Oxford Tract at Hearst Avenue and Oxford Street) will bring you up higher. The Surge Building, for example, will change the configuration at the Oxford Tract. 

A: Well, it will replace one form of building with another. That’s true on many of the campus sites. We will be replacing the Stanley Hall building with another major building. We will be replacing Warren Hall with another building. The Surge Building is part of the long-range plan of the city and the university. It is nothing new for the city. Height is completely in accord with city regulations. So I don’t see that as particularly new or different. 

Q: As you know, the city has expressed great discomfort with the Surge Building. Basically the City Council would like you to look at another site. It is one of a number of things that is causing tension. 

A: I understand that. Obviously, we don’t seek unnecessary tension with the city and don’t want to have any unnecessary tension with the city. There are many voices that speak in this city. And I believe that there is a great deal of recognition that the university has to do. 

We’re talking about life-safety issues. We’re talking about issues that put our students, our faculty, our staff at risk. And I would be extraordinarily irresponsible, as chancellor, if I didn’t do everything in my power to make certain that we build a safe campus. 

And I frankly don’t understand any of the basis for an objection, that is consistent with a plan that the city itself developed. 

Q: Given that there is a discomfort with that, and that there are other issues, such as institutions that the university has moved downtown. One is the University Extension move into the old Armstrong Business School. And then there is office space that the university occupies on Shattuck Avenue. 

A: Everything that the university has done, if you want to look at Shattuck Avenue, in the mixed-use construction that is there, is an enhancement to Shattuck Avenue. It has provided much better retail facilities. It has provided housing, that the city is very eager for the university to build. 

There are many parts of Shattuck Avenue, where there are visual blights, that I should think the city would be pleased to have the university do something constructive with, instead of having empty ramshackled buildings that are falling down. 

And so I think that we’re trying to be a good neighbor. We’re trying to be constructive. We have in this particular case of the seismic building, a profound need. We will have 900,000 square feet of campus under construction or renovation next year. We have to have places to move faculty. We cannot undertake that SAFER project unless we have places in which to move faculty before undertaking those kinds of shifts. 

So I think I have an obligation to work with the city, and I will. I think the city has an obligation to work with the university to make certain that we carry forward, providing a safe environment for our students and our faculty. That would be paramount for the city. We’re looking at facilities that are in the interest of the city. 

I have ordered, for example, that the new dining facility, which we have to build, because we have to replace the unsafe dining facilities that we have, should be built to standards – and it costs a lot to build it to these standards – that dining facility would withstand any kind of an earthquake and be operational. 

We know that a lot of buildings will be standing (after an earthquake), but we won’t be able to use them. That building has to be used because it may have to feed an awful lot of people in south Berkeley in the case of an earthquake. That’s in the interest of the city of Berkeley. 

It’s a community resource. It has to be seen as a community resource. We want to be a responsible partner with the community, helping to provide venues where food can be distributed and emergency services provided, in case of an earthquake. So, we’re trying very hard to look at this as not simply, in terms of the campus, but in terms of the campus and the community, and I really think it’s imperative that we move with some dispatch.

Calendar of Events & Activities

Saturday April 15, 2000

Saturday, April 15 

Cal Day 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. 

UC Berkeley campus 

A host of tours, events, activities and programs will be held around the university campus as part of the annual “open house” for the community. A full list of events may be found on the university’s web site (www.berkeley.edu/calday), or information may be obtained by calling 510-642-5215. 


Youth activism 

9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 

St. Mary’s College High School, Peralta Park 

Young people can learn how to get involved in the causes that matter to them most, through the “Shaking the Tree” conference on youth activism and involvement. Participants need to bring a signed permission slip from a parent or guardian, and either a lunch or $2 for pizza. 

510-267-8379; 510-658-3341 


Native plant sale 

10 a.m.-3 p.m. 

Tilden Regional Park Botanic Garden 

Bring cardboard boxes to carry your purchases. 



Restore Cerrito Creek 

10 a.m.-noon 

Help Friends of Five Creeks and Sustainable El Cerrito clear invasive ivy and blackberries as part of restoring Cerrito Creek at the Ohlone Greenway. Meet at the southeast corner of El Cerrito Plaza parking lot, north of Brighton and south of El Cerrito BART on the BART right of way. Bring work gloves and loppers if you have them. 

510-848-9358; f5creeks@aol.com 


Berkeley Farmers’ Market 

10 a.m.-3 p.m. 

Center Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Milvia Street 



Saturday Morning Children’s Programs 

10:30 a.m. 

La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave. 

Jackeline Rago will perform Venezuelan music. Tickets are $4 general; $3 children. 



International House Spring Fest 2000 

11 a.m.-6 p.m. 

International House, Piedmont and Bancroft 

This celebration of unity will feature more than 50 cultural groups, including over 20 performing troupes or individuals, consular tables, food booths and children’s activities in the Discoverarium. Cost is $5 general; $3 seniors and students; free children under age 18.  



“Wiggly Worms!” 

11 a.m. 

Tilden Regional Park 

Get your hands in the dirt and learn about these wonderful creatures. 



Volunteer appreciation 

11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 

Berkeley Multi-Agency Service Center, 1931 Center St. (Veterans Memorial Building) 

BOSS (Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency) will present its Volunteer Leadership Award to Glenn Clark, an attorney with the local law firm Miller, Clark, Calvert, and Obenour. Other BOSS volunteers will be honored at this luncheon. 


Bay Area Children’s Theatre: “Vaudeville for Kids” 

1 p.m. 

John Muir Elementary School Auditorium, 2955 Claremont Ave. 

This performance will include host Johnny Cassino, “The Lounge Lizard for Kids,” plus “The Dangerous Dinos Show.” Tickets are $7.50 general; $5 children age 12 and under. 



Free meditation program 

1:30 p.m. 

Grace North Church, 2138 Cedar St. 



Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater 

2 p.m. and 8 p.m. 

Zellerbach Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

This performance will feature works by Brown, Zollar and Ailey. Tickets are $18 to $42. 



Volunteer celebration 

2:30-4:30 p.m. 

The Berkshire Retirement Community, 2235 Sacramento St. 

Residents of The Berkshire will honor the more than 40 volunteers who donate their and services to the retirement center. 


“Shakespeare at the Opera” 

8 p.m. 

Julia Morgan Theater, 2640 College Ave. 

This will be an evening of readings from Shakespeare’s plays and excerpts from the operas based on the plays by directors and actors of the San Francisco Shakespeare Festival, African American Shakespeare Company, and Woman’s Will along with Berkeley Opera singers. There will also be champagne and sweets, a balloon raffle, and a silent auction with proceeds benefiting the Berkeley Opera. Tickets are $40 general; $32 seniors. 



Mozart’s Requiem 

8 p.m. 

Hertz Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

The University Chorus, under the direction of Marika Kuzma, will perform this Mozart classic. 


Sunday, April 16 

Berkeley Hiking Club 

8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. 

The club will be leading two hikes today: a mini-hike of four to five miles at Bruno Mountain (leaves at 8:30) and a hike or 8 to 9 miles at Shell Ridge (leaves at 9). Both groups meet at their respective times at the corner of Shattuck Avenue and Berkeley Way. 

510-523-4631 (Bruno Mountain); 925-944-9068 (Shell Ridge) 


“Science Camp Sampler” 

10 a.m. and 2 p.m. 

Tilden Regional Park, Canon Drive off Grizzly Peak Boulevard 

Come sample activities such as thermolizards and dino puzzles. For age 9 and older. 



The Buddy Club 

11 a.m. 

Albany Community Center Theater, 1249 Marin Ave., Albany 

Circus Soozie and her dog Popcorn will perform amazing dog tricks, juggling, magic and comedy. Tickets are $7 general; free children under age 2. 



Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater 

3 p.m. 

Zellerbach Hall, UC Berkeley  

This performance will feature works by Jamison, Jones and Butler. Tickets are $18 to $42. 



Adoption poems and stories 

7:30 p.m. 

Boadecia’s Books, 398 Colusa Ave., Kensington 

Editors Susan Ito and Tina Cervin, along with local contributors, will discuss and read from “A Ghost at Heart’s Edge: Stories and Poems of Adoption.” This event is free. 

510-559-9184; www.boadeciasbooks.com 


Poetry Flash 

7:30 p.m. 

Cody’s Books, 2454 Telegraph Ave. 

Glenn Ingersoll and Tim Donnelly will be the featured poets. 

510-845-7852; 510-525-5476 


Monday, April 17 

“Spring Break Science Week” 

10 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Tilden Regional Park 

This is a weeklong program of activities for children ages 9 to 12. Registration is required, and the program costs between $125 and $139 per child, 



Baby Bounce and Toddler Tales 

10:30 a.m. 

Central Branch Berkeley Public Library, 2121 Allston Way 



“Butterflies, Bees, and Bugs” 


Lawrence Hall of Science, Centennial Drive, UC Berkeley campus 

This is part of a series of family events being held through April 28. “Celebrate Spring” events are included with admission to the science center. 

510-42-5132; www.lhs.berkeley.edu 


Positive Political Theory Seminar 


119 Moses Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

Daron Acemoglu from MIT will speak on “The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation.” 


Rotary Club luncheon 


H’s Lordship’s Restaurant, 199 Seawall Drive 

Dr. Daniel C. Peterson, director of the Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts at Brigham Young University, will be the featured speaker for this week’s North Oakland-Emeryville Rotary Club luncheon. 


Magnetic Massage 

1 p.m. 

North Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Ave. 

Learn about preventative health care from Japan with Terry Kekaha. 



The Affordable Housing Advocacy Project 

6 p.m. 

South Berkeley Senior Center, 2939 Ellis St. 

The Berkeley Housing Authority is sponsoring a series of meetings aimed at improving authority operations. 


Rent Stabilization Board 

7 p.m. 

Council Chambers, 2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way 

The board will hold a public hearing on its 2000-20001 budget. The meeting is broadcast on KPFB, 89.3-FM and B-TV, Cable Channel 25. 


Relaxation and stress management 

7:30-10 p.m. 

135E Haas Pavilion, UC Berkeley  

This is a practicum to acquaint people with a broad repertory of relaxation and stress management techniques, life skills, information, and resources. Students $68, faculty and staff $77, community $85. 

510-849-2231 for information; 510-643-5151 to enroll 


Bach performance 

8 p.m. 

Hertz Hall, UC Berkeley  

Organist John Butt will perform Bach’s Toccata and fugue in D minor, BWV 565, Sonata No 3 in D minor, BWV 527 & Prelude and fugue in G, BWV 550; Elgar’s Sonata in G; and Messiaen’s La Nativité (excerpts). Admission is $12 general, $6 students and seniors.

A Quilted Quest

Joe Eskenazi
Saturday April 15, 2000

Daily Planet Correspondent 


What proper dreamer raised on fairy tales and Horatio Alger wouldn’t want to live in a castle? Unfortunately, however, castles aren’t quite as romantic as the Narnia-esque ideal; on the whole they’re big, drafty, stone fortresses. So unless you build your own (like Elvis Presley, for example, who sat in a plush, overstuffed throne shaped like a monkey and adorned his citadel with decor befitting a man who enjoyed peanut butter and bacon sandwiches), you’ll probably need some wall coverings to cut the chill. 

The subsequent development of central heating and thermal underwear hasn’t detracted one iota of the grandeur a comely wall covering can bring to a room. And if you get 60-plus comely wall coverings into a room -– well that would really be something. 

For a month of every year, the North Branch of the Berkeley Public Library is inundated with the cream of the East Bay’s quilt-making crop. The annual quilt show, kicked off 21 years back by librarians Starr LaTronica and Phyllis Partridge, transforms the relatively tiny library into the United Nations of quilts, as the exposition features of every style, shape, size and background imaginable. 

“Unlike many quilt shows, we’re not juried, we’ll accept anything,” says Debbie Carton, an 11-year librarian and one of the North Branch’s several “quilt mavens.” 

“We wedged in 60 (quilts) this year. That’s about all we can handle.” 

And that’s no understatement. Quilts – some easily large enough to comfortably cover Kareem Abdul-Jabbar – hang from virtually every available wall and rafter in the library, and even take up windows and a display case. 

“It’s gotten bigger and bigger, and I’m seeing more diversity among the types of quilts submitted and the types of quilters submitting things,” says Carton of the show’s evolution over the past decade. “One year we had a whole bunch of quilts from the Japanese American Senior Center of the East Bay, this year we have a few from Ebony Threads, an African-American quilting group. We also have three quilts made by teen-agers, and that’s pretty much unheard of. 

“We’re seeing more quilts as art rather than craft,” continues Carton, a quilter herself. “The small pieces are created as artwork rather than something to cuddle under. The materials are more exotic and fragile; the purpose is to delight the eye rather than be a bedspread.” 

It is possible, however, to do both. Every quilt comes with a story – yet since we can’t tell you 60-odd stories unless we shrink the type or begin printing in the margins, we’ll have to abbreviate ourselves: 


• If an award were to be handed out for heaviest quilt, Kazue Granich’s “Puff Quilt” would win, hands down. Constructed of 1,444 strawberry-sized “puff balls” (38 in length, 38 in width), the colorful quilt weighs in at over 20 pounds, and, in Carton’s words, would be a bad idea to stand under it in the event of an earthquake. 

• “Edith’s Secret,” loaned by quiltmaker/collector Lu Sweeny is certainly the oldest of the bunch, having been completed way back in 1860. The completely handmade gem was obtained from the estate of Professor Edith Pickard, and sat, for years, in Sweeny’s mother-in-law’s closet. 

• “Log Cabin,” crafted by UC Berkeley student Monique Berger, provides viewers with an impromptu history lesson. Crafted from 1930s-style prints and featuring a tiny, Pepto Bismol-pink scrap from a dress belonging to Berger’s grandmother, the black squares at the center of the “log cabin” strips hearken back to the days of the Underground Railroad. A quilt featuring black center squares hanging in a window or on a clothesline was utilized to indicate a safe house for runaway slaves. 

• It took 10 years of work and three decades of life experience for Gwen McMillan to craft her entry, “Around the World in 30 Years.” The quilt features dozens of separate, ornate panels representing the countries the globetrotting McMillan visited between 1965 and 1995. “Every design is contained in its square except for the Chinese dragon,” observes Carton of the fiery red, snake-like dragon spilling into several neighboring panels. “You can’t keep a dragon in one place.” 

• Some quilts come with bittersweet stories. “Garden Path” was a gift to a gardening enthusiast unable to partake in his favorite hobby because he was suffering through chemotherapy. The deep forest green quilt is punctuated by bright, spring colors, reminiscent of a lovely garden. The quilt also features a flannel backing, so it could be used to provide warmth on a dark, cold day. “I think he got a lot of use out of it before he died,” says Carton. 


The 21st Annual Quilt Show continues until May 7 at the North Branch Library at 1170 The Alameda. For more information, call 510-644-6850 or check out www.infopeople.org/bpl

Age is no barrier for surfers

Peter Crimmins
Saturday April 15, 2000

Daily Planet Correspondent 


The single most thrilling image of the new surfing documentary film, “Surfing for Life,” comes only at the end of the film, and it’s not even a shot of surfing. It’s John “Doc” Ball skateboarding down a sidewalk. Ball was 89 years old. And while he’s not getting radical on that deck, he is doing it. What you can see in his face, behind his own excitement, is fearlessness. 

Judging by the hour-long film by San Francisco-based filmmakers David L. Brown and Roy Earnest (screening this weekend at the UC Theater in Berkeley), the key to healthy aging is do what you love, and try something new. To Ball and the other 60-, 70- and 80-year-old subjects of “Surfing for Life,” growing older gracefully involves getting a little wet, and, if the swells are light, maybe giving sidewalk surfing a try. 

The film’s characters include Doc Ball, now 93, surfer, dentist, and one of the first people to photograph waves from the water with a waterproof camera housing (he published a landmark book of photos, “California Surfriders, 1946”); Woody Brown, 87, surfer, inventor of the catamaran; Anona Napolean, 60, surfer, who, paralyzed at 18 after breaking her back in a diving accident, recuperated to become a championship swimmer; and Eve Fletcher, 73, surfer, animator at Disney Studios, who went on a Hawaiian surfari in 1958. A year later “Gidget” was unleashed on the world and forever tainted the image of girls who surf. 

The film works as a history of surfing in the 20th century, with its cast of senior citizens giving first-hand accounts of surf culture, pre-Gidget (do you know how long “stoked” and “bitchin’” have been in use?). But the heart of the film is a portrait of the cumulative effect of decades of passionate – even single-minded – devotion to a sport and to a lifestyle. 

Earnest works with elderly people as a gerontologist, and is a surfer of 30 years. Brown is a documentarian who made his mark making films about environmental and nuclear technology issues for 15 years. 

“At the end of the Cold War, around ’92 and ’93, I started looking around for something a little lighter, a little more life-affirming and fun,” said Brown. 

The two of them wanted to use surfing to show how it is possible to maintain vitality into the golden years. 

“The sport is so youth-identified, to see an 80- or 90-year-old surfer is eye-opening,” said Brown. “Our key overriding theme was: keep doing what fills your well, what fires you up, what fills your heart with joy, what makes you laugh.” 

Surfing, and a love of water, encourages more than just healthy exercise. The film traces surfing as the key commonality in a global outlook, a sense of community, political activism (re: environmentalism), and spirituality. 

Some sequences in “Surfing for Life” flirt with Zen notions of living in the moment, and accepting what comes. Fred van Dyke, a renown big-wave surfer from the ’60s to the ’80s and another of the film’s subjects, tells of catching glimpses of perfection while inside a 40- to 50-foot wave. 

The film is light on pulse-pumping, apocalyptic wave footage you might see in your typical surf video. It is much more reliant on archival stills and movies from decades previous. But since the early surfing community was small, much of the archival material features the film’s subjects in their younger years, in action. In fact, some stills used in the film were shot by Doc himself. 

Van Dyke, a retired school teacher who splits his time between Hawaii and Montana, said during his stay in the Bay Area this week that although it’s been a “paradise,” his life in surfing is not without regret. “In order for me to be selfish enough to surf as much as I did, I hurt a lot of people.” 

“My involvement with surfing was 90 percent ego and 10 percent need for recognition,” said van Dyke. “I don’t need it anymore.” 

Although essentially a cheerleading film for joie de vivre, “Surfing for Life” touches on the underside of blind devotion. Many of the subjects let their passion for surfing affect their jobs and marriages. 

“In many cases other things have to take a back seat, and in some cases it impacted relationships,” said Brown. “They would all agree with that.” 

“For me it’s like psychotherapy,” said van Dyke about “Surfing for Life.” “Every time I watch it I find something more about my friends and something more about myself.” 

“My wife says this. I’m easier to live with now.” 

“Surfing for Life” screens this Sunday and Monday at the UC Theater, and then goes up at the Fine Arts Cinema in Berkeley May 3-10. For program and ticket information call the UC at 510-843-FILM or the Fine Arts at 510-848-1038.

Saturday April 15, 2000




“Rough Crossing” by Tom Stoppard, April 7 through May 6. The writers of a Broadway musical are simultaneously trying to finish and rehearse a play while crossing the Atlantic on an ocean liner. 

$10. Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; May 4, 8 p.m. Live Oak Theatre, 1301 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 528-5620. 



“The Homecoming” by Harold Pinter, April 6 through May 7. A dark comedy about a philosophy professor who brings his wife home to meet his all-male family. 

$25 to $28. Wednesday through Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Berkeley City Club, 2315 Durant Ave., Berkeley. (510) 843-4822. 



“Let My Enemy Live Long!” by Tanya Shaffer, April 19 through May 12. The story of an ill-advised boat ride up West Africa's Niger River to Timbuktu. 

$19 to $48.50. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8 p.m.; Wednesday, 7 p.m.; Saturday, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.; April 19, 8 p.m.; NO PERFORMANCES APRIL 25 AND APRIL 26. 2025 Addison St., Berkeley. (510) 845-4700 or (888) 4BRTTIX. 


Subterranean Shakespeare 

“Measure for Measure,” by William Shakespeare. Run has been extended through April 30. Performances are Thursdays through Saturdays, at 8 p.m. each night, and Sundays at 7 p.m. $10 general; $6 students. La Val’s Subterranean, 1834 Euclid Ave., Berkeley. (510) 234-6046. 





Lavay Smith and The Red Hot Skillet Lickers, April 15, 9:30 p.m. $11. 

Most Chill Slackmob, Psychokinetics, April 16, 8 p.m. $7. 

1317 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley. (510) 525-5099 or www.ashkenaz.com 



Broun Fellinis, Rici Ric and Thread, April 15. $5. 

An Evening with Government Grown, April 16. $4. 

For age 18 and older. Music at 9:30 p.m. 2367 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley. (510) 848-0886. 



Cats and Jammers, April 15. $15.50. 

Rev. Billie C. Wirtz. $15.50. 

Music at 8 p.m. 1111 Addison St., Berkeley. (510) 548-1761 or (510) 762-BASS. 



Dulce Mambo, April 15, 9:30 p.m. The show is preceded by a Salsa Dance Class from 8:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Class and show, $13; dance only, $10. 

3105 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 849-2568 or www.lapena.org 



Stratford Mercenaries, April 16. 

$5. Music at 8 p.m. unless otherwise noted. 924 Gilman St., Berkeley. (510) 525-9926. 



Giant Sand, Grandaddy, Brokeback, April 15. Featuring Doug McCombs of Tortoise. $10. 

For age 21 and over. Wednesday, 8 p.m.; Thursday, 9:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9:45 p.m. unless otherwise noted. 3101 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 841-2082. 





“Autour de Rodin: Auguste Rodin and His Contemporaries,” through August. An exhibit of 11 bronze maquettes on loan from the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation in Los Angeles. The bronzes range in style from the artist's classically inspired “Torso of a Woman” to the anguish of “The Martyr.” Some of the maquettes were cast during Rodin’s lifetime, others have been cast fairly recently under the aegis of the Musee Rodin which alone is authorized to cast his sculptures posthumously. 

“Roma/Pacifica: The Phoebe Hearst International Architecture Competition and the Berkeley Campus, 1896-1930,” through April 23. An exhibition showing how the campus developed from the original lavish design of Franco-Roman buildings by French architect Emile Bernard to the modified version with Italianate granite and stucco buildings and tile roofing by New York architect John Galen Howard to the vision of California Arts and Crafts architect Bernard Maybeck and his student Julia Morgan.  

$6 general; $4 seniors and students ages 12 to 18; free children age 12 and under; free Thursday, 1 1 a.m. to noon and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2626 Bancroft Way, Berkeley. (510) 642-0808. 



2230 Shattuck Ave. (lower level), Berkeley 

A hands-on community health education museum and science center sponsored by Children's Hospital Oakland and Alta Bates Medical Center. 

Free. For children ages 3 to 12 and their parents. 

(510) 549-1564 



“Bridging the Bay: Bridging the Campus,” through April 30. The exhibit has been created from the libraries of the eight University of California campuses. The exhibit includes books, documents, architectural drawings, blueprints, artifacts, maps and photographs that record the building of the San Francisco Bay area’s bridges. It also includes documents detailing Bay area bridge projects that were seriously considered but never built. 

Free. Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Doe Memorial Library, University of California, Berkeley. (510) 643-9999. 



“Dinosaurs 2000,” through June 4. An exhibit featuring 16 lifelike robotic creatures, fossils, activities to compare yourself to a dinosaur, and daily live demonstrations. 

“The News About Dinosaurs,” through June 4. Learn more about the “Dinosaurs 2000” exhibit with live demonstrations exploring recent paleontological discoveries and how scientists know what they do about prehistoric creatures. Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. 

$6 general; $4 seniors, students and children ages 7 to 18; $2 children ages 3 to 6; free children under age 3. Daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Centennial Drive, University of California, Berkeley. (510) 642-5132 or www.lhs.berkeley.edu 



Kroeber Hall, UC Berkeley 

“Modern Treasures from Ancient Iran,” through Oct. 29. This exhibit explores nomadic and town life in ancient and modern Iran as illustrated in bronze and pottery vessels, and textiles. 

“Pana O’ahu: Sacred Stones – Sacred Places,” through July 16. An exhibit of photographs by Jan Becket and Joseph Singer. 

Wednesday through Sunday 10 am -4:30 pm; Thursday until 9 pm (Sept-May) (510) 643-7648 



Kittredge Street and Shattuck Avenue 

A museum especially for children age 7 and younger. Highlights include “WaterWorks,” an area with some unusual water toys, an Infant Tree for babies, a garden especially for toddlers, a child-scale grocery store and cafe, and a costume shop and stage for junior thespians. The museum also features a toy lending library. 

Admission is $4 for adults; $6 child age 7 and under; $3 for each additional child.  

Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

(510) 647-1111 



2911 Russell St., Berkeley 

“Chagall: Master Prints and Posters, Selections from the Magnes Museum Collection.” Accompanying the exhibition is “Exploring Chagall and His Use of the Elements of Art,” a child-friendly Interactive Educational Room with five work-stations and a central activities space. 

Free. Sunday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

(510) 549-6950. 





“Recycled Art,” April 1 through April 30. A group exhibit featuring jewelry, sculpture and functional art all from refuse. 

Free. Tuesday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 1652 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 843-2527. 



“On Common Ground.” through June 23. This exhibit is a portrait of faith-based communities in Los Angeles. 

“Finding the Sacred Mountain,” through June 20. An exhibit of sumi-e and watercolors by Robert Kostka. 

Free. Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am. to 10 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 7 p.m. Flora Lamson Hewlett Library, 2400 Ridge Rd., Berkeley. (510) 649-2541. 



“High Touch/High Tech: Crossing The Divide,” through May 6. An exhibit of juried and invited artists. 

Free. Tuesday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m. Workshop Media Center Gallery, 1060 Heinz Ave., Berkeley. (510) 549-2977. 



“Irish Stones and More,” April 1 through April 27. An exhibit of quilts by Denise Snell. 

“Down from the Attic,” April 1 through April 27. An exhibit of dolls by Gretchen Jennings. 

Free. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 1597 Solano Ave., Berkeley. (510) 527-6779. 



“minimalPOP,” April 15 through May 14. A group exhibit of a variety of media. 

Artists Reception, April 15, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. 

Free. Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 1316 10th St., Berkeley. (510) 527-1214. 


To publicize an upcoming event, please submit information to the Daily Planet via fax (841-5695), e-mail (calendar@berkeleydailyplanet.com) or traditional mail (2076 University Avenue, 94704). 

Calendar items should be submitted at least one week before the opening of a new exhibit or performance. 

Please include a daytime telephone number in case we need to clarify any information.

Ex-Bears brace for draft weekend

James Wiseman
Saturday April 15, 2000

Daily Planet Staff 


NFL Draft Day is upon us, and fans of the original Hit Squad will have to come to terms with the fact that, after this weekend, Deltha O’Neal, Sekou Sanyika and Matt Beck will no longer be Bears. At least not Cal Bears. 

The Chicago Bears, Indianapolis Colts and Green Bay Packers are reportedly among a growing list of pro squads potentially interested in linebackers Sanyika and Beck, and at this point, just about everybody seems to be down with Deltha. Though questions remain in the minds of some scouts and draft pundits about the adaptability of all three to the NFL game, it seems safe to assume that these three dominant defenders have the best shot, among eligible Bears, at getting drafted this weekend. 


Deltha O’Neal:  

A First-round Steal? 


After all the miraculous numbers O’Neal put up in his senior year at Cal (six touchdowns, four INT’s for TDs), it seems farcical that the number that brought him the most attention was the 4.38 he posted in a 40 in March. With the rumors on the cornerback’s speed sufficiently squelched, O’Neal has found his way onto most teams’ draft boards, and has been projected by some analysts as a first-rounder. 

Among those expecting O’Neal to be selected in the opening round are ESPN’s Mel Kiper, Jr., who has him going 19th overall to Seattle, and the ESPN online editor’s panel, which also sends him to the Seahawks, but with the 22nd pick. Russ Lande of Football Insider.com also projects O’Neal as a late first-round pick, expecting Minnesota to make him the draft’s 25th overall selection. Called “a natural ballhawk” by Pro Football Weekly, the Cal star is widely believed to have the ball instincts and athleticism to make an immediate impact in the pros. 

Ohio State’s Ahmed Plummer has emerged as the other first-round candidate at the cornerback position, and is believed by many to have the edge on O’Neal. Minnesota, San Francisco and Kansas City – each boasting picks in the late first round – are all among NFL teams with documented weaknesses at defensive back. The fact that O’Neal played under 49er head coach Steve Mariucci in 1996 could also add another interesting piece to the puzzle, in light of the cornerback’s Bay Area popularity. 

Projection: Seattle skips O’Neal, hoping he’ll still be around three picks later. He won’t, as Kansas City nabs him with the 21st selection. 


Beck: How bad will the injuries really hurt? 


Matt Beck has accumulated a lengthy list of bumps and bruises throughout his collegiate career, but anyone who has seen the linebacker play through injury knows he is anything but “soft.” A possible first-rounder before his foot injury last September, Beck dropped into virtual obscurity among NFL scouts, before a recent rekindling of interest reemerged the linebacker as a potential early-round pick.  

Though virtually every draft report makes note of Beck’s history of injury, the defender’s on-field intensity and instinct have reportedly attracted interest from the Bears Packers and Colts – all in need of young linebackers. Considered anywhere from an immediate NFL contributor to a hopeless injury case by draft analysts, Beck’s draft position could fall anywhere between the mid-to-late second and fourth rounds.  

Projection: Third round, to Indy or Green Bay. 


Sekou Sanyika:  

No. 13’s lucky day? 


With the number of quality linebacker available, Cal’s most productive pass-rusher may also be its biggest wild card going into today’s draft.  

Sanyika impressed the right people with his record-setting 18 tackles behind the line of scrimmage in 1999, and after putting up relatively competitive numbers in the combine, appears to have turned heads on many an NFL scouting staff. According to NFL Digest.com, Arizona, Chicago, Green Bay, Indianapolis and Oakland have all considered Sanyika. 

While Sanyika’s ability to defend the run in the NFL has been questioned, his pass-rushing and general instincts, along with his leadership in the Beck-less 1999 season, put him among the top 10 linebackers on most analysts’ draft boards.  


Projection: Fourth round, to Oakland 


(subhed) The other guys 


For Cal’s less-often discussed potential draftees, Sunday may be the day of reckoning. Defensive ends Mawuko Tugbenyoh and Jeremiah Parker both upped their stock with impressive senior season, and could be safe day-two picks for squads in need of help on the d-line, like New England, Buffalo, Arizona and Minnesota. The same scouts may also have their eyes on defensive tackle Jerry DeLoach, who entered his senior season virtually assured of an NFL future, before a stinger severely limited his minutes with the 1999 Bears.  

Other Cal defenders eligible for this weekend’s draft are linebacker Keith Miller, who racked up 62 tackles in an injury-hindered 1999, and safety Pete Destefano, who led all Bears with a sky-high 88 tackles in his senior season. Despite the 1999 Bears’ horrendous offensive reputation, offensive guard John Romero - from Berkeley’s St. Mary’s High School - and fullback Joshua White both have a chance to continue their careers at the next level. 

Drug sweep yields arrests

Marilyn Claessens
Saturday April 15, 2000

Daily Planet Staff 


Berkeley police arrested 10 people and have warrants for the arrests of 13 more people following a six-week undercover drug sweep conducted jointly with the University of California Police Department. 

Lt. Bob Maloney of the Berkeley Police Department said Friday afternoon that police were on the street looking for the remaining 13 suspects. 

He said the investigation centered on street-level illicit drug sales around the campus area of Telegraph Avenue and on downtown Shattuck Avenue. 

Undercover officers purchased illicit drugs, ranging from marijuana to cocaine, from 23 individuals, but Maloney would not disclose the amounts of the purchases or the quantities of the various drugs. 

The “undercover buy operation” was initiated by complaints of drug dealing to the police from business owners and residents, he said. 

Councilmember Kriss Worthington, whose district encompasses the campus area of Telegraph Avenue, commented on the as-yet-unrevealed quantities of the different drugs purchased, saying he has requested a report. 

“If they’re (police) entrapping 25-year-old young people to buy one marijuana cigarette and call that a drug dealer that’s not an appropriate use of city resources,” he said. 

Entrapment for the sale of heroin and crack is another matter, he said, and it is beneficial to the community. 

Worthington said the downtown Shattuck area has been plagued more in the past year by crack and heroin dealing than Telegraph. 

Councilmember Dona Spring, whose district includes downtown, noted that “when police presence was really heavy up on Telegraph it drove a lot of the drug dealers down to Shattuck.” 

“We can’t afford drugs being sold on Shattuck, because there are a lot of high school students. We can’t afford to have drug dealers in Berkeley period,” she said. 

Strokes pile up for Berkeley High on hostile course

Daily Planet Staff
Saturday April 15, 2000

The unforgiving fairways of Pleasanton’s Castlewood Country Club wreaked havoc on the Berkeley High boys golf team on Thursday, adding 42 strokes to the Yellowjackets’ best home score to send them home with a less-than-spectacular 247. 

The deep and consistent Foothill Falcons took full advantage of its home course, navigating the hilly nine holes in an impressive 201 strokes. The BHS loss dropped the ’Jackets to 1-11 in the East Bay Athletic League, where they are currently tied with struggling Granada High in last place. 

“(The course was) much harder than Tilden,” BHS coach Rodney Kopish said after the match. “It’s a country club course, very hilly, with tight, narrow fairways, and a really hard-breaking green. It was a tough, tough course.” 

BHS No. 1 golfer Ivan Holmes once again turned in the team’s best score, carding a 42. Curran Kennedy and Adam Breckler also played well at the Nos. 2 and 3 spots, posting 46 and 48, respectively. 

Matt Wickett and Ronald Quintero completed the BHS top five, scoring 55 and 56. 

“They’re starting to realize (their potential), and getting more upset when they don’t play well,” Kopish said about the team’s newly adopted competitive attitude. “That makes a big difference.” 

The match marked the fourth in four days for Berkeley, which participated in tournaments on Monday and Wednesday. While Kopish was pleased with the progress he witnessed throughout the busy week, he admits that the upcoming week off will be therapeutic for the exhausted ’Jackets. 

“There was a sense of relaxation and exhaustion today,” the coach said. “They’re very much looking forward to spring break, for a chance to put the clubs down for a few days in a row.” 

After spring break, Berkeley High returns to the links for two more league matches before the regular season ends. The ’Jackets host San Ramon Valley at Tilden Park on April 24, before closing out the 2000 campaign on the road against California High on April 27. The EBAL tournament is slated to begin May 1.

Reward offered in BHS arson

Daily Planet Staff
Saturday April 15, 2000

The Berkeley Unified School District is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information about an arson fire at the Berkeley High School campus that caused $1 million damage Wednesday. 

Asst. Fire Chief David Orth, who announced the reward Friday, said it would go to anyone providing information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or people responsible for the fire. 

Orth said a special arson tip telephone number has been established at 510-644-8721, where callers can leave messages regarding Wednesday’s fire in the B Building or any of the other arson fires he said have occurred on the campus this year. That includes the April 13 fire in the English Department’s bookroom, and a small trash can fire late Thursday morning. 

He said security at the high school’s campus is being beefed up with additional security cameras and fire detection equipment, and the installation of digital locks that record the identity of users. 

A meeting with parents is planned for April 24 at 7 p.m. in the Berkeley Community Theater to discuss the fires, the measures that have been taken and the investigation, which is ongoing, Orth said.

Downtown plagued by power outages

Rob Cunningham
Saturday April 15, 2000

Daily Planet Staff 


Three power outages hit downtown Berkeley as the week drew to a close, and a PG&E spokesperson said two of the incidents appear to be linked. 

The first outage occurred at 9:06 p.m. Thursday, and only affected about 25 customers in the area near Allston Way and Shattuck Avenue. Power was restored to those customers at 2:25 a.m., said PG&E spokesperson Jonathan Franks. 

The next incident occurred a few minutes after midnight Friday, when more than 1,850 customers lost power for about an hour. Ironically, the affected area was identical to an outage a week earlier. The early morning problems on April 7 were caused by the explosion of an underground transformer, but Franks said this time around, it appears a tree brought down an overhead power line. 

The third outage happened in the Allston-Shattuck area, this time just past noon Friday. Franks said 32 customers lost power – including the temporary Central Library, which closed for the rest of the day. Power had been restored to 26 customers by Friday evening, but six were expected to remain without electricity until around 3 a.m. 

Several residents called the Daily Planet on Friday to complain about the ongoing power outages in the downtown area. 

Franks said that the two Allston-Shattuck problems were related, due to equipment problems, including a transformer connector and circuits that were linked to that location. 

“With any underground system, if there are equipment problems, it is not unheard of to have them over a period of a few days because the equipment is not visible and it’s not easily accessible,” he said.

Forum considers whether on-line sales should be taxed

Marilyn Claessens
Saturday April 15, 2000

Daily Planet Staff 


Sales tax and the Internet – it’s an issue that needs to be addressed immediately, according to one local independent bookseller who spoke at a Chamber of Commerce meeting Thursday. 

Bill Petrocelli, co-owner of Book Passage, a “ma and pa” bookstore in Corte Madera, said the giant booksellers are “trying to kill us with the sales tax issue.” 

Customers at Main Street bookstores here must pay California sales tax, but Amazon.com customers in California do not pay sales tax on their purchases from the mega-merchant. 

The state determines if the business has sufficient connection or nexus in the state to pay sales tax here, and states have no jurisdiction over out-of-state sellers. 

But Petrocelli believes the online Amazons, Barnes and Nobles and Borders do have such a connection. 

“I think they’re obligated (to pay sales tax) under the present law,” said Petrocelli. 

The bookseller would exempt small online businesses that lack the resources to economically add sales tax to customer bills. 

Berkeley bookstore owner Andy Ross, who operates two Cody’s bookstores in town, has been a vocal critic of the e-commerce advantage in gaining customers who don’t want to pay sales tax. 

He had said in an earlier civic meeting that sales tax feeds communities and that it pays for one-quarter of Berkeley’s services, including police, parks, fire and road repair. 

Speaking from an opposite viewpoint, an information economics expert told Chamber business leaders that time is available to work on solutions to level the playing field. 

Hal R. Varian, dean of the School of Information Management and Systems at UC Berkeley, said later that an ideal world scenario would offer a “dramatically different sales tax. 

“You would either have an income tax surcharge or a value added tax,” he said. 

In presenting an option to retain the sales tax until a better solution is determined, Varian reminded the audience that online purchases within the state are taxed. 

Additionally, he said airline tickets are the largest online purchases and those sales “completely swamp the sales of books and CD’s.” 

He also said that mail order companies out of state don’t pay tax either, and they have about 6 percent of total retail sales, compared to the one-half percent of those sales through e-commerce. 

He talked about the complexity and inefficient implementation of sales taxes. 

There are 7,500 taxing jurisdictions, and while federal uniformity has been suggested it would be difficult to implement. Varian said Congress would decide, but the states would spend the money. 

As did Petrocelli, Ross viewed Varian’s viewpoint of the problem as a recipe for inaction. 

To scrap sales tax and increase income tax is a fine proposal, said Ross, but not politically feasible. Like Varian he said the political reality makes the penny raises of sales taxes more palatable to the voters than income tax. 

In the meantime, said Ross, the sales tax should become more fair by eliminating its exclusion on Internet commerce. 

“The same products sold to the same consumer in the same locality should be taxed the same way,” he said

Spring break comes early, BHS fire officially arson

Rob Cunningham & Judith Scherr
Friday April 14, 2000

Daily Planet Staff 


Investigators have determined that Wednesday’s fire at Berkeley High was an arson, and they’ve increased the damage estimate to the $750,000-$1 million range. 

The ongoing saga of fires at Berkeley High School took yet another twist Thursday, when the previous day’s fire managed to rekindle, leading to the early dismissal of classes yet again. But this time, students were told, classes were canceled for the rest of the week. Put another way: Spring break would begin immediately. 

The original-and-rekindled fire occurred in the school’s B Building, which houses administrative offices, the library, the Health Center and about a dozen classrooms. The Berkeley Fire Department responded to the original fire on Wednesday, just past noon, and administrators decided to cancel classes for the rest of the day because of smoky conditions and the potential risk to students and staff. Thursday morning, firefighters were back on campus, but they hadn’t returned to continue their investigation. They were there to fight the rekindled fire in the B Building’s photocopy room, which Orth said turned out to be a “relatively insignificant” fire of reams of paper and wooden cabinets. 

Exactly when the fire was rekindled is unclear. 

“When I came to school at 7:10 a.m., I smelled the smoke,” said one school worker who asked not to be identified by name. 

Berkeley Fire Department Asst. Chief David Orth confirmed that one employee did smell smoke around 7 a.m. but no one called in to report the fire. Orth said the department received a call around 8 a.m. 

Walter Mitchell, a high school safety officer, however, said he heard the first engine at 7:55 a.m. “I thought it might be left over” from Wednesday’s fire, he said. 

Orth admitted that the fire department took a “calculated risk” in how it handled the fire scene. He said that normally, firefighters will “haul everything out and wet things down” to make sure there are no embers that could rekindle a blaze. With the BHS fire, the department was looking at a potential crime scene, so everything could be considered potential evidence. 

He said the crews remained at the scene until around 8 p.m. Wednesday, and he made a final inspection around 10:30 p.m. 


Early break 

Classes for the rest of the week were canceled not so much because of Thursday’s rekindled fire but because of the damage the original fire caused to the school’s infrastructure. All of the school’s copy machines were damaged, administrators and counselors were unable to get into their offices, and the school’s telecommunication system was damaged along its route through the B Building. 

Students were directed to the Community Theater around 9 a.m. Thursday, where they were told that school would be shut down until April 24, after spring break. They poured out of the theater cheering and calling to each other. 

“Spring break starts today,” yelled one young man in a gray-hooded sweatshirt. 

“It’s good,” said Ivy Braum, who was practically skipping down the theater steps. 

Other students said their excitement for an extended spring break was tempered by concerns about how the fire’s damage would affect the rest of the school year. 

“It’s really cool,” said Jessica Kravin, who was standing with a group of friends. 

“But I don’t want the library or any of the resources to burn,” Sharon Koppman added. 

“If they catch (the arsonists), they should pay for the damages,” said Kelly Friedman. 

“Last year the parents had to pay,” Jessica said, referring to the numerous arson fires last year. 

While most the students appeared elated, three young men stood apart, watching the firefighters, until they were directed away. 

“This really is annoying,” one said. “We barely get to do anything in class.” 

Classes were dismissed early on April 6 because of a small arson fire in the C Building, and Orth reported that another fire occurred around 11:45 a.m. Thursday in the A Building, which is an extension of the Community Theater. That fire, which was deliberately set, was reported by teachers attending a meeting. 

Orth said there are some similarities between Wednesday’s fire in the administrative building and last week’s incident in the C Building, which occurred in the English department bookroom. Students aren’t supposed to have access to either room where the fires were started. 

“There are issues of access that are similar, some similarities in the fact that the fires were started by lighting combustibles,” he said. “There are the sorts of things we’re looking at, but they’re very broad similarities.” 


Damage inside 

Principal Theresa Saunders said that some staff members were able to go back into the B Building on Thursday afternoon to retrieve essential items. Workers also were able to round up the SAT-9 standardized tests that students had taken just last week. 

Damage inside the building is worse than original estimates. Saunders said it could take the Health Center up to four months to be restored. 

After spring break, some classes may be held in portable classrooms while work is being done on the B Building. 

Orth said his department will probably be finished with its investigation today, and will turn full control of the building back to the district by the end of the day. The arson investigation will be a joint operation of the fire department, police department and school district.

Calendar of Events & Activities

Friday April 14, 2000

Friday, April 14



“Good Communications: Needed More as we Grow Older” 

Berkeley City Club, 2315 Durant Ave. 

Edna Shipley-Conner, a counselor for the hearing-impaired, will speak during this week’s meeting of the City Commons Club. Social hour begins at 11:15 a.m. Luncheon is served from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Speaker starts promptly at 12:30 p.m. Lunch is $11 or $12.25; admission to the speech is $1, free for students. 



“Kiss Me, Kate” 

7:30 p.m. 

Willard Middle School, 2425 Stuart St. 

The middle-school “innocents” present this not-so-innocent play complete with its incorrect sexual politics. The Cole Porter score for this 1950 “Taming of the Shrew” takeoff is “scandalous,” cynical - wonderful. The musical is performed by seventh- through ninth-graders from Berkeley public schools. Admission is a donation. 

510-848-1797; pwp.value.net/bwicinas 


Poetry readings 

7:30 p.m. 

Boadecia’s Books, 398 Colusa Ave., Kensington 

Celebrate National Poetry Month with Patti Sirens, reading from “Antarctica” and Abby Bogomolny who will read from “People Who Do Not Exist” and “New to North America: Writing by U.S. Immigrants.” This event is free. 

510-559-9184; www.boadeciasbooks.com 


Mozart’s Requiem 

8 p.m. 

Hertz Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

The University Chorus, under the direction of Marika Kuzma, will perform this Mozart classic. 


“Madrigals of Love and War” 

8 p.m. 

St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 2727 College Ave. 

This will be a performance by Magnificat of voices and instruments of the early Baroque, and the NovAntiqua Dance Troop. Tickets are $20 general; $15 seniors; $10 students. 



Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater 

8 p.m. 

Zellerbach Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

This performance will feature works by Jamison, Jones and Butler. Tickets are $18 to $42. 



Saturday, April 15


Cal Day 

9 a.m.-4 p.m. 

UC Berkeley campus 

A host of tours, events, activities and programs will be held around the university campus as part of the annual “open house” for the community. A full list of events may be found on the university’s web site (www.berkeley.edu/calday), or information may be obtained by calling 510-642-5215. 


Native plant sale 

10 a.m.-3 p.m. 

Tilden Regional Park Botanic Garden 

Bring cardboard boxes to carry your purchases. 



Restore Cerrito Creek 

10 a.m.-noon 

Help Friends of Five Creeks and Sustainable El Cerrito clear invasive ivy and blackberries as part of restoring Cerrito Creek at the Ohlone Greenway. Meet at the southeast corner of El Cerrito Plaza parking lot, north of Brighton and south of El Cerrito BART on the BART right of way. Bring work gloves and loppers if you have them. 

510-848-9358; f5creeks@aol.com 


Berkeley Farmers’ Market 

10 a.m.-3 p.m. 

Center Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Milvia Street 



Saturday Morning Children’s Programs 

10:30 a.m. 

La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave. 

Jackeline Rago will perform Venezuelan music. Tickets are $4 general; $3 children. 



International House Spring Fest 2000 

11 a.m.-6 p.m. 

International House, Piedmont and Bancroft 

This celebration of unity will feature more than 50 cultural groups, including over 20 performing troupes or individuals, consular tables, food booths and children’s activities in the Discoverarium. Cost is $5 general; $3 seniors and students; free children under age 18.  



“Wiggly Worms!” 

11 a.m. 

Tilden Regional Park 

Get your hands in the dirt and learn about these wonderful creatures. 



Bay Area Children’s Theatre: “Vaudeville for Kids” 

1 p.m. 

John Muir Elementary School Auditorium, 2955 Claremont Ave. 

This performance will include host Johnny Cassino, “The Lounge Lizard for Kids,” plus “The Dangerous Dinos Show.” Tickets are $7.50 general; $5 children age 12 and under. 



Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater 

2 p.m. and 8 p.m. 

Zellerbach Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

This performance will feature works by Brown, Zollar and Ailey. Tickets are $18 to $42. 



“Shakespeare at the Opera” 

8 p.m. 

Julia Morgan Theater, 2640 College Ave. 

This will be an evening of readings from Shakespeare’s plays and excerpts from the operas based on the plays by directors and actors of the San Francisco Shakespeare Festival, African American Shakespeare Company, and Woman’s Will along with Berkeley Opera singers. There will also be champagne and sweets, a balloon raffle, and a silent auction with proceeds benefiting the Berkeley Opera. Tickets are $40 general; $32 seniors. 



Mozart’s Requiem 

8 p.m. 

Hertz Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

The University Chorus, under the direction of Marika Kuzma, will perform this Mozart classic. 


Sunday, April 16


Berkeley Hiking Club 

8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. 

The club will be leading two hikes today: a mini-hike of four to five miles at Bruno Mountain (leaves at 8:30) and a hike or 8 to 9 miles at Shell Ridge (leaves at 9). Both groups meet at their respective times at the corner of Shattuck Avenue and Berkeley Way. 

510-523-4631 (Bruno Mountain); 925-944-9068 (Shell Ridge) 


“Science Camp Sampler” 

10 a.m. and 2 p.m. 

Tilden Regional Park, Canon Drive off Grizzly Peak Boulevard 

Come sample activities such as thermolizards and dino puzzles. For age 9 and older. 



The Buddy Club 

11 a.m. 

Albany Community Center Theater, 1249 Marin Ave., Albany 

Circus Soozie and her dog Popcorn will perform amazing dog tricks, juggling, magic and comedy. Tickets are $7 general; free children under age 2. 



Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater 

3 p.m. 

Zellerbach Hall, UC Berkeley campus 

This performance will feature works by Jamison, Jones and Butler. Tickets are $18 to $42. 



Adoption poems and stories 

7:30 p.m. 

Boadecia’s Books, 398 Colusa Ave., Kensington 

Editors Susan Ito and Tina Cervin, along with local contributors, will discuss and read from “A Ghost at Heart’s Edge: Stories and Poems of Adoption.” This event is free. 

510-559-9184; www.boadeciasbooks.com 


Poetry Flash 

7:30 p.m. 

Cody’s Books, 2454 Telegraph Ave. 

Glenn Ingersoll and Tim Donnelly will be the featured poets. 

510-845-7852; 510-525-5476

Film festival celebrates women of color

Peter Crimmins
Friday April 14, 2000

Daily Planet Correspondent 


The Women of Color Video and Film Festival, by it very name, proclaims both a narrowed focus and a wide range of subjects. African, Asian, Native American, Mexican find commonality in gender. 

The films and videos of the festival, screening this week and next at the Pacific Film Archive, were chosen by a group of students at Cal as part of a curatorial class, called – of course – the Women of Color Film Project. The undergrads sought well-regarded film artists and combed through submissions from unproven talent to select the short and feature-length works. 

And the criteria for selection? “It’s really hard to put into words, but the main criteria is diversity,” said Mona Atia, who spearheads the festival alongside co-curator Kristina Hsu. 

“Diversity,” being a loaded term in this town, socio-politically speaking, would be better spent describing the stylistic choices of the films and videos over their content. 

“Primarily, we looked for avant-garde, documentary, and narrative mixed together,” said Atia, “secondary was a wide plethora of minorities.” 

The short films in tonight’s program play with a variety of aesthetic approaches to women’s relations to bodies and culture. “Little Thunder,” a seven-minute video by UC senior Laura Merians and SFSU student Tita Poe, uses rough film footage (what appears to be home movie, Super-8 stock) to document a 20-year-old Native American woman who became unexpectedly pregnant during a religious ceremony. Her plan to raise her child outside the Western cultural hegemony is thwarted when medical complications disallow the natural birthing and child rearing she had envisioned. 

Next to that, in contrast, is “Industrial Bodies,” a highly processed 15-minute video pastiche of anatomy, cellular division, and blood movement with a droning synthesized soundtrack by San Francisco-based filmmaker Khamsea Hoa Bristol. Its organic and graceful vermeer points to a vague idea of human divination rooted in the mechanics of biology, and moves toward an ode to a graceful death as Bristol morphs her film into a cinematic letter to her dying grandfather in Vietnam. 

In a lighter tone, but with no less weighty subject, is Camille Billops’ “Take Your Bags,” in which an account of African cultural baggage – stolen by slave traders and later transposed onto European modernist art – is told in an informal, familiar storytelling style. A woman is warmly encouraging a young boy to consider African iconography in European art (all of which is unseen, off-camera), and the child is alternately yawning and playing with his toy VW Bug. Ultimately, this is an affectionate take on cultural cross-pollination, ending with the child’s rendition of “Itsy Bitsy Spider.” 

The personal documentary short, a mainstay form for minority and marginalized filmmakers, are plentiful. There are plenty of lousy ones and some extraordinary ones. Atia said they fell into her lap, but the really good work had to be coaxed from established artists who don’t send their films to every call for submissions. 

Tonight’s program of shorts is accompanied by a ringer: an hour-long feature documentary “Living with Pride: Ruth Ellis @ 100.” Winner of the Best Documentary award at the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, it is a portrait of purportedly the oldest “out” African-American lesbian (Ruth Ellis, 100 years old) who dances women 70 years younger under the table. 

To listen to her breezy recollections of her pursuit of pleasure and compassion through the turbulent 20th century, you’d think it was one long party: She graduated from high school, she owned a print shop, she opened her house as a gay meeting place on weekends. Filmmaker Yvonne Welbon produces on-screen statistics and historical facts to put Ruth’s life in context – to acknowledge the bravery and good humor Ruth steeled herself with in order to live joyfully with the formidable social odds of poverty, race, gender and sexuality. 

“Living with Pride” and the shorts play tonight at the PFA at 7:30. The Women of Color Video and Film Festival continues next Tuesday at the PFA with a narrative feature, Zeinabu Irene Davis’ “Compensation,” which, according to the program notes, is “a story of love between and deaf woman and a hearing man.” Its 7:30 p.m. screening will be subtitled and interpreted with sign language. 

For program and ticket information call the Pacific Film Archive at 510-642-5249.

Friday April 14, 2000



“Rough Crossing” by Tom Stoppard, April 7 through May 6. The writers of a Broadway musical are simultaneously trying to finish and rehearse a play while crossing the Atlantic on an ocean liner. 

$10. Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.; May 4, 8 p.m. Live Oak Theatre, 1301 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 528-5620. 



“The Homecoming” by Harold Pinter, April 6 through May 7. A dark comedy about a philosophy professor who brings his wife home to meet his all-male family. 

$25 to $28. Wednesday through Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Berkeley City Club, 2315 Durant Ave., Berkeley. (510) 843-4822. 



“Let My Enemy Live Long!” by Tanya Shaffer, April 19 through May 12. The story of an ill-advised boat ride up West Africa's Niger River to Timbuktu. 

$19 to $48.50. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8 p.m.; Wednesday, 7 p.m.; Saturday, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.; April 19, 8 p.m.; NO PERFORMANCES APRIL 25 AND APRIL 26. 2025 Addison St., Berkeley. (510) 845-4700 or (888) 4BRTTIX. 


Subterranean Shakespeare 

“Measure for Measure,” by William Shakespeare. Run has been extended through April 30. Performances are Thursdays through Saturdays, at 8 p.m. each night, and Sundays at 7 p.m. $10 general; $6 students. La Val’s Subterranean, 1834 Euclid Ave., Berkeley. (510) 234-6046. 




Grateful Dead DJ Night with Digital Dave, April 14, 10 p.m. $4. 

Sensa Samba, April 15, 9:30 p.m. $11. 

Lavay Smith and The Red Hot Skillet Lickers, April 15, 9:30 p.m. $11. 

Most Chill Slackmob, Psychokinetics, April 16, 8 p.m. $7. 

1317 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley. (510) 525-5099 or www.ashkenaz.com 



Felonious, Blue and Tan, April 14. $5. 

Broun Fellinis, Rici Ric and Thread, April 15. $5. 

An Evening with Government Grown, April 16. $4. 

For age 18 and older. Music at 9:30 p.m. 2367 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley. (510) 848-0886. 



The Holy Modal Rounders, April 14. $15.50. 

Cats and Jammers, April 15. $15.50. 

Rev. Billie C. Wirtz. $15.50. 

Music at 8 p.m. 1111 Addison St., Berkeley. (510) 548-1761 or (510) 762-BASS. 



Viento, April 14, 8:30 p.m. Part of The Silver Star Series. $14. 

Dulce Mambo, April 15, 9:30 p.m. The show is preceded by a Salsa Dance Class from 8:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Class and show, $13; dance only, $10. 

3105 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 849-2568 or www.lapena.org 



Stratford Mercenaries, April 16. 

$5. Music at 8 p.m. unless otherwise noted. 924 Gilman St., Berkeley. (510) 525-9926. 



Mumble and Peg, Ramona The Pest, Bass Line Dada, April 14. $6. 

Giant Sand, Grandaddy, Brokeback, April 15. Featuring Doug McCombs of Tortoise. $10. 

For age 21 and over. Wednesday, 8 p.m.; Thursday, 9:30 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9:45 p.m. unless otherwise noted. 3101 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 841-2082. 





“Autour de Rodin: Auguste Rodin and His Contemporaries,” through August. An exhibit of 11 bronze maquettes on loan from the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation in Los Angeles. The bronzes range in style from the artist's classically inspired “Torso of a Woman” to the anguish of “The Martyr.” Some of the maquettes were cast during Rodin’s lifetime, others have been cast fairly recently under the aegis of the Musee Rodin which alone is authorized to cast his sculptures posthumously. 

“2x2: Architectural Collaborations,” Jan. 22 through April 16. This exhibit elaborates on the theme of the “Equal Partners” exhibit looking at the innovative projects and the collaborative style of a newer generation of architects. 

“Roma/Pacifica: The Phoebe Hearst International Architecture Competition and the Berkeley Campus, 1896-1930,” through April 23. An exhibition showing how the campus developed from the original lavish design of Franco-Roman buildings by French architect Emile Bernard to the modified version with Italianate granite and stucco buildings and tile roofing by New York architect John Galen Howard to the vision of California Arts and Crafts architect Bernard Maybeck and his student Julia Morgan.  

$6 general; $4 seniors and students ages 12 to 18; free children age 12 and under; free Thursday, 1 1 a.m. to noon and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2626 Bancroft Way, Berkeley. (510) 642-0808. 



2230 Shattuck Ave. (lower level), Berkeley 

A hands-on community health education museum and science center sponsored by Children's Hospital Oakland and Alta Bates Medical Center. 

“This is Your Heart!” ongoing. An in teractive exhibit on heart health. 

“Good Nutrition,” ongoing. This exhibit includes models for making balanced meals and an exercycle for calculating how calories are burned. 

“Draw Your Own Insides,” ongoing. Human-shaped chalkboards and models with removable organs allow visitors to explore the inside of their bodies. 

“Your Cellular Self and Cancer Prevention,” ongoing. An exhibit on understanding how cells become cancerous and how to detect and prevent cancer. 

Free. For children ages 3 to 12 and their parents. 

(510) 549-1564 



“Bridging the Bay: Bridging the Campus,” through April 30. The exhibit has been created from the libraries of the eight University of California campuses. The exhibit includes books, documents, architectural drawings, blueprints, artifacts, maps and photographs that record the building of the San Francisco Bay area’s bridges. It also includes documents detailing Bay area bridge projects that were seriously considered but never built. 

Free. Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Doe Memorial Library, University of California, Berkeley. (510) 643-9999. 




“Dinosaurs 2000,” through June 4. An exhibit featuring 16 lifelike robotic creatures, fossils, activities to compare yourself to a dinosaur, and daily live demonstrations. 

“The News About Dinosaurs,” through June 4. Learn more about the “Dinosaurs 2000” exhibit with live demonstrations exploring recent paleontological discoveries and how scientists know what they do about prehistoric creatures. Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. 

$6 general; $4 seniors, students and children ages 7 to 18; $2 children ages 3 to 6; free children under age 3. Daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Centennial Drive, University of California, Berkeley. (510) 642-5132 or www.lhs.berkeley.edu 


Kroeber Hall, UC Berkeley 

“Modern Treasures from Ancient Iran,” through Oct. 29. This exhibit explores nomadic and town life in ancient and modern Iran as illustrated in bronze and pottery vessels, and textiles. 

“Pana O’ahu: Sacred Stones – Sacred Places,” through July 16. An exhibit of photographs by Jan Becket and Joseph Singer. 

“A Taste of Culture: Approaches to the Study of Cuisine,” objects and photographs from diverse places and times display the role of food in human cultures. 

“Food in California Indian Culture,” the first comprehensive overview of Native California foods-this exhibit illustrates the artistry of Native cooking in harmony with the natural world. 

“Native American Portraits: Photographs by William Heick,” this retrospective exhibition includes photographs between 1951 and 1984 from four regions of western North America: Northwest Coast (Kwakiutl), Southwest (Navajo), California (Kashaya Pomo, Hupa), and Plains (Blackfoot, Sioux). 

“Phoebe Hearst Museum-Approaching a Century of Anthropology,” a sampling of the vast collections of the museum, its mission, history, and current research, with selections from ancient Egypt, ancient Peru, California Indians, Asia (India), and Africa. 

“Ishi and the Invention of Yahi Culture,” Ishi, the last Yahi Indian of California, spent the final years of his life, 1911 to 1916, living at the museum, working with anthropologists to record his culture, demonstrating technological skills, and retelling Yahi myths, tales, and songs. 

Wednesday through Sunday 10 am -4:30 pm; Thursday until 9 pm (Sept-May) 

(510) 643-7648 



Kittredge Street and Shattuck Avenue 

A museum especially for children age 7 and younger. Highlights include “WaterWorks,” an area with some unusual water toys, an Infant Tree for babies, a garden especially for toddlers, a child-scale grocery store and cafe, and a costume shop and stage for junior thespians. The museum also features a toy lending library. 

Exhibit: “Back to the Farm,” open-ended. This interactive exhibit gives children the chance to wiggle through tunnels like an earthworm, look into a mirrored fish pond, don farm animal costumes, ride on a John Deere tractor and much more.  

Admission is $4 for adults; $6 child age 7 and under; $3 for each additional child.  

Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

(510) 647-1111 




2911 Russell St., Berkeley 

“Chagall: Master Prints and Posters, Selections from the Magnes Museum Collection.” Accompanying the exhibition is “Exploring Chagall and His Use of the Elements of Art,” a child-friendly Interactive Educational Room with five work-stations and a central activities space. 

Free. Sunday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

(510) 549-6950. 




“Recycled Art,” April 1 through April 30. A group exhibit featuring jewelry, sculpture and functional art all from refuse. 

Free. Tuesday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 1652 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. (510) 843-2527. 



“On Common Ground.” through June 23. This exhibit is a portrait of faith-based communities in Los Angeles. 

“Finding the Sacred Mountain,” through June 20. An exhibit of sumi-e and watercolors by Robert Kostka. 

Free. Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am. to 10 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 7 p.m. Flora Lamson Hewlett Library, 2400 Ridge Rd., Berkeley. (510) 649-2541. 



“High Touch/High Tech: Crossing The Divide,” through May 6. An exhibit of juried and invited artists. 

Free. Tuesday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m. Workshop Media Center Gallery, 1060 Heinz Ave., Berkeley. (510) 549-2977. 



“Irish Stones and More,” April 1 through April 27. An exhibit of quilts by Denise Snell. 

“Down from the Attic,” April 1 through April 27. An exhibit of dolls by Gretchen Jennings. 

Free. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 1597 Solano Ave., Berkeley. (510) 527-6779. 



“minimalPOP,” April 15 through May 14. A group exhibit of a variety of media. 

Artists Reception, April 15, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. 

Free. Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. 1316 10th St., Berkeley. (510) 527-1214. 


To publicize an upcoming event, please submit information to the Daily Planet via fax (841-5695), e-mail (calendar@berkeleydailyplanet.com) or traditional mail (2076 University Avenue, 94704). Calendar items should be submitted at least a week before the opening of a new exhibit or performance. 

Please include a daytime telephone number in case we need to clarify any information.

Berkeley High girls edge Falcons

Daily Planet Staff
Friday April 14, 2000

Dual meets haven’t exactly been a top priority for the Berkeley High girls track and field team this season. But after losing to Granada last week, the Yellowjackets entered Thursday’s meet at Foothill competing for their East Bay Athletic League reputation. 

Though BHS head coach Darrell Hampton once again fielded an incomplete squad in hopes of resting some athletes for this weekend’s Mt. SAC meet, he admitted that victory was more of a priority for the team in light of the stinging loss to Granada.  

“We still don’t want to deplete the team in dual meets,” Hampton said. “But after the way everyone felt after the last dual meet, we wanted to win (today).” 

The Yellowjackets would get their redemption – though just barely – edging the fleet-footed Falcons, 70-66. The BHS win was keyed by fine performances by Aisha Margain, who won the 200m and shotput events, and T’Carra Penick, who leapt 35-1 to take first place in the triple jump. Laura Winnacker echoed her first-place performance from last Thursday, elevating five feet in the high jump, while sprinter Katrina Keith took home top honors in the 200m. According to Hampton, the team triumph will mean momentum going into this weekend’s competition in Walnut.  

“It’s tough (to stay focused on league meets). They look past dual meets to invitationals,” the coach said. “We’re at a stage where we have to identify what we want to be. We still want to be league champions, but we want to be champions in both dual and (the) league (tournament).” 

The incomplete Berkeley High boys contingent had considerably less success against talented Foothill, dropping the meet, 93-36. Senior Daveed Diggs highlighted the BHS effort, posting an impressive 15.2 to win the 100m hurdles. Though the BHS coach admitted the boys team’s lack of wins may be discouraging for top athletes like Diggs and Justin Cary, he insists that these runners are pushed by other factors. 

“They’re seniors, they just want to cut their times,” Hampton said. “Daveed Diggs wants to qualify for junior nationals, and Justin Cary wants to get his time down to go to (college). There are other ways to motivate them.”  

Both the boys and girls squads head south this weekend to take on competition from all over the state and beyond at the annual Mt. SAC meet held at Mt. San Antonio College. The two-day event is also expected to feature the Chinese and Mexican national teams. 

“We have an opportunity to run against the best in the state again,” Hampton said about this weekend’s action.

Store's owners had seen robbery suspect

Marilyn Claessens
Friday April 14, 2000

Daily Planet Staff 


The man who was shot and killed after an armed robbery Wednesday night had previously visited the jewelry store, the shop’s owners say. 

The owners of Sona Jewelers at 1640 University Ave., who were robbed at gunpoint, said they and their 3 1/2-year-old daughter were handcuffed and forced to lie face down on the floor of their store by the suspect. 

Berkeley residents Manisha and Vinod Patel told the Daily Planet on Thursday that they let the suspect into their store at closing time because he had been there before, ostensibly to order an Indian religious pendant for his meditation practices. 

He drew a design for them of the pendant he wanted, taking about 10 minutes to do so, then he pulled out a gun. 

Manisha Patel thought the man was joking but then the suspect told them his intention to rob them, and he produced handcuffs as well. 

The couple were lying down behind the counter while the suspect pulled jewelry down from displays on the walls, but they stood up when he put his gun away to put the items in his backpack. They were able to activate a silent alarm, right around 7:30 p.m., and the first officer arrived in two or three minutes, said Vinod Patel. 

As the suspect fled through the rear of the store, Mrs. Patel freed herself from loose handcuffs and released her husband’s handcuffs and the couple ran to the back door and shouted for help. 

The man fled the scene into an adjoining residential neighborhood. Police were able to seal off one block and began searching for the suspect. As officers conducted their search, a taxi cab van approached the intersection of Jefferson Avenue and Allston Way. One of the officers believed an occupant matched the description of the suspect. When he attempted to stop the vehicle, the suspect pulled out a gun and pointed it at the officers, who shot the man. 

The suspect was transported to Highland Hospital, where he was pronounced dead a short time later. His identity had not been released as of Thursday night by the police department or the Alameda County Coroner’s Office. 

A woman passenger in the taxi cab van has been taken into custody, said Berkeley Police Lt. Maloney. She has been booked into the Berkeley City Jail, charged with one count of robbery. Maloney said that the department is not yet releasing her identity. 

He also said the names of the officers involved in the shooting are not being released yet. In accordance with the police department’s policy they have been placed on administrative leave for five days. 

Maloney said the Alameda County District Attorney’s office has sent an investigative team to work with the Berkeley Police homicide detail in the investigation. 

Panthers climb to 10-2 with win

Daily Planet Staff
Friday April 14, 2000

Mira Vista Golf Course’s difficult putting conditions cost both St. Mary’s and El Cerrito some strokes at Thursday’s varsity golf matchup, but the Panthers ultimately had the consistency to win the league match, 212-252. 

St. Mary’s No. 3 golfer Brian Haller managed to outwit the newly aerated greens, posting a very respectable 37 to pace the Panthers. No. 1 Chris Weidinger and No. 2 Ian Salisbury would card 39 and 43, respectively, and no St. Mary’s golfer scored above 46. 

“It was fairly difficult, they had just plugged and sanded the greens, and the putting was treacherous,” St. Mary’s coach Phil Doran said after the match. “Under the conditions, they did fine.” 

With the victory over the Gauchos, St. Mary’s improved to 10-2 in the Alameda-Contra Costa Athletic League, and currently stands in second place. First-place Alameda, which has won the last 10 league titles, remains undefeated and a shoo-in for another ACCAL crown.  

Though Doran does not expect Alameda to slip up in the remainder of the league season, he is convinced his team has the depth and consistency to hold onto second place in league and possibly turn some heads on the North Coast Section seeding committee. 

“They’re all very consistent,” the coach said. “It’s a luxury for the coach to have 13 kids on a team that, depending on who we’re playing, have an opportunity to get out there and be competitive.”

Schools told to skip Lawrence Hall trips

Judith Scherr
Friday April 14, 2000

Daily Planet Staff 


The Alameda County School Board voted Tuesday to advise its students not to visit the Lawrence Hall of Science, located in the Berkeley-Oakland Hills. 

“The Lawrence Hall of Science is adjacent to the emissions stack of the National Tritium Labeling Facility, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which emits radioactive tritiated water vapor,” the county board’s resolution stated. 

Spokespersons for the Lab and for Lawrence Hall, who contend the releases are too low-level to be a danger, argue that the board neglected to advise them that they were going to consider the advisory. 

“They took action without input from the Lab or Lawrence Hall,” said Ron Kolb, LBNL spokesperson. 

Alameda County Superintendent of Schools Sheila Jordan defended the board action – in part. She said their questioning the validity of EPA thresholds and the safety of the tritium releases is entirely appropriate. However, the item should have been scheduled for a full discussion with both sides present, she said. 

Board President Jerome Wiggins agreed to put the issue on the agenda at the board’s next meeting, Jordan said. The meeting is at 7 p.m. April 25, 313 Winton Ave. Hayward. 

LBNL and Lawrence Hall representatives will argue their case at the county school board meeting on April 25. 

Board members heard testimony Tuesday from members of Berkeley’s Coalition to Minimize Toxic Waste, a group of mostly Berkeley residents, who have been working for years to shut down the facility that emits tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen used in medical research. 

This group says that the emissions may dangerous and that the labs need to thoroughly test the air, plants, water and look at the history of emissions – study it beyond the research that has been done – to ascertain whether the levels of tritium present a danger. 

The city of Berkeley has hired an independent consultant to review the labs’ studies. 

Gene Bernardi, of the Committee to Minimize Toxic Waste, said the committee presented the board with documents, including one by Physicians for Social Responsibility, which convinced the board that tritium could have adverse health effects, including those affecting human reproduction. 

Reviewing the school board’s resolution, Kolb said that the board’s statements are misleading. 

The resolution cites a day in 1998 when there was a release of 35 curies of radioactive tritium. Kolb says that the level of emissions, including the level that day, are well below the Environmental Protection Agency’s established standards. 

In another statement, the board says that the EPA “determined that the National Tritium Labeling Facility is eligible for the (designation of a) Superfund priority cleanup site” and notes tritium in air samples at the Lawrence Hall exceeded the limit of the EPA’s cancer risk screening concentration. 

But Kolb explained that, in fact, the data simply put LBNL on a track to do additional studies, which will further determine the level of emissions. The city’s consultant is working to verify the lab’s work in this area and to help determine how and where further testing is to be done. 

Barbara Ando, associate director of Lawrence Hall, has worked on the hill for 20 years, including during two pregnancies. Ando said she has never worried about her health. 

“Tests have been done, monitors are placed at the hall,” she said, adding, “The school board’s actions took us by surprise.” 

Yellowjackets get by Dons in five games

Daily Planet Staff
Friday April 14, 2000

The East Bay Athletic League boys volleyball race got a little tighter on Thursday evening, when Berkeley High avenged its March 21 loss to Amador Valley, defeating the Dons in five games on the road.  

Though undefeated Foothill looks to have a solid hold on the EBAL championship, the Yellowjackets entered Thursday’s match knowing that a victory could propel them in their quest for second place. Things looked grim for Berkeley after it allowed the Dons a 15-2 win in the fourth game to tie the game score at two, but a strong showing in the final game would salvage the triumph for BHS, 15-13, 14-16, 15-9, 2-15, 15-7. 

“This was a pretty good win. We played much better than last time we played (Amador),” BHS coach Justin Caraway said. “We probably outscored them, 12-0, (at the end) of that fifth game. I think they got tentative, and didn’t expect us to come out and be as focused as we were.” 

Mason Chin and D.Q. Li controlled the tempo on offense, finishing with 17 kills apiece on the evening. As a team, the ’Jackets posted a sky-high 87 digs and 21 blocks, making it one of the squad’s best efforts of the season, both offensively and defensively. 

“With the exception of that fourth game, we really outplayed them all night long,” the BHS coach said.

Residents offer ideas for handling traffic

Judith Scherr
Friday April 14, 2000

Daily Planet Staff 


You don’t need a statistician to figure out that myriad Berkeley streets are growing more clogged with cars each year: Just look at the white knuckles of the guy stuck in traffic at San Pablo and Ashby. 

Numbers, nonetheless, underscore the experience: In 1977, there were some 8,500 cars using the stretch of Dwight Way between San Pablo Avenue and Sacramento Street. Now there are 15,800, an 86 percent increase. 

In 1977, 16,000 cars moved daily along Sacramento Street, between Ashby Avenue and Alcatraz Avenue. Today there are 21,600 cars moving every day along that stretch, a 35 percent increase. 

Some of the volume grew because people switched routes. But planners believe most the increase comes from more people driving in the city. Car ownership in Berkeley grew from 46,273 in 1970 to 56,488 in 1990, but that only tells part of the story. 

Some 60 “citizen planners” met Wednesday night at the South Berkeley Senior Center to brainstorm solutions to the car crunch, gathering with planning commissioners and staff to talk about the transportation element of the city’s General Plan. 

The General Plan is the city’s official roadmap to development for the next 20 years. Planning department staff and commissioners are working on the draft for a new General Plan. People can send comments or ideas to Andrew Thomas at the planning department. 

Good affordable public transportation would relieve the streets. But as one bus-dependent citizen pointed out, it takes over an hour to get from her home near Alcatraz and Telegraph avenues to her business at Eighth and Gilman streets. 

To get people to leave their cars at home, bus service needs to be reliable. 

“You need to keep in mind the needs and wants of the employer. If someone is 16 minutes late at Bayer (Corporation), they are docked an hour,” said John Atkinson, Bayer’s transportation director and former director of the employer-funded experimental electric shuttle service, no longer in operation. Bayer now funds compressed gas shuttles that run from the Ashby BART station to Bayer. 

Participants suggested a number of ways to speed up the buses: diamond mass-transit only lanes; “queue-jumper” lanes - the removal of a number of parking spaces at a corner, to allow buses to get around traffic jams; a mechanism on buses that turns the traffic signals green; and signage that says “yield to buses.” 

“AC Transit needs to coordinate its buses so people don’t have to wait more than five minutes to transfer,” said Suzanne Adams, adding to the list of ideas. 

Frequent short-route shuttle buses, similar to the Emery Go-Round, could make taking buses more palatable. And bus shelters, already in the pipeline, will keep commuters out of the elements. 

The cost of public transpiration must go down, people said. 

“Increase taxes on gas,” said Henk Bovenhuis. “The money would go toward public transit. People should get on buses for a quarter and on BART for 50 cents.” 

Another alternative is for the city to adopt a citywide pass, similar to the university “Class Pass.” All students pay $18 per year for access to a pass and can pick it up if they chose. The pass allows them to use AC Transit buses without additional cost. 

All Berkeley citizens could be taxed for access to a citywide pass. Or the pass could be employer-based, with employers opting for a bus plan for their employees. Transportation staff is looking into these ideas. 

Light rail should be a priority, said Roland Peterson of the Telegraph Avenue Business Improvement District. Hybrid electric/gas powered buses should be considered and ferries should be added to the mix, others said. 

How land is used – where people live and work – directly affects how many cars are on the streets. 

Developer Patrick Kennedy and Richard Register of Ecocity Builders said that is why high-density housing should be built near work sites and transportation corridors. 

Satellite parking with frequent shuttle service – Planning Commission Chair Rob Wrenn suggested parking at Golden Gate Fields – could help take cars off the street. 

There were several people representing downtown businesses and arts organizations who reminded the group that the use of cars is a reality, particularly when the business in question targets a regional audience. 

Others responded that planning should emphasize the use of public transportation for people’s daytime employment needs, but could accept that when people go to the theatre they might want to drive their cars. 

“We need to cut down on the number of cars coming into Berkeley and sitting here all day,” Carrie Sprague said. 

If evening theatergoers are to depend on their cars, parking must be available. Wrenn argued, however, that university parking is available, but some lots are underused. The university-owned lot available to the public at Bancroft Way and Fulton Street is very underused on weekends and in the evening, he said, calling for greater coordination with UC Berkeley. 

Cyclists called for a greater emphasis on bicycles in the General Plan, but Wrenn said that since the bike boulevards are already under way, new planning for bicycles is not a priority. 

Participants addressed the problem of speeding cars. Speed humps were once thought to be the answer, but they are now known to harm some physically disabled and elderly persons, when these persons traverse them cars or vans. 

A number of people said they thought the answer is stepped-up police enforcement. 

“Give them a ticket,” Sprague suggested, “then give them a couple of AC Transit passes.” 

Send comments for inclusion in the General Plan to Andrew Thomas, project manager, at the Berkeley Planning Department, 2118 Milvia St., Suite 300, Berkeley, CA 94704, with a copy, if possible, to Rob Wrenn at robwrenn@home.com. 

The next general plan meeting will discuss land use. It will be at 7 p.m., May 10, at the Northbrae Community Church at 941 The Alameda. 

Man exposes himself

Daily Planet Staff
Friday April 14, 2000

A 27-year-old Berkeley woman reported Tuesday that a man exposed himself on Channing Way as he approached her about 7:15 a.m. that morning. 

She said it was not the first time he exposed himself on the street between Fulton and Atherton streets, according to Berkeley Police Capt. Bobby Miller. When she first saw him, Miller said, she thought he was “just another nice guy,” but since that encounter she said he exposed himself three or four other times. She said he approached her smiling but when she looked down his pants were open and he was exposing his penis. She was afraid and shocked but just continued walking, Miller said, and the man did not follow her but kept walking. 

The woman described the man as a Caucasian male in his 40s, about 6 feet tall, weighing 180 pounds. He was dressed casually in a white sweater, blue University of California sweatpants and white tennis shoes. Miller said the police are looking for him.
