
ON MENTAL ILLNESS: Coronavirus Preparedness, Raw Deal

Jack Bragen
Saturday March 07, 2020 - 05:19:00 PM

Coronavirus Preparedness

This pathogen seems to be spreading at a lightning fast pace. The b90-day supplies of psychiatric medications, and to ask your psychiatrist for extra refills. We should not run out of our psych meds, because they are every bit as essential to us as surviving the virus, if you get it. If your psychiatrist is out sick for three months, it may not be possible to get meds filled. Ninety-day supplies of meds reduces the number of trips to the pharmacy. Pharmacies could be hotspots for exposure to the virus.

Secondly, if you are able to save up money, do so. If you have pending business, get it dealt with. Prepare as though you could be spending a period of time essentially defunct. Communicate with family to create emergency plans.

Avoid optional trips to hospitals. Hospitals are full of sick people, and it is likely that some of the people at hospitals will be sick with Coronavirus and can spread it to you.

When you shop for groceries, remember to get more canned food than you normally would, and store some of it.

Finally, take care of your health as much as you can. The better your condition is, the more prepared your body will be to fight off this disease. If you can delay catching Coronavirus, you are better off, since scientists doubtless are working on vaccines. Medical science is better than it was, and biologists know more than they did in the past. This equals a greater chance of rapidly formulating treatments and vaccines. If you get sick after, not before a good treatment is discovered, you are better off.

You do not need to panic. Most people who contract Coronavirus barely get sick, or barely have symptoms.

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