Public Comment

Stop trump From Clearing the Way for Massive Theft

Bruce Joffe
Saturday April 11, 2020 - 01:25:00 PM

By removing the Inspector General, who was selected to oversee that the disbursement of the $2 Trillion coronovirus bailout goes honestly without fraud, trump has set himself up to commit the largest theft in the history of civilization. He has removed several Inspectors General as a way of intimidating the rest not to do the job they are skilled and experienced to do. This undermines the system of independent oversight of the executive, established after Nixon's Watergate crimes. 

What can prevent an outrageous theft of OUR Money? Perhaps the loud reaction from Vox Populi, the Voice of the People. Perhaps our Senators and Congress representatives can force adequate oversight as a condition for more bailouts. If ever there were a time to speak out, to write, and to call, it is now.